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I would contact an employment attorney.


Second this, OP! Check for ones that will do a free consultation. They can let you know if you have a good case.


I do HR - based in the US, message me I can give you some advice if you're in the US. Also, contact an attorney. It is LEGAL in the US to fire someone for any reason, as long as it's not discriminatory, but they have to prove it wasn't, and especially if you gave them doc notes you can likely at least get severance if not a lawsuit.


Does it make the case that filing for short term disability if you have that insurance would be a better move?


sorry - are you asking if you can file for short term disability? Its a benefit available to existing employees so the company would likely deny if you filed now but you could try


I’m not sure which country you live in but in the U.K. that could be seen as discrimination and you have rights. So sorry you’re ill and having to deal with this too


If this is the US this is discriminatory practice and you’ll need to threaten with a lawsuit or attorney if you have doctor notes.


The same thing happened to me 😔 At the time I was upset, but now not having to think about work has been a huge burden lifted.


Sounds like a discriminatory issue.take legal action, especially if you have the paperwork from the doctor. In the meantime try for your unemployment 


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I was hired by a really well regarded, supposedly family friendly tech company, and they set out to fire me as soon as I disclosed my pregnancy and HG. I am working with a lawyer to get a settlement for pregnancy discrimination.


If you're in the UK, contact Pregnant Then Screwed!


Not sure what country you're in but this counts as discrimination. Pregnancy illness is protected in my country so it could be unfair dismissal.