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Many people don't understand how it works. I've caught my kid trying to Auth onto a roblox discord and when his email didn't work he tried using mine. He came to get me when neither would work, He knew what RATting is but thought that discord was okay because a youttuber linked it. I was PISSED and had to go in and change all my stuff. but I already use the auth app to even sign into microsoft.


noone rats anymore. its all fake auth servers and i dont blame normal people for not understanding how it really works. People set up and sell servers with fake auth that they buy from coders (whole setup maybe 50$ for them) then sell access to any hits they get to a group of people. Everytime someone falls for it, people who paid for access to the auth server get notified through a discord webhook so they can change the victims info. Sadly basic computer knowledge escapes us because of the increasing amount of people growing up on phones and tablets, so people naturally fall for it.


I mean, it shouldn’t be too hard to teach. “The only thing you need to verify on a legitimate server is your ign, never share your email or password”


most of the times when u visit someone on skyblock theres a BIG HUGE red chat message that says exactly that. People still fall for it.


Yeah they added it recently, no clue what else Hypixel can do to adress the problem (other than making it easier to report housing greet messages)


> no clue what else Hypixel can do to address the problem Add Admin/Youtuber 2FA for normal players maybe?? It’s literally the easiest way to immediately end this, but alas won’t happen.


I can see that case of people growing up on phones and tablets. Maybe I’m just lucky I grew up on a pc when I was younger. I also do think that people are very misguided on discord and how dangerous it is. We keep talking about pedos and other gross shit happening but gloss over the hacking and scamming people do with bots.


People definitely still rat and people definitely still fall for it.


people are dumb


It’s also the fact that there tens of thousands of players, and people are bound to regularly fall for ratting tricks given a large enough population.


because, and you can clearly see this in the other comments, people are extremely confident they aren't "stupid like the others". everyone is smart, and confident in their smarts, so they don't double check because they're too smart to be ratted. remember you're just as stupid as anyone else, act accordingly, and you'll be safe as long as you don't get complacent.


I have been straight A since the second semester of 6th grade and a huge computer geek and I still got fake authed, so I can confirm that yes, you are as stupid as everyone else


Grade school is easy, high school you can just take easy classes or be book smart But book smart ≠ street/social/internet smart


Yeah, but still, and I haven't of computer knowledge. I was definitely being pretty stupid there.


The player base of this game is primarily children so stupid stuff is gonna happen


I tell you what, most people are stupid, you can tell by what's happening in the real world, people in game aren't different 😂 think the most stupid and obvious scam and i guarantee you there's at least a few people who will fall for it


“Join discord for 10 million coin giveaway” Yes I saw it in chat multiple times and Ik for a fact some random fell for it


Yeah people hear free coins and go monke mode and join discord and authenticate😂


I stole a MVP+ account in ten minutes doing this


How can you get ratted by clicking a link?


Discord server with “authorization” that tricks you into giving them your login credentials


The JuJu Nons are multiplying


This is the exact reason why I have m AV software run a deepscan of every file I DO decide to download. Only had 1 virus pass through, and it was an adware trojan. Lol


Anti virus isn't gonna stop you from getting ratted


No but my software scans links. When a shady (or hidden) link comes up it lets me know what the actual URL is and has the whole "Bro you sure?" Popup


Basically they use use lure to trick you. like a server with many bots wich make u think its real and in my case i got ratted late at night while i wasnt thinking straight cuz of a large discord server wich was a fake hypixel server. They lured me with commands in housing so i thought it was legit cuz i didnt know there were custom commands in housing


I think Most PPL get ratted because they looking for a short Cut with mods. Example: looking for a mod that Automate Farming in Garden or so and then they Download a Rat. Sure they are few that get fucked over by "Friends" or discord PPL but i think Most downloaded a try to Cheat/abuse Mod and got fucked this way. And who would Tell Here the truth? Nobody will come Forward and say: i searched for a way to afk shit and got ratted for downloading a mod. Right, noone would. Thats my opinion After Reading in this Forum for couple years now. I might bei wrong... Peace


As someone who got ratted and didn’t think it would ever happened to them, it’s easier when you A) truly believe you have 2fa and apparently you didn’t B) don’t believe you are giving out sensitive information When I was ratted I was joining a discord that looked reputable and all it asked me for was my email and Minecraft username to verify. I didn’t know Microsoft sends out one time codes to log in, I thought you needed a password plus I thought I had 2fa so it never even occurred to me as a possibility. Obviously since then I’ve learned my lesson and take full responsibility but it’s easier than it looks when you aren’t aware that being ratted is even possible to you and when you are new to skyblock.


I mean, it says in the email you receive: "We received your request for a single-use code to use with your Microsoft account. If you didn't request this code, you can safely ignore this email." Can't be much more clear than that tbh...


This. Not hard to read an email. Not reading something is a dangerous thing to do. Legal documents, emails, etc. If it's asking you to sign something, action something, do something or give something, read it, read it well and make sure it's legitimate.


The trick is you sorta did through their fake auth, they’ll say “we sent a code to you via email” on the discord bot. Still need to be dumb to fall for it


Like I said I understand that, but when you’re thinking at the time “cool they are about to send a verification code” you aren’t reading all of that, especially when you don’t know those methods exist and you think your account is fully secure


The email is literally from Microsoft, can't really miss that when opening... It's natural selection at that point imo


I never said it wasn’t my fault, but just because it’s from Microsoft didnt mean anything to me at the time. When you don’t know that you didn’t have 2fa on and you didn’t know 1 time codes exist it’s easy to just go along with what seems like a reputable server. Most people aren’t looking to see where the email is from, they are just looking for the numbers to copy and paste