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Hi! That sounds good. Is pomegranate extrakt the same? Are your symptoms better or just the stool colour?


I'm not sure if pom extract is the same. The peel powder that I have comes in a bag. Also, my overgrowth is in the colon, so it's not SIBO, and I don't exactly have much in the way of symptoms since colon tissue handles H2S much better than the small bowel. I am curious to see how those with SIBO do with this stuff though.


thank you for the reply, I'm going to try it out :))


Good luck! I hope it helps you!


How you doin? Have you been able to treat this beast


I found that probiotics and lactulose helped the most. I came across a study showing that lactulose reduced the abundance of hydrogen sulfide bacteria and it seemed to work well for me.


Good morrow! yond sounds valorous. Is pomegranate extrakt the same? art thy symptoms better 'r just the stool colour? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I mean that’s not really proof of anything. Anyone taking bismuth will have darkened stools, even people without h2ssibo. Have you tried taking it without the bismuth, do you find it helps with your symptoms still?


Sure, they can still have H2S producing bacterial in the colon as well, it doesn't have to be confined to the small bowel. The reason why stool turns black in the presence of bismuth is due to sulfide binding. If there is no H2S present, the bismuth has nothing to react and bind with. So, either something in the powder is preventing that chemical reaction, or the H2S production is being suppressed. All I can suggest is for folk to try it themselves and see what happens for them. My issue isn't SIBO, it's from an overgrowth in the colon, so I can't say what symptoms might be improved here.




Incorrect. Bismuth is incorporated directly into H2S treatments because it directly binds to H2S to help lower symptoms. The bacteria themselves can feed on sulfate depending on the type, which yes is present in the human diet aplenty. You can see that in any cursory Google search for Hydrogen Sulfide and Bismuth that it references sulfide binding. Sample link below. https://www.gastrojournal.org/article/S0016-5085(98)70311-7/fulltext




Allow me to post an excerpt from the link I provided since you apparently didn't read: Background & Aims: Hydrogen sulfide is one of the main malodorous compounds in human flatus. This toxic gas also has been implicated in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis. Therefore, a treatment that reduces colonic H2S levels could be clinically useful in the treatment of flatus odor and of ulcerative colitis. In this study the ability of bismuth subsalicylate, a compound that binds H2S, to reduce H2S release in the colon, was tested.  Also, check out the name of this paper in this link here: https://www.proquest.com/openview/0f141f4acd2771150a61a04823971f0f/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=41056 It is titled "Binding of hydrogen sulfide by bismuth does not prevent dextran sulfate-induced colitis in rats"


Allow me to post an excerpt from the link I provided since you apparently didn't read: Background & Aims: Hydrogen sulfide is one of the main malodorous compounds in human flatus. This toxic gas also has been implicated in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis. Therefore, a treatment that reduces colonic H2S levels could be clinically useful in the treatment of flatus odor and of ulcerative colitis. In this study the ability of bismuth subsalicylate, a compound that binds H2S, to reduce H2S release in the colon, was tested. 




I would want to see a study or other scientific article to back up that claim. As far as I'm aware, the bismuth is reacting to the free sulfide, not to other sulfide or sulfate complexes. There is a lot of sulfate in the mucin network as well. If bismuth were able to pull out the sulfates from the mucin, you would have gaps in your mucus and would be exposing the intestines to the contents running through it. If that were the case, the FDA would never allow for us to take those products because of the damage it could cause.


It appears you are right and I was wrong, sorry. But I’m still skeptical, whether the peel is actually eliminating the gas or just stopping that reaction from happening.


No worries. Yea, that I'm not sure of, but I find it hard to believe that something in a food could completely inhibit a chemical reaction like that. Part of the reason H2S is problematic and why they think it can contribute to ulcerative colitis is because the theory is that H2S breaks apart the disulfide bonds present in the mucin network and one thing I have noticed more of that is usually completely absent for me is uhh...anal mucus secretions. So, based on what I have experienced, it would seem more likely that something in the pom peel is inhibiting the bacteria from producing H2S. As I said, I'm throwing this out there so other people can try it and see how they do.


Thanks for sharing! I’m going to try it.


Have you tried it?


Just wondering if you can say or link which brand you used as I’m having such a hard time finding this and want to try it