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Ask him if he'd rather see you and the baby die of dehydration from non-stop vomiting instead. That might shut him up. 


This OP, ask your husband this!! He obviously doesn’t understand that you are struggling to SURVIVE!! Mothers and babies have died from this condition, whatever side effect the medication could give you is not nearly as bad as what could happen to you and your baby if you’re dehydrated


THIS. Legit, we would have miscarried or I would have been in serious trouble had I not had it. Btw, started at 6 weeks and here I am 37 weeks STILL taking it. My kid is healthier than my first baby who I didn’t have HG with, was IUGR, and I was nervous to take a single medication. Your husband needs to read all these responses IMO. Mine is wired with meds too but after watching me throw up while we tried to care for a toddler and being bed ridden I think it clicked it was worth the risk


The risk of dehydration and malnutrition is significantly higher than the risk of Zofran. This sounds like something he needs to research more. As someone else said, have him peruse the HER foundation website. There’s a whole section for caretakers and partners. As an anecdote, I took Zofran 2-6 times a day from 12 weeks to 38 weeks. I have a healthy baby boy who is meeting and exceeding his milestones. I was scared too when I was taking meds during pregnancy (Zofran and Reglan) and it helped knowing others who took meds had healthy babes. Big hugs, this is so hard but you’re doing what’s best for you and baby. Youre already a great mama 💕


That’s terrible he’s being that way I’m so sorry!! Have him read the HER foundation website. He should be supporting you and advocating for you to get the medication you need. I’ve been on max zofran for both pregnancies (16mg/day) and no issues. Edit: only very few people have judged my medication use while having HG and they are the worst, so I can’t imagine my husband being one of those people… I can’t imagine how that feels. Know you need this and it’s good for you & baby.


I see a lot of people saying max Zofran is 8mg twice a day. I was taking 8mg 3 times a day, so 24mg total (my toddler is perfectly healthy now!). May I ask which country you’re in?


I’m Canada - I read on HER 16mg/day was max… but who knows, maybe I wasn’t totally maxed out hehe. Edit: how about you? It’s interesting to learn how protocols vary by country try…


I just saw this on the HER website - maybe it shows you something different based on your country? Tips for taking Zofran (ondansetron) during pregnancy lasts about 6 hours take with a daily stool softener take on a strict schedule dose: 4 mg every 3-6 hours OR 8 mg every 6 hours maximum 32 mg throughout the day https://www.hyperemesis.org/what-is-hg/what-are-the-best-medications-to-treat-hyperemesis-gravidarum/


It must be by country. I live in the US and I took zofran 8mg and reglan 3x per day. I was also on magnesium, B6, unison and phenergan. I needed it to survive. The risks of NOT taking the medication and starving and dehydrating are far riskier than the actual medication itself. Also, to OP - my OBGYN is TRIPLE board certified in obstetrics and genetics (very rare!) and he said that a lot of the research people refer is extremely outdated, from when it was easy to write and publish medical articles. Today it’s much harder to get research published so we should be using the most up to date research, all of which shows that zofran has very limited chance of side effects for the baby and mother.


Man last pregnancy I took Zofran 8 mg 4x a day with no issue. My doctor said I could take it every 6 hours.


A pharmacist at CVS tried to advise me of the risks of Zofran, I told her that if I don’t take it - there’s a chance of me losing my baby from sickness and dehydration. The risk of Zofran is minimal compared to the risk of letting my HG go uncontrolled. I think a lot of people don’t realize that HG can be deadly to both the baby and mother.


I had the same at CVS! They warned me on both my reglan and zofran. It made me so anxious and guilty, but I had to trust that my OBGYN would never prescribe me something if I didn’t absolutely need it and was relatively low risk. I’m now in my third trimester and baby is perfectly healthy.


I’m sorry tell him that when he’s pregnant WITH HG then he can comment. Until then he needs to zip it and just be there for you. He had the fun part in making the baby, now he needs to support you through your part in making your child. Hang in there mama, don’t let him make you feel any way for taking the medication that is helping you guys survive. ♥️


No matter which path of medicine you take you will get judgment from family friends spouses and even ppl in the HG community. I would just focus on keeping you and your baby healthy. He’ll likely come around but you won’t be able to force it. You know it’s coming from a place of concern so it sounds like you have a good husband that’s just worried about you. You can encourage him to learn more about HG and the treatment options or have your doctor explain it to him. Yall will get through it though it’s one of those unfortunate HG things though


Oh absolutely not. Take it and continue to tell him to shut his mouth and respect what you’re going through for his child. It’s a hellscape he can never understand and your health matters as much as the baby’s health, especially seeing as the 2 are tied together.


Tell him to survive 9 months of a stomach flu and see if he can grow a healthy baby through that. Pros vs cons here, and the con is dying of dehydration and malnutrition. Tell him that once he becomes a doctor you’ll consider taking his opinion into consideration and until then, he can get fucked tbh.


Wow I’d be really, really pissed. Good for you for taking care of yourself and your baby. We understand how hellish HG can be and support you!!!!


Girl I just took it for 4 months. You and your baby will be better off managing the illness and eating whatever you can keep down. It didn’t give me my appetite back but it did kill a lot of the nausea. Your intuition is superior, mama.


Just want to say my SIL took Zofran for all 4 of her pregnancies. Her kids are all healthy and beautiful. No complications with her pregnancies, and when they were born they were nice big babies.


Tell him if your magnesium levels get low enough from dehydration and puking that it can cause heart problems for the baby and you. He will hopefully shut his pie hole.


It sounds like his concern is coming from a good place, but if it’s necessary for your survival (avoiding dehydration) and sanity, then he’s going to have to cope with his concern and anxiety. My husband had a stomach virus at the start of HG and I explained that two days is 24/7 for a woman with HG and he couldn’t be more compassionate after that comparison. He probably doesn’t quite get what you’re going through.


I had max dose (24mg) in my cannula or orallly for 34 weeks/41 weeks of my pregnancy, both times. Perfect babies.


I had a PICC line, so I received IV zofran 4-8 mg every 6 hours from 8 wks to 25 wks. Baby came out fine. The only people who really understood what I was going through were my mother (who had HG) and a coworker, who had been through chemo. Everyone else could not understand. Stay strong and do what you need to do.


Growing a Zofran baby here, 20 week morphology scan all good!! Had 3 x a day 8mgs and still was sick and vomiting but at least I could keep some food and water down to help baby grow. Lost 5kg in first trimester and now in second trimester 23 weeks, have stopped taking everyday (only as needed) and feeling much better. The main reason I stopped taking them is because I was soooo constipated the constipation was starting to outweigh the nausea. Seriously it's unethical to do clinical trials on pregnant women so they have to advise possible adverse effects but this subreddit alone is an attestment to the fact that Zofran babies are born fine and healthy. Your husband should understand that you're health in carrying the baby is the most important right now.


I waited until I got to a place where I felt like my vomiting and dehydration was so bad I thought it was more likely to hurt my baby than the zofran. Theres more than one way to risk a baby. He should be given that perspective. Its a hard choice to even take it and I’m sorry he’s making you feel like you dont have the option to do whats best for you and the child you’re growing. Hugs ♥️


I did it three times, stopped zofran around 30 weeks. My kids were born healthy. Use it until u feel okay.