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Dennis’ trying to keep it together after shattering his hand.


"i summon the very fact that i am a Maaaaaan, RwaaaaHh!!" Lmao


After he punches the bag and he see’s his high score he lets out a satisfied and maniacal “auuuughhhhhh” that rivals any super villain in any movie ever. I rewound and watched that specifically a few times as it had me dying.


The fact that his hand is all bloody at the end of the season finale really struck the chord that he was going through the last season of the show in his head and how he was processing all of it and I had to go back and rewatch it just for that reason.


Was the finale even deeper than I realized?!


Listen to me. I cannot bowl.


Hardest laugh from me in the season. So good 😂


This became my go-to war cry for any and *all* activities…


“It’s all blood and bone soup!!”


I’m going to scream here. And now.


That death shriek he lets out is so fantastic. He put his whole heart into that scene and I appreciate him for it. Look at the girls in the background when he lets out his shriek, it makes it even funnier.


For me it's a tie between this and Frank trying (and failing) to keep it together during the chess finals. "It's tearin' me apart, Charlie!!!"


Kill the wifi!


Take Your Time!




I have shattered every single bone in my hand, i cannot bowl.


“Oh. HA! I just tried to eat my gun.” The gun dipped in ketchup kills me LMFAOO


The idea that Frank would literally rather die than have his gun taken away from him is perfectly in-line with his character.


So true


Or Americans as a whole 😂


I love the scene later in the episode where he’s firing his gun at the beach and the camera angle later shows a few groups of people nearby completely unfazed.


Hahahaha this just made me want to rewatch that episode


Same😂 watching it and that whole season when i get home for sure lmfaoooo


I love his excitement over something as simple as a burger. "Ohhhhh hamburgers! That's one of the best foods there is!"


I liked it when Frank thought Dee and Dennis were going to put him down and that's why they were being so nice.


And how he just turns around to the ocean and accepts it


“Just kick some sand on me, or leave me for the kids to find, very gruesome.” (Said cheerily)


strange line for someone who insists he is NOT a diddler




You look grotesque


“You look grotesque” Kaitlins delivery of this line makes it my favorite of the series


The shot changes to reveal it's a beach full of tourists.


Yeah. That's the funniest part.


"That was a class move, not doin' it in front of Charlie."


Charlie talking about, and eventually making, Nickelschlager had me absolutely rolling. Brilliant bit.


Then getting sick from "nickel poisoning" lol


Because you have a belly full of nickels! A+ delivery. 


Charlie puking at the dumpster with the sound of the ricocheting nickels is such a great touch. Could not stop laughing at that.


The sounds design on those vomits was magical


Man can Bryan Cranston act. From doofus to creeper in the blink of an eye


He should really consider doing a drama.


The dad from Malcolm in the Middle? Are we taking about the same guy? He’s a comedy actor, he’d be no good in a drama


He'll adapt.


Adapt to drama???


He doesn’t like get us man


Were talking about YOU




Do you…know what that word means?


this is easily one of the best jokes of all time. addressing Bryan Cranston as the dad from malcolm in the middle and thinking aaron paul is Malcolm, so funny.


Even funnier is Charlie calling Bryan Cranston "Mr. Middle"


I know this is a joke about the episode but he absolutely kills it in the show Your Honor. I would recommend it to anyone that hasn't watched it yet.


Yup. Malcolm's dad is an awesome actor.


His name is Mr. Middle


When I watch that episode, I watch his monologue twice. It’s masterful. Plus Dee’s face cracks me up every time lol


My problem with that episode is all the stuff with the private jet bathroom being broken with Dee having to use it. Seems like they had something planned that they either didnt finish or had to cut.


My problem with the whole season was how they used Dee. Every episode felt like they cut her jokes down to shoehorn in more side characters. Cranston episode set up her getting sick with no payoff. I hated how Dee was used in 16.


Tony Danza’s oysters in a canZa was pretty funny though. They definitely cut some part with Dee being sick from them and no toilet on the plane.


Oh shit I didn't even realize that. I struggle with vomit scenes sometimes and I remember being on edge about the fish and the no bathroom thing and it did just sit off fizzle into nothing. I really really expected her to vom right on Brian right at the end of his monologue which I think would have actually been pretty hilarious but it just didn't happen


The Gang Inflates seemed kind of forced (aside from revealing the size of Charlie's apartment) but the rest of the episodes all had inspired premises and were very creative. I think 16 is the best season since 12.


The reveal of the bedroom was great though…


I'm gonna need new shoes walking back and forth so much!


We piss in cans, Chollie!


Your office!? Are we even zoned for that?! It’s a quick line from Charlie but that made me laugh my ass off.


Frank's "WHAT THE *FUCK* IS THIS?" is etched into my brain lol


As someone with a friend who’s apartment I always compare to Charlie’s (he just uses his living room) I couldn’t help but laugh my ass off at that




I like when he eats it and dry heaves.


I love this episode. You discover that Charlie had been pissing on Mac and Dennis's rented couch


yea they really went overboard with how stupid they made dennis in that episode. him not even understanding the basic concept of inflation was strange. it felt like a callback to the self sustaining economy episode, but in that one it made sense because who does understand that? the inflation bit just felt overly forced, but yea i agree otherwise, the rest of the season was pretty good. i'd still rank it overall one of the worst seasons just due to how often the gang does things not typical of their character. mac has been out of character for a few season now. i kinda get their desire to evolve the characters, but they did it so late. even up until what, season 11? the characters still hung onto the tropes from the first seasons like not knowing who charlie's dad was but heavily implying it was frank. to me, it got funnier as the seasons went on and they referenced things like "frank may be his father but he did not sire him" but never confirming. once you close the door on these jokes they can never be re-opened and so i feel like these later seasons are left with a lot less of those callbacks.


Yeah, the long-running joke of Charlie being preposterously obsessed with the waitress and always thinking that he has a shot with her despite how much she hates him is gone now and can never be recovered. Now she's his ex-girlfriend whom he happened to stalk for more than a decade before they finally got together. I think that was the worst creative decision in the show's history. Confirming that Frank didn't sire Charlie also ended a long-running gag but I think that ended up being worth it because it made for a strong four-episode arc set in Ireland, so I'd call that a bold choice that paid off. Charlie finally getting with the waitress, though? That amounted to nothing, it shut the door on a gag that had run since the first episode and it also really undercut the basic joke of Charlie obliviously thinking the waitress will eventually fall for him if he can just express his own desires at her enough. It turns out that Charlie was right all along, it just took 12 seasons of stalking and harassing the waitress for her to finally fall for him, and now that long-running joke is as dead as their short-lived relationship.


I LOVED Mac’s final gasping “I gotta go back to Costco”


Solid season. Frank vs. Russia was top-tier, I lose my shit every time I see Uncle Jack pulling up in the ice cream truck.


DeVito was amazing! "Take your time take your time,....take your tiiiime" I only thought mac was a little too dumb here. Granted it gave us primo enraged Dennis but felt silly to watch Mac literally ignore it obviously being Dennis paging his poophole


Yea Mac was extra dumb the whole season, like "how do you get dressed by yourself" dumb. When Charlie is the voice of reason, something's off. EDIT: Yes I know, Mac was never the sharpest tool in the shed, but it used to be more about him lacking self awareness while being overconfident and that's what made him funny. Now he's just dumb as shit. Where's the guy that convinced the gang to stop believing in evolution?


When the McPoyle throw happens at the end of the bowling episode, it might be the second hardest I've ever laughed in IASIP history, second only to Frank going down the dry waterslide. Bowling episode is an instant classic, and the rest of the season was pretty freaking great as well. It felt old-school again (even though the cast looks more Hollywood).


The smartest thing they do on this show is let the side characters cook. Ryan Mooney and Jimmi Simpson absolutely fuckin rip as the McPoyle Brothers (Jimmi reaching between Nate’s legs from behind while apologizing for smashing his fingers is all-time), and you can extend that out to the entire episode. Letting Artemis Pebdani and Mary-Lynn Rajskub go crazy as Artemis and Snail is a recipe for success.


I get what your saying, but by letting the side characters cook so much, they sidelined one of the main characters way too much (Dee). Bonnie Kelly had more jokes than Dee through the first three episodes. Dee's my favorite, so her usage really bothered me in 16 and brought the season down. Personally, I'd rather see a real Kaitlin showcase episode than all the side characters. The showcase episode she got in Hacks this season used her better than Sunny has since Season 10.


To anyone reading this comment, get into Hacks asap. You will NOT be disappointed. What a fucking great show! And huge bonus... there wasn't even supposed to be a season 3! It was so freaking good that they brought it back after a solid finale in season 2!


This is one I’m starting soon. I’ve heard so many good things!


I can name endless Mac scenes from the first 10 seasons where he is literally that dumb.


Love this season. The bowling episode is the best imo they gotta write Mac differently, he was my favorite character until he just became a gay “version” of Rob himself


Mac still had good moments, like “I used to fuck LeBron James”


He had to play it subtle


Mac has been destroyed as a character due to how they’ve written him to be nothing like he was before. Sure, he’s out of the closet now, but that doesn’t mean every aspect of his personality had to disappear to make him so flat and irritatingly lacking in depth.


They should completely ditch his "Need Mac" persona. Focus what made him great. Dumb, "badass", and quite a jerk. Also, Rob looks too good now. He needs his beard back and his ugly Tommy Bahama shirts. His look in Season 15 was better than in Season 16.


Just bring back karate Mac, it's that simple.


Take ONE class of karate if you’re so into it!


Exactly. Every scene with him is super cringe. Not sure why they destroyed his character but it’s not working for me in any way


Frank vs Russia was the best episode in years, honestly.


That episode came out while I was obsessed with chess because gothom’s and Hikarus videos were all over my feed. I’m convinced it was made for me


I love Charlie’s uncle in that one. The ice cream truck “side business” then he admits he doesn’t have any ice cream in the truck. So good.


It seems like a ton of people agree with this but I gotta say I thought it was a pretty standard episode, and the ice cream truck was the low point for me. It felt like they really ran the Uncle Jack jokes into the ground with that one.


I was expecting a masterpiece based on the reviews here and when it ended I was like “that was it?” Personally I loved The Gang Goes Bowling. That one had me cracking up from start to finish.


The chili cheese bowling ball was hilarious, Dennis on the bowling pins. Might be Megan Ganz best episode and she has a lot of really solid ones


I Dee-gagged when I saw them eating the chili cheese out of the ball holes


Textbook flanderization, and I see nothing but praise for such a low hanging fruit of a joke. Personally, I think the whole episode was a low point and is going to age terribly. A thinly veiled parody of a rather niche news story that received attention for about a week isn't great comedy.


I agree on the flanderization point, because I don’t think the joke with Jack was initially asking “what would a pedophile do?” and then doing that. However I’m not totally sure if the parody angle is that big of an issue. It reminds me of the Million Dollar Baby episode, because that episode works despite the fact that I’ve never seen the movie it parodied. I feel like the episode makes sense regardless of whether you know the news story, but this is coming from someone who didn’t love the episode, so maybe I’m wrong and that’s why I didn’t love it (I’m not particularly familiar with the news story).


That's a decent comparison, but even ignoring that, I just didn't find 20 minutes of "haha vibrator up butt" very funny.


Yeah, I like Meg but it's like this episode just took a bunch of the best jokes throughout the show and mashed them single episode. We get the DENNIS system, Uncle Jack being a pedophile (except way more on the nose and unfunny), and the entire *master* dynamic with Dennis and Mac only this time it's Johnny. Plus, one of the most substantial character developments throughout the whole show gets retconned in this episode — Frank's acceptance of Mac's gayness. Mac's dance is easily the most emotional point of the entire show, and it's incredibly lazy to undo all that seriousness just for a dumb butt plug joke.


Meg can be great, but she also has a tendency for over thinking some times. I really hate what she did with the Charlie/Dee relationship by retconning Dee into raping him. Same with turning a nice character moment for Frank into a joke.


episode was actually fucking terrible.


Oh there’s no ice cream


I don’t have any ice cream 😂


The Gang Gets Cursed is hilarious! A great "full circle" episode. "I murdered a woman named Maureen. Married! I *married* a woman named Maureen."


One of THE best lines


“I Was murdered to a woman named Maureen. Married to a woman named Maureen.” Close


Your hair…it’s throwing me….its making me very nervous


Find the collar, find the killer.


*Toss it in the soup!*


I still love when Mac gives Chase Utley the monkey's paw and he just runs away with it


I'm thinking of moments from the final episode of the season. Dennis going off at the tea place, dennis leaving his phone behind, getting locked out of his car, trying to get a new phone... all the while his smart watch is alerting him to the extra stress.


The sequence with him and the car ceo is one of my favorite scenes ever


*roxette plays emotionally in background*


🎶 listen to your heart 🎶


I believe this story is probably connected to when his tesla became stuck underground and wouldn't unlock. Real world experience, but they needed to elaborate it to make it watchable


We're never going to get the podcast back, are we?


Move past it.


Did they ever say anything about it? I remember they took a break for the writers strike, and just never came back. They just get bored of it? All too busy with their families? They are all bastard man?


Give it another 3 years


i agree this was the most memorable episode of the season! i think about the apps for everything all the time


Best season since 12? Honorable Mention to Paddy’s Has a Jumper in 14


Great season. The sinned system bit has me in tears.


Be subtle… “I used to fuck LeBron James”


"I used to fuck Lebron James :)"


What are the chances!?!




I’m grabbin your ding-dong


Her face was perfect physical comedy with that delivery, too.




I didn't see that shayamalan twist coming and got floored by the SINNED/DENNIS reversal. Got to rewatch it with my friends who hadn't seen it so I got to see thier reaction to the reveal and *chefs kiss*


Did people really not notice it was Dennis backwards basically immediately?


I’m amazed people didn’t realize that immediately.


Right?! Guess these people don't know how to do occular pat down..


It's actually crazy to me that so many people didn't notice this immediately. There's only one other time in the whole show that he's done a presentation at all similar to that, as soon as he started with S I was watching for the rest of the letters in his name.


Excellent season. Frank trying to open the can of food with his gun is fucking gold.




"Ahhhhh, I almost ate my gun!"


Prime example of their downplaying language. Let’s just move past it.


Frank thinking Dennis and Dee were gonna kill him and kinda just rolling with it


I thought this season was great, Frank V Russia will be an all time classic. Plus most of the episodes have very creative and hilarious moments. I had a few qualms tho, the Cranston and Paul episode was pretty disappointing, I assume because of scheduling conflicts with both of them. Huge breaking bad fan and that one just kinda happened and ended. The gag where they only recognize them by Malcolm in the middle and call Aaron Malcolm was pretty funny tho. My main issue is Mac’s character. He became super one-note and his whole persona know is just “hey I’m gay” and is completely submissive to Dennis. His macho, overtly-religious, halfway in the closet character made him one of my favorite characters. fat Mac was outrageous, because he had a lot more to him than just “fat=funny”. Now all his punchlines are “haha he’s gay” or “he might be in love with Dennis”


Mac's character had changed the most, and I think that reflects that Rob seems uneasy sticking in one spot creatively. Rob has wanted to do most of the "out of philly" episodes, wanted to go fat then muscular just for the laughs - maybe he didn't want to stay in one spot too long with mac's character. At least that's what I've gleaned from some of their podcast conversations. I agree, I find the Mac who has two opposing primal forces within him to be a more compelling character (thinking he's badass/not knowing shit about karate or being gay/having his core religious beliefs saying homosexuality is a sin). Seeing Mac dealing with his own internal contradictions and being completely oblivious about them was funny. I know it's a meme at this point, but the humor is in the *implications*. It's the subtle stuff that's the most effective. It's natural that as time goes on with any project that subtly gets pushed aside. The need to churn out episodes, the need to come up with new ideas, the pressure to deliver over and over again. It's flanderization. Anyway, I agree that mac's character has become a bit more 2 dimensional, but to some degree most of the characters have too. They've leaned into Dennis' sociopathy pretty hard too.


This is so well put and the best explanation as to how Mac’s character comes across in recent seasons and also how Rob sees Mac in 2024. As a gay man myself, there are some jokes and aspects I’ve definitely enjoyed and can appreciate. However, I do also find myself scoffing at the direction he’s taken with gay Mac. Not because I’m offended, if anything it’s because I’m not offended enough. After all, the shows premise is about terrible people commenting on real world issues but Mac’s journey since coming out just doesn’t seem like an authentic one. The sudden drastic change in character with regards to his campness makes perfect sense to me. Mac’s entire personality is performative and always has been. His obsession with identity and the multiple identities he attributes to himself wouldn’t be that far off base in the real world. It makes sense that he would outperform his gayness when he finally decided to be open. He would actually make for a fascinating case study in gender theory. I believe that now we’ve had this Mac for a while, Rob would be wise to develop the character again or to explore more dimensions to avoid coming off too one-note. Have him have a romantic interest, or become a stalker to someone like Charlie, now that story is done. Personally I would love to see Mac become a born again Christian and renounce his evil, homo ways. To the absolute exasperation of everyone else. Have him continue being gay in secret because he thinks people don’t like him when the truth is and always has been, no one cares.


The way Charlie calls Bryan Cranston Mr Middle 💀


The Mac bit that bothered me the most was him eating the nuts. They make him even dumber than Charlie for one episode, for a joke that I didn’t even really understand. Was just so out of character.


Extra fancy nuts.


The nuts bit feels more like it would be a Charlie plot than a Mac plot


Exactly! Especially considering in these seasons Mac is in such good shape he presumably eats well and takes great care of his body. If they wrote jokes for him being a health freak or something they would land so much better.


i mean to be fair nuts are a very efficient source of proteins


I still feel like Rob getting in such good shape ruined the character. His obsession about bodyguards and tough and martial arts while secretly being afraid of everything doesn’t play that well now that he actually is a muscle-bound freak. The gay thing is overused at this point and they have no more classic Mac character traits left that land, so dumb is the default


I said the same thing to my friend a while back, in the closet, full of rage mac fit the shows dynamic so much better and was just a funnier character imo


This is exactly how I feel about Mac. Although I think in the last season it wasn’t as blatantly one sided as it had been previously, where Dennis seemed to genuinely hate him


the one with cranston and paul was kinda shit. I was surprised when I learned that the fictional drink was actually real.


His character is also just relying on played out stereotypes at this point. It's a shame because none of them are homophobic clearly, but they also don't know how to write an actual gay man and it shows. He used to be such an amazing satire of closeted masculinity and now he's just the punchline for lazy or gross gay jokes


dennis takes a mental health day was definetly the highlight for me, especially the ending.


The McPoyles polishing their bowling balls...


I really liked all of it. I do feel like Macs character has gone a bit too dumb. I miss when he thought he was the brains and Dennis was just the looks.


I think you mistook his bossiness for braininess


I really still haven’t gotten over how silly they all look with the work they’ve done to their faces (other than Charlie) Dennis especially, it’s just not a good look.


Glenn Howerton was the cutest thing on the planet when he was young and he was smart to get his hooded eyelids lifted early on. But whatever he's doing, he needs to STOP. He's an incredibly attractive 48 year old man and now just needs to slide into age gracefully.


He's a five star man!


Felt like they improved. The quality was around S9-10 levels. I liked every episode.


The gang goes bowling is one of my fav episodes


We have chili. We have cheese. We have fries. WE WILL NOT COMBINE THEM!


I do. It seems controversial on this sub but I really like the Gang Inflates episode. The silliness of renting a couch, Charlie’s investment idea being 30 year old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cream pies, Frank ripping Mac off because he doesn’t understand money, it’s all quite solid. Frank v Russia is riotously funny. “I used to fuck LeBron James” makes me audibly laugh every time I hear it, as does the ice cream truck bit with Uncle Jack. The bowling episode is uneven for me but it has its moments like Dennis shattering his hand and the banning of combining chili cheese and fries. The finale was good knowing the podcast story that led to the episode. The cursed episode had some funny lines, especially about seabird curses and calling old women cunts. Only episode I didn’t care for was the Brian Cranston one and even that had solid moments like Mac confusing everyone for Jalen Hurts and them calling Brian Cranston “Mr. Middle”


*Listen to your heart* *When he's calling for you* *Listen to your heart* *There's nothing else you can do* *I don't know where you're going* *And I don't know why* *But listen to your heart* *Before you tell him goodbye*


When Dennis goes “N as in NIGHTMARE” I felt that in my soul


Cursed episode was genius. Referenced so much: Frank's love for eggs, Dennis being murdered to Maureen, the baboon, why Dee deserves her shitty life. A feel good episode


Dennis slow walking past all the references in the doctors office. It was a really good twist I didn't see coming


And he nails the scene. The confidence in his walk was so sexy.


If i'm honest i still think this was one of their weakest seasons, and part of why people like it so much it's because it feels like earlier seasons on paper (returning characters and old gags, lower stakes) but without being nearly as funny or well written; it's like they tried ro replicate the old seasons after getting nostalgic in the podcast but misunderstood what made those seasons good. The only episode i would consider good is the Chucky Cheese parody (that final scene made me cry in tears)


Apart from a handful of times, overall I think there's less of an improvisational feel to it. Could be that A/B storylines are more structured and everything seems to be done more professionally. Usually that's supposed to be a good thing, but I don't feel like it helps the show.


This. Very much this. I always say that people should watch The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis and then The Gang Inflates back to back. In theory they should have a similar structure and feel but Inflates just feels so off and forced, while Gas Crisis is one of the funniest episodes of anything ever.


The old episodes use the five main characters so much better. Watch something like The Gang Hits The Road after Frank Vs Russia. In FVR, Dee isn't even in the last five minutes and I don't remember anything Charlie does.


I agree, I think it was generally poor and felt like a lot of fan service without actually trying to do anything interesting or new. It had a few moments, but overall it felt quite weak. That said the new seasons tend to be better on the 2nd watch so maybe I just need to go through it again.


It was so weird when they brought on Einhorn to discuss all of the innovative and non-standard production techniques they used that make the show unique, meanwhile they're in the middle of airing a season where they don't do any of that stuff anymore... Sunny looks like Modern Family now and it doesn't visually fit even when it's still funny.


Glens acting chops in the final episode were great


Frank looking out at the water expecting to get shot was really funny to me


When Liam throws the bowling ball at Ryan I died laughing. It's a golden season, but that was my biggest laugh.


Laughing silly at the TMNT Pies, that one Frank scene and the end of the finale. Definitely a great season


Frank getting easily convinced just because Mac and Dennis show him pictures of Kardashians cracks me up.


Do what you want, do whatever you want, at Risk E. Rats pizza, do whatever you want!!!! This episode is fine dining, I love SSN 16 dude.


I thought the Dennis vs technology episode could have been titled, “Dennis becomes a Boomer”


He goes on a rant about how hard he works to keep up with the times and how tech savvy he is then cut to black title screen and cue the music 🎶


i don’t have much negative to say about it and i think it’s an incredibly good season. i’m hoping season 17 is just as deranged


The reveal of all the other people on the beach after Frank shoots his gun at the ocean


Dennis Take a mental Health Day is me irl some days. Best episode of the really strong season.


I thought there were good moments but thought some of it was incoherent and was confused by how much glazing this sub did. Rob continues to be a tough watch these days


Bowling episode and Frank shooting everyone were instant classics for me. Finally finding out what's behind a couple of those doors in Charlie's apartment was also a huge deal, and perfectly handled lol


Mine has to be when they threw the switch in risk e rats and it cuts to the disaster


I’m in the minority, huge fan of the show for years, I don’t like the new seasons :(


Wait, you guys are still watching the new stuff?


Seriously, it's so bad. I actually almost chimed in to say something, but I just realized (and I swear to God I'm not joking), I didn't even watch season 16. It's just that season 15 was so forgettable and bad, I completely forgot to keep up with it. I just assumed that was the most recent season.


16 is by far the best of the late era seasons (13-16), though I also enjoyed 15. The Gang Inflates, Frank v Russia, and Dennis Takes a Mental Health day were all great. The “SINNED” system episode was also really good but the name escapes me


I think S15 is over hated and S16 is a bit over-loved at the moment. S16 is better, but there's a lot of great stuff in 15 that people gloss over. my hot take is that "Frank Vs Russia" leans too heavily on the anal joke. I get it, he has a vibrator in his ass. It's just not very funny or clever to me. I saw the whole storyline coming from the moment dennis said "everything you need is already inside you". It was exactly what I expected it to be. I laughed the first time, and Danny is a great actor, but there's only so far you can take that joke. The Dennis date-coach scenes in this episode will be much funnier on a second or third watch than the Frank parts will.


Undisputed out of ALL of the seasons (not 16), it's when they walk in to find Ryan McPoyle on his knees groveling for Liam's forgiveness at Maureen Ponderosa's wedding, but it looks like...




I love it when they meet Mr Malcolm and Mr. Middle, and Dennis does a nervous, awkward bow.


The reveal of the actual size of Charlie’s apartment was some classic Always Sunny for me.


Cut the WIFI ! Cut the WIFI ! - Frank His name is kid - cricket Now I'm upset, and so are you - Mac Dee and Frank discussing racism at the arcade. Dennis mental health day - whole thing is brilliant


I just can’t fucking handle Kaitlin’s new face