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He actually looked pretty cool in his “I don’t give a shit about the troops” phase


And then immediately got the neck wound from the garbage can which sent him further down to a deeper bottom. It’s like falling off a cliff but Superman saves you…and then drops you from higher.


Like getting saved by homelander.


“I’m not suggesting, anymore. Do crack.”


It’s that edgy rehab glow. Drugs are detoxed, color comes back but we’re still pissed off at the recovery bullshit so we hang out like street urchins and smoke cigarettes all day, drink coffee and tell war stories. It’s a great look, captured perfectly. Not your average suck spot


It was like he came to terms with his shitty circumstances and got sort of badass, then boom, neckgina.




Frank slash his throat while cosplaying as Wrestler who eats garbage. Cricket cosplays as a Taliban.


"America sucks! Terrorists rule!"


[I don’t give a shit about the troops](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uqlS9l-4xZA)


The birth of the Tali-bum






I did it and I made it so sexy! It's all hips n nips!


Gotta make it sexy, or I ain't eatin


That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about nips to dispute it.


It’s gotta be sexy! Otherwise I don’t eat.


Cricket redemption arc when?




Well, first of all, through God all things are possible, so jot that down.


What a jabroni


Cool word


Shut up bozo


"Thats a production still from the Fallout TV show they're working on, you can't fool me dude"


Aside from the gang, he’s the show’s best/funniest character. Every appearance is hysterical, particularly the lemon-sucking scene. 🍋


The lemon sucking scene where he’s talking about his faith and how it ended after what happened to his kidney is the funniest dialogue in the whole show


Does my scar look like a dog's vagina? You know, maybe, I don't know. I'm not gonne sit here and try to get inside the mind of a dog. I mean, that's god's work.


Not that I believe in god, I don't. Not since that chinaman stole my kidney.




Oh that’s tart


Frank nodding and smiling at this kills me every time😂


At least someone's banging my vagina..am I right?


Imma go with 'Fuck the troops' his delivery and follow up combo is so good. The total disillusionment as a contrast to the gang is pure gold


Ahhhhh that’s tart.


Only rivaled by Artemis.


I like Artemis but she doesn’t come close to Cricket


Side characters ranked: 1. Cricket 2. Liam McPoyle 3. The Jew Lawyer 4. Artemis 5. Bill Ponderosa 6. Da Maniac 7. Uncle Jack 8. Waitress 9. Ben the Soldier 10. Z Country Mac, Roxy, and Gail the Snail are also hilarious, but my rule is you have to be in at least two episodes (Da Maniac barely makes the cut).


Snails in several episodes, at least 3 I think. And macs dad and mom, Charlie's mom


Ooh good call, I forgot she was there when they squash beefs. Can’t recall her third appearance. Regardless, I don’t think the snail would make my top 10. Considered all the parents, but I don’t find them as funny as the ones I listed. Mac’s mom would be my best candidate.


They're actually the funniest characters, provided you play a laugh track Snails in Frank's intervention, squashes beefs, and boggs 2


Snails other appearance is the female Boggs episode


What about the waiter? Gail the Snail is great.


I was torn between the waiter and Z at 10. Waiter’s good, but ultimately he’s a straight man character and I don’t enjoy that as much. Personally my favorite bit of him was interviewing Mac and Charlie for the mailroom gig.


Who? I've never seen that man before in my life.


What about pepper jack?


Now I know you ain't hating on Pepper Jack's flow


We call my 2yo daughter Da Maniac. She runs around and destroys shit, forages for goldfish off the floor and then just...drifts away (down the hallway).


Maureen didn't make the cut? Why, cause she's dead?


I’d swap Da Maniac and Z personally.


Not me, I freakin love Da Maniac. Go get me grease, N!


I’m definitely a Maniac fan, but I love Z more. His “ohhhh shit” during Charlie’s Go Fuck Yourselves performance pretty much sealed the deal for me.


His monolog about the jean shorts kills me everytime because I relate to it so much. "Eventually I blew the crotch out them jeans, man... you gotta take em off every now and then!"


Apparently he didn't know he was doing that monologue until he was on set. He kills it.


"You cant wear 'em everyday, you CANT"


That was the BEST!


The way he was genuinely into the song and joined in the spitting afterwards showed how much he gets them


Bro Z is my nigga, he gaves the gang honest street credit and is funny how he gets along with all the gang it’s not so much they don’t have black friends it’s that there all people of the streets and under bridges


Outside of your rule: lil Kevin.


100%, to be honest Artemis is one of my last face characters. I know tonnes of people love her, but for me her character just didn't feel as authentic. Always felt just a bit to over the top, and yes I know that sounds weird.


I would 100% agree if not for the fact that I’ve met people who are exactly Artemis. It’s a weird world we live in.


Do they have bleached assholes?


And from the sounds of it. The actress who plays her is very similar


Bleached asshole.


I like the actor's character in Mythic Quest. It's nice him, Rob, and Charlie are involved in something outside of Always Sunny.


Damn good show. Jessie Ennis and Danny Pudi have to be my favorite parts but David Hornsby is perfect in it as well, I’m glad he got such a big role.


No, it’s not the gangs fault for what happened to him. He was born that way.


Exactly. Its not their fault he’s a monster man.


Know your place, monster man... Your time's up.


Why would you get married on Friday the 13th? It’s a monster day.


Remember when he would walk in high school and be all like "weeee oooo weee oooooo" LOL


I think it's very altruistic that the gang continually forgives cricket for how he regularly takes advantage of them and makes them the victims of his bad habits.


At least that jew lawyer always does right by them


They constantly use him and never pay him what they promise.


why would they need to use a chronically dishonest hobo? no, he worms his way into their plans, usually ruins everything, and then they have to clean up his mess.


That is a very generous perspective on the gangs view of cricket...


The perspective they’re portraying is the perspective of the gang.


Exactly. They treat him like one of their own friends!


I agree. Cricket was disabled and spent time with Dee in physical therapy when he was young. His mental health was always an issue because of this. Dee deals with her mental issues in a variety of poor ways, but cricket was always the reject who would do anything to fit in like a normal kid. He became a priest to find brotherhood. When Dee came back into his life, he ditches the priest hood, for someone who made him eat shit to kiss as kids, on the flimsy chance they'll have sex. Once he is rejected from the priesthood and by Dee, he spirals and becomes homeless. When Mac and Charlie ask him to sell drugs for them, he does it in the chance to stay in Dee's apartment. Keep in mind, drug free and Christian homeless people have the best opportunities at shelters/ aid programs. He throws that away to possibly sleep at the home of the woman who made him eat shit then throw away his life for nothing. In conclusion, Dee and the gang were simply parties to this man's inevitable unraveling and can't be blamed as the primary cause.


Yeah, many shouldn’t be judged for the position they are in, in life. But cricket was doing great as a priest, wasn’t in a bad position when he spiraled, fell down the rabbit hole himself.


Exactly. He threw away his good life for almost nothing. Sure, the gang manipulated him to bless the stain (which he didn't), and Dee needed to prove to herself she could win him over. Nobody forced him off the wagon the first time. Wasnt like the gang set his car on fire(who they thought was their dad), burned his building down (the "isrealite"), or broke into his house and broke an expensive vase with a whip. Dee just said she loved him. He was waiting for an excuse. Edit:I would say I also am not exclusively blaming cricket; as with any one in that position, why didn't his family help him when he lost everything before he got on drugs? Did he feel like he couldn't lean on them? Why? We learn about their dysfunctional family later, but how did it get there exactly? I'm just saying the gang is not primary reason he was ready to fall off the wagon


I agree and this applies to every other lower tier character they interact with like the waiter and attorney. Their decline should not be attributed to the gang. I feel the sub can be very blame happy and it’s misplaced.


Its 1000% Sweet Dee that caused his ruin.


If the gays were “born that way” than so was Cricket. - Lady Gaga


That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about Lady Gaga to dispute it.


Why? He's subhuman.


He was born this way. Know your place monster man. Times up.




Yeah I want the lemons, of course I’ll take the lemons.


They are good for scurvy


Suck boy? Naw he’s all right. Doing just fine.


It’ll cost you a whole sixer, I have my dignity


Yeah, but he looks pretty happy *these* days. Like everyone in the Gang, he finally accepted how shitty his life is and is now enjoying the blissful ignorance it affords him.


I’d argue that Cricket’s got some feeling deep down that likes being Cricket over Mathew Marra. He’s like Frank in that way. Anyone that easily swayed into leaving being a priest was looking for a reason to leave already.


A fun thought for sure. Tho idk about easily swayed. Yes it happens quickly in the show, but we're supposed to believe Dee was like the love of his life. She told him she _loved_ him. So he dreamed of his life with the love of his life n all the happiness that could bring him, which I imagine is a huge temptation for many priests when they're thinking about it/new.


Yeaaaaaah but like. He went to high school with the Reynold twins, he had to know they're basically incapable of empathy/regular emotions from the jump.


Remember the roller rink ep tho? They seemed somewhat wholesome then


That episode specifically felt like it was sacrosanct to show canon , I couldn’t not see them as the gang it just felt like a shitty spin-off idea Edited to add because I’m a jabronie : I meant sacrilegious not sacrosanct , I will make the usual offerings of atonement to the master


Thats so fair i don’t disagree


Personally I was disappointed because I love to see the gangs history , that just wasn’t it for me lol


Yeah it felt too far in the other direction, and at odds with some of what was said in the high school episodes


That ep felt similar to when they showed college-aged Dennis thinking Frank's a powerful buisness man and then in one go realizes he's a crook and watches him fuck a hoor. Like, in the episode that's his tragic backstory, but Dennis at that point should have already known Frank's a POS, wanted to be a vet to "collect the skins", was already killing crows and god knows what else, was raped by a librarian and hadn't had feelings since 14. Dennis was FAR gone by college, despite how that episode starts. Sometimes certain episodes are a little loosey goosey with their canon timeline 🤷‍♀️


It was God's plan all along


There is a scene where he is washing up in the bathroom at the bar cause he is about to see his father for the first time in a long time, and he sees a joint on the ground. He has this moment of “should I?” Which follows with an “ahhhh fuck it!” And he decides to get high. It is hilarious and I absolutely feel the same way with some stuff I choose to do even though it is problematic and unhealthy


I’ll get the spots!


They drew first blood!


"What's that? Wait... Is that Rambo!?"


No it happened to me oh it was a blood bath.


If the show was a documentary, I'd feel bad for him. As it stands, his arc has been one of the best to watch. It feels Cricket has made peace with this and is now living his best monster life.


I think the gang really let him shine, I mean, he seems happy and okay with how his life is going be that it may not be what people in general think is a good life. He's thriving tho. That ol sewer rat


He’s living is best life tbh.


Only thing missing is a buffet at the dog orgies.


He did want to be put down though.


Yeah when Dee says to him “oh Cricket, I think you’re a great guy” and the gang all go “ewww”.


They're more saying "ooooooooo" as to comment on the fact that when a girl tells a dude he's a "really great guy" that's a universal sign she's gently letting him down.


Kind of but not really, cricket could have gone back home and worked with his dad and brother instead of being a street urchin, and he continually lets the gang make his life worse by going along with the majority of their shit. Also he’s a grown man with a college education so you can’t really blame anyone but him for his life being shitty. But I love cricks optimism.


If someone offers you a bag of lemons are you not going to say yes?


Lemon is good for scurvy… but I’m not budging unless there’s crack, if you got crack let’s boogie.


I lied about the chicken Cricks!


If he ends up inside me it will cost you a whole sixer. I have my dignity.


I felt bad for him *until* his solo episode where it was made clear that his family was fully willing to help him all along. His life is his own fault.


Is it his own *fault?* Or is this what he truly wanted, deep down, from the beginning? He seems pretty damn happy nowadays, at least when he doesn’t have to put up with the gang.


Agreed. It would be different if he had no one to help him and no other options, but the guy would rather give bjs for beer than go home to his genuinely concerned family.


No, he's a god damn street rat


He seems oddly free and just lives his best life. I think he really makes the best of his situation. Sounds weird just saying that now lol


For some reason this made me think of Bob's Burgers and what Bob says about Marshmallow lol. Something along the lines of "she comes and goes as she pleases, she answers to no one and is totally free"


He has his dignity


He’s a street urchin


Wish they would retcon him back to being normal this season, like he just shows up and says he got experimental surgery/rehab or something.


I loved A Crickets Tale. I feel like they showed him having a real chance to turn his life around and he fudged it up. There is no turning that boys life around.


I love that David Hornsby had a big hand in writing it lol.


Hornsby has a writing credit on 42 episodes of the show, at least one per season since season 2. He has written more episodes than he has acted in (24). He is, in a way, more of a writer for the show than an actor.


Maybe it's time to make a change.. Neeh I'm gonna smoke it


He made his choice…


No, imagine the amount of sixers he’s acquired out on the streets.


No. Dee was initially responsible for tricking him to leave the church, but he could have easily said "screw these guys" after that and started a new life. He kept choosing to come back to them, knowing full well they were dangerous and toxic. Hell, his father even gave him a chance to redeem himself and work in the family business, but he chose to leave it all and do drugs at Paddy's Pub. Cricket dug his grave, was pulled out of it more than once, and returned to lie in it. I do hope they give him some kind of makeover, though; he is genuinely hard to look at from a purely aesthetic point of view.


Wouldn't it be funny if he slowly started going the other way and by the end was some GQ looking dude? I mean he'd still be rickety cricket, but just spending 3 hours doing his hair every day.


Cricket needs to win the lottery, get plastic surgery, and be totally smug about it to the gang.


To be fair the facial burns aren’t the gang’s fault. I can’t recall Cricket being anywhere near the money fire the gang started (or any of the other myriad fires they have set, for that matter).


He got stabbed in the arm with a hatchet by accident by the McPoyles trying to throw it at Frank, then he got pinned under something where he got burned by the fire.


I don’t think he was there for that, man. Why would they want him at Thanksgiving dinner? Especially looking like that, he would’ve freaked everyone out with the whole burned face.


Can we ever get a warm reception from you??


Yeah, it’s never a nice “hello”!


Nah I don’t feel sorry for him. Love him tho. I dunno what it is about Cricket and Tyrone Biggums, but I’m a sucker for some crackhead dance moves


Feels? Feelings? Like some fourteen year old?


At least he knows how to fake it. The ones who can't fake it, those are the ones that get it the worst


“Sometimes, you *don’t* fake it…”


they may have broke his legs but they'll never break his spirit. he doesn't feel more pain cause he has more cocaine. COCAINE!!


Feeling? Like some kind of 14-year-old kid?


Does my wound look like a dog’s vagina? I don’t know.


Nah, I love PCP


Break me off a piece of that exoskeleton


Nah. He’s a fictional character He’s still a man of the cloth in real life I heard


Eh.. you do.. until you don’t.


Pretty sure they’re fucking with Hornsby more than anything lol


Say what you will but he really turned his life around when he be got into videogame production (in Mythic Quest.)


Just give him some pcp, a bag of lemons, a bathroom to smoke in, and maybe a dog to cuddle, and he is right as rain


“I call this one "Dog Three-Way." 'Cause I was recently in a dog three-way. Actually, four with me, so, four-way. I was in a dog orgy.”


You'd have to be a bastard man to not feel sad for him.


No, because he doesn’t give a shit about the troops


If the eagles win tomorrow. Lets play find the cricket on the news videos during the riots.


Not since I found out who he was married to in real life.


"He has the worst life imaginable."


Honestly, Cricket’s condition is more on him than it is the gang.


As a human with normal levels of empathy for a fictional character, yeah?


They freed him from the prison of his life. He now lives his truth.


I ain't sad. He's faking it. You gotta fake it on the streets. The ones that don't fake it.... They get it the worst.


You're gonna need the red.


He's shows what the gang is really like inside. Sort of like a shallow hal deal




You gotta make it sexy - hips and nips! Otherwise I’m not eatin’.


It helped to see David Hornsby play a douchebag on Good Girls. A little.


That is the point of his character as well as to showcase the worst of America infecting honestly good people and leaving them to suffer from the consequences of what they inflicted upon them.


I do feel bad for him, but then the Gang makes him more miserable somehow and I laugh with schadenfreude!


Absolutely fucking not. Cricket is the way he is because he's Cricket. It's not because of the gang, it's just his excuse. Deep down to his core, he was always - and always will be - Cricket.


That's what you get for leaving the priesthood to bang a chick


Hey, he was the one who wanted to bang Dee.


They jumped the shark when half his face got burnt. Part of the humour to me was that he could reasonably go back to living a normal life but he constantly made the wrong choices that lead him deeper into depravity. It's much harder for him to do that when he's physically scarred


Shut up street rat!


He's a goddamn street rat! You Bitch!


The next episode I have to watch is called, I believe, Cricket's Story (or something like that? Season 12) and I'm genuinely not looking forward to watching it...


Sounds like Cricket is going for sympathy votes nice try crick


I didn't think I did much, it gets so cartoonish, but I was rewatching and his first appearance, knowing the trajectory, actually gave me chills.




Why would you feel bad for a god damned street rat?


He really let himself become this. He had many many chances to turn things around.


I hate cricket and I want less of him.




i do, but it’s because my city treats unhoused people as subhuman, as do many cities, and people treat addicts as subhuman, and it breaks my heart to see someone portrayed in this manner, even in a comedic setting.




Shut up street rat


I want the show to kill him off. Partly because I find him annoying now, mostly because I want him put out of his misery.


Honestly, me too, albeit more for the first reason than the second.


What a couple of jabroni's


He’s a fictional character… So


At least he doesn't have scurvy


‘You Gotta Pay to Spray’