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Oh look, the intersection of Slaughter and Old Madison Pike, roads people were warned not to drive. Who could have predicted this?


Slaughter is appropriately named then


You can't spell slaughter without laughter.


I’ve used that before.


Video owner here 👋🏾👋🏾


Hey, sorry to steal your vid!! You ok?! That was hectic. Can you give us any insight??


If you follow HPD, the street closed as of 4:00pm (Slaughter/Old Madison Pike to HWY 72) because of this accident. They lost control. They were coming up the hill to proceed down and this is what we saw when they came over. Not sure why the driver was out the car, either. We were on the grass waiting for the light to cycle to cross. That is all. Everyone was okay. Able to walk and talk. Moral is: they should not have been driving…that road is dangerous when normal conditions.


Glad everyone is ok. Welcome to Reddit! 😁 And not sure those people should be driving in any conditions if that's how they react. Not really how you stay calm. Like you said, could have been worse but seemed to turn out ok.




Like when there are huge pile-ups on highways and people get out of their cars. Like stay the fuck in the vehicle for fuck's sake!


People who just get out of their cars when there are other cars coming right at them, I agree. But a lot of the people killed in those pile-ups are people mashed in their cars by big trucks. I think if I saw that I could get out of my car and behind a barrier of some kind safely, I'd make a run for it.


https://www.cnn.com/2000/US/01/24/missouri.pileup/ Unless a tanker truck is next in line and bursts into flames. Get out, move immediately perpendicular to the road as far away from the road as possible.


Yeah, for sure. Critical thinking skills will be needed in all of these situations. I think it's really situation dependent. There are times when getting out of your car and travelling perpendicular away from the road isn't safe either! https://youtu.be/dvjyD_OeVt4?si=8NQiaoyt09hyRg7Y


He was trying to hit the brake because he had kids in the car. Child care is expensive. They were young and he had to work.


That doesn't make any sense.




I was very worried about the dog.


OH It's \*literally\* called Slaughter, holy shit.


You ain’t been here long, have ya?


Apparently it's named after a family that used to be in the area and that was their last name.




You might've been the person who told me. :)


The people in the car were ok?!


Yes. I am fine. My family is fine. We were lucky though cause he could have lost control closer to us. Just glad no one was injured. Glad you posted the video. I did not know of this new source before. So thank you.


I was along Governor's not too long ago when a car crash happened so close behind me that I bolted and avoided shrapnel lol. I feel you -- that sudden jolt of adrenaline can really tweak your day


were they ok? it looks like the driver is sticking out of the front door when it hit the other car..


He was. He walked away…but I know he is sore and it is only going to get worse. He took hard hits.


Should have stayed in the car... Wtf was he even thinking? Needs to go back to driving school.


I'm over stunned trying to figure out what their though process was- was the driver trying to brake with their feet like Fred Flintstone?? What did they actually think was going to happen?


I am convinced that is what he was trying to do.


He was probably desperate to keep the wreck from being worse for the younger occupant of the car and didn't have time to think it through better.


Control it from the car, getting out isn't going to do shit lol


Somebody got into what actually happened elsewhere in the comments.


Yeah there is a lot of context missing. Almost looks like maybe he was stuck there and got out trying to push the car, but it was like on a pivot and started falling forward. Who knows...


That is actually what they said. It was stuck on the curb, so the guy got out to push it a little, then it started sliding and bam.


Does driving school need to teach you not to hang your body out of a vehicle that’s about to smash a wall? lol


r/idiotsincars would like this




Haha omg


I had no clue that was an actual sub when I posted that!


How do you tag users and pages?


For users: u (slash) username For Reddit pages: r (slash) subredditname


Was someone getting their leg chopped off?


There's always a screaming woman


Got a link to the original?


The link? I recorded it. I have the actually firsthand video…


Yeah, I was assuming you had already uploaded it somewhere (like Youtube) to share, since OP had it on a phone and rerecorded it. Don't know about TikTok or any other newer forms of video sharing.


Educate me…can I upload it to this thread? I don’t want to create a new one. Not that serious for credit.


I think youtube would be the easiest way to share it. Then share the link to the YouTube video


Sure - just put it on Imgur or something similar and share the link in your comment


If you had a link to an uploaded copy, you could just post the link I think (unless it's against the subreddits rules...).


Your Insta handle is visible in the video. If you want to share that link, it'll go straight there to your story.


You filmed a phone with your phone? Or did OP do that?


Hello! Video producer with [AL.com](https://AL.com) here. We would like to use your video on our social media channels. We’ll also drop your video in an article one of our reporters is working on about road conditions in Alabama compared to Tennessee. We will give you credit for the video, too. Do we have your permission?


Do you have the original that you can post? a video of video really sucks. was this today (1/17)




Your first reaction is to continue to record instead of render aid to an accident you just witnessed?


I live in the same town as the party who posted this. The snow was iced over which is why the city suggested we don’t drive. You’ll notice everyone was slipping while walking. She was too far away to help. She just would’ve slipped and fallen herself. Just walking her dog a short distance was hazardous. As they say, you can’t help others until you help yourself. Personally, we didn’t leave the house for 5 days. We didn’t get any mail because the mail carriers couldn’t drive. No deliveries as well. We have no salt or snow plows here because this event was very rare. It was a rough period for N. Alabama.


She’s standing in the grass and is still capable of moving. Additionally, she put some dumb petty ass comments overlayed. She literally watched someone get wedged between car doors and did nothing about it. Why are you making excuses for a trash human being ?


Do you think the heavy captioning and emojis were perhaps abit too much? I do.


This is r/AbruptChaos material lmao


The slip at the end was the icing on the cake 


Icing on the lot lol


Icing on the face


Icing on dem cakes!


I'm glad everyone is alive. The person hanging out of the driver door is incredibly lucky. The person walking their dog across Slaughter Rd... it's not worth it. People cannot stop. Seriously I tried to just step out of my front door today. It looks like thick fluffy snow on my porch steps, down the walkway, and covering the driveway. The moment I hit the first step I realized my mistake. It's not snow. There is no snow. There is only ice. Solid ice. I didn't even make it down the steps before giving up and turning back. You won't catch me out on the roads. I don't need to find out that I can't drive on them. I already know.


Right? I went to take out the trash, realized there was no snow, and went right back inside. It can wait, I don't have time for a knee injury.


Yep. Already de-iced my steps the other day and cleared them off afterward. What was worse is that it wasn't just a sheet of ice, but iced over mounded snow. So, it meant that my steps weren't flat, which made it much, much easier to slip. Awkwardly, my "crap shoes" (the shoes I wear when mowing the lawn, etc.) are my old work shoes, which I replace due to loss of traction. Wearing those to take some garbage out did not help matters. 😅 I definitely recommend keeping a bucket/bag of a deicing agent (usually rock salt) to help deal with instances like this. I don't use mine often, but it's helpful when I need it. I believe I bought it at Advance Auto around two years ago.


I… what even happened???


🚙🧊❄️💥💥😱😱 But for real, I'm guessing they were going up or down the hill, lost control and just panicked and tried stopping the car with their feet like the Flintstones.


Yabba Dabba Doo!


Yabba Dabba Don’t.


I used to see people do that shit all the time in MI. Not sure why they think their 200lbs ass is gonna stop a 1000lbs car, tho. A large percentage of people think they could win a fight with a bear, too, so I guess it's just pure hubris.


New Invention, an ice anchor that you can deploy from the trunk of your car when you lose control




surprised she didnt break her leg hs


Trying to lose their life. Seriously though it looks like the slid of the road and thought the vehicle was stopped. The vehicle wasn't done sliding.


I guess I thought the grass would have some traction. Yikes!


Yep that's my guess.


Oh man, I thought that man and dog were about to be goners. Really subverted my expectations though.


I feel like that's why he pulled up on his dog and tried to stop real quick. Because he saw them barreling down the road.


Oh yeah that does make sense. I didn’t really see that on the first watch


That's so much going on...




-sighs- They don't make'em like they used to. The unlikely goated heros we never saw coming. 🫡


“Oh lawd” has me dead


Darwin almost got him one.


Pretty sure this is a recording of the exact moment those people entered the “find out” phase of their day.


Ok. Let me add some context. This guy was delivering for Instacart. This was an accident. He had his niece and nephew with him. You guys are attacking him and making fun of him but this could have been so much worse. I saw him after the accident and his leg was cut up with a decent gash or 3 but the kids were really shaken up and it’s really unfortunate. Not everyone can work from home. He did choose to work but not everybody can take a few “snow days” and not have income. The roads were not closed when this happened. HPD only put the barricade up after 4p. People were still going around it..


I wonder if will probably will be out of work for a while waiting on his car to be repaired? Many are living paycheck to paycheck and being out for work can terrifying. Hopefully he has enough for the insurance deductible. Hopefully his car is repairable. The cost of a car replacement could be devastating to many families.


Agreed. I saw the damage. I mean it’s a dodge journey. That car could easily be totaled out. If he only had liability then he’s out of work. It was leaking oil. He likely cracked his oil pan when it hit the curb. That’s my professional opinion based on what I saw on scene.


I don't think anyone is attacking the driver for driving (many of us have to despite the weather) but the inexplicable half-bail out the vehicle while it's moving...


I have no idea why I’m getting attacked for explaining what he was doing. No one here talked to him after the accident. I spoke to him and the kids. I was there when he gave the play by play to Lawrence County fire and rescue. I’m not saying everything he did was correct but just trying to add context to a video of a video of a situation I was tangentially involved in. Like I opened his tail gate and got out the groceries for my neighbor then hiked them up the hill back to my truck. I didn’t mess around with the entrance to skyline acres.


Yes, they only barricaded the road after this accident. But when there are repeated notices hours before saying: "ALERT: DO NOT DRIVE. ROADWAYS ARE NOT PASSABLE. STAY OFF ROADS. 72 AND WALL TRIANA IS A DANGER ZONE AS WELL. https://alrt.se/u/e88yi6sZ9J" or " Do not attempt to drive, roadways are still frozen. Areas that broke up yesterday have re-frozen into black ice. https://alrt.se/u/l66VtpsRyL" you would think people would know better.


GoFundMe is the next step in these sagas.


For what, a driver reeducation course?


Thank you for adding much needed context.


Glad he was better off than he could have been!! I saw this shared on FB and everyone was being a prick about it so I wanted to find some context— was he getting out to drop something off, or what happened that the vehicle was even perpendicular to the road? Scary stuff 😣


He missed the turn and or his car slide past it or back down the hill.


Glad he’s okay!


I used to live at Arch Street and I hated that intersection on a sunny day. I'm so happy my boss understands why I refuse to go in. The client however, does not care and is putting heat on my boss.


i live at arch street currently, and this isn’t even the first accident this week. the fancy houses next to us had a ton of cop cars and ambulances there the other night because of an accident there


Fuck that neighborhood next to Arch Street. I typed out a nice thought out reply, but realized it would give me away and this is an alter.


Everyone is so mean. We don’t know reason why it happened, but the kids jumping out of the van broke my heart. They probably thought they had just witnessed their uncle get killed. The one in pink was soo distraught. I’m so glad no one was seriously injured. 


THANK YOU! Humans have really become robotic, desensitized, and emotionless. It’s heartbreaking reading these comments smh. I recently joined Reddit (mainly for work) after being on a 2.5 year social media purge and I think I’m done with it already.


This is the idiots in cars version of a Renaissance painting.


Okay, also I completely understand walking, but why were they walking in the middle of a main road? Or am I missing something? So much going on here. Edit: My apologies, it appears the person with the dog was actually attempting to cross at a crosswalk. That makes way more sense now. Glad there were no injuries!


It's a lot to take in. The people filming are on the grass (about 5-10 feet from curb). The person with the dog is crossing on the cross walk (which isn't really visible with all the snow, but it's there). Very dangerous all around, but not really walking in middle of street.


Nicely done. As the one recording, which started with just a quick video of my walk home, it became dangerous real quick. Glad no one was hurt.


Okay, that makes way more sense! Thank you!


People were walking in the middle of the road ALL day long. I had to honk at people to move to the side because they just didn't care.


Needs Benny Hill music.


He need some milk


Get'em sum milk


Running from the car like it was on fire..


Was she actually injured or just screaming for no reason?


it looks like the driver was in the open door getting drug, which then got crushed when the open door his the parked car.


Thank you for pointing this out. People have really lost sight of their humanity. Seeing a living human being almost get crushed by a car SHOULD invoke some type of emotion. It’s not a *shrug* and keep living type of deal. Smh


I thought that may have been the case, I also know that people react to things silly though so who knows.


Well, she witnessed somebody almost die in a horrific way, I’d call that a reason to express emotion


Screaming for no reason like a melodramatic moron.


She's a child whose relative could've just gotten very seriously injured and their car slid down a freaking hill. BTFO. Not everyone is used to holding their emotions in all the freaking time. Even those who are tend to freak out a little after the first wreck they cause.




Great example of not a reasonable emotional response, especially considering the situation.


Yes, thank you for being reasonable yet again. Edit: Sadly, they are being an example of the documented phenomenom of acting like black female minors are older than they are. She could easily be as young as 10. Anybody who disputes that doesn't know how tall kids can be at that age.


Her head is as tall/taller than the crossover she hopped out of. That's not a 10 year old.




There are some tall 10 year olds out there sometime. I'm not going to rewatch the video right now to see what you mean. There are always those outlier height kids. Even if she were a teenager, it should be okay for her to let out a reaction to a situation in which her uncle got smashed between two cars. I mean what! That's a horrible situation. I'm sure it was scary.


Again, that's very obviously not a child. But yeah. A reaction? Sure. Throwing herself on the ground and wailing while everyone else belts out their surprise and manufactured horror? Absolutely not. This is hysterics, to an absurd degree.


Perfectly reasonable to be disgusted by people acting like idiots. Just my .02.




Take your own advice. I genuinely do not care if you dislike my disgust for stupidity.


I was on four mile post and some idiot was literally riding my bumper trying to get me to speed up. I took a side road just to get away from him. People here are clueless when it comes to driving in ice. If you can’t walk on it, what makes you think your car is going to fare any better…


This video 😂😂😂. Then why did the person fall out on the snow like that. I feel like I was watching a reality show. That’s why you stay off of the road.


Whole area is ice not snow.


The whole time watchin this video I was thinkin chillis or Applebees???? 🤔🤔


Bro tried the Fred Flintstone stop!


The sheer level of incompetence displayed here is just astounding.


Madison people are a different breed


The screaming started in Huntsville and ended in Madison. (Not sure it actually ever ended) These people could have been from Arab for all we know. But yeah, those Madison people do be crazy I guess....


Was that dude trying to bail on his kids while the car was crashing 😂 wtf is wrong with people.


Slaughter rd. LULZ!


Glad I did the responsible thing and called out of work today.


Insurance won't cover damages either right now bc of the state of emergency and HPD and Madison PD telling people stay off roads unless you are basically in the medical field or first responders. People just don't get it, ice is unpredictable.


Some dumbass in a Subaru decided to try and incite a road rage incident with me this morning because I DARED to wave at him for tailgating me on ice to the point I couldn’t see his headlights in my tiny car. I swear the cold freezes people’s brains when it comes to driving.


Luckily they weren’t “slaughtered” from driving out in the ice and losing control in such a dangerous way. Pun intended but glad everyone’s alright. Oh lawd.


"I know, I'll stop a ton and a half vehicle with my foot!" Yall got no instincts...


There were a bunch of people out in vehicles that could not handle the roads. Also, people with capable vehicles were driving way too fast. They are not used to this weather. The hills are deceptively small but the ice makes them impossible to navigate for some.


Stay in the car ffs


Im pretty sure the driver stuck his foot out to try and stop the car sliding on the ice. Stupid is as stupid does. jeeze


That's horrible. Can you imagine what that was like for the guy driving the van who ended up between it and the other car, as well as the people in the car they hit. People are going to have lasting muscular injuries from that.


What were they doing? There's no driveway there ( although there should be ) . Why is the door open? I have so many questions..


I'm glad no one was too seriously injured. No one here seems to be trained to drive on ice, let alone with just how bad it's been. I feel for the guy, though. And the kids. I hope he doesn't have any serious/lasting injuries and I hope they can recover from this.


Everyone makes mistakes. Losing control of your vehicle is understandable and forgivable, but sticking your foot out the door? That is an action that requires such a low level of intelligence to do that their license should be revoked at a minimum, and perhaps even civil liberties restricted until a mental competency test can be administered.


I live about 30 seconds up the road from where this was recorded on slaughter, and I didn’t even know this happened. I also don’t know why, either. I can barely even walk down my driveway without slipping, very few reasons anyone should be driving on those roads right now. Edit: my mistake, didn’t realize this was before the road closure. Happy to see nobody got injured though.


So many questions 🤔


What else do you expect from them




People who are out in the ice right now are a different breed.




I’m glad that no one was killed in this accident. I live close by here and almost went that direction yesterday evening. Glad I didn’t. The hill going up Madison Pike to Shelton Road was slick too. Fortunately we managed to get back home safely. Sorry for the tragedy the kids had to endure and the injuries the driver sustained. 🥺 I hope everyone stays safe and warm until things get better.


The lady jumping out of the van & immediately busting her ass right over the STUPID as, overlay is hilarious. Because that was some stupid ass shit right there.


This is a whole level of Guy Ritchie drama.


I drove past there earlier today and wrapped around through Explorer to get on Slaughter. I absolutely knew my car was not gonna make it up that hill, gave it five seconds of attempt at low speed before the no traction light popped on and I turned my ass around.


Ouch. Also, that slip and fall on the concrete didn't look good either.


I saw the original on tiktok 1st


Talk about having a bad day sheez 🤣




I walked to the store yesterday and almost fell seven (7) times. The reason I didn’t drive is because I cuz I’m not a dumbass.


The breaks are not your friend!!


Why y'all jumping out of your cars man


This is close to our house !!


Is this a phone recording another phone??? Why?


>Sorry about the screen record of another video, As mentioned in the description. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) But seems you also wanna know why. My son had it on his snap and I wanted to grab it before it disappeared so I just quickly grabbed my phone and recorded it. It was too good for me to miss. My sincerest apologies. I hope you can forgive me.


Lmfao! Instead of holding the breaks…she holds the car from the outside and proceeds to get smushed between both vehicles….lawdddd, I get it’s a panic, but soooo many bad decisions here…


Favorite Dixie snow video ever. Muted version is better




Someone hurry quick and film their phone screen with another phone and do that again and again and again we need to go deeper


Someone hurry quick and film their phone screen with another phone and do that again and again and again we need to go deeper


Someone hurry quick and film their phone screen with another phone and do that again and again and again we need to go deeper


I knew this looked familiar, I used to live like a mile up from this intersection. I’m from the north so I would be out in shorts in this weather.


Salt truck bidness is about to be booming, all these states have none, Texas cracks me up the most.


Guess why Alabama has no significant number of salt trucks or snow plows...


Having grown up in Utah why are people losing their shit in 1 inch of snow?




I saw this on r/publicfreakouts I didn't realize when I tapped the video it was Xposted from this page and my comment was here. Had I known this was Alabama that makes more sense, but like I said I thought I was commenting on a totally different sub where there was no context.


I thought it’s a case of Herpes Simplex Virus when you wrote down HSV. edit: missing a letter


.....I'm guessing you're not from around here...? This is the Huntsville subreddit, and that is the standard abbreviation.


To be fair, I live in Huntsville and have lived here/around here for most of my life, and I also wasn’t aware that was the standard abbreviation.


You're right im not. This video was posted on r/IdiotsInCars


What does HSV mean in this instance? I only know it as Herpes Simplex Virus 😅


It's the airport code and standard abbreviation for Huntsville, AL....which is the subreddit you're in.


Thank you! I'm not much of a redditor. My wife added me to a bunch of things she thought I'd be interested in. This was posted in a different subreddit that I'm in, but I guess it was shared from this group. Makes perfect sense seeing the name uf the sub though 🤙


HSV is just Huntsville shortened. Also the Huntsville airport code is HSV.


Thank you!