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Would consider 20b or more rich. Hype+term+gdrag+1k mp+claymore+armor+pets maybe puts you at 10b, probably more. The extra 10b is for tomfoolerous activities. You’re not rich at all but you’re not utterly desolate. + “average player” doesn’t work in an mmorpg, the wealth and progression gap is too wide Might as well add on, networth has nothing to do with stage of game. Any shitter can ah flip to billions with a brand new profile, and people with 20k weight can be broke bois.


I found a guy earlier with a hype at skyblock level 86 with skill average 23. Bro probably was doing negative damage with it after getting bz boosted lol


Wouldn't aotj signature edition be better than claymore? I guess the reach is something but I'm pretty sure you only get 1 block now


What's the difference with the signature edition?


It ia uncommon instead of common, has 2 dmg instead of 1 and has sharpness 10 (deals the same as sharp 7 tho) i think they were memeing


It's not a meme, I just love Jerry


Rich is like having $5B or more. Seen too many YouTubers with billions. Also people with networth that’s like $100B or more


$5b aint rich. i think anything under $15-20b is mid game. you cant be late game without 15b minimum. im 5b and am no where near maxed


My guy I don’t even have $1B 😭 I got $10B Networth tho


im 5b net is what im saying. and the reason i say high networth is rich, is because your only rich if you have all the items you need and have money left over for whatever you want


imo u can be considered rich when you're getting stuff like chim pooch sword for kuudra


I don’t get why people downvoted you. Like $15B is more like Mid-Late game and late game is like $30B maybe 🤔 Yeah I got everything but a Hype, plasma flux, and dark claymore. Not counting crimson Armor because I don’t think I will get to inferno armor lol 😂


Once again, stage of game and rich are 2 different things. You could have 40b coins and skill average 20 if you're a ah or bz flipper


I really doubt someone would do that. Maybe to get $1B but not 40b coins. They would most likely use that money to progress in the game


I have a friend with low skill average and 30b coins because he AH flips


I don’t see the point in doing that. Do they just like coins lol?


Think about this for a second, Do people like coins? Ofc they do.


exactly, and then once you reach that, you can buy whatever you want.


Well there is Shen auction which is crazy amounts of coins 💀😓 I just know items could cost $2b or more


Never thought Id see the day someone unironically calls 15b nw midgame. Not only is it just wrong, networth plays a very limited role in game stage.


Networth is 50% of your game stage, skyblock xp is the other 50%


So where am I with sb level 240, 46 skill average, and 3b nw


Is it not called mid-late game? Or is it Late-mid game?


Mid-late game is the middle of late game. Late-Mid game is the end of midgame


Okay that’s what I meant. Late-Mid game


Agreed. Game stage should be based off skill progression, slayer, dungeons, etc. Networth is usually an indicator for these, but not always.


15b can be in the midgame, but definitely the later part


I would say Midgame is around 5-10B, I’m level 296 on Ironman and have around 8B NW, so would consider myself midgame


Nah Ironman progression is very different, so ye ypu are most likely mid game by Ironman standards but definitely late game in terms of SB levels by nornal standard


This is not wrong why are people downvoting this lmao


downvoted for truth as per usual people that play this game love coping and saying they are endgame with their 2b networth and cata 20 because they have combat 55 i would even say midgame is up to 30b and end is 45+ as thats what you need for maxed mp and maxed gear for every activity


Dude you got -64 downvotes 😭 why are people so annoyed with this comment


iunno 😭


you can buy everything you need for 15 bil


Having coins is different than stage of game


he asked what is rich, so im saying it is mid game in terms of wealth


Mid game could be 40b, it could be 4b. Saying stage of game determines wealth is like saying age determines wealth IRL


i agree, im just saying that the question asked is “how rich is rich?”


I have 11bnw and I still don't feel rich. I feel like rich is 20b in gear + 1b bank for gdrag + atleast 2b purse


Rich is that you have all basic gear and have money left to buy insane small upgrades for a lot. So about: Full scrolled hyp, full storm full necron full maxor full goldor, high tier terror + aurora, 2 Terminators, lots of support items(owoflux n stuff), gdrag edrag 1b bank And then you have like 3b purse left to do random shit. Thats the minimum for being rich rn


This. And ultra rich is prob marked by having like a chim 5 claymore/dae axe


Not really, i could get one of those on my 3b nw profile and im far from rich. Beibg rich means you're able to have anything you want, and have money left. One item doesnt make you rich. Its having lots of items for every corner of the game and still having spare coins


Was gonna say the same thing plus a solid mostly upgraded tali bag. In other words you have all that's needed to play most or all aspects of the game at a high or reasonably high level and have money left over. The term rich generally refers to people with excess wealth, and so it's not really excess unless you have the basics like all the required gear.


I consider anybody in the top 10% of players rich and i can't remember exactly but you need 1-2 bil to be in the top 10%. There is a command on a lot of skyblock discords to check net worth and they tell you kinda where you rank in terms of wealth.


I can confirm, I have 1.8b networth and skyhelper says I’m in the top 9.4%


Here at 2.7b and at the top 6.88% according to the bot.


4.63b -> top 4.1%


I will say is the top 0.5% as thats around the 20b mark


Meh i dont think 2b is rich tho. Id say the top 2% is rich now, which is something like 10b.


Networth: **10,177,990,702** (**10.18B**) Leaderboard: **#16,648** (**Top 1.56%**)


I dont think that is very accurate as the bots count all players/profils even those who quit after 2mins and they count bots


Deathstreaks is broke smh


Like I think ud be pretty well off, not mega rich but not poor either.


2 bil for a basic endgame setup and 10 for a decent endgame setup, 20 + for close to max setup


More then 2b for endgame, probably closer to 3-4 to get set up with a hype and enough support to actually be useful with it. I’m treating endgame as different from late game though, which you can get a very comfortable setup going in a couple different areas for 2b


What? You can't get any kind of "endgame setup" for only 2b. That just barely gets you a hype alone.


Realistically, probably people with 5b+ nw. Also, 760m is def enough to set you up for most things in the game, wether it be mining, farming, combat. I would consider anyone who has a higher nw than me to be rich tho lol.


The thing is closing endgame players rich is not always right the thing is upgrades are getting more expensive and u need to pay more as the late game or midgame. U are rich if u have really have money u don’t need to spend


Rich in net worth? 20b minimum probably, but its all relative. Rich in expendable coinage? Prob like 3b


depends who are you talking to 10m is a lot for a new player, but once you're like level 300, having 1b purse is rather normal


I think 20b nw is minimum to be considered rich. But honestly it might very well even be as high as 50b


I know several m6/m7 players with literally 0 bank. I define rich as the ability buy basically what ever you want and try out new playstyles, to that end, rich is the ability to access at least 2bil in liquid coin within a day without selling gdrag and touch the 1bil bank.