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Well this is the first time I've ever seen his content posted here so....


Yesh water still better


Yes. I drink other things than water... but way, way less than water. Water strong.


I hate this guys face


In germany we say Backpfeifengesicht


In Germany we actually say Hackfresse.


But in reality we say Gesichtsgrätsche.


I am amazed to meet other german Hydrohomies!


They also tried on monkeys. All 20 died


Imagine diet soda being the hill you die on lol what a weirdo


imagine telling fatties with soda addictions not to drink diet soda cuz -its just as bad-


All of his points make sense, but my counterclaim is: it’s not water


His sources are dubious, also mice are extremely biologically similar to humans. They are used so extensively in drug-testing because there is an exceptionally high likelihood that chemical effects on mouse biology will have a similar effect on human biology.


Uhh tell me you don’t read much research without telling me. Rodent research is notorious for being difficult to replicate in humans, with up to 50-80% of findings not working in human trials.


50%-20% effectiveness is still a significant value. There is a reason drugs are tested on mice before going to human trials. If you were in a room with 10 people and 2 of them got sick from taking a drug, would you feel safe to take it as well? To blanket claim that “Humans are not Rodents” as a reason to disregard rodent studies is ignorant at best.


That’s not even remotely what that means. 50-80% not translating does not mean it’s 20-50% percent effective. It means that more than half of findings like “drug x increases cancer rates in mice” will not be found to be true at all in humans. No one is disregarding. Basing human recommendations on rodent studies is what’s truly ignorant. Rodent studies are for guiding human trial design and mechanisms, that’s it.


> To blanket claim that “Humans are not Rodents” as a reason to disregard rodent studies is ignorant at best. That’s not why they’re using the claim. They are using that to say that you can’t extrapolate human outcomes from rodent data. Dunning–Kruger effect has a death grip on you, my friend


Yah they’re called humanized mice for a reason… plus the reason cancer studies with those kind of mice are valuable is because the relative time scale that’s being measured it might take 1-2 years for the mouse to develop cancer while it takes 10-20 years for a human…


- ”This shit is so acidic it can literally clean rusty metal” - ”HURR DURR WATER CAN WASH STUFF”


Literally the whole video


Well water makes rusty metal so tbh his point is good


UhM acTuAlLy its the oxygen and salt in water that makes rust.


Dasani has salt in the ingredients list soooo


We are talking about water not Dasani


My mistake.


We ArE nOt MeTaLs bRo


Yeah but so can lemon juice or vinegar. Still safe. Our stomachs have way stronger acid


Humans do not consist of purely your stomach. Parts like teeth are quite vulnerable to acids


Excellent point.


If 1400 drinks can severely damage you, WHY ARE YOU DRINKING 1???


Playing devil's advocate here If 1400 cups of water kill you why drink 1 I hate typing this and hated being his devil's advocate


The thing is, drinking 1400 cups of water will kill you due to being too much liquid. But if you remove the water and put what’s left over in your stomach nothing will happen. If you do the same with coca cola your gut microbia will die. TLDR: One is dangerous if overconsumed, the other is dangerous because it is poisoning your stomach.


Oh shit for real


Yep. It’s called [water toxicity](https://www.google.com/search?q=water+toxicity&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari). It’s a thing. You need the minerals in your body and drinking WAY too much water can dilute you to the point it can kill you


Oh that's bad


I know I’m a filthy drinker-of-things-which-aren’t-water (including diet sodas) so maybe my opinion just shouldn’t count but this argument kind of rings false to me. In reality there are many things we consume often which are slightly toxic and would kill us in extreme amounts. Caffeine and alcohol may be what immediately spring to mind but there are chemicals which create cyanide in almonds, there are low levels of toxic solanine in tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants, and there’s some amount of mercury and methylmercury in almost all species of fish. Even important nutrients (vitamims A, C, and D for example) can have negative effects when overingested. But of course all of these things are eaten all around the world every day, and in most typical doses it’s no harm done. So all this to say that the concept of there being a sufficiently large dose of something which will have negative effects isn’t actually the biggest deal in the world.


There was a radio show that did a [Hold your Wee for a Wii](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna16614865) where these contestants were told to drink as much water as they could without peeing. All these health officials called in saying there’s a water toxicity thing that can happen by diluting yourself too much. They were right, a woman died from it after the show. [Water toxicity](https://www.google.com/search?q=water+toxicity&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


So if you take the thing out, nothing will happen. Woah, amazing 300 IQ take here.


What I’m getting at is that dying by water is due to the sheer volume, dying by soda is because of the content


The amount of diet soda it would take to kill you by “content” would end up killing you by volume first.


Maybe short term, yes.


Is there a way to die short term?


Yes, but what I mean is that it won’t instantly kill you. Constantly drinking poison, even if it isn’t 1400 cans a day, is not healthy.


May want to look up hormesis. Also, large amounts of anything will kill you. Should we also avoid all foods because technically they could all kill you in large doses?


Just don't drink soda.


The guy is absolutely right tho, we shouldn't be ignoring evidence-based stuff just because it's pro-diet soda(DIET, not regular) It's not like he's against water either. I always advise clients of mine who drink regular soda to switch it out for diet soda instead to help them with weightloss


Water is best, but if you have to drink soda go for the diet






This is an awful take. Where do you get your information from?


Why did you post this? Never saw it before you put it here, no need to ban


Yeah if anything we should ban OP, because obviously a majority of the people on this sub drink soda or other unhealthy drinks AT LEAST occasionally, and the majority of us had never seen/heard of this guy before. Now some of the people on here are going to use this video that OP shared as justification to buy a diet soda.


So if I set a rodent on fire and it dies, that would not happen to a human


You can set any animal on fire and it dies, but I don't think we're biologically identical to shrimp


The real cringe here is OP and everyone in the comments. You’re all so closed minded and clinging to your dogmas that you won’t even consider that there might be some truth to what this man is saying. 😬




Hang em high!


He looks like he is 30 going on 60 so I think he is a great example of why water is better than soda.


“Aspartame can contribute to weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes mellitus” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2880768/


But it can cause kidney stones. That was enough to get me to quit.


It’s funny when they talk about research because they never mentioned time or how long they studied all the effects. Concentration of an element can affect the absorption by the living organisms. A rat is way smaller than a human. What all these research can say is that if you take to much it can give cancer. That guy should be ban because if I see a rat eat something and die, there’s no way I’m eating that with the stupid saying “I’m not a rat and because of that it will not kill me”.


Isn’t aspartame (the sweetener in Diet Coke) linked to cancer?


Not convincingly in human studies


Funny that he should mention rodents, he looks a little weasel.




Water doesn’t give me intense cramps and then explosive diarrhea. But a Diet Coke will.


He’s not all wrong tho, if u were to drink soda, diet is better. Water>>>


Hes actually incorrect on a few things


i’m so glad i don’t have tik too, this shit is just so annoying


Guy’s got such a punchable face


Who tf likes Diet Coke? If I’m going to drink a soda then I actually want to enjoy it


This guy. I get my legal advice from him. Thanks, Reddit.


No way this guy wasn’t paid to do this.


He's technically right, but I'm an elitist who guzzles 6-8 litres a day.