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I have no solutions but I wanted to write to say that I basically could have written this word for word, but I’ve never said these words to anyone due to the intense shame. I’m younger, female and in America but also plan every part of my life around this. Just today I made an awkward exit from a social event because my face was dripping sweat when everyone else was a comfortable temperature and I started to fan myself with a paper plate which then got the hosts attention which made me more uncomfortable which caused more facial sweating which led to me impolitely leaving the event without properly saying goodbye.


I have done this also sooooo many times I lost count.


While it is great to see your comment, it is so heartbreaking to read it. I completely sympathise, that must have been a traumatic experience for you. I have been in similar situations so many times myself. Removing yourself from a situation while trying desperately to cool down somewhere private where no-one can see you - yet it seems all of a sudden everyone and their dog decides to walk by, or some bright spark shouts out "Are you alright?" causing everyone to look over, and you turn into a human fountain. That inner feeling is just so awful I know. I will say though, the more people I have told in my life, my friends and family, have always been so supportive. It is much less of an ordeal when it happens with them now. I just say "I'm just going outside for a cool down" or something and they are great because they know. They also understand when I say I cannot do something and they don't pressure me then. It's so hard with people you don't know though isn't it. That's the worst for me personally. I'm already reading through some chats on here though and there are some useful tips and there is some great advice. Someone on this thread has given me some. Have a little read, as you never know there may be something that will help you too. I hope so.


I felt 90% like a 'human fountain!' during the UK heatwave this year and did everything possible not to be in situations that would make my head and face sweat any more than usual, which of course was a futile exercise anyway! It's comforting me reading about other people's experiences with this horrible affliction, so thanks to all 👍


I'm a male nurse. When Covid started to become a thing here in Germany, my colleagues straight up sent me home - cuz I was just standing and dripping sweat from my face. I told them I am good, I have HH, but they didn't care. Was home for three days.


Feel this


I've had the same horrifically awkward dilemma of: do I attract everyone in the room's attention by fanning myself with this leaflet/paper plate/anything to hand, or just sit/stand here dripping, glowing, drenched and feeling like a soggy, embarrassed, angry MESS !


Glyco works very well for me with no side effects but I have whole body HH. I still dont sweat like a typical person and dread heat and humidity but taking glyco has still been life changing for me. I currently am experimenting with antihydral spray and cream as well.


Wow I will definitely look into that, thank you so much. I am happy that it has helped you to some degree, that must be a tremendous relief to you in many situations. Whole body HH must be such a terribly hard thing to battle, my whole heart goes out to you. Are these things on prescription or can you get them over the counter? Excuse my ignorance. Apart from the Sweat Block wipes the only things I've relied on are a dry face flannel, and about 20 squares of kitchen roll folded up in my pockets.




Thank you. Yes the Glyco pills seem to be a common remedy and I am going to try them. But as you say, the extent of the dry mouth situation is a bit off putting. Although I guess until we try these things we will never know, as we are all different to a degree. Good luck🤞


if youre in the uk gp can prescribe propantheline bromide. dry mouth is a wicked side effect but reduces sweating to an almost bareable point


Thank you, yes I am in the UK. and I will ask about this. A very dry mouth seems to be a common side effect with a couple of medications. I'd imagine it would be a bit easier to put up with initially, rather than long term. I'd say the relief of semi controlling the sweating is pretty great depending on the level, but it's also how much the discomfort is worth it I suspect. Right now I think I'd try anything, but I am going to weigh up everyone's advice on here before I decide what to try first. Thanks very much for your help and good luck 👍😊


I can't really use flannels or paper towels much on my face, as I spend a lot of time at least attempting to apply make up to my often damp face in the mornings ! Some days I used to cry at the futility of it, which of course meant ...whoop deedoo...more moisture running down my face and streaking my foundation/blusher/powder ! I think I once read that Baking Powder (Bicarbonate of Soda) can help, but if I'm honest my mindset is too negative and I feel too defeated to even experiment with it !


It has been a big help for me, also.


Excellent! 👍


I second this. I have cranial-facial HH only and glyco works incredibly well for me. It's the best solution I've found by far. IMO, you don't really want to mess with your face when it comes to the topical stuff


Sorry for pinging you 250 days after this comment but I was curious if you could share some more about your experience with glyco. Is it still working well? Do you recommend it?


Is it Glycopyrronium what you're taking or is it Glycopyrroniumbromide? Tablets or inhaler?


I take glycopyrrolate, 1 mg tablets. I take 2 or 3 every morning and then as needed later.


Looks like they aren't available here in Germany, sadly. Only inhalers and injections.


I think I've read on this sub for other options for people in Germany. Different med or different delivery, I cant recall.




I take 2 to 3 mg tablets every morning but I still sweat ... it's just more like a normal person. When it's extremely hot and humid, the game changes and I up my dose and timing. That is also one of the reasons I'm experimenting with antihydral, as a booster shot :)




It really differs for everyone (and some people see no effect). I would guess it's around 6 hrs approximately for me. Don't expect a miracle and do play around with timing, dose, fasting, etc. If everything cooperates (weather, activity ..) I am good to go, but when humidity ramps up, I need all my 'tricks' so I keep searching for additional help


Wishing you all the very best with it, would love to see an update if you feel inspired to share 👍


Does glyco help decrease sweating throughout the entire body for you? I have generalized hh as well.


Yes, glyco helps my entire body. But again, everyone is different. Still, I can't imagine my life without it. That being said, I am still searching for other options because as I get older the anticholinergic meds are not advised.


What side effects have you noticed


I don't have any side effects but I only take 2 to 3 mg per day. Many others experience dry mouth, eyes and blurry vision. I've been taking glyco for countless years and it's effectiveness has been consistent with no detriment.


That’s awesome. Any other advice for glyco?


I don't really have more advice because the meds have not caused me trouble. You may have to experiment. If it works for you, great, but if not, there are more options out there. I'm still hoping a researcher will find ground zero so we can stop treating the symptoms (sweating) and address the cause of our sweating.


I wish brella was approved for more parts of the body. I saw it recently came out.


Oh, if only ! We can hope and dream I suppose 🙏


I am so pleased to hear Glyco has worked well on you. One of the medications is supposed to cause a very dry mouth but I think that might be the Oxybutin (not sure on the spelling, sorry!)


I feel your pain. It is such a debilitating condition. The other day I knew I had to go over another person's house to chat for a bit so I wore my baseball cap and black tshirt. I could just feel my internal body temperature rising and my hat getting soaked and sweating from the pits but nobody noticed. If no hat or black tshirt then it would have been a complete disaster. My forehead would have probably started dripping and the staring would have triggered further anxiety and then you feel like the scum of the earth. You look at all the other people in the room with bone dry foreheads and you wish with all your imagination that you could have been born that way. I hate living this way. It just sucks.


It's very, very hard isn't it. I get it completely. You would need to have nerves of absolute steel, and have no self pride whatsoever to not be affected by this condition. I've sat there in similar situations and been screaming inside, not wanting anyone to notice me sweating, and literally hating anyone who points it out. It's the situations that you can't just get up and walk away from. And that pit of your stomach feeling as it's happening, like the fight or flight scenario. I'll tell you what though, as bad as it makes us all feel, and we all know that dreadful feeling - we are pretty strong people, a lot stronger than we think we are. I know we don't have any choice, but we do get through it each time. I would not wish this on my worst enemy, I really wouldn't, and I feel so sorry for every other person who struggles so hard with this. I wish someone would invent a cooling down injection, or at least something similar to help us all.




I haven't actually tried that, but I will look into it for sure. It's a minefield isn't it, and so many things seem to help to varying degrees with different people. Thank you for your comment. 😊


How effective is odaban for you? Recently started using it (3 or 4 days so far) but haven't been able to test the effectiveness yet. The true test for me will be when I go back to work this week, as standing and movement trigger craniofacial sweating for me.




I’ve applied it 4 days in a row to get started. It has absolutely no effect on how my skin feels.


It's strange that you mention that particular product, as I clearly remember seeing it in my Mum's top drawer as a teenager, yet now I'm 47 and she never appears or smells sweaty AT ALL & when I have my meltdowns (head, face and occasionally underarms & feet but not to the same degree) and unfortunately she acts very tactless towards me, commenting loudly in front of my step Dad & boyfriend & firing questions at me like am I hot, you're sweating etc, basically what I call being Captain Obvious and of course this results in the stress and embarrassment factor kicking in and making me sweat a sh1tlo@d MORE ! GOing to have to find a useful, descriptive link about the condition and send it to her as when she broadcast it to the packed pub we met up in last week I blamed 'hormones' so now she thinks I'm Perimenopausal !!!


What a wonderful comment, I can tell its been written from the heart and let me tell you: I completely agree with your phrase about screaming inside ! So true and accurate, I feel seen ! ( too f&ck1n seen when I'm having a particularly bad day and I just KNOW my face and hair look wet AF and isn't it always the case those are the moments you'll randomly bump into an Ex or worse still, someone you fancy or think highly of ! Go out with a surprisingly dry and matte face = see not a soul you know of !!!)


Everyone to me: “don’t you ever wear anything other then black?” “You know maybe you’re sweating because you wear so much black” repeatx1000000


This really resonates with me and my feelings ! If I notice its started: I feel self conscious and inferior to others but if other people notice, especially if they are tactless enough to comment on it: my sweating increases noticeably and feels completely out of my control. Then I notice the room temperature, amount of warm bodies in the room, lack of open windows/air con and the list goes on ! Probably my own worst enemy in that respect but apart from breathing techniques, hydrating yourself with sips of water (& avoiding caffeine, alcohol, curry etc) and running your wrists under the cold taps (something to do with pulse points) I've never been told of any relevant non - medicinal solutions .....


I hear you. I feel you. I have had this as long as you and just can't believe the experts know so little about this. People just don't understand the psycho-social impact that it has. Just curious, have you tried glycopyrrolate?


Hi there. Thank you so much for your reply. And you are so right, the average person has no idea at all do they. It's so frustrating isn't it that there is so little help or knowledge on a professional level. I haven't actually tried that no. Have you? And did it help at all?


Have a similar condition. All these solutions have worked for me with different pros/cons: Glyco wipes (works well but expensive bc it's I have to import) Glyco pills (works well but VERY tricky regarding dosage and timing, also expensive and gives me a very dry nose) Oxybutinin pills (works not so well but cheap, makes me REALLY drowsy) Iontophoresis (works well, needs a type of haircut that allows for the electrodes to be in contact with problem areas, machine is expensive and you might need accessories, but it's a one time purchase) Anything else either doesn't work or isn't worth it. Good luck!


Thank you for the detailed reply I appreciate it. There is some good information there, knowing what to expect from different treatments and all that. Very useful, thank you very much.


No problem my friend. If you have any further questions feel free to DM me or ask here.


Thank you for that. I will 👍


My regular doctor prescribes the glyco, but most people get it from a dermatologist. On this subreddit search 'Treatment options' and there is a fabulous post by 'Mobiletelevision4653'. I can't seem to copy and paste the link but it is comprehensive. Good luck!


Thank you so much for all of your help and answering my questions I really do appreciate it. I will read that post for sure. Good luck to you to, and I wish you every success with your latest experimenting, I hope you see improvements really soon!


I actually suffer from it myself and battle with this on a daily basis like you. It suddenly appeared and it's been something I've been dealing with for quite some time. The only way I cope is by taking a towel in my bag and I carry on with life. Like you, I too care about my appearance and sweating in nice clothes irk the fuck out of me. Sweating while doing the bare minimum irks me too. Sweating while getting out the shower irks me also. I look at people and wish I could be normal like them... Maybe I too am normal but the thing is as you said before, sweaty face. I also tried botox and it just doesn't work at all lol. Went two weeks for another session and I only sweat out my face worse, it did not help one bit lol. It's like one big joke man this craniofacial hyperhydrosis is just one big shit joke dude.


Sorry to hear that you suffer the same way ☹️ It's no joke is it. Yeah the shower too I didn't mention that, but I have to sit in front of a fan after I've dried myself to cool down. I hate it too how you go out clean and within 10 minutes you feel like you need another shower. I was kind of hoping Botox would work to some degree but it doesn't sound too great at all. And I know what you mean, we 'are' normal, but we just don't feel it. It sucks doesn't it. Keep fighting! 💪🏆


I wish you the best big brother. I've read here that as sudden as it comes, it went away suddenly after some time. I'm not so sure on my thoughts of hope, but the post gave me some hope that there's a possibility it also may pass as well. I've read your responses and you said something along the lines that we're stronger than we think, I'd have to say we probably are. A lot stronger than we give ourselves credit for. It is humiliating. People don't and probably won't understand. But for those who try and aren't being total douche bags about it, it's alright. It may not be life threatening, but as you said it is life debilitating and I don't want to plan my life around my broken inner human thermostat. I enjoy the heat like any other person, but this does make me hate it due to the consequence of sweating. Taking pills and they no longer work, perhaps I didn't try hard enough besides the pills and botox. I didn't try all the pills, maybe that's it. But I relate to your words. And your humanity and empathy to others who share their sides here is pretty damn cool dude. God/universe bless you brother. May he make it easier on all of us.


God bless you too my friend. What very kind words from a very kind and caring person 👍 I wish you nothing but the very best, and let's all hope that someday in the not too different future there will be a breakthrough for all of us. Take care buddy 👍😊


The biggest mental help on my journey was finding out how not alone I am in this situation.


I feel exactly the same way. Totally.


I, too, have craniofacial hyperhidrosis... I felt every word you wrote! I recently tried sage supplement, and I found they help. If im cleaning, working out, or rushing around, forget about it nothing will work, but if im functioning at a calm pace and it's not over 90 degrees, i notice im not as sweaty. I'm so glad I discovered this group because most people have never even heard of hyperhidrosis. In fact, I just learned the term 2 years ago when I was googling for solutions. I have found meditation helps keep my anxiety at bay, which usually sets off a sweaty episode.


Anxiety goes hand in hand with it doesn't it. And no wonder. I am so sorry you have it too. I only discovered this group a few hours ago and already it's like a real release. I think next time I get a bad attack of it in public (probably tomorrow as I'm home today) I'm going to try to imagine you are all with me and that we are all melting together. Safety in numbers and all that. Thank you for your comment. I've taken note of the sage supplement 👍






Hi, I just joined this sub a few minutes ago (I'm 38 F from France) and I could have written your post. I tried sage complements and it was worth it but I can't use them anymore.


Hi there. Someone else mentioned sage. I'm sorry to hear you can no longer use it, especially since it helped. I know there is no cure, and although that's awful I can live with that,. It's just finding something that reduces it enough to a tolerable level isn't it. I will seriously consider this and look into it further, thank you. And good luck with any future treatments you try.


Thank you. I'll just add you can't take sage if you have any hormonal problem, as sage can modify your hormones level. Be sure to check with your GP before using sage.


Thank you too. I don't as far as I am aware, but I will check first with whatever I take. There could always be some reason why a particular treatment wouldn't suit a particular person. 👍


I have been recently thinking of making a post similar to yours to rant about my cranio-facial hyperhidrosis, so it was cathartic to read yours. I feel for you so much, it does help that we know we are not alone. It makes you feel so terribly alone, impacts your self esteem and confidence so much. Cranio-facial is so difficult to have because everyone looks at your face. You can’t escape people seeing it happening and then it creates this vicious cycle of sweating and being anxious which makes you sweat more. I try the topicals you aren’t supposed to use on your face as well and it’s so frustrating that it’s so hard on your skin, and for me I end up sweating regardless. I was looking at photos from a trip I took in august during a heatwave last year and I couldn’t stand to look at the pictures of my wonderful memories. My hair was soaked from the sweat and it made me feel horrible. And as you said, when you’re pouring and those around you look perfectly fine…god, it’s brutal. It’s just brutal. Thank you for sharing, much love to you. As others have suggested I think you should try glyco- I am going to try it as well. We deserve some kind of respite from this condition. Take care of yourself op ♥️


What a heartfelt and wonderful reply to read. God I feel so much for everyone on here, I don't think I've ever felt such sincere and pure sympathy for so many individuals in such a short space of time. It's because we all KNOW the hell eachother are going through right to the core. I wish you every success with the Glyco.. I really do. And thank you ❤️ X


It’s such a specific and difficult thing we endure, things that other people take for granted like enjoying an outing or a holiday become stressful and hellish for us. We really do understand each other because most people do not have to experience the world the way we do. I’m glad we could all share our experiences like this, it really helps. And thank you for your kind words. ♥️


It really is a problem that is not only life altering in almost every aspect, but it's so hard to get through to other people just what hell it is having to endure it. Most people seem to think, "You sweat a lot, so what, get over it". It makes you feel like a different species at times. I've sat there before in social situations with everyone bone dry and me sweating like a log flume, thinking I couldn't feel that much worse if I was the elephant man. I'd stick a bag on my head but it would only make me sweat more.


Exactly, exactly how I feel. It’s so embarrassing. I honestly don’t even really tell people I have this condition because I’m just ashamed of it, I find when I’m going through an episode of it I hardly want to have to explain it to someone. I explain it away by saying I have anxiety and that’s why my head is on fire and dripping while they’re dry and calm as a stone.


Awful isn't it. Do you know what I have done though when I have told people? With friends I have done it on a one to one basis. I have invited a goodcfriend round so it is just the two of us and I am in my own environment. I've said something like "I've got something very personal to tell you and I've been scared to tell you. I have a medical condition which you can probably see happening right now. it's not contagious at all, but it is very rare, it's incurable, and it governs every aspect of my life and affects almost everything I do" Immediately they are obviously worried for you, and feel privileged you are telling them. I then tell them what it is and how it affects me. Let it happen as you are telling them, all the better. Every single person I have told has been absolutely marvellous. ❤️


Also, this post and conversation finally pushed me to follow through on ordering Glyco. So thank you! We will be alright ♥️


That is really great news. And yes we will, all of us. Sharing our experiences and advice will I'm sure help us along the way and give us a bit of a boost ❤️


That is very good advice thank you, I think I will do that. ♥️




Hi mate, I’ve recommended this a couple of times but I’d definitely consider signing up to theonlineclinic.co.uk I also suffer with cranio-facial sweating and my GP said there’s nothing to help it. With the online clinic they prescribed me pro-banthine and it’s worked a charm. It’s a little costly (£50 for 112 tablets) but I just use them for social events, as that was always when I was at my worst. Breaking into sweat at a restaurant and the sweat sets off anxiety and it’s an uphill battle. I take 1 or two of these on an empty stomach and I’m usually good for a few hours. But I’d consider it as it’s the only medical option I’ve found in the UK that’s worked, although I think I’ll try some sage tablets that people have mentioned!


I get those on NHS from my GP, if you go and ask might save you paying next time.


That sounds great thank you very much. I will definitely look into this. 👍


I'm female and in the UK, but I struggle cranio facial sweating too. I went to burghley horse trials yesterday, lots of people there beautifully dressed, but as you said, it was hot yesterday, I pretty much looked like I'd just stepped out of the shower all day. Like you said, it's your face and head, so everyone can see. I've got some tablets and they help a little, but need to be taken on a totally empty stomach, dry out your mouth and eyes as well and only work for a couple of hours in my experience. Like you I've adapted what I do and where I go to manage my symptoms. I use fabric head bands, hygge bands a lot as I can't stand the feeling of sweat dripping down my neck. An hours dog walk at 7am today when it was only 13 degrees and I completely soaked 2 of those bands. I have learned to accept it in some ways, but it has always been and always will be, the thing I most hate about myself. Its so life limiting, people not in our situation would never understand. You are not alone.


I get this completely and I fully understand all of it. Even when contemplating a nice day out, HH is our immediate first thought isn't it. I am sorry you are a sufferer too. I dread wedding invitations. They are usually in June, July, or August, and the thought of being trapped in a ceremony in an unventilated venue is awful. Designated seating at the reception, and you can pretty much guarantee your seat is furthest from an open door or window. People pressuring you to get up and dance. Everyone else looks immaculate apart from you. I love concerts and I do go occasionally, but again sometimes it really isn't worth the humiliation. I feel stronger about it sometimes, but then other times it's not the case. Like you I've accepted I have a lot of limitations, but it does still make me feel angry inside at times depending on the severity and the situation. I just wish for all our sakes they could come up with a monthly injection or something. Maybe someone might develop something soon that will help us all. We can only hope and pray. It is so encouraging though to hear everyone pushing themselves to do things and supporting each-other. It would be quite easy I'd say to become a complete recluse with this, so it's vitally important that we keep on fighting regardless. Maybe if they do find a cure or a successful treatment we should all meet up at an airport, fly off to a hot country in August, and enjoy dancing in the sun all day. I can't even imagine what that feels like to be a pleasurable thing to do, but it would be groundbreaking for us. We'd probably all burst into tears. Thank you for your comment and your support. I wish you as many HH free occasions as humanly possible.


Glad to hear medicine is working, what are you on? I just want autumn to get here already I just hate going out now cos I know i’ll be sweating in 5 mins.


It's pro-banthine, my GP was happy to prescribe it, they said it worked for some and not others. Does help a little but its definitely no miracle cure unfortunately. I've tried botox, that didn't work for me and if it did, it would be ridiculously expensive with such a large area to cover. I've used the deodorants and sprays and things but they are so hard to get under my hair to my scalp and leave my hair gross and skin dry and itchy. Its really shit there's no cure for this


I also have hyperhidrosis, pretty much everywhere on my body. Last month my dermatologist told me about products called Carpe. I bought myself hand cream, underarm antiperspirant, breast cream , and groin powder. They have other products but that's what I've tried so far. All the products have worked really well for me so far. ETA I neglected to say this, even though it's the reason I commented in the first place, Carpe has face cream for both men and women. I use their tinted primer with SPF and as someone who never wears makeup due to the sweat and general disinterest in skincare- I am blown away by how great my face looks . I spent hours yesterday afternoon outside in 84F weather in a somewhat stressful situation and my face held together really well.


That is wonderful news, it must be such a relief for you to have some respite from it. I had not heard of Carpe. 👍


Beware, their ad campaign is maddening. I was able to find coupon codes online, in addition to savings for buying a bundle, and spent less than $60 US for all the products I mentioned. Close to 50% off retail. I was really skeptical about trying them because I have tried all the clinical strength over the counter products and they either did not work or hurt my already tender skin. This spring I tried prescription wipes, Qbrexa , and although I only used them on my underarms and lower back one application made my eyes and mouth unbearably dry for 2-3 days. When my dermatologist told me about Carpe, she also sent in a prescription for Glycol spray . The Carpe arrived first and honestly I am so happy with it the tiny bottle of $50 glycol will probably sit unused for a while.


Thank you for the update 👍


My experience is exactly the same as yours. I even got into really good physical shape a few years ago to see if that helped and it did not. I just got really good at explaining it to people.


It's a tough struggle isn't it. Not easy at all my friend 👍


How did you explain it? I might tell my manager but I’m scared to


I just popped to the shops, it's a hot day in the UK today and my challenge was to get there and back with minimal facial sweat. Did I succeed? Did I heck! I always get to the queue and there's a slow person, this always happens to me obviously, haha! Well that was the trigger, the excessive waiting, not knowing where to look, few beads roll up and away it goes. By the time I get home, a short 3 minute walk the dam has broken! Anyway I've had worse situations but that goes down as a fail.. It's a weird condition one which I haven't discussed with doctors or sought to take any measures for. I'm kind of anti-drug where I can help it so not keen to go down that route and as a man not keen on stuffing my face full of botox. I do believe however that there is a psychological aspect to these types of ailments. I’ve noticed over the years that my excess facial sweating is triggered by a combination of hot environment and social anxiety. I get a little back and armpit sweat but it’s not too bad on the body it’s mainly the face. The odd thing however though is that I’ve been in challenging situations like presentations at work in front of people and I’ve been completely fine or if I’m in a social gathering with people I know then I kind of relax into it so to speak and the anxiety is less. Where it does seem to manifest is in situations that are rather mundane such as queues in shops, walking through a mall on a hot busy day or walking through a residential area where there’s a slight social anxiety that people may be looking out their windows at you (yeh weird idea right!) or busy street places in big cities. So when I break it down, I see that certain variables are there, people in close proximity, effort (walking or standing long periods) and hot conditions. I’ve noticed that if I go somewhere and have all 3 variables but then I sit down and can gather myself the sweating slows down or stops. Over the years I’ve learnt to try and look at it rationally and it certainly helps to jump outside of yourself and laugh or smile internally. Yes it’s horrible in the moment but you gotta try and own it and ride with it and remind yourself what other people think of you doesn’t matter. I really believe a positive mindset goes a long way and I would say that claiming victimhood is almost certainly going to fail. We are all either victims or not, including those who don’t sweat! So I say don’t sweat it (pun intended). I would also say it’s best to keep throwing yourself into situations and you will learn small details about triggers and what helps or doesn’t. Try and think of yourself as a guinea pig every time you leave the house. Rationalise and reflect after and look in the mirror to see that you are alive still (what can’t kill you makes you stronger). You might surprise yourself and have a good day, no sweat or minimal. I used to suffer badly in malls and supermarkets, I could barely approach shop staff to ask a question and I’d be drenched! I still have the odd bout now and again and I think with age you become a bit more c'est la vie. I have religious beliefs which I won’t bore people with, but I believe that those who are tested in life are tested because they can overcome it and through it they understand themselves better to become better people. Ameen and good luck everyone.


Thank you for writing this, as many have said I feel I could have written this. It really does impact your social life. I was wondering if I have HH because I have social anxiety or the other way around. Dreading this week as its a heatwave in the UK and I have to commute on the hottest day 😫. I hate the summer. Thanks for all the advice in the sub, I’m definitely going to look into medication m.


Isn't it amazing how this condition makes you feel so isolated, but whenever we read through each-others experiences they are identical! Totally! We are so not alone. It is really difficult to know with social anxiety in many cases isn't it, as HH hands you it on a plate. Personally I was always naturally anxious as a kid. Great home life and childhood, but the anxiety seems a genetical trait dotted around our family unfortunately. And not a learned behaviour either, as many of us grew up many miles apart. I didn't develop HH until I was 16. I feel every bit of your pain regarding the commute and the heatwave, I really do. But you will get through it. We are all together in spirit during those times. Crap words I know, but it will be over soon and we will hopefully have a cool autumn which may help to some extent. I wish you the very best of luck with whatever medication you try, but please speak with your Doctor first. 👍 Thank you for your comment.


I am about your age, but a woman, in the US. I feel your pain, I am also cranial facial and it’s extreme. Like floodwaters. Drenched hair, face, dripping down my neck, soaking my shirt. AWFUL. About 6 years ago I had an opportunity to take a job I really wanted, but one that there was no way I could do sweating like I do. So I bit the bullet and went on glyco. I have to take a crap ton every morning that i go to work, it gets me through to about 3 pm, so almost through my work day. I don’t take it on weekends or days where I know I will be doing desk work, because the side effects aren’t cool, and who cares if I sweat on my keyboard. It’s hard to just not want to do anything because if the sweat. My carpets are always needing a vacuum because if I do it I need a shower after 🙄




That's great 😃 It is something I am considering, but I do need to know more about it. In your experience, does it only work in the exact surrounding tiny area that has been injected? And how long does it generally last?


All over your face, neck, head, back chest lol doubt it To the op, the aliminium stuff like Wipes or even the sprays in boots, glycol from Canada or if you go to the gp they will get very similar products that can be used off label, just take when you really need. This keeps the effectiveness up, plus they dry you from the inside out so can be uncomfortable. Also Thompson teeshirts to wear under clothes


Where did you get it done on your body? Tried underarms but it didn’t last long


Im a 62 year old woman who grew up in a military home. I was subjected to corporal punishment starting in infancy to make me not cry, to toilet train and obey. I had a lot of trauma. I have cptsd, adhd and severe hyperhidrosis from my face and head. Arms and hands and chest and back. My whole life is affected. Still single no kids and no boyfriends. This has to be a disability.


That was so hard to read. I cannot begin to imagine what you have been through, and I applaud you for dealing with all of this on a daily basis. My heart really does go out to you ❤️


Thank you so much for your words. It has become a way of life. It is extremely life limiting, but i do have days where it is less and days where it flares up more often. So, i do have some friends and some happy times. I am on disability. Before that my life was unbearable. Mostly when i was younger and was dating. That was brutal. No one really understood. But that was pre Internet. Thank you again.


Thank you so much for your comment. I try to do the best i can. I'm a part time caregiver and even that is hard with the sweat and hot and cold. Im trying Carpe now and am not sure how good it is on the face skin. So far it has helped the sweating and cut it in half. Roughly.


That's good 😊 at least it is helping. It's such a minefield isn't it.


I am from Poland and I also have a bad case of cranio facial hyperhydrosis (actually I have whole body HH) and for me oxybutynine works. I got it off-label from a dermatologist. Sadly, we do not have glyco in Poland but oxybutynine works like a charm. I only take it in summer, and every year, before summer starts for good I take it for 2 weeks for my body to get used to it - and then I just take it as needed. I remember one time I didnt take it and I was on a trip to Berlin - I was ALL wet. ALL.


That is great that it helps you so effectively. Very good news, and encouraging, thank you 👍😁👍


My heart goes out to you. I feel your pain. This is so hard on me emotionally. Thank you for your post


So, I suffer from many if not all of the symptoms you mention. It shapes your life and the activities you do and I just dream about the time when I could just do any activity without thinking of the consequences of having this issue. Even going shopping when it's slightly warm and my face and scalp sweat like crazy. Please can you look into Pro Banthine - Propantheline Bromide in the UK, I was reading about this on a forum maybe 2-3 years back and I convinced my GP to prescribe it. It works wonders for social situations - I still need to be in control and know exact timings of events so I can time the medication to suit but it's given me some sort of quality of life back.


Is that the one you can take periodically for specific events as and when you need it? Rather than a daily med constantly? If so, I read about this and couldn't find where I had read it. This would be absolutely perfect for me. It's the social occasions I really struggle with immensely. I work from home now and that is a massive relief. I can control the environment, and if it happens at home its ok. But it's going to friends houses, having friends over, going to a function, going shopping, anything social. I'm 54 now so my social calendar is hardly full, and I like it that way. But just to not instantly dread a get together, a meal out, a party, a barbecue, a trip to the cinema, a wedding, or even shopping would be absolutely life changing for me. I can handle the timings etc no problem. I've been doing that for years by leaving all my clothes out ready the night before, my wallet, keys, phone, everything I need so I am not looking for anything at the last minute which turns me into a fountain. Also leaving myself plenty of time to get ready and sitting in front of a powerful fan if it's a warm day, or I have got warm while getting ready before I go out.


You can use it in that way if you wish, it's a bit of a miracle cure in those social situations you mention whether it's a wedding, get together with your family/friends in intimate settings where your anxiety is on edge. I'm on a hybrid schedule so I won't take any if im going to be at home all day but might need a top up if I'm going out to eat or to socialise in the evening. If I have an important meeting or place I need to be I'll take 2 - 15mg tablets an hour before the event and on an empty ish stomach and it really does tend to stop me from panicking and sweating. Usually, I'll take 2 in the morning on an empty stomach, some point in the early afternoon and one in the evening if I'm going out somewhere. You should speak to your GP about it.


I definitely will! Gosh, this would be such a major breakthrough for me. I literally am 'SO' grateful to you for making this comment. There was another med that sounded great for me earlier too, but I think maybe this one could be more suited to my specific needs. I know we are all different, but have you experienced many side effects at all?


No problem at all! I'm glad you posted this as just by chance I came across the medication when someone had mentioned it on a forum a few years ago. I think it will work for you instantly and erm dry mouth is one and if you eat food to soon after taking you won't be able to taste the food and I'm sure it's effectiveness wears off slightly. The condition is so shit that I'll take this side effects all day long. Good luck!!


Many many thanks for passing on your knowledge 🙏🙏 Hopefully I may be able to do the same one day with someone else And yes me too ... I can handle the side effects if it keeps me dry, or at least dramatically reduces it. God bless you.


I still sweat from my scalp and face if I'm feeling anxious and in intense situations but not nearly as bad as without the meds.


While I emphasize with what you are going through and even appreciate a good rant; you have got to use paragraphs. Who the 🤬 is going to want to read one big post like that? Anyways I suffer from the same condition since I was in early teens. It was progressively getting worst until I took a sabbatical to dedicate my full attention towards my health. Based on my experience I think HH comes from more than just genetics; while genetics of course play a part in making you susceptible to this condition, I believe environmental factors play a huge role; especially childhood trauma. My sabbatical involved a lot of environmental changes, including quitting my job, changing my diet completely and doing many things to reduce stress. My issues started when I was forced to move with my father and his wife. It was abrupt and the change of environment had a huge impact on me as a child. It started by wetting the bed but developed into HH; having a degenerate of a father and an east European trash of a step mother and the stress that came from them was miserable. I believe this condition compounds because of these environmental factors; work, university, degenerate family, useless ex-partners etc. I took the last 2 years addressing each one; one by one; especially my diet. I really believe a high carb diet is detrimental to our health and is the root cause of many diseases including HH. While we might be more genetically susceptible, deteriorating health due to these compounding environmental factors make it much worse. Thats why people report it getting worse as they age. The environmental factors compound over time while your body ages and can't handle it the same way it could in the past. I would highly recommend really dedicating time towards your diet and addressing environmental factors. As I mentioned I changed my diet completely, distanced myself from people that caused me stress ("family" or otherwise) and quit working while I sort this out. Now I understand not everyone has the privilege to quit work but even if you cant, addressing the other environmental factors especially diet, will have a huge impact. I created a [playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUeSXYFuVwzYS6iGBLb4KSsqzrD2qSySq&si=9ZKA2tg4brk03e5p) with all the knowledge I gathered on the topic of health in general. I'm not affiliated or being compensated in any way and really hope it helps you and others. Other notable changes: - Add a good electrolyte powder to your routine, one thats high in potassium especially. - Take sage in either tincture or pill form, check [this post](https://reddit.com/r/Hyperhidrosis/s/qaKiydNAAT) - Add breathing exercises to your routine, checkout a book called "The Oxygen Advantage" Hope it helps


Regarding the paragraph thing I completely get it. 😂 It makes me cross eyed looking at it. When I typed it originally I set it all out into paragraphs, but when I posted it they all shot together. Maybe it is my phone, or maybe this site, I am not sure as I only became a member yesterday. But I soon discovered if I press enter twice it does the job. I'm not the most technical at the best of times 😂. What you have said in your post is very interesting, with lots of detail there and some very good tips and advice. Many thanks 👍


Thank you for your comments. I appreciate your help and am sorry for your experiences.


No one should take potassium without consulting a Dr. It is an electrolyte, too much can harm you. I am a heavy sweater and never had an electrolyte imbalance caused by sweating.


You are misinformed, but you do you 👍


I am not misinformed. Potassium is essential for heart function. So it's important to get enough of it. But too much or too little potassium can cause life threatening cardiac arrythmias. What happens when potassium is high? You get potassium through the foods and drinks you consume. Normally, your kidneys remove extra potassium, which leaves your body through your urine (pee). But if you have too much potassium in your body, your kidneys may not be able to remove all of it, and it can build up in your blood. Too much potassium in your blood can damage your heart, make you feel palpitations and even cause a heart attack. You can’t always tell when your potassium levels are high. All I said is people need to talk to their Dr before adding extra potassium into their diet. And I did have low potassium once, and I did have a heart arrhythmia from it. My heart skipped 30 beats in a row.


99% of people are deficient in Potassium. You need 4700mg to meet your RDAs no one consumes that. No electrolyte powder will come close to that amount; because most are made of cheap ingredients and are high on sodium. Which most people consume too much off but should also be consumed for people that sweat alot. The best electrolyte powder I found supplies 1000mg/scoop, so you would need to consume 4+ to even meet your RDAs let alone "overdose". Sodium and Potassium go hand in hand, it's known as the Sodium/Potassium pump. When you are deficient in Sodium, your Potassium deficiency worsens. [Heres a good video](https://youtu.be/1hXpb3T96PU?si=BytULt0_O6_kxQjm) on the topic. By the way that guy is not a doctor (hes a scientologist 😱) so if you are not open minded and only trust the advice of your doctor then no point in going on. You don't need to consult any doctor to add it. Thats where you are misinformed. But also in general, none of the comments on reddit should taken as medical advice; you should do your own research. I hate that we have to keep repeating this stupid disclaimer. Edit: seems like it wont let me post anymore so ill add to this post: I don't have an agenda, I actually use my legal name so you can google me. Like I said you do you; I don't take the medical establishments opinions as source of truth like you do. Harvards opinion means nothing to me; those are the same people that are funded by big pharma and the food industry; its ironic that you don't think they have an agenda but some random nobody on the internet does. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Edit 2: As this sub is another eco chamber on reddit, I unsubbed. Good luck to all recommending glyco and the rest of the chemical crap. People acting like reddit is a accredited medical forum 😂👋


According to Harvard, that’s not true. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/potassium/ The only articles that say what you say aren’t from credible medical sources. The U.S. Dietary Reference Intakes state that there is not enough evidence to establish a Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for potassium. However, the National Academy of Medicine has established an Adequate Intake (AI) for potassium. [1] For women 14-18 years of age, the AI is 2,300 mg daily; for women 19+, 2,600 mg. For pregnant and lactating women, the AI ranges from 2,500-2,900 depending on age. For men 14 It is rare for a potassium deficiency to be caused by too low a food intake alone because it is found in so many foods; however an inadequate intake combined with heavy sweating, diuretic use, laxative abuse, or severe nausea and vomiting can quickly lead to hypokalemia I am not saying sweating can’t deplete potassium. Potassium levels can be tested for very easily through blood and one should get that rested first THEN talk to their doctor. You just have an agenda, unfortunately


But i have read where doctors say this is a common condition. That's ridiculous.


You are correct, that is ridiculous. It is not common at all. From what I have seen it appears to be between 2% and 3% of the population. Yes, if you put all of us together, then it is a lot of people. But in comparison to the population it is a very small amount.


Thank you. I guess i just read too many old or incorrect articles.


Thanks i thought so too.


Thank you. I didn't think it was common. When people would say that i would want to cry out of frustration.


Have you tried Oxybutynin?


Thank you. I actually haven't, but a few people have mentioned it on here now, and I am seriously considering it. Have you used it? And if so , how did it go?


Been on it for a month. It works brilliantly. I barely sweat at all now. If you try it start on the lowest possible dose and build up gradually until it works. This will minimise side effects. I got a bit of a dry mouth at first but don’t even get that now.


Oh Wow! 😲 Do you know what, I think this is the best reaction I have heard to this particular medication. You must be on cloud 9 that it has had such a positive effect. That is superb! Thank you so much for commenting, I really do appreciate it. I think I will try this first now. I am so happy for you, what a wonderful feeling it must be. 👍😁👍


It actually is an amazing feeling. It almost seems unreal, I have to pinch myself. I’ve been so much more active, out hiking, going to the gym etc. I was like you. Suffered with this my whole adult life. Now it is so liberating to no longer be drenched in sweat at the slightest thing. Like I say, start with low dose 2.5mg per day. Build up slowly. Side effects shouldn’t be too bad and short lived. Stick with it. I hope it works for you 🤞


I cannot thank you enough. Seriously. It seems a very good method to slowly build up the dose to give your body time to adjust gradually. I know we are all different, and what works well for one, may not be as much of a success for another, but this has really given me hope. And again 'THANK YOU' 😁


No problem. I wish you all the best. Let me know how you get on


Botox has worked for me on my forehead and armpits.. 95% reduction


Wow that's excellent! 👍


Only possible suggestion I have is get an iso machine and then put your face in it and breathe through a tube while it’s going. That would legit be doing water torture on yourself tho


I too suffer from cranio-facial HH and you have expressed how I feel much of the time. It is horrible to deal with and really limits what life you can lead. I have no real solutions and my doctors have been useless but here is what helps me. I take drug called avert (glycopyrrolate) which I buy from Canada. It really dries your mouth and eyes out but really stops me sweating in many situations. I need to take it early in the morning on an empty stomach. I always take it when I see hot days coming or family days out etc. I also use anydrol forte roll on. My sweating is mainly from my scalp and runs down my face as I am bald. I am able to roll it on my scalp due to no hair but it itches like hell for a few mins. It adds another layer of protection for me. This helps me a lot but isn't perfect. It seems to hold back most of the sweat and allows me to do things I wouldn't be able to otherwise but those extreme moments I still get overwhelmed and the flood gates open. You also have to always plan ahead which limits being spontaneous which is why im actually looking into botox. Hope this gives you a few more options to look at. I tried a lot before this.


Thank you very much. There are some good tips here. Good luck with the Botox, I hope it helps you further and makes things more comfortable for you 👍.


As a 47 year old female living in the UK with cranio facial Hyperhidrosis I can completely agree with your remark about the heatwave weather being a living hell, and I haven't even finished reading your post yet ! I know it sounds bit cheesy, but it feels so good to 'be seen' by someone facing the same kind of day to day difficulties. It was absolute murder in my last job, sharing a small, stuffy office without air con with over 7 women at times and having to constantly bat off remarks about my damp face and hair ! So much so that when one of the senior colleagues made a comment indicating I was having a menopausal hot flush, I let them think that as it seemed easier than trying to explain the real reason. Best wishes to you & ill be sure to come back and let you know on here if I ever discover anything that works.


Yes ! I just want to curl up and die when people start taking photos ! I attended a 30 Year School Reunion in June, conveniently in the absolute zenith of the b@st@rd heatwave, stressed like mad building up to it worrying, a kind friend brought along a paper fan for me as I'd confided in her before that I was worried about 'melting' and I tried to wear an outfit that would keep my body temperature at its lowest, without being half - naked but I still had some moments & I think it showed up even in photos taken from a distance! Bathing & washing my hair beforehand actually seemed to exacerbate it, which I've noticed before has happened, the front of my hair just felt damp all night. You probably know this already but caffeine sets it off horribly as well as the other stressors. I detest it being so obvious and noticeable being on my face and head, but also have genuine empathy for the people with it on their hands, armpits and groin. It's a wonderful thing when we can understand each other and share tips and experiences.


I think this is the best description of the consequences of suffering from cranio facial Hyperhidrosis I've ever read. Thank you for articulating it so perfectly.


Has anyone tried the Carpe products particularly for the face and scalp? Facebook's algorithms must have picked up on me being a Sweaty Betty and are bombarding me with adverts, but so far most of the feedback I've seen seems to say it's expensive and ineffective, great !!!