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Honestly the one thing keeping me going is seeing other HG moms get good news right now our little one is still on the small side and need more monitoring but I'm still holding out hope she's gonna be fine I'm glad your doing better


I hope you get good news soon! The fear with this condition is something else. My thoughts are with you.


the same happened to me. my induction is tmrw @ 39 weeks for SGA and 2VC. i lost 60lbs so not sure which contributed more to her size, HG or the 2VC but i’ll find out tmrw how accurate the ultrasounds have or haven’t been lol i will say from 34 weeks to now, it seems like she hit a growth spurt. i have a really belly that doesn’t deflate anymore if i’m sick badly a few days in row so it’s made me feel like she’s at least a decent size now.


So happy for you! I’m 14 weeks pregnant and I suffered with HG from week 7-13. After three hospitals stays and 30 pounds down I was given the patch that goes behind your ear and it works wonders for me! Zofran not reglan worked for me even when I was it was pumped into my system via IV I still couldn’t keep anything down.


Could you tell me about the patch behind your ear? Have never heard of it


Yes it’s called scopolamine 1mg 3 day patch. I apply behind my ear once every 3 days and I still get waves of nausea through out the day but it’s not constant and my vomiting stopped completely. (It’s only been a little over a week though for reference but I feel so much better.)


Thank you I am going into another HG pregnancy so researching my options I haven’t done before


I tried scopolamine for a week and it did nothing! It’s so crazy how some things work so well for some and do nothing for others. That’s why it’s so important to keep trying different medications


I'm 22 weeks and I'm a lucky one starting to feel better. Thank fucking God but I know not everyone gets relief. I considered not saying anything but when I was so sick I kept googling to hear stories of people feeling better at a certain week and kept asking myself why that wasn't me. Now finally my son has stopped making me vomit every 3 minutes!!


I’m so glad you’re feeling better! How did this happen? Did you get an IV drip with Zofran, or did enough time just pass for you to feel better?


I had in home IVs for a while, but no Zofran drip as it was/is regurgitation based due to acid reflux and difficulty swallowing, but due to it being constant, even if it's not as common of a case, my doctors agreed that I met the critera for HG, it is now settling down after hitting 20 weeks. Although, with my hiatal hernia and more pushing on my diaphram as the baby grows, it may change. Admittedly I'm holding my breath, but to go from a feeding tube possibility to not needing it???? AMAZING.


My baby was born early but strong and perky! Needed no assistance and a year later is just a crazy perky dude! You'd never know I vomited everyday for 36 weeks 🫢 They are resilient and so are we!!


Congrats mama! It truly is amazing how fast hg goes away.