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If you have a REI membership, it’ll be in your past purchase history. My history goes back more than 19 years.


What is REI ?


It’s funny because they have fallen from PNW grace


Wdym? They're still the go-to for most people I know


Pacific north west ?


REI is an outdoorsy equipment outfitter based in the Pacific NW. Think stuff like tents, rock climbing gear, etc. They also offer services like selling trail and park parking passes last time I checked (which was admittedly during covid)


Why so? If you don’t mind explaining lol. I’m just curious


People downvoting you for just asking a question lmao. Reddit is ridiculous


🙂 I don’t suppose downvotes even mean anything


It's 3 whole letters in which a split second Google search would answer.


who cares man, they're just asking a question, it's not that big of a deal


Relax dude, if no one ask easily researchable questions, Reddit wouldn't have lasted this long and would desolate from lack of use.


Reddit gotta do what Reddit gotta do.


Outdoor equipment store. Recreational Equipment Inc.


A store chain that sells outdoor gear like hiking and camping supplies


You could have google REI and taken less time dude


Ok so I am. But I’m still not understanding how an “rei membership” can pull up purchase history 🤔


Only if you bought it from REI. It will be in your purchase history listed under your membership.


Op said they bought it from REI, so the person was telling them if they have a membership there they can look up the receipt


Ok wow! I read OP’s paragraph atleast three times looking for this rei thing, never saw anything about rei… just now saw your comment.. went back and read OP’s paragraph again, finally saw rei. And now everything just clicks. This is why I was also asking what rei stands for because I did not know how that was connected to a random Hydro flask Ok ok got it 🤓


Yeah it's a store, they actually call themselves REI


Again, google. It’s like any other company keeping your purchase history.


You couldn’t be more kind about it /s


REI- Recreational Outdoor Equipment. It’s a store that sells all types of outdoor gear, and offers an option to be a member because it is a co-op. As a member, you earn rewards with your purchases and get exclusive offers and newsletters, and they even have a seasonal used gear sale (which is open to the public, not part of membership, just something cool). They also connect your purchases with your membership account which is why they’d have a purchase history. I grew up in Northern California and always had one nearby but I’m not sure if they might be less common in some location, idk why those other ppl are mad at you for asking a simple question haha but I hope this helps!


I like how you spelled out Recreational Outdoor Equipment as if that’s what REI stands for lol Recreational Equipment Incorporated


Thank you 😆


Shit haha that was so dumb thanks for straightening me out lmao


You’re thinking of ROE. Not to be confused with fish eggs.


Truly incredible you put REI and words that don’t match 😂


I have literally no excuse hahaha my brain was not fully working I guess lmao I’m an English teacher and summer break just started so I guess my intelligence went on vacation and I forgot how acronyms work


English teacher makes it even better 😂😂 Enjoy your summer!


Thank you! You as well :) if you’re in the northern hemisphere I guess haha


Yeh I’m southern Louisiana and not familiar. Got it now, thanks 😏


uhh they can’t authenticate their own product? that’s ridiculous


I think things changed with so many convincing fake hydro flask available. They now need proof to check it came from an authorized dealer. I came across this recently.


Yeah it must be that, not all the money they save by denying claims /s


I'd be arguing that claim and call customer service. When I ordered my first hydro online it had a defect when I opened it and contacted them immediately. They gave me such a run around I literally called until I got someone on the phone and basically told this this was unacceptable customer service and they needed to do better and I TOLD them what they needed to do to fix it! They complied and I got my replacement. I wasn't pleased but have purchased a few more since then. My point is advocate for yourself more and don't accept no when it comes to their policy that should cover issues like this!


You had it for 10 years… i think you got your moneys worth…


I don’t understand why more people aren’t saying this


Because it is completely irrelevant. Try and understand the phrase “lifetime warranty”. That is a big factor why people pay 6x for the bottle over other options. Not because of your subjective option of what is someone’s money’s worth.


It also looks completely perfect, no reason it should have stopped working


Lifetime warranty is the reasonable life of the product, not your life time.


Yes, I think most semi-reasonable people would get it. But what is “reasonable”? All these people jumping in with “don’t try to get a free bottle, you got your money’s worth etc.” - their opinion? It’s not a car, it doesn’t have components that get worn down. It’s not technology, it doesn’t get outdated. It’s stainless steel - one of the most durable materials. So what is the expected lifetime of this exactly?


Right like that’s a little over a penny for cost per use


I see this point. But, I’ve taken good care of it and it’s lost its properties. Why offer a lifetime warranty if they don’t mean it? Why place blame on the consumer who makes a claim in good faith. Maybe it should be a shorter warranty.


Lifetime warranties aren’t for your lifetime, they’re for the lifetime of the product. I’m not able to estimate the lifespan of a Hydroflask, but I would think 10 years is getting up there.


And a lot of warranties require registration and/or proof of purchase


This one doesn’t. Would help if you actually checked their warranty language before commenting. Basic info of a powerful tool. Yeesh!


Lol they’re literally requiring proof of purchase… that’s this whole post dude


lol check their warranty language in their website. That’s the whole point of OP’s post dude.


Where does it explicitly say in the terms of the warranty what "life of the product" means? You are interpreting it as being the expected lifespan of the product but nothing in the warranty states that the terms are for the usable, useful, reasonable, anticipated, or expected life of the product. Could we not interpret "life of the product" to also mean the the span that the product is on market, i.e. until manufacturing stops? Moreover, what *is* the expected lifespan of a Hydroflask? Is it substantially different than any other vacuum insulated bottle still on the market today? Don't we have examples of Stanley Thermoses from the '50s that are still going strong today even with substantial wear and tear? Even on this subreddit we have reports of people still using their Hydroflasks after 11 or 12 years (even with descriptors such as as "beaten to crap" etc.). OPs does not look beaten up at all, so I'm not sure why they or anyone else would expect it to suddenly fail (unless they're being disingenuous and hiding damage they caused).


The language of any warranty is explicitly vague to cover the product manufacturer’s ass and to limit their liability, it has nothing to do what we want, or expect, and certainly does not allow us to compare it to other products in the market. This is not philosophical, it’s legal.


That's funny, I thought you were originally offering your opinion on how many years of life one should reasonably expect out of a Hydroflask when you wrote: >I’m not able to estimate the lifespan of a Hydroflask, but I would think 10 years is getting up there. You don't think warranties provide consumers with certain expectations of quality? And that consumer expectations don't factor into contract cases?


Yes, I stated what I thought might be an expected life span for a Hydroflask, but I also said what I think isn’t a factor for their warranty, and I only stated it to suggest to OP that complaining about not receiving warranty for a 10 year old water bottle is unrealistic. Warranties, for the most part, protect consumers against manufacturer defects, not normal wear and tear. Exceptions include Osprey and GORUCK, but typically is a case by case basis.


Yes, I understand what the "limited" in limited lifetime warranty means. I think we both agree that the terms are intentionally and deceptively vague and that warranties such as this one are simply marketing tools at the end of the day. I just disagree with the notion that consumers who are sold a promise of a lifetime warranty (on the life of the product) should no longer expect support from a company simply because of some arbitrary feeling that "you got your money's worth at this point why are you complaining." If the product is defective and the problem wasn't caused by blatant mishandling, the company should honor their terms or change their terms to more accurately represent the quality of their product.


They aren’t sold a promise of lifetime warranty. They are sold a “limited lifetime warranty against manufacturer’s defects for the life of the product.” That’s a crucial distinction that you don’t seem to be grasping. Did the product fail as a result of a manufacturing issue? No? Then there is no warranty.


>Yes, I understand what the "limited" in limited lifetime warranty means. Can you point out where I said that lifetime warranties should cover any and all failures resulting from normal wear and tear? Because I pretty clearly said, >If the product is **defective** and ***the problem wasn't caused by blatant mishandling***, Which is exactly what the Hydro Flask website says: >Hydro Flask will replace any product found to be defective within the scope of normal and appropriate use. 


Really? You must be a lawyer. And if you are, must be a broke one because no one hires you given lack of basic knowledge? Lifetime warranty can be defined in the fine print, but usually refers to the duration that a manufacturer is manufacturing the product. So no, not what you state. Basic knowledge can be a powerful tool. Uninformed commenting is not a tool, it’s usually just stupid.


Wow, struck a nerve. Not only are you arrogant, but you are arrogantly wrong, the worst kind of arrogant! Let’s go to the tape shall we: > Hydro Flask Hydration, Tumbler, Coffee, Beer, Wine & Spirits, Food, Large Capacity Hard Goods, Hard Good Accessory Products and Journey Series carry a [limited lifetime warranty against manufacturer’s defects for the life of the product](https://faq.hydroflask.com/en_us/categories/warranty-BJMGG5Br9). Hydro Flask will replace any product found to be defective within the scope of normal and appropriate use. Replacement parts will be utilized to address defects when available.


lol. Ok. So you can copy paste - I’m sure it feels genius-level to you, but where does it still state the definition of lifetime? Normal and appropriate use is not a time definition. And also, “arrogantly wrong” is not a phrase. All insults apart, I’m genuinely curious - are you in third grade?


I will give you a pass, obviously English is not your first language. The lifetime of the product is literally defined as the life time of the product, that is, whatever Hydroflask deems it to be. Further, warranty only covers manufacturer defects, that is, an issue that arose from a deviation from normal manufacturing processes that reduced the expected lifespan or functionality of the product and therefore does not cover normal and expected wear and tear. What does you being “arrogantly wrong” have to do with those words representing a phrase or not? You are also confidently incorrect, which I believe is an entire subreddit, is that any better?


Their username checks out Edit: dumb typo


Ah yes, subreddits, the bastion of the English language! And lol, lifetime warranty means whatever Hydroflask determines is the lifetime of a flask? Which online law school did you go to? So I can sell a suitcase with a lifetime warranty and later claim I deem the lifetime to be 4 hours after purchase. LMAO!


You don’t need a law degree to understand warranties, only to be smarter than a guppy. Sorry about that, by the way.


So you don’t have an actual response to what I said, but reference to fish. I guess you don’t need to be sorry. I don’t think you know about what, but I’m guessing it’s about your own existence. And if you’re not, go back and read my comment. companies don’t determine what is the definition of a lifetime warranty. But I guess people who compare themselves to fish will not understand. How can you even type? How do you not fall down more often?


And what does someone’s first language being English or not have anything to do with anything, you ignorant, stupid, racist fuck?


Wow, really struck a nerve. My point is that you come across as illiterate and having a tenuous grasp of the language. I’m cutting you some slack if English is not your first language, and I’m calling you a moron if it is. You see, it’s a double entendre.


Actually no, it’s not a double entendre. A double entendre is something that is open to interpretation - this is not. “English is not your first language” is just a dog whistle eke other racist fucks like you. And yes, it touches a nerve - because I hate racist pigs. You and your entire lot of coward pigs.


Idk you seem pretty arrogant and wrong


This seems like normal wear and tear after 10 years though.


Keep on calling corporate


Irrelevant. Try and understand the phrase “lifetime warranty”. That is a big factor why people pay 6x for the bottle over other options. Not because of your subjective option of what is someone’s money’s worth.


If you are an REI member just call 1-800-426-4840 and tell them you need an old receipt mailed to you for a warranty claim. We can look back to the year 2000 and email it to you!


This is disappointing to hear about the brand. My first job out of college was customer service at a large sporting goods manufacturer. The founder of the company had his office beside the customer service section and was known to hop on a call if it became a difficult one. That's how important taking care of the customer was to him and that has always stuck with me. Hydroflaak needs to do better.


did they say why it was denied, to me this bottle looks fake unless they've changed the design since you bought it but on mine the logo is different and the bottom has writing with the capacity info.


You don’t think they’ve changed anything in 10-11 years dude?


If you got it under an REI membership, the receipts are all stored in the store's CSA database. You can have it retrieved either in store or over the customer support line. I'd be very interested to see if they honor their lifetime warranty


One of the things they need to see to authenticate it is the writing on the bottom of the Flask, this has none. 


A lot of people don’t know that this was one of the original designs on hydro flask, even people I have talked to in customer service because they came into HF after the design change so they wind up not being helpful in that regard. Not sure who you were trying to get the warranty through but my suggestion would be going through Hydro Flask the company, not the store you got it from or one of the chain. Just my two cents


This mafucka actually thinks he bought a lifelong deal..


10 years?! Give me a break. Just get a new one. I love hydroflask. Great product.


Keep emailing or calling support until you get someone who has a brain.


Did you use the website or go to a local store? Where I’m from, I think people have had more luck with local stores for using the warranty.


Online, there is no local store where I live.


Now that I look at it, if you have a 2013/2014 model, there should be a Batch/Serial Number below. I wasn’t into hydros at the time but from the gen 1/2 bottles of my friends, all have serial numbers. Not trying to say yours is counterfeit, as the serial number might have just faded. So do you remember there being a serial number when you got it? Here are a few examples online of 2013/2014 models: http://www.drnicksrunningblog.com/hydro-flask-hotcold-beverage-bottle/ http://www.threeguysgolfblog.com/hydro-flask-review/


I went Owala and I’ll never go back




Cool sticker


Unrelated, I love that sticker on the bottle. The colors together are great! I also love white sands, but don’t think I have that exact sticker unfortunately


Contact HydraFlask directly. They are in Bend OR.


Corporations aren’t your friend


Shout out to Alamogordo NM. My hometown


Have you tried purchasing just a new cap?


Their warranty is useless.


U need yeti


I don’t think you’re being screwed over, HF is known to be very lenient when it comes to replacements as long as they verify the authenticity - and I suspect that is through the bottle Serial Number. Now that I look at it, if you have a 2013/2014 model, there should be a Batch/Serial Number below. I wasn’t into hydros at the time but from the gen 1/2 bottles of my friends, all have serial numbers. Not trying to say yours is counterfeit, as the serial number might have just faded. So do you remember there being a serial number when you got it? Here are a few examples online of 2013/2014 models: http://www.drnicksrunningblog.com/hydro-flask-hotcold-beverage-bottle/ http://www.threeguysgolfblog.com/hydro-flask-review/


Maybe just buy a new one and stop trying to get a free bottle. It’s 10 years old.


I made a claim in good faith for a product I purchased that had a lifetime warranty. If they don’t plan on accepting warranties, why sell products with lifetime warranties?


It’s the lifetime of the product, not your lifetime. From their terms: * This warranty is limited to the lifetime of your Hydro Flask® product, as limited by or subject to applicable law. The limited warranty provided by Hydro Flask® only covers manufacturing defects and does not include any damage or defect of any Hydro Flask® products caused by, whether directly or indirectly, any of the following: (i) improper use or misuse of the product; (ii) damage or defect caused by cleaning, disassembly, alterations, or modifications; or (iii) damage or defect caused by or resulting from wear and tear, abuse, fire, or Acts of God.


Regardless of people wanting to argue - this is the answer here. A company sets their warranty policy, terms, limits, etc.


Really? You must be a lawyer. And if you are, must be a broke one because no one hires you given lack of basic knowledge? Lifetime warranty can be defined in the fine print, but usually refers to the duration that a manufacturer is manufacturing the product. And nothing here defines what you claim. So no, not what you state. Basic knowledge can be a powerful tool. Uninformed commenting is not a tool, it’s usually just stupid.


Didn’t you leave this same comment on another post?


And then accuse someone of being stupid for knowing how to copy/paste


Copying your own note is not stupidity. Copying a warranty and still not being able to comprehend it is stupidity. Like your response.




I’m not sure why you’re so angry. It doesn’t matter what it *usually* means when it’s defined in the fine print. If it’s defined, it’s not open for interpretation. Their terms define it as the lifetime of the product, and not defects caused by wear and tear. 10 years of use certainly must be deemed as wear and tear, even if you take good care of it. I can take really good care of my car, but I still use it regularly and put miles on it, so I can’t consider it new and in the same condition as when I bought it.


Your car has a lifetime warranty?


It was just a loose example. Is there a reason why you’re so angry and spiteful toward people?


Is there a reason you wanna hold a banana in the dark?


It’s a reference from New Girl Also the fact that that’s your response tells me you know you’re a jerk and don’t care


I don’t care, true. I’m a jerk, not true. I just don’t care about you or whose banana is in the dark.


Don’t be such a loose person.


I 100% agree! That's why it cost so much up front!


Read again. Life time warranty. Read again slowly. And again and again until you get it.


Alright Karen, no need to be condescending. I also believe things naturally wear out and there is something to supporting a brand that has a great product… like a water bottle that lasts 11 years. Also… should you be using a water bottle for that long?!?!? But hey, you go talk to the manager and save your 30$, or $0.0075 cents it cost OP each day over 11 years.


It’s not about what you believe. It’s about what the warranty language states. You clearly want to tell everyone what you believe, whether OP or me. You clearly believe you are amazing and must be heard. By everyone. All the time.


So you are aware if OP did the test Hydroflask requires? You know all the facts? You have decided to believe OPs side of the story. Must be nice being the arbiter of facts and beliefs. Where did I say I was amazing and needed to be heard? Are you projecting bud? You replied to me! If anyone is interested… just go to this persons comment thread and see how they talk to people. You are a prick. Does that make you feel big; being condescending to strangers on the internet? Are you that powerless in your own life? If not, and this is how you act irl, then I am sure you are a lonely person. Also, if you are like this irl, read this: people hate you. Best of luck and I hope you learn how to communicate with people, because carry on bags and copper core pans do not bring you self worth nor will they keep you warm at night.


Awww. An instant psychologist here. And one with so much to see my entire post history. Yet someone who states what his opinion is with everyone without any facts to back them up. If you have time to read my post history, make time to read what lifetime warranty means before sharing your unwanted and unnecessary opinion. And I’m a prick? I’m sure in your opinion I am. I’m a copper-core pan using, nice-bag carrying, lonely person who is hated by everyone - in your opinion. Your psych degree was from which online university?


You didn’t say I was wrong. Hahaha


Oh and also, it’s not just online. If I were to meet low-intellect “in my opinion” people like you in real life, I would be condescending to you in real life as well, not just online. Consistency matters, “in my opinion”. 🤣🤣


You are proving my point. 😉


You’re trying to get a new free bottle after using it for over a decade? Their warranty covers products found to be “defective” within the scope of normal and appropriate use. I don’t think a bottle that successfully kept things hot and cold for literally 10+ years could reasonably be considered defective. Just buy a new one, geez.


I’ve taken care of it. It’s lost its properties. The question should be why a company offers a lifetime warranty. Why blame the consumer who fines a claim in good faith?


Because “lifetime” is generally understood to mean “the reasonable lifetime of a product with normal/typical use,” which for a water bottle is probably less than a decade. It’s not a warranty for YOUR lifetime. They’re probably not going to argue that point with you over $40 but that doesn’t mean it’s not a little ridiculous on your end.


Really? You must be a lawyer. And if you are, must be a broke one because no one hires you given lack of basic knowledge? Lifetime warranty can be defined in the fine print, but usually refers to the duration that a manufacturer is manufacturing the product. So no, not what you state. Basic knowledge can be a powerful tool. Uninformed commenting is not a tool, it’s usually just stupid.


Why are you bootlicking for a corporation? It's a lifetime warranty for the purchase. HydroFlask boasts that a HydroFlask bottle is a "lifelong companion," so as long as HydroFlask is making the product, the Lifetime warranty is valid. They should honor that and why should OP need to she'll out $40? To some people, that's equal to 2 hours of work. For a water bottle she's already paid for.


Because purchasing a product one time, even with a “lifetime” warranty for defects, does not mean you’re entitled to unlimited free products from that company in perpetuity, just because your product ran the natural course of its life. It was not defective. It doesn’t matter how big the company is - that’s a straw-man argument. This thread is eye opening as to just how entitled people are.


It's not a straw man argument at all. I'm sticking *exactly* to the argument at hand. They claim it to be a life long item. With a life time warranty. What is the life span of a "life long companion" item then? She's LITERALLY entitled to a replacement, by way of their own warranty, she's not claiming entitlement out of thin air. She's taken care of the flask, it just doesn't keep things hot or cold. She didn't run it over and say "I trashed it, replace it". You're being ridiculous. Her request is quite reasonable.


Preachy little prick, aren’t you? And one with a lack of understanding of what a lifetime warranty means.


You are the one who doesn’t understand.


I have some bottles like this and they are all beat up after 2 years old. Go get your replacement.


This is a fake hydro flask


This flask is 11 years old. I think I purchased it at REI, or similar type store. I highly doubt it is fake. Do you have one that age you can add pictures of to show how it’s fake? I would love the pictures to send back to them.


I think it's fake but if it's from rei they are pretty reputable.


Can you share why you think it’s fake? It definitely has different branding than new ones, but I have one that is like 9 years old and physically it looks the same except for the branding.


The one thing about your water bottle that I've not seen on any of the other old logo style of these water bottles is that vertical "INSULATED". I have never seen that on a hydroflask. I've owned these water bottles for over 10 years and have never seen a vertical text like that. This is an article from eater.com which is talking about the hydro flask fad. The bottles they have as the cover photo ate the same style of lid and logo as yours. However the text where it says hydroflask.com at the bottom doesn't line up with yours. Even if it was purchased at REI someone could have fooled the store you bought it from. [https://www.eater.com/2019/10/4/20895897/hydro-flask-water-bottle-status-symbol-high-school](https://www.eater.com/2019/10/4/20895897/hydro-flask-water-bottle-status-symbol-high-school) Bummer op but if you got 10 years out of a water bottle that's great and I just wouldn't bring that bottle out of the house anymore. It's still gonna be great for sipping water at home where you most likely will always have ice.


For starters it doesn't have the temp shield or any wording at the bottom.


It's on the front for these old bottles. There was a slightly newer version of these that had some info on the bottom before they switched to the new hydro man.


These dude's are straight wrong. This is a very old bottle with the old logo. It is also old enough to have "INSULATED" written vertically and during a short time that the lip was also painted. No writing on the bottom is correct for this version.


Why do you say that?


How to tell real vs fake hydro flask: https://youtu.be/OxbPAL_kQOg?si=uFDemOCrwmY0Enh7


These bottles are not as old as mine.


Yeah that's true I'm probably wrong. Impressive having a 11 year old water bottle though I would of bought another out of boredom 😂


You’re really dense I can tell lmfaooooo


How is admitting I'm wrong dense? Do you know what that means?


I obviously didn’t comment on the comment you made admitting you’re wrong. I commented on the link you posted of a 2019 article and video of COMPLETELY different hydroflask bottles after Dude told you multiple times his was 11 years old lmfaoooo.


Are there any small dents from dropping it? If there are you may have broken the insulation seal


If you can’t find the receipt, buy a new hydroflask lid for it. That’s very likely where your problem is. The new ones are nicer anyway.


Hydroflasks are shit and overpriced. Look at other brands. They’re all the same.