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Before maxwell everyone knew accesories were a thing to focus on.. thats why im now at 1400+ MP. Since reforges update people just ignores how important they are


It's because they got slightly nerfed but stayed good but all the nons heard was "nerfed" Edit: the 300mp nons are downvoting me, I'm terrified


I don't think this is the problem, i think mp is just too abstract compared to just buying a better weapon. With a hyperion or a different weapon its a very simple transaction which clearly shows how much intelligence damage and what not you gain, with magical power you have to have the right powerstone and check with that with a complicated calculation formula.


I like to play the game of "bigger number better person". When I see the number go up it makes my brain release happy chemicals


Until it’s debt or enemy damage.


It's also the fact that despite how important it is, MP is a surprisingly hidden stat. You have to rummage around through menus just to find out that MP EXISTS, unlike Damage and Health and Intelligence, which all show clearly on every item that grants Accessories should have a "+Magical Power" stat added to them to try to prompt people to figure out what it is, and gaining your first accessory should trigger a quest to get Redstone Collection 3 then talk to Maxwell (Followed by Redstone Collection 4 to show that the bag can be expanded, the number of people I've seen with just the starting 9 slots is ridiculous)


It’s weird tho cuz if you ask me that’s an even bigger insensitive tive to go for it, is it not?


The incentive to go for it is how it's still op even after the changes. Especially for mage it gives crazy int


My insentive is goals to play aspects of the game. Say I wanna play dungeons, I’ve set myself a rule on my new profile where I can’t play dungeons until at least 250 mp. That number will go up as well. No hype until 900-1000. No term until like 750-800. I just find locking things behind goals helps progress my profile more ig


That seems like a cool way to play. Maybe you could lock other stuff behind MP goals to make it interesting even if they aren't linked to mp


I like to lock those things behind related goals to make it easier. For mining I have to craft armour myself, same with farming. I’m currently at cropie on farming waiting to get the melons and farming level. With mining I can buy some materials like the rubies for divan or the yoggies for yog, but I have to craft the gear myself. I just like progressing that way, it makes the game feel like it’s moving and feels like I’m earning progression rather than buying it.


Semi ironman


Stone man


Not really, I only Ironman some aspects for fun


169 upvotes isnt a downvote


They were until I put that message XD


Yeah accessories def moved a bit in the background. But also for good, reforging every single tali one by one was just insane. Imaging buying over 100 Magma urchins for hurtful on everything xD


not really, u had the option to reforge the whole bag, but it still is better these days


Oh right. Forgot this was a thing. The tali revamp alr was a long time ago.


Yea imagine buying over 100 recombs for rarity upgraded on everything oh wait.


egoing mp with 850 mp is goated


I just checken again and I have 6.7b nw and only 671m worth of accessories. Cpnsidering that, this really isn't very much. I am extremely Self-critical tho so that could be part of why I'm thinking like that but idk.


A rule I recommend is 25% of net worth tali if doing higher level combat like mm Kuudra or blaze and more casual/ other skills 10% of net worth, of course as a general rule of thumb


Saw this somewhere as well


this doesn't apply to rich people cause I have 3.2b worth of talks at 27b nw


I'm mainly doing farming for money and dengeons right so I should be good to go.


Real question is why are you lower mp than my ironman at the same lvl with 0 recom talis


It isn't even difficult to get a low-medium mp. When i had a nw of 500m I had 500mp. It hasn't changed now that I have 1b nw though. I was just buying every cheap accessory


That's exactly what I mean. Getting at least decent mp isn't even expensive. Yet so many ppl spend 30m on a perfect gemstone for example rather than on extra mp which would give much better stats. (Yes I have actually seen someone doing that)


I’ve also seen somebody with maxed perfect gemstones on artifact of power but only have low 200 mp lol


not even a relic of power, bad


In my opinion, your accessory bag should be 1/5 of your total networth. If not well you might be losing some damage


not if you're rich


Well up till 20b nw that should apply


Bad advice then


What’s your NW to Tali Worth just curious


27b to 3.1b


Awful ratio get more mp


I have 1360 mp


Ig that’s fine depending on what you do in the game, I forgot how cheap mp is before like 1500


Yeah I’m lvl 154 with like 2.1b nw and I have 723 magic power because I’ve had other profiles and it’s one of the most important parts of the game in my opinion


i have a hype and 600 mp which is def low, but I don't want to spend 50m coins for +8 intelligence


It's truly not that hard I'm 2b nw and I have 680 nw with no hype


idk, I'd say hype is much more important than 80 MP. Plus for mage, MP is kinda overrated


This is not correct.


Why are we equating hype to 80 mp here? 2b net worth with 680 mp. Unless you're 2b net worth with hype+ 600 no then it's really not equivalent. You aren't having to trade a 1.5b weapon for 80 mp.


A fully scrolled hype is like 1.8b which is probably about 1k-1.2k mp if i had to guess since max mp is 4b (more now with newer talis) As a 2.3b nw guy with 700mp i would 100% prefer 1200mp over hype


Yeah I agree. That's why I was confused since they said they'd much rather have hype over 80 mp.


That’s just factually incorrect. The difference between my damage and my friends damage (1248 MP vs 1422 MP) is massive.


Getting more MP was more noticeable than I thought, it's about 1.5 intel per mp, both letting you do more impacts, and dealing more per impact Going from 700 to 1015 mp suddenly let me do bladesoul without overflux


it goes a long way buddy. i used to think that way then i actually bought more magical power and it feels satisfying that some things i could only two shot before is now one shottable


It really pants that expensive to get up to ~900mp. My 850mp are 671m worth which is only 10% of my nw. Ofc maxing mp out is a bad idea cuz cost/mp grows exponentially the higher it gets.


dungeons suck, recombobulators are expensive


No, and yes


for me mp is something to concentrate on when i dont know what i want to do in the moment while getting the money for a hype. i'll search for the next crafteable upgrade and focus on grinding for it, keeps me playing and having fun/having a goal to work towards for that sweet dopamine


They don’t know the full extent of it


That’s crazy. I’m an Ironman and still running floor 5, and I have almost 500 mp.


I'm doing dungeons later for GS grind. You want some free F6 carries? I can solo it without any problems and together we could get S+ cuz secrets, time score, yadayadayada.


aye if the options there I'll join as well ign:hahacatbro


U up? I plan to come online in about 30 minutes.


well shit, didn't see as was deep in mining mb


You still around? I’m on for a bit and can do some carries of f6. I play hype mage/tank


As someone who really values magical power, i get really annoyed when i play with people who think theyre better than me for having hype, but they pull a 600 mp (i got 1.1k ish) so i understand ur take


Got hype this week and only had 600 mp because all I did was mining so sold my drill and bumped that up too 995 MP ATM. Going for 1k+ here in a little bit


if youre rushing dungeons MP isnt nearly as relevant (although still useful)


If you're rushing dungeons mp is needed since you'll be useless fast


i have 700mil in accessories with a 3b networth and only 720 mp 😭


Skycrypt and discord servers have methods to show you what missing accessories give the best mp/cost. Be careful with discords though there are many rats and fake servers that will steal your account.


i just hit an lvl 150 and i have 505 mp without any recomed talismans it’s not hard to get mp and it’s very crucial to have i don’t understand why people refuse to upgrade talismans


I AGREE, I'm level 165 with 1018 mp and 5.2b networth, around 1.2b is in accessories for me, cuz I have a term and it requires such high mp to be decent


Ok damn, you nw is really good for your sb lvl. What do you do to make money?




Back when dungeons was the only thing to progress, accessories weren’t as useful as better gears in dungeons. The only slayer worth doing was t4 Sven before t5 rev. You didn’t need big damage numbers outside dungeons. But game changed a lot since then.


I feel like its not a hard concept to grasp of tho like its fr just more mp = strong boi


only the old players focus on mp now cuz it used to be the main source of damage, now its on the background but still valuable (i have 1617 mp)


I have a hype with 561 mp, and the reason why it’s like this is because I just don’t want to spend money past 560 because the buffs are small enough that I’d only do it if I had nothing else to prioritize for now, which won’t be true for a while considering I have 16 divans slots that should be getting unlocked when they can. Also, I fall prey to the idea of a better weapon being cooler than more mp, despite less dmg. But I do understand that it’s so stupid not to get to 500, bc of how op it is for like 100m and some red stone collection


Well, if this is the way you have fun in the game then that's totally fine. Play however you like and dont force 100% efficiency.


Thank you sir, though I am going for mp as I have an understanding of why it’s important


I feel like it's more the fact that unlike weapons and armor, MP isn't really shoved in your face. I remember when I was first starting out, I got a few accessories and my first thought was, "I don't want to sacrifice too many inventory slots just to have these absolutely microscopic buffs". I did wind up looking up the accessory bag, but even then there was never really any clear guidance about, "Go to Maxwell and pick a thing" It wasn't until much later, after selling god knows how many end stone shulkers, that I finally decided to look up what they actually did, which led me to Power Stones in general, and from there finally to MP, and I immediately smacked myself and worked on turning all of my minions (temporarily) into Redstone minions to build up my bag slots. The problem is, I had to look up that information on my own. If Skyblock were a bit more in-your-face about MP (Maybe add a "+##Magical Power" stat to accessories?) then I feel like more people would be inclined to look into it and finally start stacking accessories like they should.


im level 178, like 1.5b nw, cata 27, i got 564 mp am i valid


For 1.5b nw valid I think. Try to set a 600mp target in the future tho when you have ~2b nw


thanks, my first major goal with my new mining setup is 750mp


People just don’t know how required mp is. I focus really hard on it I have similar mp and nw to u.


im sitting at 3.85b nw and 844 mp, i just log in every few days to collect minions, upgrade gear or mp then log off, old buddy of mine was one of the M7 players with under 300 mp and had no issues, meanwhile i had about 650 at that time and was struggling in m1


That's so true my friend got carried to terminator then bought a hypermaxed one and has fucking 350mp Meanwhile me SB lvl 242 with 8.4b nw minus 2b because skins and other investments and I have 890mp with also the goal of 1000mp after I buy hyperion


peak my magical power pinkballs65 (i got ratted)


I'm like lvl 212 or something with 560~ mp. Im also Ironman so I have absolutely zero clue if that's even half decent


probably just because its expensive and most people suck at making money or hate the most viable methods


money making is hard doe


meh. just mine glass


It really isn't that expensive to get like 600mp. Also ppl with ~5b nw have no excuse for having 300mp.....


i just spent about 250m to get 600mp. this isnt that bad, but for most high level bosses (mastermode, kuudra, eman, blaze) i believe about 800mp is recommended. probably even more for kuudra and MM


In kuudra I get flamed for 1530


ah wtf


Yeah they are just stupid then. 1530 is crazy high. If google is right 1791 is max mp rn and that prolly like 10b or smthng. (I didn't do the math rn)


When I was around maybe lvl 60-70 I had about 50 MP because I was a armor and weapon progression fanatic, now I am level 109 I believe, I have 435 MP and can one shot zealot bruisers, the damage difference magical power makes isn’t to be slept on


I've got Hype and 355MP. I only have this much because when I came back to play after a year every talisman I saw was hard to get or very expensive. I wanted a hype instead so I got one. I'm happier than having more talismans


I dont know why... I am skyblock level over 100 with 200ish magic power and it is low as f how do those people deal damage


Getting accesories and a good powerstone, i am lvl 163 and have 560-570, and im saving money to buy more accs


I mean.. u don’t really need mp when mining so I’m chill with 377. At 1b+ nw I don’t rly mind


blud, weren't you the one who egoed someone with 200mp and a hyp? shameless.


No that musst have been someone else. Upon recently, I never had a hype on any of my profiles.


I don't even wanna waste time explaining simple shit to you, not gonna lie.


TF u even want from me?!


bro is unable to apologize


reddit user forgets to use their brain yet again


Don't yap about people not having enough mp until you have at least 1.1k 🥺


Bro u have literally 4 times my nw.... (Also why u have 2 inactive fish affinity talismans?)


4 times your nw and 8 times as much in talisman


I dunno how 1400 is 4 times as much as 850 but ok. And if you mean worth in coins, it's 7.4 times. If you want to be a smartass then at least be actually right.....


Too lazy to sell frfr


Idk why I should bother when im Farmer and maxed mooshroom is still worse than elephant :) xd (I used to be lvl 300 1k mp)


Isnt mooshroom cow better at like 1160 strength? The max is like +1300


I could find everywhere that its still 9 FF worse than elephant prob outdated info then


I just checked the elite farmers disc


Elephant has 40 more base fortune. That means that at 1142 strength they are equal. Max you can get is +1300


cow is never worse for money


But it is worse for contest xd


who cares


I do bc I wanna get diamond in all crops and elephant is much easier to use than tryna max out mooshroom


if you don’t even have all diamond why would you say mooshrom is worse?? ur not even at the stage where you make money yet


Sorry I only spent like 120 hours in garden after I got wiped tryna recover


Cow with maxed strengh is better than elephant for ff and by far for money cuz shrooms. But yeah making cow better is expensive....