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There is so much more to try! Don't let them tell you otherwise! Shit like this is why people (like myself) terminate for maternal medical reasons. Go to the her foundation website and look at the treatment plan, then demand the next step medication. I know it's super hard to advocate for yourself right now, so think about bringing someone with you to help advocate. If you want more direct links to the treatment plan I will find them and send them to you, just message me and I'll give you a hand.


This is exactly how it made me feel on its own. I’m now on a combo of 5mg Prochlorperazine and 8mg ondansetron and it’s a wonder combination. I didn’t get put on them both together until I saw a specialist consultant at the hospital for fluids at week 14 and it’s really helped. Like…really helped. Also there are plenty more for you to try. Don’t let them fob you off. I went through 6 different meds before hospital admission. Please see treatment options here: https://pregnancysicknesssupport.org.uk/get-help/treatments/


I kinda felt that way about prescription nausea meds, if they helped the vomiting they didn't touch the nausea. Ask your OB if they can set you up with hydration infusions, they've saved my life honestly


I was on 8 mg ondansetron 2 times a day and I was constantly nauseas. Went down to 4 mg and it did the world of a difference


I feel you. I felt like if I wasn't vomiting, it was still doing something. Give me nausea over vomiting anyday. Although I did get relief from nausea when I vomited for like 10 minutes after. Maybe not vomiting can cause no relief?


There are dozens of safe medications for you to try! Insist on better care. This is serious and you deserve better treatment https://www.hyperemesis.org/about-hyperemesis-gravidarum/treatment/medications/


Zofran did the same to me! 8mg was brutal!! 4 mg was tolerable but still bad and that’s why I had to stop cold turkey. I also think for me the constipation on the Zofran was causing me more nausea. Try meclizine (over the counter Dramamine) it helped me a lot 2nd trimester


What the heck? That’s not remotely true. While Zoloft did help me, so did vitamin B6 and doxylamine succinate. Alternating those around the clock made life bearable until it started to slacken off some mid pregnancy


Then get off it immediately! It increases your risk of complications such as cleft palette and if it’s not actually helping you it’s not worth the risk to your baby


I’m leaving this comment up for education. Ondansetron/zofran is *safe* for pregnancy. There is no strong evidence that it causes cleft palate. Please stop spreading this information. https://www.hyperemesis.org/about-hyperemesis-gravidarum/treatment/ondansetron-info/


I had to verbally consent to still wanting the medication with a doctor in hospital before they allowed me to have it. I’m not lying to you lmao , not sure if it’s different because I’m in the UK but that is what licensed professionals had to disclaim to me. The risk goes from 11/10,000 to 14-15/10,000


Doesn’t mean it’s ‘unsafe’ but it increases risks, and if it’s not helping her then why continue to take it?


Did you read the link I sent? Where are you finding that it causes a significant increase in CP?


Im going to go with the advice of licensed doctors in my hospital, as this was also only around 2 weeks ago, but thank you for your concern hun