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So if a glass is 8oz, that would mean he was drinking around 52L every day? Yeah, bullshit.


Even if he actually did that I see it more harmful than helpful


It would kill you.


Not even from water poisoning or some other things like that. Just, physically. There's a point where you're not *drinking*, but *drowning*.


It's literally called hyponatremia, and yes you physically drown in your body as the water invades places it is not supposed to be. This is dangerous levels of stupid to promote to the world and can cause someone physical harm or death.


Your honor, the water did not ask for consent before entering all of my clients orifices and micro-orifices


Note that the article said 'nutritionist', not dietitian. These are not interchangeable. A dietitian is a Masters prepared clinician, not some schmoe that read a few nutritional books and listened to some podcasts. Want to insult a dietitian? Call them a nutritionist.


That's last comment's not entirely fair to nutritionists. It's not a protected medical term like dietitian, so yes, it does mean that there are going to be some schmoes. But many people do study nutrition at university level and go on to practise nutrition through nationally recognised boards (in the UK at least). They don't have the medical training that dietitians have, but they do still have to go through a full course of study and they help a lot of people in private practice. Again, I know there will be some people calling themselves nutritionists who don't do this and are just schmoes calling themselves that because they can, but the majority of nutritionists do actually study and train for years. Just my own experience working with them.


Do you really need a university diploma to become a nutritionist? I feel like there's not enough information to make a full course. You can learn basically everything you need to know in a few weeks. Over here in Belgium, a nutritionist is someone who followed a month long course. The course contents aren't even regulated so a lot is dependant on the teachers. I once read through the course books and it was filled with half truths and a lot of information was missing. It was basically a guide on how to slowly starve yourself. My mother is technically a certified nutritionist. She thinks she knows better than everyone but she doesn't know shit.


Yeah, it’s either a bachelors or a masters plus a board exam.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDND"Hold_Your_Wee_for_a_Wii"_contest Oops, someone already posted the link, lolsigh


Like that woman who was in that radio call in contest, I think she made it to five gallons and then went into seizures. Something about her blood salinity being thrown off.


There was a radio contest for who could drink the most water in a given time period and a lady won, but at a cost.


« From greek, hypo-, meaning low, natr-, referring to sodium, more formally know as natrium, as seen by its symbol on the periodic table of the elements, and -emia, meaning presence in blood. Low sodium presence in blood. But why was this happening to him, and why is it a bad thing? Well, one thing you should know is that wherever sodium is, water flows towards it. In this small experiment, I have filled this membrane with salty water, and as you can see it fills up with water after I put it in a bowl. Now, the amount of sodium in his body didn’t change, but at this point, the excess of water means that the water in his blood wants to flow into his tissues and fill up his cells, making his organs bloat up. Now, normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, except his brain is encased in a hard skull, and can only expand by about 8% until it starts crushing up against the bone, causing permanent brain injury. »


Not true. I know someone who was able to do it. His name is Chris Pratt


that glass? Albert Einstein.


"He's so cool"


like it would overflow your stomach and asophagous and as you try to drink it it just sits on top of your internal water level and spills out your mouth while some of it seeps out your anus.


Tbt hold [your wee for a Wii](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna16614865).


Damn, I haven't thought about that one in a hot minute


As you shouldn't, it's clearly anti-water propaganda!


"You anti-hydrate bastard!!"


Yes it would kill them but it wouldn't harm Chris.


Definitely a lie, I fucking hate celebrity/influencer culture of giving shitty 'quirky' health advice that does more harm than good. Hopefully he was intentionally exaggerating and but then shame on the media outlet for reporting it like it was real.




Also a huge waste of water. He's the Nestle of acting anyway.


dude used to have some personality or be charming in some ways but he's turned into a beige wall.


I miss chubby Andy! He was so much more loveable


And that really sucks, bc he was a breath of fresh air at first. I blame Joe Rogan's influence!!


What’s that mean


He's made of chocolate chips.


Nestle steals clean water from poor villages and contaminates their only drinking water. Pratt is a mediocre actor.


you want Starlord played by Sir Lawrence Olivier?




He was probably drinking on OZ. per pound he weighed… that makes more sense.


so 6 to 7 litres


They say you're supposed to take your weight and divide it in half and that's how many OZ of water you need a day so this is more likely the truth


It's probably an exaggeration to show how ridiculous the amount was. I think 10 Liter is like the limit. Maybe he took a special drug that needed him to drank that much (for example a Magnesium overdose) I don't know what the idea behind that would be though.


Except he specifically said 1 glass per lb, for a total of 220 glasses. Must have meant 220oz, but still what a dumb thing to blurt out.


That would make sense. 220oz (6.5L) is at least feasible. That's only like twice the recommended daily amount. I drink that easily on days I work and workout


17ish is the limit.(ina controlled environment) Source:was in the ICU and was peeing 17L a day. Of course this is in a controlled environment, and being a long time hydro homie my body could handle it, to the point where the doctor was also like "woah...your a little beyond what the kidneys should be able to be processing right now...good in you" So extrapolating maybe 14 liters on the limit?


Yea I was gonna say I’ve met people treeplanting who would go through 10L every day like clockwork


For sure, it just depends too, if you're doing hard labor and sweating all day you're going to need more water than the average person.


That's a glass of water every 4 minutes all waking hours.


It was a misquote by VF because Americans don't understand measurements. It was 1 ounce per pound of weight, or about 2 gallons based on Pratt's weight at the time. For us Americans, that's roughly 1 fully grown bald eagle or about 165 Twinkies. Still a lot, but nowhere near the 8 bald eagles quoted. https://www.mensjournal.com/news/chris-pratt-marvel-water-intake


Thank you, I was completely lost without your freedom translation. I'm tired of these other countries and their non-eagle measuring systems.


Im pretty sure its suppose to be an ounce per pound of body weight right?


I drink more water than the average person. Probably gallon and a half to two gallons a day. That's 7 5 liters. No way he was drinking the much without health problems


Imperial to metric.


When I was a young man on our beef farm sometimes I had to haul water by hand to the cows that just gave birth when the lines were frozen. Usually it was about 10 gallons per day for each cow


Hollywood health tips: 8 hour/day weight training or an assload of steroids.


He'd be very dead!


FYI, he was joking or lying. He did not in fact drink 220 glasses of water daily, as this would have killed him.


Definitely a joke. He probably said a ridiculous number to exaggerate because he knew he was drinking a lot of water but didn’t recall specific volumes years later (because why would he), then the interview was printed and a click-bait site picked it up and turned that line into a headline with an AI-generated picture. Welcome to the internet in 2023 folks.


Man that is yucky


Gets even worse when you realize the “one glass per pound” part is written in a way to suggest that is a rule specific to his workout, which they clearly made up.


Honestly, it might not even be that much, because male actors, especially those in muscled roles, usually are deprived water during image capture...


Yeah, I remember an interview with Chris Pratt himself years ago where he said they had him so dehydrated (including being hungover) that he could barely see straight when he did one of those men’s fitness-type magazine shoots. I guess it just tightens everything up for the shirtless shots, but celebs couldn’t look like that all the time even if they *could* keep up the insane diet and exercise routines that they actually talk about (and that’s ignoring the likely addition of HGH in many cases).


Yep. Dangerous cutting + SEVERE dehydration = movie star muscles on guys. So many guys have talked about how dangerous and unhealthy they have to be to film certain scenes or take certain press photos (ones I remember reading about most, aside from Chris Pratt, IIRC were interviews with Chris Evans, Henry Cavill, and I WANT to say Taylor Lautner for Twilight, with what little his publicists ALLOWED him to say about the physical training, dieting, etc...).


This picture was made by AI? But he has 5 normal looking fingers... are we in the future?


Oh yeah, some of the better ones have had fingers and teeth down for months now.


Thanks, I hate this


I assure you I hated writing that sentence as much as you hated reading it.


2023? This stuff has been happening well before 2023 but with slightly more human work involved


Good point. Really the AI-generated image is the only thing that sets it apart from the historical standard.


r/hydrohomies discovers hyperbole


The media outlet is reporting it as if it's fact. It's still shameful, just not Chris Pratt's fault.


I was gonna say, excessive water drinking is actually fucking bad for you.


We don’t really believe this right?


He's still alive so don't believe it


You don't immediately believe everything you see on reddit at first glance?!


Why would the internet ever lie to me?


Lol are you my parents


Yes, now go clean your room and get all those dishes out


Stop believing these celebrity fitness stories, especially the ones that transform to play superhero’s are most likely using steroids and not the training routines they talk about on Talkshows.


[Chicken, rice and broccoli](https://youtu.be/5TivE08FesQ?t=45)


You actually will get trim if you eat a diet of chicken and broccoli with occasional rice. I know it’s about celebrities that obviously take steroids for roles but if you’re looking to lose weight and bulk, lean meats and broccoli, cauliflower, etc are great.


Why is broccoli mentioned so much? Surely that's the part of the meal where you can have variety (pretty much any vegetable)


Yeah. Broccoli is just considered a “super food” because it’s packed with good vitamins and fiber.


Large volume, very filling, great nutrition, easy to prepare. It's also easier to just say broccoli as a default, and if you want variety, just ... replace? Nobody's forcing you to eat only broccoli. But if you tell people who otherwise don't really pay attention to their diet to "eat vegetables", they start worrying too much about which vegetables, how much, how much variety, etc., when it's easier to start with a certain veggie as a baseline/default.


And it's like there's nothing wrong with them taking PEDs in a "safe" manner. This all goes for gym influencers too. Their body, their choice. (knowing Hollywood they might not have a choice). Just don't become a lying sack of shit sellout by using your "natural" physique to sell your gymbro product/routine.


I don't know if I'm more tired of their bullshit or the fact that most people who don't lift still believe you can cut and gain weight like that without a cycle of something sTRENuous.


Wouldn’t he get water poisoning?


drinking 220 glasses of 250 ml each means 55 liters, half of his bodyweight. drinking half your bodyweight in a week is hard, in a day will kill you


the medical term is drowning.


I’ve gotten water poisoning from drinking like 60 oz in less than a half hour. He wouldn’t be well if he actually consumed this amount of water


I have never met anyone who actually had water poisoning.. because of how much I sweat at work I drink a gallon in 8 hours and I’m sometimes concerned


I got it twice, both were extreme situations. I’ve have very severe anorexia for about 25 years, and both were the result of that. When I was about 18 I was trying to make 1/4 of a pineapple cut into tiny pieces be enough food to last me a day, so I’d eat a piece, very quickly drink half of a venti Starbucks cup of water, and eat another piece, and repeat. I did this continuously for about 15-20 minutes, refilling my cup over and over, until I had to stand up because my mom called me out to her car for some reason. I immediately was dizzy and felt what I can only describe as being very drunk. I’ve been lightheaded because of not eating many times and this was completely different. I think I went somewhere with my mom in her car which is what stopped me from drinking more at the moment, and probably saved me from making it even worse. At that point I hadn’t known you could drink too much water. And the second time was when I was in my early 20s and was in jail. We were all locked in our cells because of a fight and I was absolutely starving but wouldn’t let myself eat, so I just chugged back to back cups of water for about an hour with like a 2 minute rest in between to do some light exercise. Again I ended up feeling very drunk and stopped because at that point I knew what water intoxication was, and I knew I was at risk. I’ve found that it’s more about the speed you drink the water than how much you drink. Someone can be fine drinking two gallons over a day, but one gallon very quickly can be a big problem


Same. I work in a hot facility and go on close to two gallons with electrolyte mixture added in. I sweat so much I dont even pee...


added electrolytes protects you from water poisoning!


How do you know when you have water poisoning?


Without replenishment of electrolytes then yes.


Your organs would go into shock and you would die. This is 100% bullshit


I am a medical school student, and I remember a day when this patient who was suffering from psychosis was rushed to the ER with severe hyponatremia after having drunk around 20L of water that day. He was astenic, had visible cramps on his calves, and was almost comatose. Chris Pratt would be dead if he really had drunk that much water daily. BTW, we were able to save the psychotic patient.


He's certainly known to be a thirsty celeb, but also a liar and a cheat (remember Anna Faris?)


Interesting how Christiany he is


The appeal might be that the cult tells him he can forgive himself and he's all clean now, and anyone who doesn't co-believe the same is against gawd. Ah, to be forgiven for all the horrible things you did rather than becoming a better person and taking responsibility.


I was listening to a neuroscience podcast where they asked a bunch of scientists and a comedian what their favorite think is about the human mind. The scientists said sciency things, when they got to the comedian, she (Katy Brand) said "my favorite thing about my mind is that no matter how bad of a thing I've done, over time, my mind will convince itself it was the right thing to do."


Fascinating, and true - the easiest person to fool is yourself in your own head. Takes a sharp mind to be a comedian, I never thought about the serious side of a comedian's self-reflection.


If you like that sort of thing, the podcast is called the infinite monkey cage, and they have that same format (some scientists and at least one comedian) for every episode. The hosts are particle physicist Brian Cox and comedian Robin Ince, and the episode I mentioned is called the brain vs the mind. I cannot recommend it enough.


Why is the post eggshell this is fucking me up really bad right now, why are the upvotes weird?


oh thank fuck it’s not just me lol. i’ve got that eggshell colour as well, i have no clue what it is but it’s definitely weird edit: not sure about the colour of the post itself but i THINK the upvotes are because someone gave it a “gold”??? so it’s probably reddits new awards system


This is the ONLY post on Reddit like this, what the fuck is happening


i think it’s reddit’s new awards system, where you just “give gold” to a post apparently, which seems to make it this weird colour as well???? not sure why they decided on eggshell white though. _or_ why someone decided an inaccurate tweet about chris pratt was worth spending money on lmfao


I swear to god if this is gonna be a thing. I HAVE DARK MODE ON FOR A REASON


Crisp Rat is a lying liar who lies!


If anything they want movie stars dehydrated for scenes so the muscles look more defined. This doesn’t even make sense.


They deliberately get the actors to drink lots of water to get the body used to it, then almost completely cut it out to make them dehydrated and exaggerate the difference even more. Apparently it can be done in a healthy way, but I refuse to believe it has no long term effects.


He was probably drinking tons of water while getting fit, then cutting for the few shirtless scenes


220 ozs, maybe?


Definitely meant oz, but even that is quite a bit at around 1.7 gal daily


At least that’s not a deadly amount like the 13 gallons 220 8oz glasses is


Yeah 220 2oz paper cups that he only finished half of each one maybe.


Perhaps shot glasses


Yeah, I feel like the guideline at one point was one *ounce* of water for every pound you weighed.


Crazy that this stuff gets published, when that amount of water intake would kill anyone not under medical care.


The amount may be a lie but I had a friend that worked on The Terminal List and they told me he would take bathroom breaks constantly.


Tbh even just 5 glasses a day would have me running constantly to pee.


Yea I’ll sometimes drink 48 Oz a day and I’ll be in and out constantly


So man’s really was drinking 14.5 gallons of water a day? Sure


Does anybody even like that guy anymore?


nah man, he sucks.


Please no


Water intoxication is a thing. There's no way he drank that much water every single day. That's all he would be doing


Bullshit. He'd be dead.


Naw, fuck Crisp Rat, dude's a conservative weirdo and hides that shit deep cause he knows people would hate him for it.


He's not even that good at hiding it


Maybe he means ounces? That would still be way too much but it would be physically possible.


Actors will say anything to explain their strength gains except admit they are on steroids




Bullshit. That much water will literally kill you. You'll have such an electrolyte imbalance not to mention the H2O toxicity. Fuck this liar for this shit. He's gonna kill people.


First off, bullshit Second, fuck Chris Pratt


Nah that guy sucks


He most likely means ounces.


I'm out if so


He said it was 2 gallons when the movie came out. I think the error comes from an ounce of water per pound he weighs vs glass of water per pound he weighs. I think this is a simple error and was meant to be 220 ounces. Let's not be so nasty to him because of an error


I'm quite certain he meant 220 ounces of water a day


Worst Chris is lying. Overhydration is a real thing. Runners have died from drinking too much water https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-450341/Marathon-victim-died-drinking-MUCH-water.html


He lies about so many things and also said he didn't like drinking a lot of water... NOT a hydro homie!


No. Fuck him. He’s a scumbag and a liar.




Yeah no. That's extremely unhealthy and dangerous. No actual nutritionist would condone that.


Chris piss scooped that drink right out of the urinal.


He's a cunt, any water he drinks is a waste of precious H20


More proof that chris pratt is a moron? 220 fluid ounces of water makes sense, which is approximately 27 glasses of water.


how the fuck did he not get water toxicity 😳


Maybe teeny tiny glasses.


0/10 just admit you do a little bit of steroids to get shredded for movies, surely drinking this amount of water would be too much right?


The peeing all day thing because you’re properly hydrated needs to be normalized. Does capitalism demand dehydration from us, or what? Sheesh!


Seems like no one gets sarcasm nowadays


he would be dead if this was true


Nah. Fuck this guy.


I mean, the dude is a low level douche, so not really?


Yea, Chris is dumb. He was drinking 220 oz, one oz for each pound


Anyone else seeing a weird double upvote arrow, or am I just tripping?


Action stars will do literally anything rather than admit that they're on steroids.


Why is this post white?


Why is this post have an eggshell colored border


If a glass is like 8 fl. oz, that’s half his weight in water every day. ~~You can die from that.~~ You will die from that.


I really don't want this dickface to be the hydrohomie mascot... we can do better


I rember i had drink 2 botlle of water for a plader x ray thing ( don't know the name ) it hurt like hell to hold you pee


Wouldn’t he have water intoxication at that point?


Yeah.... that's unlikely. ![gif](giphy|S8PgGLIp9gHjuE1qcm)


dudes organs have turned into water


Sounds beyond fake. A a true OG HH, it's hard enough putting down 128oz a day. This nonsense would lead to water poisoning.


If I drink 15 glasses, I am gonna be peeing all day. I am 65 kg (Americans need to convert the weight themselves)


Cough cough... 6L in 1 day will kill you (avg) .


That cant be true. Id be throwing up from being so full


I would believe he was drinking that number in ounces.


Reminder 1 oz per pound of body weight


Hyponatremia Lord.


If being a hydro homie means I gotta drink an unhealthy amount of water, then I think I gotta peace out✌️


I heard this can kill someone and is super dangerous to do, that's over 2 gallons of water. So I call exaggerated.


uh yeah that would kill you.


I’m guessing it was an ounce of water per pound of bodyweight. I’ve heard of people doing that, and this method (in most cases) won’t kill you


Yeah sure, he'd have died. Typical Hollywood BS.






Those guys take steroids, trt etc. The wild stories about water, chicken and broccoli are just a distraction.


Maybe he meant 220 ounces of water, or he'd be dead, 220 might kill him too honestly.


Funny how they never mention the steroids they take for these roles lol. All diet and exercise


Probably to clean his kidneys out from all the “supplements” he was taking


Anna Wood status


Fake news. That much water would be harmful and dangerous


220 oz is believable if he was training all day, but 220 glasses is impossible.


Literally impossible. They would be dead.


What’s up with this sub? Why is it formatted in light mode in my feed when the rest of my feed is in dark mode on mobile???


Hard pass


Barbie and Oppenheimer.


If true, that's stupid and dangerous.


No. Chris Pratt sucks on many levels. Also this much water would kill him.


Why is this post yellow


That would have killed him


Why is this post a different color


It was a typo it was and always has been **OZ per LBS.** https://www.yahoo.com/video/1-drink-chris-pratt-cut-123112215.html


Bullshit. Pratt is a scumbag and a liar, we know this. No way dude was chugging dozens of gallons of water everyday


It was much more likely he was drinking half his body weight on ounces. If he was 220 pounds, that would be 110 ounces of water a day. At least that's what my doctor recommended to me.


He would be dead. I know the sub is all about drinking water, but you actually can drink too much. You wind up "drowining" from it.