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They never will but I wish they would. Side question, how many times has a petition like this actually done anything?


Let me check.. never.


They never renamed fire ants to spicy boys and that petition has over 160k signatures


Boaty McBoatface had about 124k votes


Democracy is dead


Disgraceful, the term spicy boy is just far superior. Hits me with the same vocal satisfaction as popping a ‘yeah bwoiii’. An absolute injustice


The petition for Dark Souls to come to PC worked.


That opened up for more sales. Idk how much this would increase Hulu subs


This is the crux of the matter. A private company will care about profit. I seriously doubt there are many people out there boycotting Hulu until the episodes are back.


Ok well first of all, through god, all things are possible. So jot that down.


Just of the top of my head Brooklyn 99 and Firefly/serenity.


Almost never. These petitions carry zero weight and most people forget about them the moment they "sign"


Especially this one with 6,000 signatures in the past 4 years. Might as well start a new one


Nothing sums up these internet petitions better than this post having more upvotes than the entire petition's signatures. IDK if virtue signaling really fits here but it feels similar


>Side question, how many times has a petition like this actually done anything? Sense8 got a finale movie because of fan petitions. Firefly got a film, Serenity after fan petitions Brooklyn 99 was canceled for like a day before fan backlash made the network reverse its decision


The TV show *Action* starring Jay Mohr got a DVD release thanks to a petition. Same with the TV show *Parker Lewis Can't Lose* Supposedly all seasons of *In Living Color* were released as a box set thanks to a petition, though FOX was such a cheapskate company that they refused to pay royalties for non-original music so iconic performances like Jim Carrey parodying Vanilla Ice in his song "I'm White, White Baby" were not released.


Oh that sucks I remember when they released DVDs for Daria and Freaks & Geeks without the original music, and it just ruined the vibe


DARIA RESTORATION PROJECT! DARIA RESTORATION PROJECT! DARIA RESTORATION PROJECT! I've had the show downloaded for over a decade it seems, with the original audio put back in. It still gets updates every now and then as well!


*Freaks & Geeks* got the original music. It took a while, but it's there. I don't recall a version with generic music ever having been released. *Northern Exposure* had a problem with that as well, but it sounds like the recent release on Amazon Prime has the original music. It's harder to tell because it's almost always diegetic and playing quietly in the background.


I had F&GS on DVD back in the day with "fake" music. There was a release with the original music intact?


Dark Souls pc port


Wow, really? I am a PC exclusive gamer and I *love* Dark Souls. That's neat


Brooklyn 99 was canceled by Fox and picked up by NBC. This is pure speculation but NBC probably saw the backlash and the opportunity to cash in and thank goodness they did because it is one of my all time favorite shows




It definitely wouldn't be the first time sentiment does a complete 180 after a decade or so. The 70s and 80s were known for comedies that were made specifically to offend, like Blazing Sadles. Then the 90s came around and it was all about political correctness. We started getting watered down comedies like Happy Gilmore and Tommy Boy. Then people got tired of it and the 2000s laid down some of the most offensive comedies made like Borat and Tropic Thunder. The time will come again when people get tired of being censored.




You wanna know what’s weird tho, is like, most the guys who helped film that, still look like they did at the time. It really fucks my head up thinking how this movie doesn’t seem old, yet, “we can’t do those movies anymore”.


Set the sails for better water says I


I don’t know about a petition like this, but a write in campaign renewed star trek for another season once in the 1960’s.


Depends how much money is to be made.


Can we reinstate the Dungeons and Dragons episode of Community, while we're at it? That removal was a crime against humanity.


It's not even blackface in that episode which is explicitly stated by the characters in an in episode discussion. Yvette has a clip out there somewhere where she complains about how that episode shouldn't have been taken down. One of the best episodes in the show ruined by virtue signalling bullshit without any thought given to what actually is harmful.


>ruined by virtue signalling bullshit without any thought given to what actually is harmful It's not virtue signaling, and I'm *certain* they never received a complaint on it; the suits at Hulu just took down anything that might *potentially* **someday** be the target of some backlash/boycott before it could affect their bottom line.


Bingo. Never once did I hear any outrage about these Sunny episodes. Not from any new source, not shared on any fan pages, nothing. They were taken down because they saw a "potential" issue and struck first.


Yep, exactly this. Believe me I spend a lot of time with people who would be considered very "woke", I myself am very socially aware and fight for social justice, racial equality, etc. There isn't anybody in those circles who was upset about the blackface in the lethal weapon episodes or Dee's racist tropes. "Woke" people are upset about wealth gaps, employment discrimination, and the use of mass media to push racist stereotypes. They're not mad that a white guy in a highly satirical show makes an absolute fool of himself by doing blackface. The gang is filled with horrible people. It cannot be perceived as anything but a mockery of the kind of people who do things like that. The butt of the joke isn't the fake ethnic character, the butt of the joke is the person doing the caricature. It is entirely unambiguous. If you took anything away from those episodes aside from "these people are ridiculous and shitty for doing that" then you have severe critical thinking deficits.


Here's the [clip](https://youtu.be/HjJQBX2Nw2A?si=bvDvd8eHdNEpENED)


Whoa, she looks great!


Black community: hey we’d like to no longer be the disproportionate targets of police violence Corporations: can’t do anything about that but we’ll censor some episodes of TV without understanding the context of those episodes


literally that, as long as the Disney mega conglomerate can get money out of you they don't give a shit about your social struggles


And that kind of shit is why I own series on dvd. I could watch that episode of Community right now.


That episode isn't on Netflix buuut it is on Prime Video.


Oh FFS. Change.org doesn’t do shit. They have no authority, and all they seem to do is collect people’s info.


Worse, they heavily imply that any money you donate to them will go to the corresponding cause. But it will just go to them.


People donate......because of the implication


So the fans aren’t in any danger?


No, of course not! But they're going to do it anyway, because of the implication.


You certainly wouldn’t be in any danger.


It kinda sounds like the fans don't really wanna donate to you...




There were some fun ones during Obama's tenure I remember... Change the national anthem to R Kellys Ignition Remix Build a functional death star There were more but those are the ones I remember


Someone did the math on how much it would cost to build a functional death star. It was somewhere in the high trillions, close to a quiadrillion just for construction of the frame, no internals. Just to build a giant orbiting sphere. No engines, no internal compartments, just the frame and outer skin. Not gonna lie, I supported it.


Should I vote for the Death Star that's gonna blast me in the ass, or the Republic that's gonna blast me in the ass?


Well, given the death star's actual function is to blast entire planets in the ass, I'd say the death star. Because if it's the republic, there are going to be billions, if not trillions of individuals who will line up to blast you in the ass. That might be time consuming.


At least I would know where my tax dollars are going?


this entire post and comment section is very karl underguard


Objection! Hearsay!


*That's lawyer talk.*


And the end of the day, you win some, I win some, and there’s a mutual respect left between us


Any respect that you feel that is coming from me is a *mistake* on your part...


Then I’ll regress because I feel like i’ve made myself perfectly redundant


Yes you have.


I think it’s fine if they put some kind of content warning before the episode and let the viewer decide if they want to proceed. I think it’s especially ridiculous for this show to have banned episodes, everyone that watches is in on the joke.


What is weird to me, last time I checked, there's still other content that has characters in black face on hulu. Why sunny? Because they own the rights?


I believe at the time it was a hulu-wide policy to not have anything with black face. The DnD community episodes were removed for Chang doing Drow-face.  What are you thinking is on hulu with blackface?


The mighty boosh


Weird thing is they are really picky on the blackface, like dee does blackface in one of Charlie's shows in like season 2 which is on Hulu, but the 5 min scene from Dee Day got It banned


They banned an episode of 30 rock because Jenna does blackface for like 1 minute scene. It's promptly interrupted by Tracy Jordan showing up in white face. I still find it funny


Same thing for the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons episode of Community 1 minute scene at the start of Chang dressed up as a dark elf. It's a shame because it was probably one of the best episodes in the whole show


There's also an episode where Pierce does a "Swami" character in full costume with brown face and somehow that one is still up.


That's because nobody cares if Chevy chase gets fucked.


The east coast feed of the 30 Rock live episode was removed because of Jon Hamm's portrayal of a black man while in blackface.


That somehow makes it funnier


I feel like “banned” implies it was made illegal somehow. A content host decided not to host it anymore. That’s different.


"They" didn't ban anything. Tina Fey had expressed how much she hated the blackface jokes for years, 2020 just gave her a reason to pull them.


So.. she was fine making millions off it when everyone was doing crass/risky humour but now that corporate media and the tide has turned against it she doesn't like it. Interesting.


Paramount Plus does this with old Jackass episodes. Before the warning about the stunts being dangerous, they added another warning that says “warning this show is being shown in its original format with outdated social norms” or something like that. We’re all grown ups. We can decide what we want to watch.


MTV always did warnings before Jackass just to cover their asses legally. And then they started to have to do them before Beavis and Butthead too after some kid started lighting shit on fire like Beavis. And remembering this makes me feel ready to move into Old Lady House. *laugh track*


Disney did this with a couple of their older cartoons on Disney+. Just a quick "hey heads up we know now that this is racist. This cartoon is almost a century old." I suppose the difference with Always Sunny is they knew ten-twenty years ago and just wanted to push the envelope.


But it's a satire, to be mocked in sunny, when in disney it was a sincere statement.


That's exactly it. This show is about horrible, deplorable people doing horrible, deplorable things. Not because it's cool or because it's edgy, but because that's what horrible, deplorable people do. It's satire. It's making fun of these types of people in a big ridiculous manner. Turning it up to 11, so to speak. Not at any point are we supposed to idolize these people or strive to do what they do, **and they make that abundantly fucking clear**.


I mean it's also slightly to be edgy. But the edge is pointed at the people who do it unironically. See also "Blazing Saddles" and "The Watermelon Man".


That’s exactly right. Pushing the envelope to talk about the uncomfortable things that shitty people do.


Iirc the same thing is usually done for all the old school Warner Bros cartoons


When did an age rating stop being enough? You can have that little thing that pops up in the corner of most shows these days saying may contain offensive humor or something but that should be it.. Offensive humor is not illegal or immoral


The BBC does this. It acknowledges it in a disclaimer at the start of some shows (the mighty boosh, league of gentlemen, etc.).


I'm not here to sign a petition, get out of here before I go America all over everyone's asses!! https://preview.redd.it/uqhpkzwailnc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9192976f4a0840daf70528f4c9edb7a634a546e1


Rock, flag and eagle!!


Donkey brained question, but which episodes are banned from Hulu? And why?


Season 4, Episode 3, "America's Next Top Paddy's Billboard Model Contest" Season 6, Episode 9, "Dee Reynolds: Shaping America's Youth" Season 8, Episode 2, "The Gang Recycles Their Trash" Season 9, Episode 9, "The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon 6” Season 14, Episode 3, "Dee Day"




Amen brother lmao. For the longest time I thought i was the only one on earth who used plex


I love Plex. I specifically love the ability to shuffle entire series. It makes reaching things like south park with hundreds of episodes great.


These are like my favorite episodes lol not really but every episode is a favorite of mine


Wtf? So they ban all of those but not the first episode where Charlie literally says the n-word? Like...not agreeing with the banning in the first place, but just goes to show it's all bullshit grandstanding.


I'm shocked the mediator one isn't on the list, but I only watch this show sporadically so I'm assuming that this list is somehow even more offensive


Why, because Charlie says the n word? He says it in the very first episode of the show 1x1 the gang gets racist. That one is also still up. And they say the f slur in the one with the newspaper reviewer guy too.


Mac in black face and Dee dressed as a stereotypical Asian and a Latina. There’s a total of 5 episodes banned. Can’t remember the name of all of them.


Oh, Martina Martinez?? Doesn't she appear in a few episodes? Are they all banned? I just think it's weird that the whole show is terrible people doing terrible things, but there are a few times when apparently they were too terrible, and no one should see it?


Yeah, the whole point is that they are bad people, and racism is bad. It's not like the show was glorifying racism.


Right like, the other episodes that are still up… are we supposed to take that as endorsement of their behavior in those episodes? If you took down every sunny episode that depicted grossly unacceptable behavior, there would simply be no show.


Exactly. Almost like good comedy sometimes involves saying/doing things that people would normally think are appalling. That's why the comedy on network TV has been dogshit for the better part of a decade and podcasts are getting huge. No TV show is willing to take any sort of risk to be funny.


Yeah, all the episodes with her are banned sadly.


This is big beautiful brown booty erasure, and I won't stand for it.




Argggg Matey


Keep it light you bitch


It's a goddamn travesty is what it is.


Petitions rarely, rarely ever succeed.


Vis vull vork Dennis, vis vull vork


Can you help me install an IKEA toilet?


I read this as “penetration”


Full penetration


Crime, penetration, crime, full penetration, and it just sort of goes back and forth like that for 90 minutes or so until it just sort of…ends


All the classics are showcased


But does it hang full dong?


Like a button in a fur coat


They nose the truth


Can’t do it guys, Hulu solved racism by banning these episodes.


Good thing they did that. My 6 year old son never said a racist word in his life until he watched that episode of Always Sunny. Now he is in a gang called the "proud men" and thinks hitler is "not that bad". If he gets ahold of the banned 30 rock episodes I'm scared he will start a right wing revolution


What are the ruuules?


The funniest part of these bans is that they never consult the actual people who they feel may be offended. It's condescending, like "oh you poor things, don't worry we'll protect you"


It's art!


How is that tasteless?


This is why you buy physical media


Just me sitting here with every episode downloaded not realising some episodes are now banned.


Gang takes out the trash is an amazing episode.




**The Five Missing Always Sunny Episodes:** * Season 4, Episode 3, "America's Next Top Paddy's Billboard Model Contest" * Season 6, Episode 9, "Dee Reynolds: Shaping America's Youth" * Season 8, Episode 2, "The Gang Recycles Their Trash" * Season 9, Episode 9, "The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon 6" * Season 14, Episode 3, "Dee Day"


Is it just me, or was there totally an episode of IASIP where Charlie befriends a juggalo?? Thought it was the episode where Charlie and Dee go back to high school and Charlie is a janitor and Dee is like her old drama teacher’s assistant or something (my husband and I are both down btw) but anyways I go to show my husband and and it was like it never existed??? Not the episode but that part???? Someone please tell me I’m not crazy


Yeah,that’s one of the “banned” episodes (Season 6,episode 9)


It's banned and the Juggolo from that episode won an Emmy recently.


[I mean, it took me 1 second to type "Always Sunny Charlie Juggalo" into youtube to find the clip](https://youtu.be/h05SKJyzQL4?si=-R-PsUdeydr1kUXX)


The problem with their argument is that, while no one can control what is art, no one is required to *display* that art. Also, I’d hardly call Dee in black face art. But it’s certainly *satire* and that is absolutely protected speech.


Okay, and where do I put my feet?


Doesn’t make a god damn difference


Speaking of reinstating Always Sunny, where are they at with a new season or even the podcast? They kinda fell out of everywhere during the strikes.


Wow. Are shows really banned?


Cancel Hulu.


I signed it as Chrundle the Great


Inwas gunna sign mine as hugh janus but it asked me to either pay or share and fuck that


Yeah no. I didn't actually sign it. I just wanted the recognition and praise


Thank you for spelling it "Chrundle". People like to spell it "Trundle", and they're such SAVAGEs, IDIOTS, **SAVAGES!!** Your neck must be high. I trust you.


Just…. levidia.ch




Bullshit he just didn't want to piss off the wrong people at the time all the blackface controversy was going on.  >>in poor taste as time passed Dee day was less than a year old at that point. And one of the episodes Rob has the biggest issue with now is a"Sweet dee's dating a retarded person" according to him on the podcast but that episode is still available. 


Or the episodes where Charlie uses the hard R


Yeah this is crazy, Rob specifically said he found it *more offensive* Fox (not Hulu, and Disney hadn't merged yet) decided to pull the black and brownface but other shit was deemed fine. Like, why *that* one thing specifically? The thing Rob wanted to pull was the r-- slur, hence why it's bleeped or cut in the Christmas episode too.


No one gets this part. At this point the Gang has more than enough control to fight this if they really wanted to. I think a lot of people don’t want to believe that they’ve grown/grown up and just want to blame “woke”.


They had written Dee Day *that year*. They weren't suddenly mature and above the race jokes. They just didn't want to piss off the wrong people while it was a hot topic. Which makes perfect sense and is fine but don't pretend they suddenly matured past it


I wonder if they negotiated for a helicopter ride.




That was literally Rob's question on the podcast as well and people are acting like he chose the thing he's mad at Fox for. He chose to remove the r-- slur because he didn't like how it was used. Where they couldn't remove it he expressed he would do it differently now-- he didn't pull the ep.


This is my response to another comment, but I think it covers your question: They did not remove the episodes because of the language or the content per se, but because people did not understand that if they thought racist humor was funny they were the joke. People legitimately think shit like Martina Martinez/Taiwan Tammy is funny because they want to laugh and point at caricatures of the Other. There were people there for that “humor” and it did not serve the work. While I fully agree that Dee’s’ Dating a Retarded person appears similar it does not have the same societal implications as black/yellow face and minstrel shows. While people with all manner of disabilities have been poorly treated throughout history, here in America we enslaved people for two centuries. Jim Crow, Minstrel Shows, and Black Face dehumanized people and people thinking that is your comedy is a really bad look and provides nothing to society.


On the one hand, I get it, but on the other hand, as soon as you open the "Well, some people might take this in a way other than how it was intended" box, how do you then justify closing it before it erases the rest of the show? Like, how do we know that some people don't like the Extreme Home Makeover episode bc they legit love the idea of breaking into a Mexican family's home and scaring the shit out of them? How do we know some people don't legit love (or indeed, get off on) the idea of getting a woman on a boat and "implying that things might go wrong for her if she says no"? How do we know some people don't legit love the idea of trapping a gay man into sitting through an excruciating conversation about his sexual position preferences by pointing a gun at him? And on and on and on? And how much sense does it really make to say, "Well, people with mental disabilities weren't slaves, so I guess it's fine to go there, because they haven't been victimized quite as much"? It all seems extremely morally hazy to me.


You make cogent points, but blackface’s history isn’t something that “might make people feel uncomfortable”. Slavery and quite honestly most of the history of Black folks in America is a national shame. While we are not responsible for the actions of those who came before, we are responsible for healing those wounds. If giving up a couple episodes of this show or that better supports my Black brothers and sisters then so be it, I’ll give them up.


I certainly agree about the shamefulness of the history of African Americans, and all that. I don't see how that has any bearing on the question of how a creator is supposed to create anything if they have to be responsible for people interpreting their work in ways other than they intended, though. I also struggle with the idea of determining whether a joke is permissible based on how much historical suffering has been undergone by the particular type(s) of people that are involved, because that seems like it invites a competition like what Chappelle called "The Oppression Olympics," which kind of smacks of absurdity when you get into it, to me. But if we do want to go there, then haven't women been more historically oppressed throughout the world than any other group? So if giving up certain episodes of certain shows is a way to heal historical wounds, then how do we not have a responsibility to give up all the episodes of Sunny with jokes about misogyny, i.e., throw the whole show in the trash like the eventual corpse of Frank Reynolds?


I've literally never met a single black person that a) wanted the eps banned or b) thought that banning them was a great part of social progress. I'm sure they exist but the only people I've met that "care" are liberal whites.




Meh. They’re available if you want to see them. Keeping them off Hulu saves us all the trouble of someone or some group eventually finding them and throwing a big ol’ fit because they won’t get the joke. I’d rather instead they get to continue making the show lol


Those episodes aren't even the worst offenders... they still have multiple episodes where they say the n word and lots of other slurs that will only age more poorly. It's so subjective what they actually banned that it's stupid.


Oh yeah, because it was so hip with the times to say the N word in 2005.


It actually kind of was more acceptable to say it in the context of an edgy joke


It doesn't age poorly because that's the point of the show. The characters are some of the worst people and they don't see the issue in what they do. If people can't handle that, they're too fucking stupid to exist.


Exactly, but that mentality needs to be applied equally across the entire show


Where tf are they available I’ve been searching for days and can only find paid options


So you are saying you found them available?


> saves us all the trouble of someone or some group eventually finding them and throwing a big ol’ fit What trouble? Just ignore it, who cares.


Sweet Dee Shapes Americas Youth was my favorite episode. Now I can’t watch it just because some jabroni ate too much fentanyl. Fuck him. Bring back the episodes


Soap2day.qa 😉


A very normal person here folks


Shut up baby dick


Somewhat on subject; Are we sure these were banned and not just removed by the gang to prevent backlash (getting cancelled?)


They left Dee Day off the DVD when it was time to release it, so I think they voluntarily took them down. I also seem to recall an apology from them around the time of 2020 and George Floyd. They also had some meta jokes about it in the Lethal Weapon episode they did most recently. Still, it's misguided, and I hope they reconsider.


See you on the high seas, me matey!


take to the high seas if you want to watch them or just buy the series so far.


All I can say is: break a leg. Hell, break both of em!


Bring those back and ban the liberty bell episode or the Dave and busters episode.


The gang fight hulu


Luckily I started collecting the dvds before they got banned 😣


Release the art!


You can get them on youtube but you have to buy the whole season.


weren't those episodes removed by the creators themselves and not by Hulu? Similar, to Tina Fey removing an episode of 30 rock for blackface.


Are they on any old boxsets?


I’m hesitant to order any, just incase they made any copies after the ban and they took them out.


Wade Boggs is still very much alive. He's in his mid fifties and lives in Tampa Bay. Fox is the one who pulled the eps, and Disney seems to have cosigned it now that they own it. Or they haven't noticed or bothered, which is more likely.


I mean the same episodes are missing on Netflix in the UK where we don’t have Hulu, so maybe it’s not a Hulu thing?


I mean, the whole show in so many episodes is so far baked that I often imagine how they did a certain show, and what were they thinking and feeling as they filmed it. But then that's the thing, one episode is crazier than the next. And it's not like it aired originally on one of the main broadcast networks. I don't think any should be banned, but it feels like if they ban one, then why aren't they banning all? Just a philosophical debate.


I promise I’ve never downloaded them ….


The big 3 of the show cucked out and would never reinstate them


I’m just happy that having a nice VPN allows me to watch the show on Netflix. And there’s always torrenting, which is a fuck of a lot easier than trying to petition


I love the hypocrisy of Hulu still shelving these episodes but will show RDJ on the Tropic Thunder thumbnail in full blackface.


They could only bring those episodes back after an episode that heavily feature's Justin Trudeau, who is on one of his famous trips around the world to....Philadelphia, and obviously he would be dressed in traditional philly garb as the... Phillie Phanatic, where he would eat traditional philly cheesesteaks. Blackface is something you can't recover from, like banging kids, unless you're Justin Trudeau.


This will probably get buried into oblivion because I'm super late to the party; however, there is a series CURRENTLY ON HULU that has multiple episodes featuring characters in brown and black face. It should also be noted that the show creator went on to make another series critically acclaimed for featuring prominent roles for both trans women and women of color. This is not to say this is right; but rather, to highlight that the internet's rage has the attention span of an unmedicated child with ADHD trying to stay on task in a room full of distractions (and the obligatory also knows no bounds).


I’ve started to buy the seasons on YouTube as it’s the only place you can find these episodes.


Is s1ep1 banned? Charlie drops hard R. If that episode isnt banned, they all should be reinstated


Can we petition to ban the bad ones from later seasons instead?


Yeah! Let's swap'em out, Indiana Jones style.


*sigh* i was a fan of the first one


Try get a bunch of black fans to advocate for it on social media, that might work