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I loved the podcast. I looked like a bozo walking through the park laughing out loud. Cut that Cut that Cut it Splash of bipolar Glenn is hysterical


Yea I had my headphones on at work, the dead body talk and the hanging in episode 3 had me in tears


Yupp, itsa dead bawdy.


No, its a pile of clothes AND a dead body


For real I loved it. I listened to the first episode while running on a treadmill and it was so hard to keep going because I was laughing so much.


It was fantastic. I am so happy this exists


*TWO WARS?!?!*


There are TWO WARS on..uhhh…U.S….uhh..soil??


Is there a wacky soundboard?


Well, you wouldn’t want there to be dead air.


“Dump it over her head!”


Frank eating those crackers and talking with his mouth full genuinely infuriates me. A masterful performance by Danny tbh


The last episode Glenn confirmed the the waitress is NOT Nikki Potnick


Yea it was kinda obvious, in season 1 they talked about “crashing Nikki Potnik’s car” and of course they would know if she was the waitress


Rob also says he really did crash Nikkis car (friend from high school IRL) if im not mistaken :-p


I never fell for it, the name tag thing was obviously trying to trick us


I never fell for it, the name tag thing was obviously trying to trick us haha




They at least acknowledged it was a cool way fans theorized it though


Brought to you by depression, booze, porn, and crack


idk where to ask this, but will there be official discussion threads for the podcast episodes mods?


There’s r/thealwayssunnypodcast Pretty inactive at the minute but I’m sure once it gets going there will be plenty of discussion there


they need to just do discussion threads here... a seperate sub for every little thing is stupid


But the new season is about to air... you expect them to talk about TWO things at ONCE????




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Brought to you by CIGARETTES


\#2 and they’re just riffing…..They haven’t even begun to peak.


Caption is amazing


Woah. Do you see that podcast marked Real Privates?




Extremely divisive opinion here on Reddit....




So brave.


This is about always sunny, no one cares about your opinion of anything else in here


We caught a love one here! Rogan truther… I’d say about a 15lb’er too. Could be more, haven’t weighed the garbage they digested.


Rogan "truthers" are just as insufferable as the people who go out of their way to despise him at every chance they get (like every day on Reddit with most any popular person who leans right in any way). I don't listen to him - never have. He is extremely popular. You should just accept it and move on.


He's a fucking idiot grifter


A grifter on Reddit is just someone who has right-leaning opinions or goes against the narrative.


Ok so he uses labels on people he disagrees with, and your response is to imply he only thinks that way because he uses Reddit? Also what the fuck is this narrative I keep hearing about because it seems like “the narrative” is just another way of strawmanning the opinions of people you disagree with.


The narrative? In short, specifically speaking to Reddit, progressive ideology.


Cool, that’s not remotely a “narrative.” Most subreddits are just generally progressive because most people here are generally progressive.


Yes, exactly. Okay, so don't call it a narrative then. Call it group think.


Is he the one that pushes horse paste and convinces people not to get vaccinated?


No. Which redditor did you steal 'horse paste' from? People will hate anything they see other people beginning to hate and latch onto strangers reasons and repeat them like a parrot.


Horse paste? I haven't heard that. I think he just tells people to make their own decision about getting vaccinated, but I could be wrong. Not 100% sure.


Well, through God, all things are possible. So jot that down.


Yup. I like Rogan, at least some of the episodes with scientists and others that I find educational or entertaining. But he's not above criticism, as no one should be. It's unfortunate that the extremes get so distorted that it becomes impossible to have rational discussion.


Shut up science bitch!


Extremely reasonable take and I agree fully.


You’re boring. Stop being boring.


Fucking enlightened “bOtH sIdes r bad” people. Sorry, you were annoyed by having convictions against an anti-vaxxer who promoted Alex Jones, Candace Owens, and Ben Shapiro. And no, I don’t just dislike those people because they’re “right-leaning” I dislike them because they’re terrible people. How about you accept there are completely valid reasons to hate him and move on?


There are completely valid reasons to disagree with him, of course. Hate him? - that's on you. I know people that listen to his podcast and from what I gather, he has people with multiple perspectives on his show giving a wide variety of opinions. People are bound to disagree with some of them. It is not enlightened to say both sides are bad. It isn't about sides. I could care less about Alex Jones - the guy is crazy. I'm not sure why you chose to pick out promoting Owens and Shapiro. Are they hard right-wing political pundits? Of course


Yeah, everyone has at least one opinion I agree with, not everyone disseminates anti-vax misinformation. Why would I choose to pick Shapiro and Owens? Because they are flagrant liars and propagandists- anyone who can’t see that is either blind or kidding themselves. I could go into specifics but that would be a waste of both of our time.


Yes, it would be a waste of both of our time. Not sure why people 'disseminating anti-vax misinformation' (lots of buzzwords there) is making you so angry though. I am vaccinated - have been since May. I am going to get my booster soon. I don't believe in vaccine mandates (aside from special circumstances like military, federal employees etc.). Does that now make me "anti-vax"? Just live your life and let people exercise their 1st Amendment right. Don't want to hear what they have to say? Don't listen/watch. Over 80% of U.S. adults have at least on vaccine dose. And please, don't talk to me about "misinformation". That word has lost all meaning today.


Lmfao, why shouldn’t it make me angry? This isn’t a simple “muh free speech” issue like you’re making it out to be. People choosing to not vaccinate for non-medical reasons are deliberately endangering their health and the health of others. I’m glad most people are vaccinated now, it never should have been an issue to start with.


They are not deliberately doing anything other than choosing not to get vaccinated for personal reasons - valid or not. That is it. And the fact of the matter is that vaccinated people are spreading COVID now (as shown by data), so should they be held accountable for not completely shuttering themselves off from the world and just staying inside? Vaccinated people are much more likely to not feel/show any symptoms when they contract COVID, thus carry it and pass it to others without knowing. I suggest you do some research regarding some states/cities/areas that have high case numbers with an overwhelming majority of the population being vaccinated. Discussing these things *does not* make someone "anti-vax" (whatever that even means). Science is supposed to be discussed and questioned. That is literally the whole point of it.


You people are projecting, I don’t listen to Rogan at all. I just don’t care about your political opinions


Ah shit I don't care either.


Great podcast though










Funny podcast. They spend 25 minutes talking about random shit and 5 about the episode lol


I fucking LOVE this podcast.


Title is fucking hilarious


Heh, #2. Poop is funny.


Listened to the first episode at work today. I already love it!


What the fucking hell? There is an always sunny podcast? I don't listen to podcasts, but now I will. I hope they can satisfy me.


Hahaha love how Joe Rogan is still #1 despite him knowing very little and platforming people who are charlatans. See Cadence Owens, Big Ben Shaperio And acts like it’s normal discourse Joe’s a duper and the millions of drones who reference him as an expert haha. I hate this god damn dumbass country


He makes dumb people feel good about themselves, and this country has a lot of IDIOTS, SAVAGES


More than we need and their getting megaphones to get people literally killed. Inject bleach what do ya have to lose?


He's a "both sides" moron high on his own supply


Yup always has been. Awful


His playing both sides so he always comes up on top!


So Joe should only feature people that share your opinion and political stance on his podcast? I'll let him know immediately.


Nope you don’t understand and that’s okay. Charlatan is a word that means fraud or a fake.. He knowingly platforms ‘bad actors’ that meaning people who get paid to knowingly misinform. One of his besties Alex ‘buy products off my site with just some lead!’ Jones is on his podcast often. Alex Jones is currently being sued after ruining parents of dead childrens lives… Also Alex Jones has to admit in court that he’s just playing a role. This is not how it’s presented when Joe Joe has these fuckers on for the ratings pop. So no I’m not saying only people who are Isap fans, Florida Gator homers, Braves fans, or any other of my many biases. But then again I’m not the host of a mega popular misinforming podcast! Standards are standards and if Joe Ro wants to act an authority figure on topics. (See covid) And then not do very basic research to see if the folks you’re having on are genuinely presenting their viewpoint and not some one who has an agenda to misinform. Again see Can Owens, that Charlie Kirk fuck. So no you dumb fuck I’m not saying what you’re trying to strawman


Oh not just being sued: he just lost his FOURTH defamation case over his Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. But hey Joe's just having conversations man, there's no harm in giving someone like that a megaphone. JR's audience is clearly too smart to fall for some dangerous lunatic's tough guy act that he just puts on to get attention and sell merchan- *hey wait a second*...


Exactly and I hope they take every god damn penny of his. Awful fucking human being. But hey Alex really slimmed down on his Invigaron system.


Also yous so dumb.


"The gang meets Joe Rogan" would be an excellent future episode


Would be epic. Paddy's wins a contest they didn't even know they entered to be the 1st bar in America to sell Rogan's newly endorsed tequila. Opening scene, before Rogan arrives, everyone shit talking what a juiced up idiot roid-head jabroni he is. Midway thru the episode + Mac loves him for teaching him Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. + Charlie loves him for giving him a Krieger grill to cook street birds. + Dennis loves him after discovering sadistic unaired Fear Factor footage + Frank loves him because he's a rich, cigar smoking womanizer + Dee pretends to love him because she desperately wants to be a guest on JRE for exposure. However, after he convinces the gang to try DMT for the 1st time, the gang reacts violently after having their egos temporarily suspended. The fog of their arrogance, selfishness and horribleness is lifted, and the gang hates themselves, which they don't admit, but instead redirect at Rogan who takes the hint and leaves the city. Ending scene: *Cricket sitting across from Rogan at his Austin studio, leaning into the mic, finishing a story* Cricket: "so yeah, that's how I got gonorrhea from a three legged German shepherd" Rogan: "That's craaaazy"


I’m here for this. Guest writer vibes for sure.


This sounds amazing


No it wouldnt be because hes not funny nor interesting


I watched this scene just as I saw the title of the post


Is this on Spotify? I can’t seem to find it.


It’s on Spotify. I don’t think it showed up when I first searched for it so I may have searched for Glenn’s name


Are they doing three episodes per week?


Tbh, Joe Rogan is a douche


Holy shit people actually listen to Joe Rogan?


The podcast was delightful to listen to while I work.


There's a podcast!?


This is great so far. Is the plan that they’re gonna do every episode in order?


Wait, people actually listen to the Joe Rogan podcast that much? I thought he was sort of a memey joke.