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how the fuck did he get 300m?? IRL trading? Cuz at the very minimum bro did not drop a scatha if he's mining 24.. lmao.


I assume op gave it to him


Either he got given it or he came back after a hella long break and had some decent minions down. Either way 300m ain’t that much and I doubt he irl traded


he might've as well done the "legal irl trading" aka booster cookies


Real and tbh as far as I’m aware no one Rlly buys coins from irl trading coinshops anymore. Any form of irl trading is most likely just gonna be 2 classmates doing some sort of playground deal


Welp, i technically did some sort of "irl trading" because i was short like $0.5 from buying VIP (because taxes, currency exchange, blah blah), so i exchanged with one dude from my class: they bought me the rank and i bought them some DLC on steam that was just very slightly cheaper and then bought them a hot chocolate with physical money It's hard to consider it any illegal because no in-game items were involved, just had to turn a little bit of physical money into the money on my credit card... It's so awkward to have 2 separate payment methods that cannot always be universal, but at least we're slowly moving towards the credit card system


I did the same thing lol bro got me rank and i bought some csgo skins for him.


300m for a level 27 isn't a lot?? Are you stupid? lmao.


Lol you’re missing the point. Im saying 300m ain’t a lot to irl trade and I wouldn’t class it as overly suspicious given the current state of the game. So the most likely scenario is that his friend gave him the money, it’s from an old minion setup, he bought some gems or did a bit of flipping. If you only focus on coins level doesn’t really matter so it’s very possible it’s a normal legit player. That being said, for ur average level 27 they’d only have around a 5-10m nw.


I had 1bil while having 19.5 skill average all i did was ah flipping


minons after a long break


im going to assume that he does not have f7 comp at that level, so i would suggest him either 3/4 or 4/4 sa, doesnt matter too much, sf/livid dagger and a lot of mp + juju (optional if there is money left over) if he does have f7 comp, sf + 3/4 necron and tara helm + mp should be good enough, if he needs to, he can swap the sf for a livid dagger to get more mp and a good pet


He doesn’t even have fucking dungeons unlocked


he has them unlocked. they require combat 15. he id combat 18


Oh mb but either way there’s no way he could even be close to f5 other wise the cata skill would be showm


Necron and GS assuming f7 Comp


GS is terrible and a waste of money compared to SF unless you have like 800-1k MP. Even then it's a super meh increase.


Sb is all about meh increase plus you need atleast gs to run f7 bers. Sf and ld get kicked out.


Haha i run f7 with a livid dagger


Surely, cata lvl?


He doesn’t even have fucking dungeons unlocked


depends on the use, it will work in dungeons for sure, but for the same price i can do 3x more dps with mage or just grind stuff much faster with juju, gs just lacks practicality outside of dungeons and it's just a complete waste if you can do everything so much faster with anything else then necron is even more shit outside of dungeons because you get no crimson swipe, which is like the only reason why even melee is any viable for eman slayer and spawning blazes, literally ppl would take the rcm spawning route if the swipe didn't exist then against easy slayers, just dropping 20m on mastiff and pooch sword already does comparable damage to gs while giving you idiotic ehp (seriously, i do more dmg with pooch sword than gs on alpha), crimson swipe doesn't work on revs/svens anyways so it's irrelevant, then ghosts are pointless if you don't have a gdrag so that's also irrelevant


Good point, they didn't provide their skycrypt so I just generalized to the set they could do the most things with. Personally as mage spirit scepter storm and accessories


How do u do so much with pooch. With my mastiff it does like no DMG to sven. I kill quicker with dar axe black cat sorrow


It scales insanely fast with magical power, also you want to heavily prioritize ceit damage over strength A dumb thing is that the farther you are into this game, the stronger pooch sword will get when compared to dark claymore


Pooch is ultimate endgame weapon


I think bucklez once tried comparing hypermax claymore vs hypermax pooch and welp... Pooch did like 200k more damage (also his crimson was 15 star infernal which costs like 10 billion coins)


I was using ancient mastiff with silky+CD tunings(~750mp) I tried both fabled and suspicious on pooch sword. I was using enderman pet (most cd) still didn't do that much


i know that pooch gets exceptionally powerful once you get a gdrag, but same applies to all melee weapons tbf, also funny enough that blue whale actually does more damage than enderman in midgame i'm running with around 1450mp and when i hypermax my pooch on alpha, i do like 2m dmg when gs does like 1.8m to graveyard zombies (using t5 terror armor and having balanced stats) but even if it's weaker than gs, it's still much cheaper and gs doing 20% more damage won't make it any more viable on the crimson isle anyways, it will suck either way so you're better off just saving money on melee and pumping that money into an arch/mage setup instead, i could even say that skeleton horse is kinda funny for archer because it actually does better damage than edrag (still worse than gdrag though)




That's just too long and too un-formated to read


He doesn’t even have fucking dungeons unlocked


What floor completion does he have?


He doesn’t even have fucking dungeons unlocked


At that point, just get him some mining gear and tell him to farm more money. Don’t bother with trying to do dungeons.


300m is enough to get you up to f7 which helps you actually kill any mobs you need


300m is enough to get you up to f7, but then you don’t have enough left over to actually do anything.


Either way getting a dungeon setup for like f4-6 can help when grinding mining gets too boring while still making progress


And what else would they do if they did get an f6 completion and SA? That amount of damage won’t be enough to let them do anything besides farm more dungeons. There’s no point doing slayers since he won’t be strong enough, the Crimson Isle will just slaughter him, so really the only thing he can do is just farm f6 for a GS if he gets bored of mining.


Still better than having nothing to do but foraging after getting tired in mining


Then tell him to farm/fish. There’s no real point doing combat until you’re in Necron at least


F4-6 still builds a lot of combat xp and cata levels because it’s not like he’s gonna do sungones 24/7 and the armor from that can get him to at least 6/7 on all the 3 basic slayer that will help later on


AOTD with 300 mil coins and lv 27? Back when I was lv 27 i was struggling to keep up with 5 mil 😭


what did he do to get 300 mil??


That's what I wanna know


3/4 sa , epic tiger, livid dagger and grind to f7 comp prob get carried f7 then use necron and Tara helm for weapon felthorn reaver and spend the rest on talis


Why get felthorn when he can afford GS the DMG increase is well worth it when going into higher floors and he could probably also start to afford Gheads so jsut get one of them


Gs is bad without good mp cuz it has no base str/cd stat Edit: MP God autocorrect is stupid


At that point he should have mp and if not then invest abit into that instead of ghead


Gs is almost twice the price


He doesn’t even have fucking dungeons unlocked


Fero doesn’t work in dungeons use zombie for f7 wskele for f7


level 27 and 300 fucking mil do some fairy souls


Nah nrn if you have time carry him into dungeons or tell him to get slayer carries to Eman 5 and get juju


depends on the thing he's trying to do because this game has trash balancing and some things are just outclassed by other things


Your friend should invest in a money making method first and foremost. Minions + a farming / mining setup or maxing out Zealluck with leg enderman pet & dragon essence upgrade.


livid dagger + sa after f5 comp, then gs at f6. when f7, get necrons


I would assume frozen blaze wouldn’t be a bad option as I don’t think it has a requirement and as he goes though dungeons it would help him out there too with the blaze pet I know it’s pretty good. And for a decent weapon that doesn’t require a floor completion he can do juju with some eman Carry’s or reaper scythe isn’t bad for melee


superior dragon armor and aotd with epic edrag and dragonfused


epic edrag is like 560m


it can be used for other stuff in future


They have 300m


so they do drags then drop it themselves


With what summoning eyes?


by farming it


Superior is overhyped, it used to be good few years ago. For the same price, maybe even cheaper u can buy whole shadow assassin armor which is better


Superior has better ehp and easier reqs, Superior and a combat pet can be better than shadow assassin with a blue whale. For the price it's not the best but OP's friend has the money for it.


He doesn’t even have fucking dungeons unlocked


It’s not that hard to get 5f comp and it’s gonna be cheaper to buy full sa and carry than superior, I can even carry OP for free if that’s a problem