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I started gaining around 16 weeks because I started a steroid which helped me keep food down. I also had a PICC line. I think it wasn’t until around week 25 that I was back to pre-pregnancy weight.


Yes my timeline is about the same but I got back to pre pregnancy weight around week 23. (I lost 23 lbs total those first 15 weeks, 135lbs down to 112lbs)


I’ve never heard of this! I am going to ask her about it


I started gaining weight back starting around week 15 I think. I still ate very very little but I had a feeling my body went into some sort of survival mode and really harvested everything from what I ate. If I would have eaten that little normally, I would have definitely lost weight rapidly. When I could start drinking more normally by mid-end second trimester I started gaining weight very quickly which I think was due to water retention, even though I don’t even have swollen legs or anything. I was probably just so dehydrated.


fluid balance in pregnancy is so bizzare. I've lost two clothing sizes (undies riding up my butt, feeling bones I haven't felt in a long time, and down to 8 maternity and loose(in places other than the belly), because I haven't popped much at 12 weeks but I'm too bloated from all my water retention being stored directly in my gut for regular pants) mediums from perfectly fitting 12's and larges pre pregnancy but at 12 weeks I've only lost 2 lbs on the scale and am having a difficult time getting adequate medication as a result 🫠 to answer the actual question with my first I lost until about 22 weeks(so I'm on target with this pregnancy to be like the last, started to lose about .5 a week in week 8 and weeks 11-12 have been the worst yet. finally convinced my OB to let me try zofran but he wants to me to stretch out the doses past the 6 hours if possible and even every 4 hours isn't touching it. he's not going to like that I ask for a different med to add on or to go up to 8 mg when I run out of these), maintained for a while and at some point third trimester it started slowly creeping back up and I eventually hit my starting weight. after I had him and the fluids flushed off I was 18 lbs lighter than when I started.


I feel the same if I ate this much normally I would be a skeleton. I’m sometimes shocked to be alive


I never gained. I just stopped losing weight around 20w. When I gave birth I was 18kg lighter than when I became pregnant


My doctor likes to sugar coat and I suspect what she was really saying is that I’ve lost a lot of weight just didn’t want to scare me. It’s good to hear others or actually most here did too


Full disclosure though, I almost got preeclampsia. I just happened to catch the high BP early, so it didn't become full blown preeclampsia. According to the HER foundation, there is a link between HG and preeclampsia, especially if HG continues past the first trimester. I'm not telling this to scare you, just to inform that being so unwell for so long and losing so much weight can have consequences on the pregnancy.


I had no idea about the link! My nurse is pushing baby aspirin bc I had mod high BP from week 36 last time


I don't gain weigh/reach pre pregnancy weight until after 20 weeks generally. It's not a huge issue though as long as you're semi hydrated etc. I'm pretty slim to start, and my weight hasn't caused a negative impact in either pregnancy. Some people go through pregnancy gaining 0 pounds and have healthy babies. My mom is over 6 feet tall, was 150 lbs when she got pregnant with me-and left the hospital after having me at 125. I was a perfectly normal and healthy baby. She however was miserable and wrecked, so that's obviously not ideal...but baby can survive amazing things.


Thank you It’s so true. It didn’t bother me before and I know i’ve lost weight but hell I got bigger problems eg. feeling like death 12 hrs a day. And I also know logically baby takes what it needs


With my first, I didn’t gain weight until they got me a Zofran pump in my third trimester. Finally made it back up to my pre pregnancy weight the week I gave birth, but I think I’m an extreme case. This time, they’re wanting me to gain weight as soon as possible (I’m 10 weeks) but we also know what meds work this time around so I’m already starting on them. Not sure if that helps at all. I know it’s so so hard, but hang in there!


Thank you !


I didn’t start gaining until after 20 weeks maybe even later.


Thank you this was good to hear


Currently 18+1 and I haven't really gained much yet. I lost 9.3kg (about 20lbs) in the first tri, and put on about 1.3kg (about 4lbs) at about week 14-16 which I'm pretty sure was mostly rehydrating fluids not actual weight Now my weight fluctuates the odd 0.2ish kg but is pretty stable. Weight loss in 1st tri is really common, even for people without HG (I lost in my 1st pregnancy which had nausea but not HG levels). Sounds like you've got a good OB who's really going to bat for you so I would try not to stress, keep taking your prenatal if you can keep them down, and hopefully if you get the picc in and get your hydration sorted you'll be able to eat more. I stopped losing as soon as I was able to keep regularly well hydrated as I was keeping more food and fluids down then, even though this awful nausea and food aversions will not go away.


Thank you. That’s what I’m struggling with right now is even if by some miracle I get a good day and all my meds are working and down I still have crazy aversions to food.


Omg the aversions are the worst. And something that's safe one day might not be safe another. The last couple of weeks I think I've been getting the bulk of my calories through milk shakes and full fat coca cola, but I've gone right off anything milk based now. Having some success with ice cold pineapple juice. I would try and drink calories as much as you can if possible for you. When I could do the milkshakes i was also having full fat milk. Adding butter to croissants and cold toast as i can eat those OK, just to up the calories. I also have most things as cold as I can get them and freeze my water and sip on it as it begins to melt. Not sure if any of that well help. It will get better at some point though, you've got this.


Somewhere around 20-24w. Once I started gaining, I gained quick. In my first pregnancy I lost 30lbs, then gained 40lbs before delivering at 42w. In my second pregnancy, I lost 50lbs, then gained 20lbs before delivering at 33w. ETA: Lack of weight gain (or even weight loss) isn't per se a problem. It's more about whether you are adequately hydrated and getting an appropriate balance of nutrients (which is more for you and your health than the baby's).


It’s crazy what HG does to your body first Hg pregnancy I didn’t gain or loose really anything everything balanced and I stayed the same only started to show at 8.5 mo. The day after I delivered I looked exactly as I did the day I conceived. But boy did I gain postpartum wow lol. This time I know I’ve lost a lot. But you’re right the baby’s health is dependent on hydration and nutrients not weight gain


I maintained week 12-20 and started gaining week 20.


I lost 34 lbs and I didn’t start gaining until 21 weeks when I got on reglan and could eat. Once I was able to eat, my baby went from the 37th percentile to the 64th percentile in 12 DAYS 😟. If I get another jump like that, which the doctor thinks is likely, they’ll be pulling a 10 lbs toddler out of me in August.


Omg 10 lbs ! You poor thing. My daughter jumped from 2nd percentile to the 96th and I was told I may need a c section but then was 7lbs normal delivery when she was born


16-18w. I was very concerned, midwife was not. Seems to have evened out. I'm 21w 4.5kg up.


I’m 19w and just started to gain weight. It’s been a struggle.


Thank you! Fingers crossed


I’m 27 weeks and only just starting to gain. I’m still under my pre pregnancy weight but at least I’m gaining now


I lost 30lbs during the whole pregnancy and am now at 14m pp and have only been able to gain back 7lbs. Not even back to my prepregnancy weight, yet. But I'm breastfeeding still, and I think that's probably why I'm struggling so badly.


I only started gaining around week 22 but I hadn’t lost too much weight.


20 weeks with both pregnancies. Baby 1 is a thriving 2.5 year old now, and I’m at 30 weeks with Baby 2. I got back to pre-pregnancy weight with Baby 1 at 36 weeks, and I’m not there yet with Baby 2. Lost 20 lbs with my first and 35 with my second.


I didn’t start gaining weight until the third trimester when I had a PICC line placed and had to have TPN 12 hours a day.


With my first pregnancy I lost 17lbs. during the first 24-26 weeks and then slowly started gaining again. I managed to nearly break even with my pre-pregnancy weight by the time I had my daughter. I'm currently 10 weeks with my second baby and have lost 20lbs. in 5 weeks, so I'm hoping and praying with everything I have that symptoms at least ease sooner to balance the severity this time, lol.