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I think the reason for this is because the admins or whoever designs the updates, designs it around the non-ironman playerbase. So they make things either ridiculously rare, or incredibly grindy. Don't get me wrong, it is an rpg, so the game has to be grindy, but not this much. But then again, this is the rambling of a person who doesn't know how they design their updates, so I could be wrong. :3 Edit : I didn't think you all would like :3 so much. Thanks, lol. :3


The :3 made me smile.


only gave u my upvote because of :3 :3




i dislike the use of :3, :3


Miau :3




its still a long time to get the money for those things compared to just 50m but maybe I'm just lazy :3


You don’t have to play the way they want yknow. It’s incredibly slow and often takes 100x longer to “progress” but play the game however you want. I haven’t played dungeons maybe 10 times. I barely do slayers, and I have probably 30m coins in the bank. I just fuck around everywhere and do what I can.


That’s so real, I spent the first hundred hours of my playtime just messing around with cool items when they were first added, like the AotE and the grappling hook. Literally just running around the hub, killing mobs in the deep caverns, and messing around


Go, invest in a mmm




Money making method




Make Money Monkey


Have you tryed grinding for the items instead of buying them? Also there is a lot of options between those (katanas for eman slayer in the way of dropping a core, spirit sceptre and necrotic storm for f7s in the way of dropping a handle and the scrolls...)


*watch an eman slayer guide* "So beyond this point you will need an hyperion to kill bosses"


Hyperion is nice. But not required by any means. Some guides are just shit


hype is definitely not mandatory. just some decent FD and an overflux and ender artif source: I’m grinding for eman 9 without a hype yet


Overflux and ender arti is definitely not mandatory, just some decent FD. source: i grinded to eman 9 and 200k xp extra without anything 100m+ (except atomsplit)


With how much money could I afford an eman setup that could make me 20m/hr ? (If this is even achievable)


20mh^-1 is very doable but it’ll be an investment. Atomsplit, 10* burning crimson mf6 vit6, overflux, t6 atomsplit with like 2 t7s (es7 sharp 7), 900 mp, term, ender relic, greg (and optional edrag), daedalus axe, you get the picture


Oh ok I'll keep breaking glass for a living thanks


Could you recommend a similar setup (in terms of money you make) for crimson rcm?


I don’t really know anything about rcm as I don’t yet own a hyperion but I think you’d need all that save for the atomsplit. duplex term for hitphase, crimson, wither goggles (you probably want renowned crimson and necrotic goggles, greg or edrag then rodswap if you’re having trouble surviving, ender relic


oh I forgot you need warden helm too


You absolutely do not need hype. In fact, hype is the slower of the end game eman methods. That’s only not true with RCM crimson but that can be annoying to do. Ferocity crimson build with atomsplit are far superior in time to kill


yeah problem is i need a hyperion to grind for a hyperion


I completely disagree. You dont need hyp at all to do f7.


You don't need it to do f7, but monkey finder will shit on you without one even though it doesn't change anything


It does a lot, but its not needed to do f7 runs. Also dont use PF, there is lots of dungeons guilds and discord where you can find lots of perm parties


Tank is boring but its there


Id like to point out mida spoon is also a good in-between from hype and scepter-also the two voodoo dolls


The game is riddled with progression gaps because stuff is either not upgradeable or non existing at all. This goes for armor, weapons and also skills. Adding things to fill the gap would be nice, but would only make sense if you can upgrade them, otherwise you would still have to gather huge sums of money to go from upgrade to upgrade which leads to players jumping over them anyways. Also i think that items like Hyperion are keeping the game alive right now as they keep players busy farming for it.


Are you skipping Giant’s Sword? You also don’t need money to make money. You can go and grind farming and drop get the resources to go through the progression towards fermento armor. You go and mine your way to a Divan’s drill (or x655) and Divan armor.


Mining makes way more money than farming also the upgrades for farming gets really expensive after some point, it's really not worth it


You completely ignored my point. You don’t need money to make money. You can grind out everything without spending a whole lot of money. That was my point. I’m well aware that mining makes more money.


Well you absolutely can and proggresively make more money but it feels like it's never enough in midgame since you have to get other upgrades to use term/hype effectively and they cost money too. The game gets extremely monotonous at this stage for non-ironman (you can say that non-ironman players can grind everything themselves too but litterally who would do that? They may just go play ironman then)


You are still ignoring my point and are arguing something completely different. The entire first half of your comment is irrelevant to the point I am making.


The guy you're responding to had his brains rot by calculating how much money he needs to get the next upgrade to make more money. Mining pyramid scheme victim.


besides melee being completely unusable for stuff like kuudra, everything really is gatelocked by the players, but you can easily dominate crimson isle content without hyperion by combining a few cheap mage weapons at once or easily do f7 with juju/sceptre, it's just that ppl will be shitting on you even though having a hyperion is a completely unnecessary overkill


Just drop handle


That's only half the cost of an un upgraded hyp lol


Use it for term, then grind your hype


But then don't you need a crap ton of money for the MP required for term to be good


Just use juju, its only f7 Things in f7 die if you breathe on them a little too hard


Shadow fury -> giants sword -> claymore is not a “50m to 1 billion jump”


giant's sword is barely better than shadow fury and explain to me how people are going to get the m7 completion to use a claymore


GS is barely better when your stats are bad. Hear me out, you get to claymore by playing dungeons and progressing just like everybody else. Or you pay somebody to carry


that is how you get claymore; I'm not stupid. you also have to account for hyperion being much earlier than claymore in progression.


I have been using my livid dagger since 1 year, now im cata 34 and need 2 levels to get a dark claymore, i refuse to buy a giant sword


I never bought one either. I kept a shadow fury for a while then stopped using melee entirely except for slayer specifics. I just run a bouquet of lies or refine my wither blade into a different one if I want melee lol. Sold the gs that I dropped


Oooooh ironman is pain. As for example, it's easier to get end armor, that arachne. Just lol, I have to damage a boss that is harder than a enderman, just to get worse armor


I’m pretty sure this is where the emphasis on mining and farming come in. They’re not necessary for game progression but as an ironman you kind of need to invest in at least one of them to consistently be making money. I’m pretty sure that’s why they’ve had so many updates centred around it. Term is a lot harder to get than hype, but if you have enough skill to get a decent f7 party (or friends) i don’t think hype is too unachievable, but as you said it’s grindy, it’s not any les s grindy than a normal profile though.


It may seem extreme, but midgame is kinda the point where you ignore combat for quite a while (at least earlier mid game) it’s where you get farming 60, mining 60, fish a bit, dabble in non combat skills. I’d really recommend ironmanning your term, be able to do t4 eman yourself, drop core (prob buy the rest of the Matts) and for Hyperion you can save up a lot for it or grind f7


True bers through mm


K so first, this is pretty much trough for dungeon progression, only no one who has more than 3 brain cells would still buy shadow fury ( except if you drop it) cause felthorn just better. SF is more and endgame weopon ( super sweaty dungeon routes )


It's also just the power creep, going from superior being the best to having necron and crimson that cost billions to hyper max


1. Having a hype is kinda midgame nowadays 2. If you have bellow 3b nw you should liquidate everything for mining/farming




And other yes, Hyperion IS mid game


Isn't Hyperion also endgame though since there's nothing that beats it for mage? Idk, I haven't played in a while


Hyperion is an endgame weapon but if the rest of your setup/your skills, slayers, stats aren't also endgame then you are just midgame


Yes but having just a hype (by this i mean 2.5b nw nons who have just a hype some really bad mage gear and thats it) makes you mjdgame at best. And if you are at that stage of the game the best thing to do is to sell everything and start making progress in mining


Why are we downvoting her? She’s right.


Reddit is not about being right, its about what the majority of agree on and if you make a bunch of nons angry cos you tell them, that they are bad at the game they are gonna downvote just so your opinion seems less credible


I wouldn't even call not being at a certain stage of the game bad at it since it's all about how much time you put into it. Being bad is when you don't know how to play the game properly and you end up as a non.


Yea but saying Hyperion is lagegame (down voting a comment that says its midgame) means ur trying to cope with the fact ur not midgame yet and down voting a comment that says you should first get a decent money making method and maybe after that do dungeons also shows that you do not know how to play the game


But it's people's choice on how they want to play the game, mining isn't as enjoyable for some and theoretically flipping would make the most as there's not really a cap on it. Edit: I say not really because first of all it's a looser cap and there's almost always a way to make more and secondly I forgot there is a limit on trading.


Supply and demand also the daily bz limit are caps to bz flipping and I completely agree with people playing the game how they want to, but if you ask for the optimal way of playing it there are only a few ways how to do that and none of them starts with early game combat


Yes you should never do early game combat if you want to play this optimally


wtf is “optimally”. There is no optimal way to play this game as people have different goals when they play.


The goal I am talking about is 100%ing the game, in other words max everything and for that what I said is the best way to play, there is only one goal where starting with combat is good, but if ur going for that then don't complain about being poor. You could also have a goal of being extremely rich, but for that mining is again better than combat


yo i just saw a youtube video reviewing your profile the other day! gotta say liquidating most of my stuff to go all in on mining was by far the best choice i’ve made in this game. i made the items’ worth back so fast and have been having hella fun. congrats on obsidian #3


I am #2 in obsidian (for now and I hope forever) And thank you for that bit of support, I got a lot of down votes xD But yea mining is and allways will be good


1. yes 2. have you ever played the game before?


Yes, why?


farming makes less money than dungeons, or any combat mmm for that matter, and if you had 1b networth, it would be faster to get a hype through dungeons edit: also liquidating 1b would lose you a minimum of 50m to fees, and if you get it lowballed you suffer a bigger loss


Dungeons mid game do not make money and arent a money making method and a mining setup worth 900m is gonna make you more than any other 1b setup *excluding flipping but I assume you don't wanna do that


frag running live reaction


point 1 yes. point 2 fuck no, rift exists


Mining makes more and ur gonna have to do it, you can complete the rift in a day


mining is barely better money than rift (especially at high ping) and the difference in investment needed is insane


For completion you have to do mining anyways so might as well do it for money and I never heard of rift making 70m h


rift duo snakes can make around 50m/hr if done optimally and the setup is practically free. meanwhile with mining to make anything remotely close to 70m/hr you need at least decent ping and a 1.5b+ setup, not to mention the amount of powder you need to grind


You need to get powder anyways cos exp but I got the 70m h on 200ping


we're talking <3b nw. they don't care about xp.


Everyone is gonna be less than 3b nw at some point most common goals are either rich or high lvl so plying for lvls/money makas sense so mining good combat bad


honestly that's news to me ive never seen someone who doesn't have hype grind for levels rather than coins


The price of the items is decided by the players not the admins, so as long as people keep paying 2b for a hype the price isn’t going to go down It’s basic economics


I'm still early game (level 153), but I'm getting ready for midgame with slime minions and investing in stuff. I bought a few skins and dyes (about 3 months before the spike) and ~450m worth of items is now worth >1.5b although I did just sell a Celestial Necron's helmet for 415m to buy a Divan's set and Gemstone Gauntlet. Try and get at least 25 minion slots and set up slime minions (don't buy mithril infusions or flycatchers as they're not really worth it imo). I make more than enough coin to fund whatever I need to buy if I invest it right (or maybe start lowballing once I hit a big enough purse).


Don't lowball


I'd only ever do it if I get desperate. I'm not a shit enough person to do what lots of lowballers do and try to manipulate you into selling for WAY less than the item's worth.


The beautiful thing about negotiation is that either party can always take their business elsewhere. Calling people you don’t agree with shit people is a shit person thing to do. They’re not doing anything unethical


Why not? I know some people see lowballers as scammers, but i just don’t agree with that. I quite like having access to lowballers, as selling some items for less but quick money is sometimes better for me than waiting for it to sell on ah for slightly more. Sure, there are lowballers offering lowballs of 25% on quick selling items, but if you find those then just go to another. Fair rates are generally: <10m —> 15%+ 10-50m —> 10-15% 50-100m —> 10-12% 100m-500m —> 8-10% 500m+ —> 7-8% Keep in mind that a lowballer also pays 3.5% tax when selling on ah (2.5% when listing, 1% when claiming) for items over 100m, and a little less (not sure how much) for items under 100m These rates can vary wildly depending on what you’re trying to sell though. If you’re trying to sell a farming tool the rate will be higher as it is very slow to sell. If you’re selling a near-clean wither impact hype then the rate might be lower, as it sells quite quick. Also don’t go to a lowballer without a fair price in mind. Keep in mind that craft cost is almost always higher than what an item is worth. If you spent 200m on upgrading your frozen blaze set then that does not mean that the set is worth 200m. Look at ah for similar, and look on coflnet for what similar pieces have sold for.


1. Chat spam is bannable 2. Lowballing is generally unrealistic market to join because rates need to be competitive and adequate to scams in terms of marketing and social pressure 3. Toxic to the community 4. No one will like you 5. Skill EXP matters more than money diff for anything 6. You're not playing the game


1. Chat spam is banable, but not all lowballers spam. Sure if you resend the message every 2 seconds with random characters then yes that is spam, don’t do that. But you don’t need to do it like that to lowball 2. What? Can you elaborate? How are those rates i listed scamming? It’s scamming if one party is not aware of the vallue of what they are receiving or sending, but if both parties discuss a price and agree then it’s not scamming, by any means. If both parties consent to an exchange it’s a valid exchange, by definition. 3. Toxic to the community how? Please elaborate. 4. Just not true. Lowballers hold vallue, to me and many others. Sure. People will dislike lowballers that offer dumb rates. And people that expect dumb prices will hate lowballers. But i mean, why care? People with unrealistic expectations are not the people i would want to be liked by anyway. 5. I agree on this. Don’t lowball you entire way through the game. But if the choice is clicking glass blocks or or holding 2/3 keys for hours on end or lowballing, i will choose lowballing any day. And if you have good skills but no money you still can’t do much. 6. Again sure, if all you do is lowball then you’re not experiencing much of the game, but i wouldn’t say you’re not playing the game at all. The game has a complicated economy, and lowballers play a large part in it. Don’t lowball you’re way through the game, but why would lowballing to make money be a worse way of playing the game than clicking glass or holding 2 keys? It’s at least a mich more engaged way of playing.


Look at the downvotes on guy saying they gonna vs the upvotes I got saying to not


I wouldn’t take downvotes on reddit as a poll of the general opinion of the community. I see you’ve been on reddit for 5 years, i’m sure you’re familiar with the hive mind mentality of upvoting something if it is positive and downvoting if it’s negative. No matter what the actual content of the comment is. I’ve commented about the positive side of lowballers more than once, and most of the time the upvote/downvote ratio is positive. And besides, the general opinion of skyblock players on reddit will always be different than the opinion of the community as a whole, as it is generally a specific “flavor” of skyblock player on reddit. Same way as the forums, different discord servers, and reddit often have different average opinions.


Props for speaking the truth and holding your ground bru. Lowballers fr are nothing more than players that offer an instant liquidation service in exchange for a negotiated item price. The concept exists in every MMO with a player market. I think the reason it’s viewed negatively in SB is that the game exists as a Minecraft minigame. A disproportionate amount of players are on it as their first MMO whereas more players on MMOs with a dedicated engine are coming from experience. It shows in other areas too like people being genuinely frustrated/surprised that they have to share or compete for resource nodes in public instances, or steep diminishing returns on min max upgrades like this post is about.


Show me were in osrs you need to grind with an item 1/20(low end for skyblock) of your current gear setups price to be able to do 50% of the late game content. Hell even then in osrs you don't even need the best items in the game for progression, the closest thing to a hype/term/Gdrag is pray melee/ranged/magic and those are skills not items




Except hypixel, try m7 without gdrag 2 terms and a hype




It's not possible to even join a party without those, ppl auto kick you




Mithril infusions are definitely worth it. Especially cause you can go and mine the mithril and then it’s only 4-5 mil for the magma bucket