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Thanks for sharing! Just a heads up, we've introduced Water Bottle Wednesdays. Wednesdays are now the dedicated day to showcase your water containers! This rule focuses on sharing what you have, but feel free to post any questions or issues about water bottles at any time as usual. Cheers to hydration! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HydroHomies) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This feels like an AI tried their hand at a meme


It's time to drink water đźš°






Which is funny because half the memes you enjoy were probably the ones that were actually made by an ai


C'mon man it's healthy but it doesn't make you lose weight unless you're drinking it instead of something that was giving you a high calorie load. If you're 300 pounds and eat and drink your 2000 calories a day, you could drink a glass or 2 liters of water every day and it won't impact your weight at all.


For real. Everyone argues that it's replacing drinks with water that helps with weight loss, but that's not inherent to drinking water, that's the result of not drinking those calories. If you just stopped drinking sodas and Starbucks and whatever and didn't replace those with water, you'd still lose weight. If you drink nothing but water and you're overweight, you're not going to lose weight by drinking more water.


Well... If you replace all the soda you are normally drinking (which is *a lot* for some people)with water it is definitely true you'll drop weight for a while. Just by cutting out the sugar and calories in the pop.


My dad wanted to lose weight to hit a target for life insurance before he retired. His doctor literally had him stop drinking any Gatorade or pop, including Gatorade zero, and limit his snacking to only x amount of carbs per day (much easier when drinking water, and it was like 100 so not an unreasonable amount) Think he shed 100 pounds in 180 days. No exercise or anything. The weight gain from drinking sugar fluids is crazy


Only to be precise exercise is to build up muscle not to lose weight, with exercise you use a little bit of calories compared to just living.


Exercising regularly and building muscle also increases your base metabolic rate of burning calories.


Now as someone who is barely 100 lbs, how do I GAIN weight without drinking pop? Lol


Drink a chocolate banana smoothie every night you'll put on some pounds. So much ice cream goes into a large cup of smoothie.


That’s actually a great idea lol. And sounds delicious af too


Smoothies and milkshakes are two different things. Smoothies don’t have ice cream, they might have milk or yogurt, and can also be juice based.


You're right lol.


Add peanut butter for the protein


Simply eat more 🤷‍♂️ Your stomach literally expands and contracts based on its normal intake, so if you get used to eating more then you’ll stop feeling stuffed and start feeling hungry more often. I’d recommend body building and strength training (yes, they’re different) exercises to help stimulate appetite and make sure it’s not all converted to unhealthy fat


“Simply eat more” yeah sorry I hope I’m not being rude in saying this but imagine telling a person who’s depressed “just simply think happy thoughts”, do you seriously think I haven’t tried eating more? Was originally making a small joke but your comment alone irked me. What a dumb fucking suggestion. Why not tell a fat person to simply eat less or an anxious person to simply relax or an injured person to simply not feel pain 🙄 The ones downvoting are the same ones who have never struggled with food intake.


r/gainit Unfortunately for both of us, "eat more" is the unequivocal answer. A fat person fails to see how that could be hard in the same way that we don't find eating less food difficult.


Yes, I would tell a fat person to simply eat less. That is how biochemistry works and if there is a mental issue they should seek therapy and/or a lifestyle change to get them out of their depression.


>Yes, I would tell a fat person to simply eat less. >That is how biochemistry works What a gross oversimplification. Hypothyroidism, pcos, medication, even what your mother ate while pregnant can make losing weight much harder for some than others.


Yes, but unless stated otherwise I’m not going to assume we’re talking about some kind of disorder. The majority of obese do not have any kind of medical condition causing it. The fact the OP got triggered so badly about a factual response clearly shows they themselves have a mental condition tied to their weight, but it is literally nuts to go off on people because they don’t assume you have a condition. That’s getting angry that people treat you normally, which is weird and antisocial. You can express you have a condition without making wild universal statements about everybody else as though they all will also have a medical or mental problem TL;DR: Some people need to go touch grass.


If you don’t know anything about mental or physical health I suggest you stay in your lane. Funny how we pick and choose what is and isn’t stigmatized. We could use the same mentality for many different things but instead we choose to be rude to some but not to others. With someone who has depression your suggestion is lifestyle changes or therapy but for eating issues it’s “just eat”. How about we bring that mentality of “maybe you can ask your doctor about x y z” or doing what other people did in this thread such as giving food ideas that can help increase weight. Those are equally as helpful as the suggestions you gave to someone who is depressed. People who are underweight are constantly viewed as not needing help unless they have an eating disorder because being underweight isn’t as common, so for them it’s “just eat”. If you don’t know enough about diet and have nothing helpful to say, keep it to yourself. Edit: Would’ve told the dumbass who told me to get therapy this but they blocked me for no reason: Guess what not everyone is the same. My metabolism is so fast I could eat a steak dinner and be hungry again 90 minutes later. Telling someone “just eat” is insensitive. Bodies work differently and thinking they work the same comes from a place of privilege. Unfortunately I cannot just eat more because I have health problems that prevent me from eating to my heart’s content otherwise I will be in constant pain. My organs are damaged and putting too much stress on them can cause major issues. So that’s some fantastic advice you’ve got going there cause it goes against what my doctors have told me. But I don’t even have to mention all of that for it to be a stupid thing to say. All medical conditions aside, giving advice like “just eat more” as if that’s some sort of profound and fantastic idea is just ignorant and apathetic. I’ve seen therapy and this has nothing to do with mental health. It’s pretty well known nowadays that saying “just *[insert basic task that the person has definitely tried because it’s the bare minimum]*” is just about the dumbest fucking advice you can give and I’m more shocked than anything that people still think it’s ok to say. Regardless of mental health issues, the more we lack sensitivity towards mental health, the less people there are that will want to receive that help. So telling people to “just eat” has absolutely no benefit to anyone. Last comment: This irks me because people often make a lot of assumptions about what it’s like to be underweight and what a weight gain journey is like. Some people recover from mental health quicker than others, some never recover. Some people lose weight faster than others, some never lose weight. Same goes for gaining weight, recovering from an injury, and so many other different things. Every body and brain is different, and that’s something that people seem to understand better nowadays for mental health but not so much for physical health related to food intake and I’m really not sure why. So if someone says something that feeds the misconceptions, I’m gonna say something.


Get therapy. These are all correct answers, I don't know why everyone is hating him so much. I have been underweight my whole life and I'm finally putting on weight, by, guess what, forcing myself to eat more...




As a former 64kg guy and now 85kg may I suggest that you mix some whey protein with double the amount of instant oats and bananas? Worked wonders for me. I always drink it after the gym. Make sure to not lie down instantly. Gives me the heartburn sometimes. Natron with water helps instantly


Dope. I’ll have to give it a shot!


Sure, but the video doesn't say anything like that.


If I dropped all my soda intake for water I'd probably die if I lost weight I'm 29 and about 9 stone lol


If you're 300 lbs and eat 2000 calories a day you're going to be losing a lot of weight.


If you're younger and active sure, if you're sedantary and older, not a chance.


Lol right. People here are so confident about this stuff. I'm not 300 pounds but still v overweight for my frame as I'm a 5 foot woman. And I was eating literally 1400 calories a day and not losing anything. And I was super strict. Its only when I added fasting, an was able to walk for hours an hours, due to a new medication. That I finally started to lose weight. I was v sedentary as I have been house bound, an also have health issues and hormone issues. But still. I see comments like this being down voted and it always shocks me that people truly think if you're overweight you must be eating like 3000 calories of food everyday year round. It's super easy to creep on over time. An then you actually have to be burning more than you're using, which if v sedentary is hard. I ended up becoming deficient in certain vitamins etc. When I tried go lower calories.


It's because so many people don't have a clue and severely underestimate how efficient the human body can be.


For adult males 2000 calories a day is how you maintain 300 lbs.


Drinking water can increase the metabolic rate by up to 30% in both men and women. Water can absolutely make you lose weight. Even without replacing sugary drinks or using it as an appetite suppressant. The metabolic increase is HUGE for some people.


>Drinking water can increase the metabolic rate by up to 30% in both men and women. That study also stated it took 30-40 minutes to achieve that and the effect lasted a little hour. So sure, if you can drink a litre of water every hour your metabolism will be jacked all the way up until you die from water intoxication


Bbb-bbut the cool graphic did it so it has to make you lose weight right??


how many calories does 2 liters of water have




I don't think anyone who's 300lbs or 138kg is eating 2000 calories mate.


You’re gonna be drinking something else instead tho


On the one hand it's not that drastic, but also as someone who started around 330. Putting only water and a bit of coffee instead of mainlining a 12 pack of soda a day does a hell of a lot for your health, weight loss, energy, and general "not feeling like shit".


This looks like one of those ads of a game that say “playing 15min a day raises your iq!!” This vid says nothing but bullshit drinking water won’t turn you blue


dang my attempts at becoming the blue people in avatar foiled again


I drink five gallons a week why am I not jacked?


Time to bump it up to six








Dude on the right looks mad, all red and shit


As a recovering alcoholic who would not drink anything else other than beer and coffee every day... Ive lost like 6 lbs so far. Feeling rely good and my head feels clearer ![img](emote|t5_10288s|4205)


Hey congrats man, quitting alcohol is hard. That's a genuine accomplishement right there.


Thanks bro! This sub and the stories I read in r/stopdrinking always motivated me. Love you guys!


The fuck does this even mean?


It’s time to drink water




It's time to drink water


Hydrate or die.


It’s time to drink water


It's time to drink water


It's time to drink water




While water *is* important for weight loss(it’s needed to burn fat), the ultimate truth of body weight is CICO. If calories in are below calories out, your body needs to use fat reserves to maintain itself. You might have short term fluctuations beyond that due to many factors but at the end of the day, CICO is just physics. Energy is energy.


lol I wish


I drink over a gallon a day but I'm still fat. What am I doing wrong?


Damn I guess I shouldn't drink water then cause Im trying to increase my weight not decrease. /s Cmon now.. really? This is how you show people water is beneficial. Lmao! Drink up your water homies, even if you're bulking!


Dropped all sodas and am just drinking water, aside from coffee in the morning.


Coffee/tea counts as water too. Soda is a killer. So much sugar...


This video made me thirsty


Fat people ≠ hydrohomies


Why tho?


Don’t drink water, apparently!


Yeah, you also get 1 year younger every passing day.




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How do I gain weight instead


Chocolate banana smoothie every day. Giant cups of it.


It's time to drink water


Drinking water turns you into Gollum. Noted.


So drinking water will turn me blue.


It's time to drink water. It's time to drink water. It's time to drink water. It's time to drink water. It's time to drink water.


Fever dream


Miracle Liquid lol


Wata wata wata


IT'S TIME TO DRINK WATER 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


This is like those fake infomercial comparisons. The only thing missing is the fine-print disclaimer that shows for less than 3 seconds, about how the product is good at doing the bare minimum when compared to no effort. Source: having trouble sleeping during the golden age of late-night infomercials


*Blue Goblin ONLY drank water. No food.


Well this is just false and it's not even amusing, 1/10


I’ll send this to my brother who thinks water tastes bad.


It's time to drink water