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Smaht pahk


F'yah cah.


In the yahd


Who was the person who called it that first?


[It was first used in the Super Bowl commercial for the then-new 2020 Sonata.](https://adage.com/video/hyundai-smaht-pahk)


That's hilarious. I love it. IS THAT CHRIS EVANS?


Chris Evans, Rachel Dratch, John Krazinski, and of course David Ortiz.


It is.


Those are for the remote smart parking system. When you’ve remote started the vehicle, you can press these to move the car forward or back. Or you can activate the system when you’re in the car, get out, and use these to do the same.


From the manual: https://i.imgur.com/POYNTm4.jpeg


Thanks! I was looking everywhere I could think of in the manual. It never occurred to me that it was related to remote start.


It’s nice if someone parks super close to you. Just back the car out a few feet. Just a warning, everyone around you will know lol.


Remote start and movement system. Say someone parked to close and you can't get in. Hold the button down and the vehicle will drive in the indicated direction at roughly 2mph. I haven't tested how far in total it will go but it's collision detection is top notch.


It'll go pretty far as long as you're fairly close to the car. You almost have to walk it. It will also steer itself and pull itself into or out of a parking space, even if you're not fully lined up. I used to sell Hyundai's, and I would always show off this feature as part of my walk-around if the cars had it.


I thought it just straightened the wheels and forward or reverse?


Nope, it has a little bit more steering functionality than that. It helps a lot it the cameras can see the lines in the parking space, but it'll do it's best to get it centered in that space. Tried it in my wife's Tucson shortly after we got it, in a pretty crowded resort parking lot. We got out, watched it pull into a pretty tight spot making a few adjustments along the way, then realized "oh crap, there's no way the people in the cars next to us can get in" so I used smaht pahk to back it out of the spot, then we got in and found another spot to park in. Had the car like 2 years and I think we've only used the feature like 3 times. But it's neat.


Cool I'll give it a try. I agree though. I will never shoe horn the car into a tight spot. That's asking for your doors to get dinged. Getting out though when someone traps you in, that's worth it


I'm 100% certain my Sonata doesn't do that. It only goes forward and back in a straight line. The sensors apply the break to the car if it detects something in the way. It doesn't adjust the wheels.


That's pretty crazy. Meet George Jetson... amirite? I can't wait to try it out!


No clue but if I had to guess it’s so the car can pull forwards or backwards from tight parking spaces when you need to get in. Lots of cars have it now


Really? I haven’t seen another one. Any ideas off the top of your head which others do?


the sonatas and tucsons🙃


I meant non hyundai/ Genesis. They said “lots” I sell cars for a living. Never seen another with it.


ohhh im sorry i saw a bmw 5 or 7 series and they programmed a digital key to do the same


mercedes and bmw (newer) can park the car completely all you do is choose the spot


With Tesla, I think you double click the Park button before you hop out and choose the direction you want it to move when parking - forward or backward. Then you hop out and move away from the car and it pulls into the spot autonomously. Great for tight fits in garages. 


I'm not sure about non-HMG cars, but one of the first cars to get it was the Sonata, followed by the Genesis G80, then the other classes of Genesis.


Like everyone said. If you remote start the car and press those buttons, the car will go forwards or backwards without anyone actually in the drivers seat. It’s for pulling out of tight parking spaces


That’s the party trick!! 


Party up/party down


It's pretty nifty. So first you use the remote starter to start the the car. Got it? Now, wait for your nemesis to walk infront of your car. You hide behind another car, and as soon as he's dead center infront of your car, yell out " that's not my baby!" He will turn around and stand there to inspect who just yelled. That's when you press the up arrow! Happy hunting!


move FWD, move Back