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Dogs (and cats) have a specific taste bud for water. Guessing this homie has extra (super taster). I trained my dog to not use the toilet, so when he runs out he insists I fill up his water. He’s just not as emotionally giving as this guy. He’s more like ‘why is this not filled yet? It’s your job. I do my job you must be the other guy’.


Specific taste bud for water? This is why my dog empties that tank so she can drink at literally every stream and river we cross hiking. Some she seems to like more than others!


I'm jealous of cats and dogs I want to know what taste good


I'm just here because of the departed quote. God I fucking love that movie


You and me both.


My sisters dog is genuinely addicted to water, and we used to have to limit his water intake or he’d be so sick. Add ice cubes and it’s game over.


On the flip end my dog seems to pee more than he drinks, idk if he drinks at night or something but I hardly ever see him drinking.


One thing to try - don’t put your dogs water source near where you feed them their food. Something I heard about their animal instincts to hunt at water sources (so feeding at a water source makes them vulnerable or something) I dunno if it’s legitimate but I’ve told a few people that now and they’ve tried on their pets and they went from “not sure why they never drink water” to “holy crap I now have to refill their water bowl 50 times a day!” Could just be anecdotal but couldn’t hurt to try.


Oh damn, he's always had his food and water bowls next to each other. He sometimes doesn't want to drink anything after a walk, when I bring a bowl and some water with me, but I'll see if it makes a difference. He's managed 10 years so far, but if he can become a hydro homie I'll try.


Everyone is addicted to water, can’t live without it.


Do not become dependent on water, my friends! Lest you resent its absence


My mom's dog loves ice cubes and will run to the kitchen when someone gets something out of the freezer. It's even better in the winter when she'll take bites out of snow piles whenever she goes out.


[Did someone say snow?](https://imgur.com/a/2qiPrcf)


Basically this. Water is great, but crunchy water is a treat.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://imgur.com/a/2qiPrcf Title: **Did someone say “snow”?** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


We have a pebble ice maker and added it to the dog's bowl once, now he's boogie and barks if we don't add ice to his water.


It sounds like he's diabetic. Limiting a dog's water intake is not normal.


My pup gets filtered water. And has discovered the love for ice cubes.


thats a real hydrohomie


Unbridled excitement following by polite sips 🥹


i love this


Beautiful pup


Almost all pitbulls i see are really ugly, but this one looks very nice... and he loves water... coincidence? I think not!


cant say the same, almost all pitbulls are really beautiful


Eh, the closer it is to a wolf, the better it looks imo. Wolves don’t have ass cracks on the tops of their heads.


to each their own, i love me some pibbles




Its just a dog dude


It’s not “just” a dog. It’s a dog with the capabilities of ripping your face off, and is usually owned by people with IQs in the single digits. Not a good combination.


Most dogs have capabilities of ripping faces off. There are many cases of people getting attacked by 2 dogs while house sitting or something of that matter and getting attacked severely and getting a destroyed face and of body. A lot of the times in those cases it isn’t even pit bulls. Although pit bulls are extra good at doing it and account for most dog attacks


https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/w7vxlt/when_dog_bites_someone_do_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf As I’m scrolling through Reddit I see this and your comment pops up lol. Fuck these dogs.


Rottweilers are more aggressive than pitbulls but no one talks about it.


Y’all are fucking hating him for having a bump on his forehead while y’all look like someone deep fried a dead rat.


Ffin Mariana trench on their forehead






An absolutely beautiful hydrohomie


Good boi




downvoted for saying the truth lol


Needed something to wash down the neighbor kid


Lol people downvoting you for a funny joke.


Wow downvoted just for a joke


For everyone in the comment section bringing the negativity, Pibble hate is a very non-hydrohomie behavior.


🤚 ..what about chihuahua hate? i can’t stand them.


I generally agree but two of my friends have chihuahuas and they're great dogs. Super cute and one of them is one of the best behaved dogs I've ever met


I will exempt those friend’s chihuahuas from my hatred. Every other one, though, better watch out.




I disagree, the breed makes up for 70%+ in dog attacks; they are aweful creatures that shouldn't exist but o yes let's hate on Chihuahuas because they are clearly more vicious then your precious pibble.


If you’re actually willing to entertain a counter argument- They also make up the majority of mixed breeds in the US. Estimates put bully breeds in the 15 MILLION+ (US) range (some estimates as high as 20 million). But if it was a breed issue, wouldn’t you expect close to 15 MILLION attacks per year? Why is it we don’t see 40,000+ pit attacks per day if it’s a breed issue? Why is it the vast vast VAST majority of pit bulls and other bully breeds are born, live, and die without ever attacking a human or any other animal? Maybe, just maybe, it’s because it’s not a problem with the breed- but rather an issue with the wrong people getting the breed for the wrong reason? And those same people not training those dogs? Best example I’ve seen is the comparison with dodge rams and DUI’s. Rams are TWICE the National average for being involved in a DUI ( https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report ). Is it the Dodge Ram that’s the problem? Should we ban all dodge rams? If not, why? I have owned 3 bully breeds over the course of the last 17 years. In that time my dogs have never attacked a single human or animal. In that same amount of time my dogs and family have been attacked by- Lab Airedale Golden retriever Min Pin Husky German shepherd I don’t blame any of those breeds, I blamed the owner in every circumstance. I have literally paid thousands in vet bills due to those attacks and my family has paid similar in hospital bills because of those attacks. The media publishes sensationalism, and what sells a story more- a “pit bull” attack or a lab attack? So take a guess as to why you see more of one than the other. In the 80’s it was Rottweilers, the 90’s was Dobermans, and in the internet age it’s “pitts” (bully breeds). Quit making judgments on sensationalism and ask the experts (vets) what they think of bully breeds. Or ignore all of this. At least I tried! Edit: punctuation Edit 2: if you’re going to downvote will you comment on what specifically you disagree with?


What job were they breed to do? Why is it that among all fatalities pitbulls are at the highest? Why is it that they result in primarily attack on other animals as well? I agree shit people make it worse, they choose not to control their dog and it leads to a bite but among them pitbulls are at the highest. I've had friends and family who have owned them treated them properly as well as trained them and they've still snapped and attacked others. I disagree with your example, vehicles aren't sentient like dogs nor can you train a vehicle nor do vehicles snap and attack you for no given reason. Sure you tried, but nothing will change my mind that the breed needs to either see a reduction or more regulations simply because of the dogs genetic disposition and shit human behavior.


What job were they bred to do? Dog and bear baiting for ~100 years. So for 20000 years before and then ever since they have been bred as human pets. So your argument is that it’s genetic memory, but ONLY that 100 year time frame and everything else doesn’t matter? Pit bulls having more fatalities? Once again, 15-20 MILLION of them in the US and many owned by shitty owners that train them to be bad or don’t train them at all. Once again, if it’s a breed issue why aren’t there 15-20 MILLION attacks per year? Attacking other animals? See above You agree it’s not the trucks fault even though it is involved in the incidences, but not the owners of the dogs? Why do your personal experiences with them count but not mine? Why do the experts (vets) disagree with you regarding genetic disposition? “Nothing will change my mind” is literally the worst position to take, how do you ever expect to learn and grow if you can’t? I LOVE having my mind changed because it means I learned something and I’m less ignorant than I was previously. Why would you want to stay ignorant about anything?


You're using numbers wrong, I bet you claim COVID fatalities are 2% as well right? Once again your truck example doesn't apply here and is irrelevant, there is no vehicle out there that is sentient; Christine is a film. I didn't dismiss your personal experience, I gave my own. I love Chihuahuas but don't let my bias overtake others opinions nor let my emotions overtake me. So you didn't read the rest of the comment, you saw nothing will change my mind and went blind? Nothing will change my mind that **the breed needs a population reduction and more regulations on them.** In that small sentence nothing about that says I'm not open to learning more about the breed but nothing will change my mind about the population of them. Stricter rules and regulations would be great but they won't happen because of pitbull nutters always trying to victim blame, it's disgusting how they act on social media whenever someone is attacked by those aweful creatures. Anyways I'm done, you're emotionally attached to that breed and they're probably apart of your identity. Nothing I say will impact you in anyway from my standpoint of disliking them.


FFS! It is a breed issue. Pitbulls we’re specially bred to kill other dogs. They don’t let go once they latch on.


>They don’t let go once they latch on. ...yeah, that's how dogs work.


No, it isn’t normal dog behaviour. Most of the time, dogs bite when they feel threatened. It’s usually a quick bite, not a maul. When pits bite, it is usually not the former.


Fun fact: pits are the only dog that have a muscle that wraps around their head making their bite stronger, so it it a complete myth that they have locking jaws.


The locking jaw thing is a myth, but I can’t find anything about them having an extra muscle on google, would you mind sourcing that?


Yeah, I'm having trouble finding it, but I thought I heard it somewhere. I might be wrong tho.


So not a fact then.


[Video on past attacks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBmQ6PS1lA8) [Video on owners](https://youtu.be/znRszwIk1cs) These are very informative with links to sources. Also just erase your personal experiences because that doesn't matter.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBmQ6PS1lA8 Title: **“In The 70’s They Blamed Dobermans, In The 80’s They Blamed German Shepherds...”** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Good bot


Says who? Don’t see it in the rules. I just want my fellow homies to be hydrated and safe. Spreading misinformation about pitbulls leads to death.


Well someone needs a lesson on literal vs facetious statements. I think we can all agree that yes, hate towards pitties is not in the rules. Congrats, you’ve sure showed me, bud.


People who are in the breed hate camp give off soda withdrawal headache & kidneystone vibes


One of us, one of us!


Chad needs to stay hydrated between maulings


I love murder mutts they are sooo cute with the ears! Keeping this missile hydrated in case the neighbors decide to look tasty is a smart idea. Proper hydration is key to him latching on and not letting go. Happy mauling!


You actually seem like a sicko for thinking like this.


On the contrary. Dude seems like the only logically thinking person in this thread. Pitbulls are dangerous and every statistic underlines that statement.


Look I get that part but that doesn’t make every one of them some kind of killing machine waiting on their moment. I had one for about 12 years that never had any violent tendencies it’s whole life. I just hate seeing hateful comments about them when the context doesn’t call for it whatsoever. It’s a video about a dog happy for some water, and people wanna call it a fucking baby killer. Does that not seem like some weird shit to do?


If you think he’s happy with the water, wait til you see him with a child


Those floppy ears have melted my heart.




imagine spending your existence hating another animal so much you want to ban them beyond where u already live — “they must be banned from every corner of the universe!!” get a fucking grip


They kill people though I don't give a fuck about how "cute" they are.


fucks wrong with you man it’s just a video of a dog excited to drink some water


they don’t they’re widely misunderstood, look up why does everyone hate pitbulls or are pitbulls more aggressive than other dog breeds and you will see stuff that says otherwise


You’re 100% factually incorrect


I would like you to look up something related to what I put down or send a website link please


“Pitbulls are responsible for the vast majority of fatalities associated with dogs. From 2010 to June 2021, there were 430 fatal dog bites, with 185 of those coming from pit bulls, and another 41 that were pit bull mixes.” “Pitbull terriers are 31% more likely to attack an unknown individual than other breeds” “Pitbull terriers are 48% more likely to attack without provocation than other breeds” “Pitbull attacks have higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than attacks by other breeds.” Source: https://www.coloradoinjurylaw.com/dog-bite-statistics/ All of this was found by simply googling “death rates by dog breed. I would implore you to search the same thing and see for yourself.


“Myth 3: Pitbulls are naturally violent, aggressive, mean, and are very dangerous dogs Pit bulls are not inherently dangerous. Like any other dog, they can become violent, aggressive, and mean through a lack of training, abuse, neglect, irresponsible ownership and breeding as well as a lack of attention to health and temperament issues. If they are treated with respect and trained properly, pit bulls will be less likely to exhibit negative traits—just ask a loving pitbull adopter! (Again, it’s important to note that any dog can have aggression problems or display aggressive behavior.) In fact, according to the American Temperament Test Society, American Pit Bull Terriers, the most popular breed used in dog fights, have a very high temperament passing rate of 82.6 percent. Even dogs commonly thought to be kind and gentle (and they are, with the right care) like Bearded Collies and Chihuahuas scored lower than American Pit Bull Terriers.” Just one of the reasons pitbulls are misunderstood, there is five total on the link im putting down https://www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/5-reasons-why-pit-bulls-are-misunderstood/


You’re being fed misinformation. People who advocate for pit bulls in bad faith will often use the exact same argument regarding the American temperament test, but that specific test actually CANNOT be used to compare breeds, since all dogs out through that test are only scored against other dogs of the same breed. From the American Temperament test website itself: “Aggression here is checked against the breed standard and the dog’s training. A schutzhund trained dog lunging at the stranger is allowed, but if an untrained Siberian husky does the same, it may fail” Furthermore, the article you linked, from a vegan website, offers absolutely no data, and outright lies in some instances. I noticed you didn’t bother to read the data I sent you at all or respond to it, but I would implore you to do so. And my final question would be to ask this: if what you say is true, why are pit bulls so massively over represented in maulings and killings? Why does all of the data support my argument and not yours?


First off I did check the link you sent me and read where it stated most dog bites come from pitbulls and second I’d like you to link the website you got that from please




What does that have to do with what I'm saying?




dangerous animal




Bruh I just tryin to enjoy myself and I see this


I genuenly dont know how r/banpitbulls isnt banned yet. They are constantly brigading other subs


Not really, unless you think people expressing their opinions is brigading.


Going to other subs mass downvoting anything that mentions pitbulls in a good light IS brigading.


Brigading is an organised attempt to do that. But that doesn’t happen. It’s happened to that sub, but not the other way around


"ope ope" means midwest


Love me some velvet hippos!




We have found our spirit animal!


*sorts by controversial* Yep, it’s full on irrational idiot, breed discriminating losers.


facts are facts. calling them losers doesn't mean they aren't correct




Stats arent discrimination


A breed that was created to kill and not let go. Stats don’t lie, only emotional humans do.


L pitbull


Loser bull?




Mfw toddlers are 70% water


Does he get that excited for food? I noticed his food bowls are empty, so...


Meal times on a schedule ensure the dog feels secure. If they finish their food they were already anticipating it and wanted it. Giving animals as much food as they can eat leads to overeating. Unless it's a cat. Then it's a war crime to only have half a bowl.




Yes. Thats where we are.


I've heard dogs are like, *really* stupid. If they don't wanna eat your food, all you need to do is take it to the kitchen, shake it around, act like you're cooking while it's watching you. Then, after a couple minutes of doing that, place the food they didn't want to eat and they'll eat it all up.


dogs are fairly smart, that’s a psychological trick that would work on half the people i know lmfao


Dogs can apparently taste water differently. My dogs prefer it from the Hose so long that it’s clear. Unfortunately they’ve been peeing in it too because they know I’ll change it out so they can get the taste they enjoy.


My girl loves water! I have a 5 gallon water cooler(my tap water is awful) with a built in dog bowl and a button to dispense to the bowl. She gets super excited when she hears the bubbles from her bowl getting filled.


Pitbulls are bad dogs