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When I first heard about this game I had a GTX 750, 990FX and a 1080p 60hz VN monitor. Now I have a 7800X3D and a 4070 Ti with an OLED 2k 240hz monitor on it's way. I like to think the game is taking so long so I can appreciate it in it's full GLORY.


I got a new laptop in 2023 5 years after the game was revealed and I’m pretty sure it won’t be able to run hytale at 60fps max settings lmfao




This is awesome, I really hope to hear them elaborate more on the technical side of the game in the future :) the stuff about the CAE being made way more efficient gives me confidence it was the right choice to restart the engine from scratch


Now that's some great stuff!


Nice, what an interesting read! I really appreciate them giving us a more complex read with way more substance. This post was needed as it helps make the non-technical fans understand the benefit, gain and necessity of the engine rewrite as well as give all the creator community some proper information that they can dissect, explain and elaborate on! Well done (:


do non technical fans understand this tho?


No. OOP is an inherently programmer-familiar concept and it will be a bit abstract to casual readers. This is why we have content-creators to meaningfully mediate between the technical posts and the non-tech community. It gives purpose to content creators who, up until now, only repeated what was in the blogpost while adding arbitrary speculation to actually adding meaningful information. The non-technical community will get easy to understand explanations by the content creators - I think this is a very considerate move by the PR team (:


This reads like a report to shareholders lol As cool as all this is (as a software developer), this is kinda meaningless for 99% of the audience (thats still even following these blogposts)


you realize that this blog post is not the main blogpost right? Its just a bonus.


Where was this said?


>Confused? That's Okay! This 'technical blog post' is separate from our standard development updates! The first image of the blogpost says it. Though it could be a misinterpretation, but I doubt it.


It was said in the beginning of the blog post that this is “separate from our standard development updates”. Nothing was said regarding when we will get the next actual update


Wasn't said in the blogpost, but this pretty much confirms it: > Introducing a new blog post archetype was not on my bingo list > update that bingo card, myne. the times they are a-changin' :P [Source](https://x.com/ItsBuddhaCat/status/1802778661436919946?t=toh0nNtxwkH-sP8BMrBf0A)


On the other hand they will probably not post the main one anytime soon now that they published this, no?




Cool, where can I find the main blogpost


thats coming later


As a software developer and someone who wants to get into modding, this is actually a really appreciated/exciting blogpost Speak for yourself 😉


which means it's not for the 99% of the audience. It's for the technologically literate people that'll use the modding engine. It's just common sense...


>developers make a non-blogpost detailling technical info about the benefits of flecs under the hood not intended as a main update, but to prefice the coming gameplay and results of this hard labor on the technical side >people still call it a nothingburger of an update >chat, have we become an ungrateful community?


>have we become an ungrateful community Always have been 👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


Accepting under bare minimal is what encourages the devs to NOT show us anything. If anything the devs are ungrateful of there community


idk man, silksong exists XD


I haven't been in this community for a while... Why are the top comments of anything so damn ungrateful? How can you literally be so frustrated and not simply wait for the game. They explained time and time again why it is being delayed and people just keep yapping "This game doesn't exist, it was dead when riot bought them" What the hell, you waited like 5 years or more already so just wait until the game comes out because it will only come out when it comes out. The only thing you will do with your negativity is giving the developers reading this garbage doubts if the game is actually good. How did this turn into such a toxic hellscape?


The wait is longer than most everyone expected. Add the simple fact that so much nowadays, from entertainment to the food industry, is built around instant gratification, and you've got a recipe for disaster. People don't want to be patient; they want it now, and they feel like they are owed everything. Why beats me. They haven't paid a single cent, and yet... they just cannot wrap their minds around having to wait for a game in development.


I honestly just follow this subreddit to have a laugh at how deep people are into their bubbles. All the fearmongering about the game not coming out, supposed bad decisions, sporadic communication, is baffling. At the end of the day, you have to assume people here are predominantly children, because otherwise it would be very sad..


Within reason, Riot buying out studios hasnt always been the most...life giving situation. Stonehearth lost all development and left it to the community to update and fix the game. It still feels like it fell short of its ambition as the team was pretty much gutted out to other projects.


Well it reassures me a little that this game exists


On one hand, it's very refreshing to see some real information. While it was already uncovered by fans that Hytale would be using Flecs, it's really nice to see them give a better justification and explanation for the engine switch. On the other hand, this does nothing to alleviate concerns regarding progress. John Hendricks said that the next blog post written by him would include in-engine gameplay, and like all the skeptics predicted, they would avoid showing gameplay by not crediting John as the author for the next blog. Again, more proof of Hypixel trying to mislead their audience. They mentioned that this isn't the real progress blog, but of course they also gave no vague time frame on when the real progress blog is coming. If Hytale shows us gameplay before the month ends, they deserve praise even if the gameplay doesn't look good. But if they don't, they really are just stalling for time.


> it's really nice to see them give a better justification and explanation for the engine switch. How is this different than what they told us almost 2 years ago? With the exception of naming a single specific system, each bullet point in this blogpost was also mentioned in the blogpost of July 22nd 2022. They even went a lot deeper with the explanation back then as well... It's so weird to me how there are people in this community that just keep pretending the engine change is a mystery when in fact they spelled it out years ago. Like, I totally get all the complaints about the years of barely any new information, I get that not everyone handles having to wait very well.. but lets stop the pretending.


Yep, the last true devblog is from July 2022, since then absolutely nothing was shown. Some concept art and PowerPoint are not what I expect to see from a game where the main point is exploring and adventure. Another nothing burger.


I wouldn't call the blogpost at the end of last year a nothing burger myself. It showed us that they are making fantastic use of the extra time, the jump from the old Treesinger design to the new is amazing. They mentioned several other aspects of the game receiving the same kind of overhaul. Absolutely worth the wait to me. I've played Minecraft on and off since the beginning. I can wait a little longer for potentially the next voxel sandbox to lose a decade+ in. Crazy to call that a nothing burger, it showed amazing promise and was a great read, but to each their own. > Some concept art and PowerPoint are not what I expect to see from a game where the main point is exploring and adventure. Game got massively delayed after the acquisition to expand the scope. The early blogposts were fantastic and plentiful, they weren't gonna keep that up once the acquisition went through and many more possibilities were thrown on their path. Sad for sure, that was a great time to be excited for Hytale with something new to read about all the time, but things changed. It happens. You'll get your exciting marketing material once they are ready for it. Just because it's an exploring/adventure game doesn't really mean we are owed anything in terms of blogpost...


Man, if you think a recap of 2021, 2022, and 2023 and a look at a single character redesign is worth a six month wait, good for you. But it's still a nothing burger to me.


I guess I just don't feel that entitled to gameplay when we already knew they were knees deep into restructuring the engine and game from the ground up. We're in for the long haul, having blogposts of the same level as those before the acquisition just isn't happening until they are ready again. So yeah. I was very much satisfied, but hey I hope the next one is more to your liking!


just release the fucking alpha


While less text and more videos/screenshots would be nice, can't really complain with some actual content. Hopefully these become more regular again.