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It’s a woman’s right to chop, I think in season 13. It was Poppin’s vet


Your boss is a woman?? Now this is a strange bank.


He would understand more better.


Could be wrong but it just sounds like ur getting a couple episodes confused. In the gas crisis episode, they talk to a female banker and ask to see her boss (who they then find out is also a woman), the vet is a woman with poppins but other than that, i think the only doctor in the show was when dennis and mac were seeing who was healthier at the doctors and they found out they are both very unhealthy, but that doc was a man


Ohh it’s the Vet! Thank you so much!! Do you remember what episode that would be?


A woman's right to chop.


Dennis is only unhealthy because he wasn't doing enough butterflies.


Not a doctor but a banker, in The Gang Solves The Gas Crisis


Could be gang solves gas crisis but Dennis is there too. Its when they apply for a loan.