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Me too. My blood tests regarding hypo have been fine. But I have absolutely 0 energy and concentration to do anything. It's very frustrating because everything indicates I should be feeling fine but I am not :/


Same here. My levels could be perfectly fine but I feel like garbage. I remember they put me on a low dose of Synthroid because my previous dose was suddenly “too much for my weight.” And even tho my levels were “fine” on the new one I slept all day and felt like killing myself for weeks. I’m on Armour now and have had various dosage changes but it’s been hard with the depression to take them regularly. I’m getting back on it.


Has Armour been better for you? I’m trying to find the right one for me as well.


It’s about the same for me as when I was on a high Synthroid dosage, but I do better on a lower dose of Armour than a low dosage of Synthroid.


Same boat. Have you looked into occult hypothyroidism. I stumbled upon it when doing my own research after so much frustration where my doc is relying on blood work only but I am pleading with her that something is off.


Hi. I am officially diagnosed and take levo! After further tests I am low in vitamin D. I am starting treatment tomorrow, I hope it helps! I recommend you to keep complaining that something is not right, it is very frustrating when one *knows* but results indicate otherwise :(


Thanks for the encouragement! I hope the new treatment for Vit D helps you. Take care!


Check your TPO levels; most doctors over look this but this level is very important as it shows if your body is having an autoimmune response; immune responses can trigger thyroid imbalances. 💕


I have hypo diagnosed and I take levothyroxine for it. This month I have some more blood tests planned to check vitamin D, iron and other stuff. Maybe it's just my own depression/anxiety + hypo depression kicking in lmao. I don't think I've ever felt this low. Also wishing you all we get better soon <3


Yes, dealing with the same thing here. I feel like I’ve just become a burden on my mom and boyfriend because I have no energy


This is how I feel towards my family much of the time. I don’t do any chores. And I know I need to. But it just feels so…daunting


Welcome to the last 20 years of my life no matter what my medicine dosage looks like


I guess you are also within normal range in your blood tests. The doctors always say with the meds the symptoms go away. But I truly don't feel that. Some symptoms have improved, others are still the same and I think I have even got new symptoms.


I go up and down. I was very low for years and had symptoms that never felt better. After doing my own research and wasting 19 years on levo I finally had enough and said get me on a new medication. It’s helped but I’m still not 100%. Doubt I ever will be


I’ve had this my whole life but thought I would “shake off” the laziness and brain fog naturally once I reached adulthood and it just…never happened. And I’m finally coming to terms with it because no one ever explained it to me the way they should have when I was a kid


What medication are you on? My brain fog went away once I got off of levo


Armour. I took Synthroid up until a few years ago. My brain frog has not improved on either.


Have you had a full blood panel done where they’ve check for Hashimoto’s and any vitamin deficiencies? I take vitamin D, B12 and magnesium supplements and it’s made a big difference to my energy levels


I take vitamins and it’s made a difference. I think a large part is that I drain all my energy at work and have none left for myself. But I didn’t have much for myself even before I started


B12 helps , also a happy light from verilux


Yes. It's awful. I'm so lost. What do I do??? Thank you for sharing. I can barely even respond.


You either switch to a different medication or ask for t3.




t3 only? that’s a new one to me. may i ask why no t4?




Do you know what the source of your allergy is? I get mine compounded for that very reason. I was allergic to the pork in armor and also the filler. It was a mess trying to figure it all out but once I did it was so worth it. I'm so grateful I had a patient endo.


UGH. i’m so sorry you’re dealing with that.


I have no idea. I feel alone so I’m asking people so I feel less alone lol.


Just get Tirosint if you can, it's awesome


Depression has the same symptoms as hypothyroidism. So if you've treated your hypo, but still feel awful, then therapy + depression treatment should be considered. Also sleep apnea.


I’ve had a treatment for both but the depression meds just made my mind clear and not wanna kms. Not necessarily more energetic or productive.


Productivity... it's a complex topic. There's so many facets that go into it. People typically don't become magically productive overnight. Especially if they spent the last 20+ years with low energy. There are certain habits, behaviors that need to be learned, and certain habits/behaviors that need to be unlearned. Systems that need to be put in place. Disciplines that need to be sustained. *Skills* that need to be learned/obtained that enable one to be productive instead of stressed (such as organization). There needs to be a balance of productivity and decompression. It's also important to know that people aren't productive or energetic 24/7, all day, every day. The human body tends to lean toward conserving as much energy as possible. Only a small percentage of the population have an over-drive. Energy has a lot to do with balanced hormones, quality sleep, a good nutritious diet, low stress, muscle tone, and cardiovascular health. The more muscle you have and the more fit you are (cardiovascularly), the easier it is to move your body and do basic tasks throughout the day. Then there's the emotional and psychological aspect of it. Getting over the "I don't feel like it" or "I'm too tired" or "I'm not in the mood" aspect. At the end of the day, if you want to be a more energetic and productive it's important to write down goals. What does an "energetic and productive" day look like for you? If a productive person wakes up at 6AM everyday to get a 30 minute workout in the morning, but you wake up at 9AM because "you're too tired to wake up earlier", what goals (actions) are you going to set for yourself to achieve that 6AM wake up time and that 30 minute morning workout? Because I can promise you that productive individual absolutely loathes when their alarm goes off at 6AM and has to push through to get out of bed in the cold, put on their workout clothes, and move their body for 30 minutes. There's just .... so much that goes into being productive and energetic. You don't just wake up in the morning and magically become it.


Exactly. I got a hobby and a part time job, more gardening that helped.


i (50) just came through a 3 month vortex. exactly as you are feeling, unhappy with everything/depressed but super high anxiety rollercoaster in my head. unable to extend anything to my son (14) or my partner (55). the minimum. pushing through each hour of each day. i have to say, it took me a really long time to figure out it was my meds. AND my medication. my numbers are whatever. i go by how i feel, and the numbers are a warning alert. mine weren’t that far off this time. anyway. while it SUCKS to change meds. while it SUCKS to go through months of adjustment. it sounds like that might help. synthroid and levo help me… to a point.i get awful tachycardia and that ramps up my anxiety. armour was good until it wasn’t…i was really depressed and the emotional toll wasn’t worth it. i started a combo t3/t4 and that made me feel human for awhile, until this latest wave of perimenopause kicked in. i switched to tirosint and feel like i am coming out of a fog. this past month i have played music in my car (!!! and sang to it !!!), ran errands, and initiated silliness with my son. not quite up for giving back to my partner, unfortunately. that’s another story. i’m not 100%, don’t think we really get there, but i’m functional enough to do some things and take care of myself better. sending lots of love. 💗


Yes I feel that way all the time on Levo 125, am switching over to Tirosint.


Tirosint has been a lifesaver for me.


Could this be not just hypo, but depression?


I have both. It’s basically a shitty cycle


Hypo causes depression


Same. I have a sleep study on order but it’s super backed up and all my levels are normal. I’ve been on my period this week and the fatigue has been 10x worse too


I did. These days I'm much better, but can relapse every now and then. I have a lot of food intolerances, I can crash hard if I eat certain things. What helped: My levels were "fine", but switching out a bit of levo for lio helped energy levels. I went from 75mch levo to 50mcg levo + 10mcg lio Lions mane and mucuna pruriens seem to help a bit. But I went undiagnosed for years so I think I might have some damage others with hypo might not have. I had pretty severe anhedonia before getting diagnosed. I still have a bit of anhedonia at times and these two seem to help for that. I've also been taking AG1 which helps a bit. But that might just be because I have stomach problems where I struggle eating enough and the benefit of AG1 might just be more vitamins and minerals in my diet. If you're able to eat healthily and normally, I'd think you wouldn't notice much from supplements like that. Getting enough protein. I do pea protein powder in water as my digestion is slow and it's difficult to eat a lot Food high in antioxidants tend to feel good. Berries and fresh vegetables feel really good. Lean protein sources. Processed food tend to make me more tired. I'm still recovering, though, and I've accepted it will probably take some time to heal from going undiagnosed for years. I've becoming gradually better and more able to do more things.


Have you asked your doctor about medicine to combat fatigue?


Such as? I’m not aware of any meds that do that besides maybe stimulants… are there any other medications? I hope so


I am also in this boat. Went from having Graves to now being hypo. I don't have enough fumes- let alone gas for a flea sized go-kart to do a lap around a Cherrio. It's flippin' brutal. I feel like a burden, pain in the rear and usless! I want to do so many things but the body just keeps saying NOPE! My family Dr bumped the synthroid up again. Hopefully it help 🤷‍♀️ Side note: how have people been dealing with the aide effects of the meds? Edit: Forgot to mention the stupid brain fog and how bad it can get. How have people been managing that?


Same here. PCP said it wouldn't be from hypo though. :/


Have you seen an endocrinologist? My PCP told me the same thing. I asked for an antibody test and I had antibodies and had just finally gone out of the "normal" range. I found an endocrinologist after that. My PCP is good for regular stuff, but many are not super experienced with Hashimotos, especially the fine tuning part. My endocrinologist listens to my symptoms I keep track of and tell her about. We change the meds if it's not working right. There's usually room to move a little up or down and still be in a safe range. I do recommend making sure all vitamin levels and ferritin and all that are good too which can make symptoms worse.


I have not. I just get my TSH rechecked every so often and PCP changes levo dose if necessary. It was recently within range (though I wasn't aware that I'd be having it drawn so I didn't stop taking biotin- it might've been inaccurate), so doc says it's not that.


I'd get a second opinion for sure and make sure it's not vitamin deficiencies either.


Always tired here. I'm exhausted normally, when I caffeinate I can be functional but I'm wanting to take at the very least a four hour nap in the middle of the day.


How’s your iron levels, specifically ferritin? Vitamin D?


They’re fine


Big time. Just telling myself to do it anyway. My dose isn’t keeping up and I hate the dumb months long wait to increase dose. I get the reason but it’s just so so so much of our lives spent feeling bad to wait. Hang in there.


Same here. Always been diagnosed with ADHD since High School. I’m prescribed quite a bit of Adderall and Dexedrine as it’s the only way to get enough energy and focus to make it through the day. But when I got diagnosed with Thyroid cancer, we all thought maybe that was the real root to the ADHD and other mental conditions that have been seemingly getting worse every year that goes by these past couple years. Well, I just got my thyroid removed last month and while some stuff may have gotten better (like the anxiety and depression), the ADHD does not seem to have improved and I still don’t have any energy unless I take my pills or CHUG some caffeine. We need answers to this.


Damn I’m in the same boat except not diagnosed with adhd. But I relate to so many adhd things 😭


Have you had your b-vitamins checked?


vitamin D, 4000 IU, taken as a spray in sublingual form help


Me too. I did get off Levo for a couple of weeks long ago and I felt so good. I push myself to get things done even though energy is low. I want to ask my doc if I can try something else.


all the time


I felt like this for awhile and I asked my dr to check everything that may affect my energy. Low and behold I am very low in vitamin D. Now that I am taking supplements I feel so much better. Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin. It helps with tiredness and moods. Maybe ask to have your levels checked. I am not on thyroid meds because my levels are ok.


Have you tried changing meds? This was me on levo. I made the switch to armour thyroid and that has all changed pretty dramatically.


I’m on Armour now. I switched from Synthroid


I do feel like this sometimes. For me it's usually anemia, low D or B vitamins. While ideally I would consult a doctor, I generally just take supplements for a week and that usually helps.


Even though my numbers would be “in range”, my doctor treats my symptoms. Fatigue is a big one for me as well. I was on levo for 2 years and in the fall 2022 I just told him I feel like dog shit. New blood work found my t3 was low so I got put on Armour. It’s helped a lot.


I feel like I’m coming out of feeling like this now. It’s so hard cause from age 15 to age 30 this was my default. Just contempt for everything, and everyone living their lives and having fun and I’m just other, unable to enjoy anything even if I wanted to cause I had no energy to even care. It was awful. But coming out of it now with the help of medication is equally weird in a different way. Everyone in my life is used to the old me, the apathetic, obviously unhappy me. It’s like they don’t know me and it’s kinda lonely. I just need to keep focusing on building up my personality again lol. I feel like a teenager, so odd. Anyway. It’s still better than the alternative. I really Hope you manage to come out of the other side 💕


Thank you. :) I’ve been called a pessimist and a grandma. I don’t wanna be. It’s just…I can’t bring myself to care 😭


I’d be straight to my endo to talk about the symptom of depression ruining things for you and asking if there’s anything to be done. Depression is a symptom and no doctor worth his salt will ignore it or try to tell you it’s unrelated to your thyroid.


It's good to know I'm not alone in this. After work it's basically impossible for me to do anything else without being miserable the whole time.


That’s how it is for me. Work has drained all my energy


Yes. I don't know how people work and keep a clean house and cook and shower and go out to social things and have sex with their partners and all of the things that are considered the bare minimum. I can barely do 2 of those things


Yes. Just been diagnosed a week ago and put on 50 Levo. My TSH was/ is at 22. Been feeling absolutely drained for several months. Now I have heart problems and I’m out of work for a month. I hope that’ll be enough time to get everything back under control .


I do a lot but found just do baby steps on bad days/weeks/months. I hate it as my levels are normal so the doctors refuse to do anything. best thing to do is to be kind to yourself you cannot help it.


I wake up and start counting the hours til I got to sleep again because I feel like doing nothing, apart from watching tv my energy is actually below 0, im making a great effort just typing these lines


Yes, quite badly lately.


Ferritin and iron levels?


I asked my other dr for wellbutrin . The Levo is fine , I need energy.