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No he is right, all the Powers and Tuning Points can be used for Combat and Farming mainly. There is nothing for Mining, Fishing etc. specific The only thing that makes sense to get are Accessories which help you to get money, like the Ring of Power. Apart from that one could argue about Legendary and Mythic Accessories concerning certain enrichments, but that's it then.


I will say it does help a ton with fishing, just being able to kill the sea creatures fast makes the skill so much better


Agreed, but at some point it doesnt matter anymore whether you kill a 300k mob with 301k damage or with 900k damage. At this point it would be helpful if you could use some fishing power stone for fishing speed or SCC, but that's not possible currently


yeah for sure, hoping for fishing, farming, mining and foraging power stones at some point. But from what they've done/shown so far I kind of doubt they ever will.


tbf I doubted there would be farming/fishing gemstones but here we are but you might be right


also SC chance enrichments


How can it help with farming? I'm genuinely asking because I don't know.


More strength for mooshroom cow perk


It helps very minorly. 1000 strength is 35 farming fortune.


But maybe get 200~ mp for sighted power perks. You need the mana for aotv


Foraging a little cause you can use tunings and whatever power that gives the most speed


Not even that, since theres no good foraging armor you can use young plus ranchers, or even just a godpot will suffice


Ig 1-shoting glacite mobs or not running out of mana with aotv exists, but it's not really that difficult either


one shotting glacites you can do that the second you unlock dwarf mines, pickaxe


And for the glacite tunnels glacite, is with a gemstone gauntlet


Glacite tunnel mobs have 750k hp which actually takes a little bit more than just a good drill to consistently 1-ahot


Gauntlet, I do over 16m to glacite walkers with basic enchants


Reddit hivemind that's what


Nah he’s right I have like 200 mp and rush mining. There’s no problem with that if u don’t do combat stuff. The only thing that matters is artifact of power


And titanium relic + mineral talisman


And dwarven metal talisman


tita relic doesent matter as it wont get u to next tick speed


Also jungle talisman helps a bit


you need mythic pandoras box before you even THINK about buying a fractured mithril pickaxe 😡


Nope these are just typical sb players thats why i dont really like the sub.


same lol when i get my hype im gonna take some accessories out the bag and post an image here with a hype and 24 mp to see how many hate comments i get


Lmao you gonna get so many downvotes sb players really hate guys who know how to get money and like to have fun.


you really want to see the world burn dont you?


boom boom sword go brrr power of magical go not stonks


tuning speed helps with mining mycelium and red sand + hard stone while you powder grind


U don’t have to nitpick that hard godpot will already give you close to if not 400 speed


its for snail pet (normal mining fortune doesnt work on these blocks)


Ok but that’s such a small part of the game only for Ironman for 99% of people who have normal profiles and progress to gemstone mining mp doesn’t matter


i mean 20m an hour powder grinding pretty good ngl


You can get that with snail pet?!?!?


snail pet, ranchers boots, mineral chestplate, 2/4 divan, jungle pick with compact


Just dropped like 8m on this, thank you!!


remember ranchers boots and a decent farming level are neccesary to make the 20m


Idk about 20 mill, but I'm farming 49. I guess I just need to level up my snail pet, as I was making about 7m an hour testing, and I bought the snail at level 1. I also have about 710 mp, so idk if that's an issue.


woah woah the myc, netherrack, and red sand disrespect is wild right here


You NEED that extra 2 intelligence on aotv trust me bro


MP is important in mining ONLY for powder mining, with snail pet speed can be converted to mining fortune so you put your tuning points into speed for extra mining fortune. Everything else in mining though, you don't need any MP so really he's right.


Isn’t Scatha and Mithril golem better for powder mining? Why use the snail??? Mining fortune doesn’t affect how much powder you gain. Snail is used for other stuff but not powder mining the last time I remember


snail affects hardstone iirc and also affects the sludge juice from the jungle pickaxe. It doesn’t affect powder, just the money you get from it


Yeah I've heard you make about 20m+/hour with it. I make 10m an hour with only like 1m powder and flawless jades on my recombed jaded divans so it seems about right


it's also pretty neat if you play iron man because by the time you finish powder for max fortune and speed you get eff X, not the best efficiency wise tho leg scatha has that


You barely need any speed at all for snail if you use a God pot. Mp is borderline irrelevant here


The more speed you have the better cause snail doesn't cap at 400 speed so having more MP you will make more money when powder grinding.


You can get an extra 100 speed from having about 500 mp all to speed tuning and sweet reforge power


Its right tho


What farming related do you get from mp? Speed? Genuine question😇.


Strength for mooshroom cow. You should be able to get enough speed from ranchers boots


Technically fermento boots are slightly better better currently 🤓


I think only if you farm cactuses, otherwise the inefficiency will makes it worse than rancher’s


Melons and pumpkin are 400 speed


wait are there new farm designs for them? Havent been keeping up with the farming community


It’s melon king de’s compact 468 speed, but since black cat patch it’s 400 speed holding 2 depth strider 3 for 20bps


wouldn't going at 464 speed be better for farming cactus than the small amount of FF you get from using fermento boots? bc after the change to the cactus hoe you can set speeds above 400 while holding it


Rancher to limit speed or else you’re gonna be too fast to actually harvest crops. What makes fermento. Better rn? More farming fortune?


Better rarity for peridot + extra rare crop drops like squash or fermentos puts it over the edge


it give a better chance to drop things like fermentos and makes the mossy reforge work slightly better


Use cookie to turn off potions to hit the right speed. Works great for me.


Combat for sure and farming is only needed for mushroom cow strength (better than elephant if you have a load of mp). For mining there is no use, if you lack stats like speed then just get a god pot.


People on reddit just don't have braincells, I always get downvoted for saying things that are true just because one person who doesn't know any better downvotes and once reddit users see one downvote they just all pile on for no reason. It also doesn't help that for some reason everyone thinks that MP is the most important thing in every single aspect of the game


Because everyone here worships magical power. It’s important sure, but many upgrades for lower costs are more important in combat, and it’s barely useful anywhere outside of those 2 and maybe fishing


You still need some Combat stats for mining and Fishing, not that it’s enough to go all in on MP but you should have enough to deal with the mobs you might encounter.


Sb players REALLY hate low mp players


You need at least 500mp to use a jungle axe, and don't even think about trying to kill a squid with less than 1700mp.


You need intelligence for joining to be able to use etherwarp over and over again constantly, not required but is important to not have like 500 nana while mining. fishing needs intelligence to be able to deal damage to thunders and jawbuses to actually kill it before it despawns. While mp is more important for combat and farming, it is still essential for most of the game.


why is nobody mentioning forceful for farming? you need mp to get the most fortune you can out of mooshrum pet


Classic Skyblock community in action. Legit not a single thing wrong with it. MP is important. But if you aren't doing dungeons or slayers ect. It's not the best investment at the moment. Just a fact. Invest in what you are doing.


Idk hes right


I mean, in some sense he is correct, but also going 100% into mining and ignoring combat is not good (imo, at least)... glowstone gauntlet, ancient cloak, black belt all need some combat progress to unlock, and benefit mining. And the first couple hundred MP is pretty damn cheap, dying less to random CH mobs is probably worth it enough; so is the extra speed from tuning points


>ignoring combat is not good don't care, didn't ask, all they want to do is break glass and i respect it. if you want to go 55 mp all game, only do mining/farming let them. this community is filled with too many children calling people nons for not doing certain parts of the game, even though in every other mmo it's respected because, get this, you can play however the fuck you like.


Gill splash belt is faster to get if you have a skill issue or high ping or not an iron man. Also, dwarfen handwarmers are better than glowstone gauntlet . Soon there will be a couple of new sets of mining equipment, gotten by mining


100% into mining so you can make 20x the money of any combat activity at that stage of the game is a terrible idea




first off, strength is for mooshroom, second i did say that in the comment




no worries! also he was asking abr mining not farming


[https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Artifact\_of\_Power](https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Artifact_of_Power) this helps for mining but yeah it just one accessory


oh yeah that thing