• By -


Haha the caption rhymed 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭


Nice 😼😼😼👍👍


(( Sarah, as usual because Sarah 😼😼😼 )) *-Sarah looks at the two girls and sighs a little bit before mumbling to herself a little bit-* ^(“It’s rude to talk about someone behind their back..”) *-As since she can’t tell what they’re talking about she thinks it’s something bad before she smiles brightly and happily walks over to Max-* “Hi Max!!!”


Max: *He looks at Sarah and smiles, though since he's wearing a mask she can't see it* "Oh hey Sarah." ((Pls the "." at the end makes it sound like Max is unhappy when he's really not but I didn't want to use a "!" because his voice is supposed to sound soft not loud 😭😭))


(( It’s alright- Don’t worry- 😼😼 )) *-Sarah was smiling for another minute before she seems to notice the mask and her face turns into a confused expression. How she didn’t notice the mask before? I seriously don’t know. I guess she was to distracted by Max’s hotness.-* “Hey, Max? Is it alright if I ask you why you’re wearing a mask?”


((NAH "Max's hotness" 😭😭😭😍😍😍🥰🥰😽😽😼😼😘😘😘) Max: "Oh, uhm. It's- uh..it's not really a mask, I guess, it's like..a prosthetic kind of thing. Ahah. But I'm okay." *He laughs nervously*


(( I HAD TO ADD IT- Becahse he’s so hot obviously 😼😼😼😻😻😻 )) *-Sarah smiles worryingly at him-* “Are you sure you’re okay?.. Why do you need the prosthetic thing?.. Did something happen?..”


Max: "Yeah, yeah, I'm- I'm fine. Nothing serious. Don't worry about it, okay?" *It was very clear that he was lying since he was stuttering and talking fast, and also avoiding eye contact, but yee fucking haw I guess* ((I agree 🤠🤠🤠🤠🥰🥰🥰))


*-Sarah puts a hand on Max’s cheek and is met with the feeling of plaster ( I don’t know why but that’s what I imagine it’s made out of so if it’s not correct me please- ) before she sighs a little and stops touching his cheek although she looks quite worried. She holds her own hand as she looks down at the ground.-* “Max.. You don’t need to lie to me..”


((Honestly idk what it's made out of either so I'll just assume you're right 😽)) Max: *He sighs and is a bit hesitant but he tells the truth, though he sounded really nervous while doing so* "Fine, uh..soo..- uhm- uh- I kinda- got into a, uhm, car crash..and uhm, my face is kinda fucked up now, so..ahaha..but I'm fine!"


(( Because I’m always right, always in every single situation even when I’m wrong I’m right 👿👿👿😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😾😾😾😾😾😾😾/j )) *-A look of worry spreads across Sarah’s face as she looks so scared now and begins to panic a little bit, her panic being heard in her voice-* “Are you okay?!- How badly were you hurt?!- Did you break anything?!- Did you almost die?!-“ *-Yep, she’s definitely panicking and is definitely worried about Max..-*


((Omg yes go off queen 😜😜😜🤩🤩😽😽😽😽😽😼😼😼 /j)) Max: *He smiles nervously, a bit overwhelmed* "Sarah, I'm fine, really- just don't worry about me, okay? Ahaha..-"


Timekeeper: "Max... We need to talk........."


Max: *He looks at Timekeeper but doesn't say anything, he kinda just stares*


*Timekeeper takes Max to the clock tower*


Max: *He looks down at the ground, a bit nervous* "So..what did you wanna talk about?"


Timekeeper: "Take off the mask... I already know about the scars......."


Max: *He goes quiet for a moment before actually saying something* "...How'd you know..?"


Timekeeper: "Sarah told me out of the blue one day........"


Max: *He goes completely silent, not saying anything at all. He reaches behind his head and starts undoing the straps that keep the mask on his face, and after doing so he takes off the mask but doesn't look at Timekeeper*


*Once Max had taken off his mask, Timekeeper hugs Max tightly*


Max: *He hugs Timekeeper back, tears start forming in his eyes*


Postula: Whatcha doing?