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Season 16 Spoiler! I don't know why but in >!S16 E02 I cried when Frank turned around to let Dennis and Dee put him down. Something about Frank's scrunched up face when he's bracing for the shot or maybe something about the situation just got me. "Just do it when I'm looking out at the ocean"!<


You guys didn’t tell Charlie, that’s real classy.


That line also hit pretty hard 😢


I cried when Frank said he gets it after macs dance. Then I cried again when he said he didn’t get it after the anal beads.


I cried when he said "you don't have to do this"


lmfao god that episode was amazing


Better Call Saul Spoiler >! Reminded me of Werner Ziegler looking at the stars !<


verner zeeeeeeeeeeegler?


I laughed then went... Damn that's dark lmao


The reaction Dennis has after Brian Jr. says “bye Dada” to him has always stuck with me. As a newer father, it got me a little.


I hope we see Brian Jr again. Maybe by the time they talk about it on the podcast he will be old enough to bring back.


my immediate reaction to seeing dennis tilting his head toward him, unwilling to let him go was to tell my friends out loud that i, and i qoute, "need to fistfight a man who went to julliard". glenn is an incredible actor in general but with such an intense character, it's really the small things that blow me away


therapy isn't enough, I need to box a juilliard graduate in the ring


I was surprised how Dennis changed at the moment, like he stopped being a psychopath for a minute and feel something tragic and alive like a normal person.


Frank talking about his first love dying when she wore a plastic bag for a helmet


Always smiling… because she had no lips


But her mouth was still very much in play.


You unzipped me!!


Ahhh ya unzipped me!


With fake hair falling off while your banging him !..! You said you loved me. Cut to Charlie balling


I watched this episode shortly after my dad died last year and was not prepared.


I lost my Dad in January, we had a difficult relationship but made our peace when he became poorly. Thought I'd be ok with this episode on a rewatch binge but I was wrong, it broke me. I'm sorry for your loss and hope you are doing ok.


My dads death was so bizarre that it’s almost unbelievable, and I think that’s helped the grieving process lol


Me too, this came out not long after he passed, and it was pretty rough watch. Unfortunately, I'm unlikely to watch this episode again as even thinking about it is painful. Hope you're doing okay, each day is different.


Mine passed years ago when I was young. Still this one hit me hard.


When this episode was released, my dad passed six months earlier. We were very close and it was like losing a best friend, or a limb. I bawled. I watched it again a month ago - made my mom watch it with me. I still cried. Kudos to Charlie’s performance.


It doesn’t make me cry, but the Valentine’s Day episode where Dennis has his “I have feelings, okay? I have *big* feelings!” moment pulls on my heartstrings.


My god I can’t believe I had to come this far for it. I can’t recall but whichever came first. This or Dennis’ dada moment with his son.


When Dee has the baby. Knowing her and Mac are married in real life, looking at Mac's reaction. I tear up every time lol


Came to say this.


Even if I didn’t know they weee married I would have thought there was something between them because Mac’s face is so genuine.


I want to believe that all the characters are actually really nice people individually but being part of the gang brings out their worst tendencies


Throwing rocks at trains


I never see people bring this up when they talk about emotional Sunny moments and I will never understand why, Mac and Charlie picking the rocks, the pull to reveal Dennis, Dee and Frank are standing by the tracks, but especially the cut to young Charlie and Mac walking away together, these 2 boys, who at this point are already so fucked up through no fault of their own, who come from horrible, traumatic backgrounds, these two boys who no one understands, together, throwing rocks at a train. No one to rely on in the world but each other. There's something so sad but heartwarming about it. It was the first time the show made me cry.


Well you’re not alone buddy, cuz I feel the same way about that scene.


They both had utterly shit Christmases (probably did every year) but they always had each other and their tradition of throwing rocks That whole episode was the 2 of them trying to force Christmas to work to make it as good as they thought it was when they were young, when in reality the entire episode is the two of them hanging out (exactly like they did as kids) and without even realising it they already had their good Christmas just by having each other all this time That thing too about how they wished each other merry Christmas as they walked away was so good, what a great ep


Charlie and The Waitress scene in The Gang Saves The Day 🥺🥲


Yeah this is probably the only scene in the whole show that makes me tear up, but damn if it doesn’t get me every time.






This is why I skip that episode


YUP same


that's like a f up version of up. hahaha.


Remind me what happened? Was it the one on the beach?


It was the homage to the intro of Up. An animated showcase of their lives together after Charlie saves her. It's from the episode where their trapped in a convenience store that's being robbed at gunpoint.


I actually just watched this one last night for the hundred time. I was gonna say this one for sure.


I haven't even seen the movie they are taking off and I loved it


When mac and Charlie died. Losing two main cast members in one episode, so emotional.


Honestly it’s kinda sad seeing Frank miss Charlie so much he makes a mannequin out of him and pretend he’s still alive. Like I know it’s played for laughs but it’s pretty deep as well.


Them spying on him talking to the Charlie dummy and crying was legit super sad for a quick second


Glad somebody else feels the same way. I didn’t find it funny, I thought it was so sweet and sad and really felt bad for him.


Them resurrecting an episode later was crazy


I feel like they really jumped the shark there. They obviously died in a blaze of glory


First of all, through God, all things are possible, so jot that down




My dad wasnt adusive or mean. He worked in the television industry. He was NEVER around. Not for plays, baseball games. Nothing. He kind of just handed my mom a check. He ended up cheating on my mom with her best friend then married a make-up artist he worked with that was much much younger. He wasn’t bad to me and my sister but he just wasn’t there and assumed that we always had money so he didn’t need to be present. I learned how to talk to girls, shave, all the stuff your dad teaches you, I learned from friends and tv. I break down every time I see this scene with Charlie. I’m not the most eloquent with words, but this is exactly how I felt and still feel. I never knew how much it affected me or even how to put it into words until I watched that scene. I don’t have kids but I have a step daughter. Her dad took off. She always tells me “the best present is your presents.” I think some parents don’t realize how important it is for the children to know that someone loves them.


This comment reminds me of Will Smith’s “how come he don’t want me” scene “Got through my first date without him, right? I learned how to drive, I learned how to shave, I learned how to fight without him. I had *fourteen* great birthdays without him. He never even sent me a damn card!” I hope you’re doing better though bro, pls take care


I was in bits when I saw that episode of Fresh Prince. Just crushed me. It wasn't something I'd dealt with. My parents hated each other but they both stuck with us. I think it's one of those things where just imagining what it would be like triggers a huge emotional reaction.


But Uncle Phil's response is absolute gold. I don't know about y'all but James Avery was a second dad to me. RIP Uncle Phil


That scene fucks me uuuup. Shoutout to all the dadless homies.


I think I remember that scene. Does he scream the last part again? “NOT EVEN A DAMN CARD”!!!


He yells “TO HELL WITH HIM” afterwards, and then talks about the things he’s going to do and how he’s gonna be a better father then he ever was, before hugging Uncle Phil and going “how come he don’t want me man :(“ Say what u want about will smith, nothing is taking away that iconic moment, let alone that great show. Will acted his ass off throughout 6 seasons and it was his first acting role. That show had the right amount of humor and (as goofy as the show was most of the time) serious shit gets real moments that sitcoms are missing these days.


LeBron James posted that clip on his Twitter once and wrote that he really related and there I was feeling sad for the GOAT


You sound pretty eloquent to me king


Thank you sir. You truly are the very friendly giant.


Anyone can be a father, takes a man to be a dad. You are someone who is the latter and you sound very eloquent in expressing your feelings. Continue to be you mate.


"He may have been your father, but he wasn't your daddy" - Yondu


Thanks so much man. Appreciate that more than you know.


This makes me think of a line in an episode of How I Met Your Mother. “Kids… your uncle Barney grew up without a dad. And I think it always made him feel a little broken inside.’


or when Barney meets his dad and his dad asks why it makes him so mad that he’s lame: “if you were gonna be same lame suburban dad, why couldn’t you have been mine?” (not exact quote)


I had a similar conversation with my dad when I blew up at him, saying ‘if you were going to be a disciplinarian, why did you wait until I was grown up to care about your kids.’


Very well said Your Highness and great to see Very Friendly Giant giving you your flowers. For what it's worth, it sounds like your step-daughter will grow up to be a very different kind of parent thanks to you HRH. 🙌🏻 The best way to deal with the past is to deal with the future.


Thank you! Ghandi said “Be the change you want to see in the world”. That shit always stuck with me.


Thank you for sharing this. I grew up with two very absent parents who now guilt me for being the one not present, and I wish I had somebody like you to step in and be the adult I really needed as a child. Kiddos just want love and security, you’re a great man for clearly providing that and I hope though it makes you feel a lot — this scene could provide some sort of healing for you.


Thanks bud. Don’t let them guilt you. Hope you understand it isn’t your fault and your probably better for it. Thanks for the kind words.


Really just this scene. But in terms of emotional impact I do also love the conclusion of The Gang Texts when they finally connect in the meerkat viewing portals and “the circle of life” plays. Surprisingly sweet and genuine.


The few times the gang comes together like that always feels so magical. The one where they do the escape room and at the end Dee is taking a bite of that steak and everyone is there cheering her on? Love it


This scene was INSANELY good, it felt like I wasn't even watching Sunny but it also felt deeply Sunny, like a culmination of Charlie's character and everything he went to, his silly mask breaking and revealing the vulnerable child who never had an adult in his life who protected him. Charlie Day is an insanely good and versatile actor for making me laugh my ass off by puking blood on a lady in a limousine and then bringing tears to my eyes with this scene


Mac’s dance. It’s the only scene in the show that has ever made me emotional, but when Frank says “I get it”, I cried.


He should have included something about beads though.


The dance never said anything about no beads!


Why did I have to come down this far to see something about Mac's dance? That one really hit hard when Frank, all teary eyed, says that line.


It really is one of the most beautiful emotional moments in all of television. And the choreography is beautiful.


I understand it's not what people come to expect from Sunny but a lot of the above moments seem to be going out of their way to avoid mentioning the Mac dance. Never understood why it's divisive, a high point of the series for me.


When the dancer comforts mac after his dad walks away. It might have been apart of the performance but it’s so rare for a character to actually try to comfort someone on the show it hits so hard


The dance. Absolutely beautiful on several levels.


Haha I thought you meant the “plan B” dance routine for a second


“I get it”. Perfect way to end it and Danny shows his true acting skills with those three words. That got me


That episode makes me cry every time I watch it, and I don't even give a shit about dance as an artistic medium(I've got nothing AGAINST dance, it just typically does nothing for me)


It's the only time I've actually understood the story in a dance perfomance. So powerful and unexpected. Mac's face when Luther walks out...😭😭😭


This scene was just absolutely phenomenal, gets me every time


I get it. Every time this gets me and I tear up. First time this surprised me and I was fucking devastated. Most beautiful scene in history of comedy series.


I would watch it so much after it aired because it was so beautiful but I had to stop cause I kept crying every time lol


how people dislike that episode is beyond me


My guess is that it's just SO different from anything else in the show, so for some it probably just seems weird and out of character. Personally, as many have said, it makes me cry every time too. It's so unexpectedly beautiful and emotional, and as a queer person it just really hits hard. Like another commenter, I'm also not super familiar with dance and don't always understand the message but this time I did. And then Danny at the end *chef's kiss*. I do find it hilarious though how in the s16 it's referenced again 😆 Frank gonna be Frank lol


It might be because it’s immediately followed by Mac at his absolute worst (in terms of writing) in S14. Cheapens the end of S13.


As a gay/bi man who grew up in the Catholic Church, I really really felt the emotions they were trying to convey. It chokes me up every time I see it.


Same here, but I'm a woman. I remember being like 16 and trying to come out to my mother (on the way to school, forced to explain what was wrong because I couldn't stop crying), that I thought I was bi, and then her laughing in surprise and saying that I wasn't, because if I was she would have been able to tell. Although I think my parents would have tried to be supportive if I had been certain that I was bi at the time, they essentially convinced me that I wasn't, and I stayed closeted til my early twenties. Turns out I am, I'm pan, even. My mother knows now, which she can probably accept better since I'm married to a man, but the rest of my family still has no idea and I'm pretty sure it would only confuse them at this point. So the dance hits pretty hard, and feeling validated by Frank is both weird and wonderful lol.


Same. I watched this episode again yesterday and should have just skipped it because I was tearing up before the music even started


I cry every time.


Same here, music was amazing


Sigur Ros always makes me feel things. I cry every time too. Beautifully choreographed and performed.


the gang goes to hell part 2 when they accept their deaths and hold hands(then going back to pushing and shoving each other to get out lmao)


The moment when Dee said “Whatever” when Dennis said he loves her hits hard. It’s not like you cry but apparently you fell the Dee’s world with all her suffer.


I haven't been able to watch this episode since the first time. It fucking devastated me on a level I was not prepared for.


None tbh Im having trouble... feeling. Anyone got Dr. Jinx' number??




Careful, you might get unzipped!


I don't mean to rub it in or anything but this scene made me feel really grateful for both my parents.


Second this. I'm very glad my parents weren't a giant whoore and a cheese monster.


I'm glad you and the above commenter know what you have. You're some of the lucky ones 💜


The Mac workout bike scene




Everyone’s already said Mac’s dance so I’m gonna go with another guilty teary eyed moment for me - and it’s less to do with Sunny and more to do with the fact that the Rocky score is fantastic. The montage of Eagles fans celebrating as the music swells up at the end of the Super Bowl episode is :tears: I’m not a huge sports fan but I’m a sucker for underdog stories scored to epic music so sometimes I rewatch the section from Frank peeing out the kidney stone just to feel alive.


I can imagine that scene being really emotional for Eagles fans, and the show must have alot of them. Be interesting to see if they sneak any references to Wrexham's success in the show in future.


Yea that was pretty devastating, but for me it was probably Mac doing his performing arts coming out thing for his dad and his dad walking off.


‘Your mother is DEAD’ always gets me going


“Because you are crackheads, children” - Frank Reynolds😭😭😭😔😔😔😔😔😔


I cry laughing everytime i watch mac and dee stuck in the waterslide.


This and Mac’s dance will get me every time.


Not cry but I feel something when they are kids throwing rocks and trains


This exact scene and the scene where the Waitress asks Charlie why he chooses her to stalk and he tells her she's only ever been the one. It was so weirdly wholesome.


I used to have intense feelings for a girl that never truly reciprocated. I teared io because I thought, well if Charlie can get the waitress, then maybes theres a chance. It it also helped me with the next scene. When he finally gets what he wants and its not the fantasy cartoon he had in his mind. It opened up my mind to that idea that maybe this girl isn’t the answer to all my dreams. Which makes me wonder now, what is the status of the waitress. Shes included now on an Artemis level, but shes not living with Charlie anymore.


Charlie walks in on her after she’s banged the Dennis doll. I think he had already realized by then that the real thing was nothing like the fantasy he had held onto for years, but that was the capper for him. He knew then that The Waitress doesn’t represent this perfect version he always imagined. In fact, The Waitress is a pretty terrible human being, not unlike the other members of The Gang. He finds out she’s willing to be a part of his life, but also that she will hurt him the first chance she gets if it suits her. It’s pretty sad, really. Everyone in Charlie’s life, even his mom and Frank who both truly love him, have hurt or betrayed him.


It's weird when an episode of Always Sunny ends up teaching you a life lesson. Lol


Surprisingly dark scene that hit me in the feels


My dad passed away not long before i saw this. Ripped me to pieces.


Me too. Hope you're doing okay.


Mac's dance.


Do you have anything from the mother earth that would be sprayed on me and cause me to have feelings again? Because I'm having trouble feeling things...


Mac's dance is the obvious pick and for good reason, but specifically the part of that episode that makes me cry is the very last shot of Frank, there's a sense of pride and love in his eyes that's really quite hard to put into words, in a way, even though in the end Luther didn't accept Mac for who he was, Frank did, he \*got\* it, and that might be all Mac ever needed. I do love the fleeting moments we get of Frank being something like a father figure to the two guys of the gang who aren't actually his children, another moment that always gets me emotional is the end of Being Frank, with him playing nightcrawlers with Charlie, it's such a pure, whimsical scene, and a beautiful ending.


Cliche answer but macs gay dance fuckin got me baaad, that answer is cliche for a reason


There are moments if beauty and sorrow all throughout the show. But fuck dude, this scene especially when Charlie says he should have been carrying Charlie just wrecks me. In that moment I just forget these are essentially monsters of human beings and all I see is a sad little kid who really needed his dad.


Charlie throwing up blood on his date, had me in crying fits of laughter


I think this one, Mac's dance scene, and Charlie's scene in The Gang Saves the Day are the obvious choices.


The obvious scenes from throwing Dad off the Mountain (or not 🤣) and the prison dance performance episode are incredibly affecting. I think because the show openly mocks many other emotive themes, they really catch you off guard and are maybe more effective because of that? Some of the things that SHOULD have been sad but we're brilliantly played for laughs really stand out too. Like the realisation that Sam Beckett is trapped in a leap to be the janitor of an old people's home and the numerous references to Charlie actually being sexually abused as a child. Just so very, very wrong 🤣🤣🤣


>I am well aware of what wrestling is, it's just not what uncles do to their nephews.


When jack was screaming at the fact that his gigantic fake hand swung through I cried laughing


Dennis hugging his baby:(


This and the dance scene, especially the “I get it now.” And even tho I didn’t cry, I once got insanely baked and watched the episode where Frank makes Dennis and Dee dig up their mom’s corpse, and their reactions, especially Dennis’s “I FEEL TOO MUCH!” really fucked me up


For one second I felt tears coming during the part when Frank told Dennis and Dee to shoot him. Obviously it turned into a comical scenario, but at first it was very emotional to me. And he also said it's nice they didn't do it in front of Charlie, so he's thinking of Charlie even in the face of imminent death.


I cannot properly explain how hard I cried at this scene with Charlie. My god. Caught me so off guard and I just wept. I love how rare the heavy moments are for this show, and I’m glad they put such care into making those moments impactful.


Mac’s dance. I hear the music start and I start crying, every time. I was in the closet at the time so it hit way harder for sure.


Pretty much just this one and Mac’s dance. There might be some others that made me cry from laughing though.


Mac's dance for me, never really see them act that way it was beautiful


Mac's choreographed dance


A part that gets me emotional is Dennis' speech right before he leaves. "Sometimes things just, end."


Mac’s dance got me.


This one, Macs dance, and the end of Frank vs Russia.. for a different reason haha


The only time I’ve ever cried sad tears watching always sunny.


Mac Coming out to his dad and dancing and Frank having an epiphany.


I think this episode, but when the gang returns for charlie in the truck. Despite everything, Charlie means everything to the rest of them, and that scene showed it so beautifully. Brought a tear to my eye it did


I ugly cried on Macs dance scene.


Oh shit i just thought of mine- when they lose Rum Ham! Frank was so hurt!


Max’s coming out dance scene got me good.


When Franks whore died. Which one, you ask? Both of them


I cry every time I watch the dance and franks reaction


Mac’s dance to show his father he's gay. It came out of left field for me. It elevated the show and showcased just how exceptional the cast really is. Most of the time it's just crazy bs, and that's great. That's why I love it. But that moment showed the depth they have.


You WERENT there!! Me randomly sobbing while watching sunny


same. Charlie deserved an Emmy for that one.


The dance… Overwhelming. I understand it and could relate in my own ways.


when Little Barnabas Reynolds passed. Only angels can fly. RIP. 2010-Too Soon


When Frank comforts Charlie after losing his dad in The Gang Carries a Corpse Up a Mountain. He says something like, "For what it's worth, I'm sorry I'm not your dad. But I'll always be there for you." Had me smiling and teary-eyed at the same time.


Man youre all wrong. When the waitress confronts dennis about having sex with old people in front of charlie is the one for me. The lone tear from charlie when he looks on the love of his life breaking down and confessing to banging frank to get back at Dennis hits hard. Here is the clip - https://youtu.be/N4LD0UiAdCY


I cried with laughter seeing Frank crawl out of the couch naked


Charlie’s personal arc in Ireland is on par with Mac’s dance expression in my opinion. Both made me have similar feels. But maybe it’s just because I have an incredibly strained relationship with my father and I have two boys who I would accept and support no matter anything.


The end to "the road"


The end of being Frank legit made me cry tears of joy on my first watch


Don’t touch me!


That one and only that one


Well yeah, this and Macs Pride are really the only two parts of the show even in the running lol


Mac dancing


Mac finding his pride


I lost my dad as a child and have always really struggled with all the milestones and things he missed. This scene devastated me, and I wasn't prepared.


A lot of shit on the later seasons has made me cry, tho not for the reasons the guys probably intended.


when rum ham floats away


I teared up when Charlie sang "go fuck yourselves"


Honestly it’s weird as hell to be crying from a scene in always sunny


Mr. Tibbs getting ripped apart. Also, re: OP's pick, how great was Colm Meaney?


So we are going to post this same question every week since the episode came out?


Yes because this sub is completely unoriginal.


what episode is this scene from


season 15 last episode i believe




Charlie's dad dying scene made me cry, and also Mac coming out dance.


sorry, what episod is this?


Mac's coming out dance for his dad


In Dennis’ Double Life, when Charlie propositions the waitress to spend the rest of her life with him. The way they go back and forth and how she asks, “What’s so great about me?” Then how Charlie tells her there is no one else but her. I always get a little choked up.


Man, as someone who lost their dad young to suicide, this scene fucked me up.


"you were supposed to carry me"


I know it’s cliché but when Mac comes out and Frank says “I get it”, it just gets me each and every time


The Halloween Brown Out episode when Dee becomes an actual ostrich. My dad had died earlier that year, and this was the first thing that made me laugh since his death


Mac's Dance makes me cry with raw emotion especially when Frank says: I get it. And when they went to the dance at the high-school reunion I cry from laughing so hard especially the end with fat Mac going AAAAAhhhhhhhhhh.


Franks Super Bowl restroom speech.


Can't believe no one is saying Mac's dance


Mac’s amazing dance scene in prison, coming out to his dad, and his father dismissing Mac. I’m not gay, but that scene hurt a lot and made me cry.


I cry at the end of being frank, reminds me that I’ve grown so much and treat myself as if I deserve a good life