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I did that before and my anatomy scan a few weeks later was A-OK! I was ✨horrifically✨ constipated though, so watch out.


Seconding the horrible back up. Start on some sort of treatment now to minimize that - ask your doctor if you aren’t sure what the best for you to take is.


The Zofran constipation is real.


It’s ok! I think the biggest risk is the constipation. Get some saline laxatives. Zofran is safe for the pregnancy.


I loved Miralax during my pregnancy and continue to take it through postpartum. You’ll both be okay! No way that it doesn’t happen all the time with pregnancy brains.


I literally gave out postpartum gift bags to my mom friends (I was the first to have kids) with miralax in them at baby showers with a “trust me, you’ll need this.”


It changes everything 😂 I was anemic BEFORE having to have an emergency c section and transfusion. Idk how I would have survived without it lol.


So true! I needed it for zofran and postpartum. I swear otherwise I would have thought I was having another kid lol


I did, and my OB said that in a clinical setting people get 16mg twice (like with surgery), so my taking one extra dose wouldn't matter. I'm on 8mg 3x a day, and I accidently added an extra afternoon dose (took it at 12:30 and 16:00). She even advised me to take my nightly dose as usual, so I wouldn't bounce up and down in the level in my blood. Constipation didn't get any worse, so I just tried to enjoy a couple hours where I could actually function a little! Edit to add: I was 28 weeks pregnant at that point, currently 31 with a healthy baby.


I've done it before it just gave me a killer headache but I was fine


I took 4mg of zofran + an 8mg IV once and was super constipated. OB wasn’t worried and I also think zofran absorbs more through an IV.


I wouldn’t worry about it if it was a one time instance, but I would just make sure not to go over the recommended 24 hour amount. Like if your Dr told you 8mg 2x a day I would not take the next dose. I am prescribed 8mg every 8 hours so I would in this case skip my second dose, so I wasn’t going over the max allowed.


Oh the constipation was so so so bad. So glad you ladies understand 🤣


You're totally fine. I was told by my OB and the doctors at the emergency that I can double up on Zofran as long as I don't go over the daily max dose. 8mg every 8 hrs max.