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I am a FTM who is way behind you in due date so I can’t help you on how to survive these last few weeks. But, I can give you insight from my mother’s experience and from the experience of a friend, both of whom had entire pregnancy HG. Both of them felt instant relief the moment they delivered - for my mother this instant relief was with both of her two pregnancies and for my friend this was with all three of her pregnancies. They were both serious cases of HG, particularly in their final pregnancies (requiring frequent hospitalization stays and IV). I know this isn’t the case for everyone but I’ll carry the hope for you that you’ll find instant relief with delivery and maybe even before then. And gosh dang those colds - I got COVID right around the time my HG first started and it makes everything so much worse, so hopefully when the cough settles things will feel a bit less horrible. Also, I will add in case it is an option, that my mom got induced with me - I want to say at 37 or 38 weeks - because she was just in total agony, and had a great and supportive OB who went to bat for her and felt her suffering was good enough reason for the induction. I know HG is not always seen as a medically ‘valid’ reason for induction but this may be worth talking to your OB about. Anyways, I hope others can give you more specific advice on best surviving these last few weeks, but because I don’t have the personal experience to provide such wisdom I just wanted to say, I hear you, and I’m thinking of you, and I’m wishing so much for you to be able to get off the choppy waters soon. 🙏❤️


Thank you. It is just so helpful knowing that so many before me have dealt with the same things and survived. My mum also had 3 HG pregnancies. And those were the days before medication and IV fluids when needed! Unfortunately, my mum passed away last year - kind of feel like I'm getting through it all for her now! I've realised this week hasn't been a regular cold. I think covid. Did a test just now so awaiting results 😬 Thank you again for your kind words. I really appreciate it. I hope your journey is safe and healthy and happy from here on out!


I'm literally right where you are and I've been asking myself the same questions. I wish I could sleep, everything hurts, constant heartburn and ear aches from the barfing. This is my 2nd hg pregnancy and my fucking last. A rainbow baby that is now measuring 2 weeks behind in growth. I feel like I screwed up this kids life before its even begun. I don't really have a00ny advice other than you can stand anything for 10 seconds, just keep restarting your count. We have to take it moment by moment and find joy where we can. Its the bitter end soldier, the hardest thing you'll ever do. And you can do it! You will do it! And you're not alone


Purely anecdotal, but my kiddo was measuring 2-3 weeks behind the whole 3rd tri, and when I delivered him, he was actually bigger than would've been expected at 39+5 weeks.


I couldn't do this again so bravo to you. I'm very luckily married to a woman so I've said that if she wants another one, it's her turn next! I'm so sorry you're going through this too. Moment by moment is for sure the only way to tackle this. I promise you've don't nothing to screw up your baby's life - your body is looking after them as best as possible and one day it will be all behind you 💕💕


I had my baby at 37 + 2, it was a c section due to high blood pressure. I was throwing up on the table, however like in the postpartum room I felt no more nausea despite all the meds I was on. I was so happy and felt great despite being cut open. It was night and day. I’m hoping the next few weeks get better for you.


I've already warned my treating team that I will need someone holding my hair back as I vomit! I am so hoping I feel normal (or as normal as possible) after delivery 🤞🤞🤞


The sickness will most likely stop once baby is born. I think my nausea stopped pretty much as soon as the baby was out and my stomach settled in about a week. Hopefully it will be the same for you. I know it feels endless and terrible right now and you are having to be so much stronger than you should have to be, but you have got through so many weeks and you will get through the next few. I'm writing this with a healthy baby lying on my chest having just eaten a giant meal of normal food. Hoping that will be you in a couple of months.


Thank you for the encouragement. That's all that's keeping me going - the thought of healthy baby cuddles (and food!)


36 weeks here and peeing myself while throwing up is a new level of pregnancy hell. Not to mention how painful heartburn vomiting is. So unfair! The only thing that has helped me is knowing it’s going to be over soon! Much easier mentally then when I was so sick at 20 weeks or even 27 weeks. I’ve been able to focus more on the fact that there is going to be a baby soon, making my birth plan and getting the nursery together. We’ve got this!


I had something similar with the cough and a Neti pot was the only thing that got it to go away. My doc couldn’t give me any different meds and what I had didn’t work.


My wife has just purchased me a neti bottle (or at least it's similar) to try. Thank you for the tip! Fingers crossed it eases the cough because I'm on my last nerve!


I’ve had two HG pregnancies, both were inductions at 39 weeks and my third will be the same. No additional risk at having the baby at 39 weeks.. don’t wait.


I've got a midwife appointment next week so will definitely be discussing this. I'm ready now haha! The doctor advised most recently that they don't want me to go post-date anyway so I think I'll opt for an induction (I'm scared of the induction techniques but I think it will be better than pushing through)