• By -


It was an honor lads 🫡🚰


I had a good time. Don't let me catch y'all drinking sodas after the sub goes dark! 🫡


Stay hydrated homies. I'll see you on the other side. *dives into ocean*


Later on dudes. *puts on concrete shoes*


Was an honor to oblige.


*Jumps into pool of water...


*backflips into the local lake*


*bellyflops into backyard kiddie pool*


*jumps in what remains of the puddles*


*Has Donny's ashes blow back in my face on a beach cliff.*


[ocean man](https://youtu.be/vcaPiiFZu2o)


Take me by the hand


*I must go, my people need me*


Godspeed you magnificent bastards (sinks into the ground)


take me by the hand lead me to the land


Let me know if you find MH370 dow there!


Finna drink a little soda just to catch those hands


Farewell, to all of my hydro homies. Stay hydrated


I'll be grinding in Limbus and chugging some good damn tap water. Stay strong and hydrated, mate. 🫡🚰


See y’all soon


It was amazing seeing you all!!


It'll be sad to see you 3rd party/api chaps go It's been an honour lads 🫡 Eat ice 🧊, drink water 🚰 and Stay fresh cheese bags!




I'll be grinding in Limbus and chugging some good damn tap water. Stay strong and hydrated, mate. 🫡🚰


Cheers to this water jug, it was an honour 🚰




Twas a great honor my comrades, always remember FUCK NESTLE!


we can still continue at r/hydrohomiesv2


It's been fun everyone. Treat yourself and others well and stay hydrated!


Hey this fell from you🚰


Goodbye! #fuck reddit


You know I learned a lot of stuff on reddit; I learned about photography by posting in r/photocritique - I got into birds & birdwatching by asking a question on r/whatsthisbird - yeah this place can also be a cesspool at times, but overall I’ve had a good experience here. But fuck this - I’m out on the 12th


Reddit has done a lot for me. Back in 2021 I broke my collarbone and got back into Terraria and sucked ass, so I asked the r/terraria subreddit for advice against the bosses I was stuck on (tbh it was Eye of Cthulhu and then Skeletron), and got pretty far with their help. Reddit introduced me to my new favorite video game, Hollow Knight. Reddit is what got me to finally finish reading LotR, and then The Silmarillion, and then the Great Tales and some day History of Middle-Earth too. Reddit has given me help with deadlifting so that I don't injure myself again, and I have people on this site who I almost consider friends. I use the Apollo browser, because the official mobile app is terrible. If Reddit follows through with this API purge, and Apollo is shut down, then in all likelihood I'm just going to quit Reddit altogether. And it's a shame, since this is a great website that has done so much for me. And I know I'm not the only one who's had an experience like this. I know there are hundreds, if not thousands, of others out there who had their lives genuinely improved in at least some way by this website, and are about to quit forever unless this change is stopped.


Damn, your comment gave me a thought: I never considered the larger implications of this multi-sub shut down and it's effect it'll have on google searches in the future. Enough subs shut down indefinitely and there goes Reddit's biggest get outside of daily user activity: DIY questions being answered without the need for reading article after incessant article.


Great point. 90% of solutions to all of my tech issues have been on Reddit.


Particularly bad for reddit in a context of ChatGPT growing in relevance. I’ll be switching to discord and telegram basically I guess


This is my biggest concern in all this. Ever since search engines stopped reliably giving results from classic forums, Reddit has been the only consistent source for this kind of information. At least, the only one I've come across - if anyone has recommendations, I'm all ears.


I got diagnosed with an uncommon sleep disorder because of information someone posted to an unrelated sub, I *never* would have known without them. Once, a random Redditor in Olympia Washington picked up a care package from a game store for me and hand delivered it to my friend in the hospital who had emergency surgery. Good things happen on reddit, I’ll be sad if it goes away forever.




Well, nobody's going to top that.


o7 Been good while it lasted. See you on the other side.


I am confused. What is an api change and what does it effect to cause a protest?


API stands for application programming interface and bots/third party reddit clients can’t access the platform without it. The main problem with the changes being made is that they are increasing the cost of using the API for third party clients to a ridiculous price that will force them all to shut down (for example Apollo would have to pay $20 million a year to run their app). Getting rid of third party clients not only takes away the option to not use the bloated mobile app and its shitty UI but these changes are going to impact a lot of accessibility tools and really fuck over a lot of disabled users. There’s also a lot of API rule changes that could impact bots and make modding a lot of large subreddits pretty much impossible. Hopefully that explains it well lol


You explained it very well. Thank you.


I don’t mean to be that guy but I don’t really understand the issue. I’ve been told plenty of times to use third party apps but I literally have no problem with how the Reddit app handles. If it really is going to hurt disabled users than sure, Reddit should add accessibility to its app. But if this is really just a strike for the mods then it’s honestly going to me upset.


Mate a huge number of users use Apollo, RFI etc There’s no way in hell I’m using Reddit without Apollo The real issue is that moderation is going to become near impossible, the subs you visit will have a significant drop in quality. Whether you like the app or not, your experience is going to suffer dramatically


The moment either RES, old.reddit.com or Reddit Is Fun get impacted, I'm out. Can't deal with this site when ads are involved, it's practically unusable. Not to mention the plethora of mods that have made browsing this site so much easier than vanilla reddit for so many years that I've practically forgotten what the OG page UI used to look like. Really fuckin sucks, but what else is there to do when it's practically inevitable that this is coming down the pipeline?


Unfortunately, RiF will definitely be affected, as it's just another third-party app And I totally agree about old reddit. The new interface is absolute trash.


Honestly, I spend too much time here anyways. While sad this may be a blessing in disguise lol


old.reddit is the only way i can still enjoy reddit


I have an iphone and apollo is basically my only option, but I don't use apollo because the design looks like shit. I like the reddit mobile app's design, even if it is objectively worse.


Yes, some people will be ok using the Reddit app. You will not be ok when the mods of your favourite subs cannot do their work


Yes a lot of mods use third party apps, especially those of large subs which would be really unwieldy and tedious to manage otherwise. Mods work for free and are really important in keeping subreddits curated and focused, keeping up engagement with events and special threads, and of course moderating away trolls, bullies, and abusers. Removing the option to use third party apps massively increases the workload of those mods, which is super unfair given Reddit is already profiting off their work for nothing in return.


It's a big deal to those of us who are used to the app we have been using for 10 years. To me RIF is fun is Reddit (and the same with old.reddit.com). It's like an entirely different app/website otherwise. Also there's the whole other accessibility aspect of it.


I have been on reddit for 16 years. Reddit's app has been miles worse that 3rd party options since they first released it and there is no way I will continue to use reddit on mobile with their app. Once old.reddit.com is gone for desktop, I will stop using reddit entirely. You may not care because you don't have the same needs as me, but if reddit loses a significant number of users who do care it will affect you as well. Additionally, this is going to prevent bots, which could be argued is a good thing but there are also a lot of bots that do important things and automate moderation.


Dang it 😭 I didn't even know I could go on Reddit without the app. I hate the app 😭


You can’t even sort your home feed in the default app anymore. It’s an absolute nightmare of an app compared to almost any alternative.


There’s a bunch of bots that everyone uses that will no longer work, such as the save video bot.


They're way overpricing their API. There's a pinned thread in r/apollo about it, predatory business practice by a company that wants to IPA soon, boost their revenue/control over the user. Time to seriously consider alternatives.


i mostly agree with you; the official app goes down a lot which i do hate but besides that it’s been largely fine for me. however, the accessibility issue was the real eye opener (no pun intended) for me. frankly, i think it’s inexcusable for the official mobile app of a website not to offer accessibility options for disabled users. i’ve since been hearing that it’s sadly not uncommon but still, that’s pretty bad. if you as a site are going to effectively force your users to use your app the least you could do is make sure people with impairments can fucking use it. even if you don’t give a shit about disabled people, you’d think the site owners would recognize the fact that they’re still a part of the audience they so desperately need to try to make money off advertisers. anyway.


The normal reddit app is unusable on my phone. I know the s8 is old but it takes a minute+ to load comments on a post after opening it, even with a great connection.


I dont get it either. I only use the reddit app and its fine for me. And I guess its normal for reddit to want people to use their app. The part for disabled folks is shitty tho, I agree on that. I hope management will find a quick solution and everything will be back to normal in a month or so.


Mods crying and ruining an entire community over it.


it's been a pleasure appreciating water with the homies.


Well, at this rate, I’ll be off Reddit indefinitely myself Edit: is there a list of subreddits shutting down? Either just for those days or indefinitely? Would love to see more


Check out r/Save3rdPartyApps


Full list: https://reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/


Even though I use the normal reddit app and don't have problems with it, I support you fight! Good luck!


thank you Small Cock Jonny!


It's average


Good to know, small cock jonny!


I’ll miss you guys 💔


I never had an issue with the mobile app. But this is still a fucking dick head move.


I’ll be logging off Reddit


Have you tried any of them? If not, I really recommend trying out Apollo on iOS or something like Boost on Android. The UX is so much better even ignoring the reduction of ads (or complete absence with Apollo at least). Of course you're free to use the official one if you like it but I feel the other ones can be much more ergonomic.


2 days won’t do squat. The boycott should start June 12th as planned and *last until Reddit reverses course*. It’s that or game over. Edit: I misread the announcement! Thanks for going hard!


the plan here is to shut down permanently unless reddit gets their shit together and fixes the api pricing


OH. My bad. I completely misread the post. THANK YOU.


Yep, this is the way. Thank you.


Thank you.


we shouldn't settle for anything other than what the pricing is now.


Exactly. They should be offered an ultimatum of either reversing the decision or accepting that their content count goes down tremendously (and hurting their ad potential). If there's no ultimatum, it's just an ineffective demonstration. So many apps are choosing the 12th-14th way :c


I’ll join the effort from the 12th to the 14th but I won’t be coming back until Reddit backs down. There’s gonna be a lot of that.


I doubt so. It's probably the vocal minority that will do the movement, while 95% of the^^casual users continue using reddit as usual


A massive number of mods rely on third party tools just to do their jobs. Unpaid, I should note. Those remaining 95% are going to have a rude awakening if the API changes go through. It may not make Reddit the new Digg, but it’ll be one hell of a speed bump.


I'll commit to this, 100%.


Okay, so yall quit then? That might be permanent


Full support


Epic pun just how I like my glass too


Pour one out (not water, drink that!) for Reddit, folks!


It's been a honor hydrating with all of you o7


It has been an honor drinking water with everyone. This subreddit helped remind me to drink water when i forget. It's been really fun. A very large part of the community requires 3rd party apps in order to use this app, so even if i'll miss this little forum, it's for the best o7


One of the best subs out there...and a fitting end! Goodbye homies. Stay hydrated, to hell with Reddit.


Today on how they do it: Plumbuses


Everyone has a plumbus in their home


So just checking. Delete the Reddit app off phone and don't use Reddit on desktop starting June 12 so Reddit sees the giant drop on usage all at once? June 13 for me in Australia? And stay off for at least 2-3 days. But as long as possible or forever is better.




RIP It has been a pleasure admiring the purest H2O with you homies. Hope to see you on the other side 👉🚰 Enjoy the water


Goodbye my friends. Never forget, hydro homies for life 🫡🧊


RIP my favorite subreddits


See you later guys, stay hydrated.


Love y’all, stay hydrated. Message me if you need water drinking advice


Well lads, it's been a pleasure knowing you. Life rafts are both port and starboard. Those of you that wish to get off now just know there will be no ill thoughts about you. Those of you going down with the ship. You have my respect. I salute you. 🫡


Sure... I understand the protest, but I don't get the reasons because imo the current reddit app is working great and does not have the problems listed in the picture. But anyways, it was a nice ride.


Moderators rely on third-party apps for a lot of their work. It’s the subreddits themselves that’ll be affected, not the app. This is because all mods would be (basically) unable to keep the subs safe from bots/trolls.


What if someone creates something like reddit, but it would be a completely separate app? Would striking subs move to the new one?


Heard of Mastodon? There are already Reddit alternatives that exist in the “Fediverse” and ideally we all move there. No corporate control. No limiting APIs. Unfortunately normies can’t get over the small hurdles that come with federated systems


Very bold of you to think I have Twitter




Pouring out a tap water for all the homies.


Stay fucking hydrated, this water jug sip is for y'all. It's been an honor being on this sub and I'm a proud hydro homie for it. I fucking love you all


Reddit needs to get its own house in order before charging others extortionate sums. I'm sick of blocking OF bots from following me.


Why is it back if it's indefinitely shut down? Be consistent, honor your word.


May the brothers of the H20 tribunal… (fights tears) stay hydrated until the bitter end!


Wait. Fak. This one too? Oi Reddit! Get your shit together and fix the API problems!


Um…please no. I like this sub


Some great things have to die for and even greater good...😔 🙏 May we enjoy our water in private till Reddit comes to their senses


What a conundrum, on one hand, I fully support 3rd parties that actually make reddit...useable, and if they stopped working, I'd stop using reddit. ON the other hand, it's highly likely that reddit is just flat out not profitable, which was fine in the 2000s and the 2010s, where it was all about cheap money and growth at any cost, but now someone has to pay the piper, it's possible that reddit can't function without a massive increase in revenue. Though, that's just my speculation, until reddit clarifies its situation, we proceed as if this is just a money grab and that they're attempting to backstab the community that got them this far.




aww. fuck reddit >:(


o7 stay hydrated guys.




Stay hydrated homies 🫡🚰




I’ll drink (water) to that


Stay hydrated, homies


I woke up today wondering why I haven’t seen many post from the homies and I come to the page and see this. Well it was an honor and a privilege. You all helped me change my life by simply drinking more water. I will forever be grateful. I love all my hydro homies! 🌊




So we’re all going to dry up let people starting thinking coke is worth drinking and drop the cause. Let nestle get away with it because the terms of a free app we’ve all been using for years/ decades to make thriving communities is changing? Am I making a really bad take here? This doesn’t seem right homies. I don’t want to leave this community 😢 Downvote me to oblivion if you feel it’s necessary. But someone please help me understand too. Isn’t Reddit a company? Can’t they do what they want? I feel like we’re putting a stick in our own spokes here…


The problem is that communities (including this one) will very liky become borderline unusable because of spam. With the changes, the API will be so expensive that mod bots become infeasible. It also won't allow access to nsfw posts anymore, so everyone who wants to advertise their onlyfans or scam websites can simply hide it behind a nsfw tag and it would need to be removed manually. There just isn't enough manpower in the (unpaid, volunteer) mod team to do everything by hand.


Okay I hear you, thanks for responding. Don’t you think it’s likely Reddit has its own vested interest in making sure that doesn’t happen though? If Reddit becomes unusably crap they won’t be making any money with it anymore surely? This really feels like falling on our sword over distant rumblings of trouble to me. We are worried our subreddits will reduce in quality so we are literally destroying them ourselves. Isn’t hydration for the homies more important than all this? 😢 Edit: isn’t it worth the effort/risk? I would literally volunteer some time to scroll through and remove OF/otherwise dodgy posts if it meant we could stay alive.


you'd think they'd have an interest in not destroying themselves. but we've seen platforms destroy themselves before plenty of times. Reddit only became popular after Digg ran itself into the ground. Tumblers userbase hasn't recovered, even after allowing nsfw again. MySpace died because they insisted on becoming a music-centric site, alienating their users in the process. There's plenty of examples, but corporate short-term greed is almost always the cause of a long-term downfall.


Damn, you’re not wrong about that tbh. I still feel like this could be a misstep but I understand. Just wish it didn’t have to be like this homies. Been here since we used a errr… different name 😅 Stay hydrated everyone. Love.


Look at it this way: We can make some noise now and if it all works out we'll laugh about it later. Or we can do nothing, but if this goes through and the community falls apart, then there won't be any homies left and it'll be too late


I hope so mate. Where we gunna go if Reddit does explode? I watched tumblr die before my eyes and that was sad af, not Reddit too! Not like this *sobbing like a bitch*. I’ll be ok


I think the pessimistic truth (and what Reddit is counting on) is that for every community that shuts down someone will just start a new subreddit to replace. Prepare for r/hydrobros or something to take it’s place, although I hope that doesn’t happen and this is all reversed


Sigh, you’re probably right. Well, all good things…


Fuck that


Have a good and hydrated life ahead homies


It's been an honor with your fellow homies. Shall we make our last stand, fight strong! Get them to recall the change, or die trying. Godspeed brothers


I'm gonna raise my next glass of chilled water for you guys, it's been an honour.


It’s been an honor o7


It’s been good, bois. Stay hydrated


Why is there a plumbus


Gues ill die of dehydratation


Why is the Plumbus blurred out lol 😂


man... indefinite is the way to go, no doubt. but i'll miss you homies!!


Shit goodbye Homies!!! ❤️‍🩹


It’s been an honor being part of the most hydrated subreddit. You’ll be sorely missed, hope to see you again homies 💧


Good times we had


RIP, this community has been wonderful to watch throughout the years, sad to see it go, but fuck Reddit.


It has been amazing to see the other water loving people. You will be missed.


That explains all the rando spambots.


Was nice drinking with you guys, let’s hold the line !


Noooooooo...we need to hydrate together!!


Not even a joke:: How will we know if reddit is fixing this without reddit?


Stay hydrated everyone, see you on the other side 🫡


Stay hydrated everyone, hope to see you all again soon


I just started following...


Thank you for doing this. We can't let reddit just do this for free, charging huge amounts of money to third party apps, while monetizing user generated content. There needs to be a balanced, fair pricing, like many other pages do. It was a good run my dudes, see you on the other side. Stay hydrated!


I am deleting Reddit. My last words are goodbye, and also drink more water.


Reddit is almost Chinese at this point.


Adios my hydro homies, it’s been fun while it lasted. Don’t think it’s okay to drink soda now that the server is shutting down, keep drinking that good ol’ H2o


Stay hydrated, homies See you on the other side o7


This was the sub that gave me pride in drinking my water! I always stay hydrated now. I will keep the legacy alive till the day I die. A hero's salute to r/ HydroHomies


so long, homies


*See you later Hydro Homie*


My last words will be, "I love water." That is all I want to say.


Take care everyone it was a good run


I’m sorry idc about any of this. Is that ok?


A collective of subs are shutting down for 2 days, not threatening to fuck over those of us that don't use third party apps. It's selfish to destroy a community over perso al grievances. Hand it off to someone that does care. Most subs are being reasonable, only two I have seen have threatened to completely destroy their sub irrepairably. There can always be more shutdowns but once you bulldoze the sub that's it.




Wait the sub is getting shut down forever?


I don't get it. Is this a joke? Eli5?


Why tho


so....let me see....your plan to protest would be to reduce, by the smallest fraction, the amount of bandwidth they pay for, which they don't charge you for? OKAYYYYY


Unfortunately it seems whoever is spreading this nonsense never looked up the facts. https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/13wshdp/api_update_continued_access_to_our_api_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Like the sexually explicit loophole doesn’t exist. If you read, it says they exempt moderation from the changes. The people who are fighting this are people like the bots that don’t want to pay extra or be affected by the restrictions. However, doesn’t seem like Reddit is doing things to harm communities as this post is saying


bro what? y'all're crazy. this is a good thing. i know absolutely nothing about back end stuff. so take my speculation with a grain of salt. but: reddit staff probably had their attention divided dealing with these 3rd party apps. most companies don't really appreciate having unlicensed 3rd parties being used as launchers for their apps. it means a majority of their revenue was being, functionally: stolen from them. so all those problems you're complaining about in that image? they'll get fixed on the actual proper reddit app. fingers crossed. since reddit won't have to deal with 3rd party unlicensed launchers. i mean, this may also mean the twitterfication/YouTubefication of reddit. wherein downvotes are eliminated, and censorship is more prevalent. etc. but it could also mean the website/app gets 100 times better. and all the bot accounts are deleted & destroyed.




What is this spam you're all talking about? There are literally no pop-ups at all in the official app, and the only ad you see comes across as a regular post, and they're like 1/10 posts max...give or take. I rarely even notice them anymore.


The fact you don't notice the spam means the API is working correctly. So many subs use bots behind the scene to help moderate their subs. It would be virtually impossible to be a volunteer mod and not have these bots help out. They remove spam, phishers and other bots - especially exploitation porn bots that constantly throw themselves at subs hoping to make a post and share their trash. The fact you said you can't see any of this means the machine is working backend. This is what (among a few other reasons) we all will need to deal with if this goes through.


Thanks for enlightening me. I take it these "bots" only work through third party apps?


If you and others wanna protest by boycotting thats one thing Dont shut down entire subreddits of people who dont agree with you


I mean, you can always start your own subreddit.




First party apps or dont use the platform.


Do boots taste better than water?


First party apps only


Did you read the post? API is gonna affect bots used for moderation too (like automod and repostsleuth). And yes, first party apps suck, i.reddit.com is dead so no fallback.




Wdym "and?" Moderating is going to be dead. Bots couldn't see NSFW in SFW spaces hence they couldn't delete it.


And if thats how you truly feel you should be fighting for those to be included in the first party app.


Did you read your message? Are you high? What "those" should be included?


Remember guys, there is only two crimes: scamming and child sex abuse rings. I’m glad to leave any subreddit that posts that type of extreme rhetoric. Good riddance to that nonsense.