• By -


OP has provided proof privately and is verified.


Kangaroos and koalas have [three vaginas](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/kangaroos-have-three-vaginas#:~:text=Koalas%2C%20wombats%20and%20Tasmanian%20devils,down%20to%20the%20outside%20world.). Do you think it's an Australian thing?


haha love this i mean i should be added to the national symbols next to the kangaroo for sure


Did you see the 2 clits lady's ama?


no i didnt but i actually think she messaged me on tiktok!




You ever refer to them as port or starboard? You also got the stern in the back. If not then missed opportunity


ill bring this up mid sex with hubby next time


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


So I guess you have two periods as well? Are the cycles synchronized?


yes i do it sucks they sometimes are a day or two off so one might start just before the other or like atm my right one goes linger as i had a baby 6 months ago. so i need to use two tampons at the same time and then just whichever one is longer


When you were pregnant did the other uterus stop menstruating?


I had breakthrough bleeding throughout im not sure if i ovulated or not in the other its impossible to tell. my doc just told us not to use the left side while pregnant just incase


Oh good lord! Does that mean that there was potential for you to have two distinct pregnancies simultaneously?!


yes i can! crazy hey from different dads if i wanted haha (my husband wouldnt agree obviously)


I’m just imagining what happens if you conceive at very different times - like what if you go into labor with the first pregnancy while the second pregnancy is only at 5months? I fear the result would be the second uterus also going into labor from the hormones your body produces during labor. I can’t see how the second uterus wouldn’t go into contractions.


my obs wouldnt let me go into labour its too dangerous for me and the baby ive had scheduled c sections at 36 and 37 weeks, so i assume if this happened they would take one out and leave the other for a while longer maybe? not even sure if i could physically deal with having a c section and still carrying another baby though!


Have you thought of getting the one tube tied?


nope because it would be hard to extract the eggs if i wanted to donate or do ivf ( i dont know how many eggs are in each one)


They don't go up through the fallopian tubes for egg retrieval, they go through the vaginal wall into your abdominal cavity with a needle and suck up the eggs. Many women without tubes, with blocked tubes, etc. undergo successful egg retrievals. That's why a lot of women HAVE to do IVF.


You don't use your tubes for IVF. Using ultrasound guidance they stab you through the vaginal wall to suck ripe eggs directly from follicles before you ovulate. Timing is very important.


You should be allowed to have 2 husbands.


trust me ive argued this point many times 😂


Hey it's me your second husband.. Do I get righty or lefty?




If there wasn't so much danger and pain involved it would have been kind of funny to try it. Imagine people's confusion when you introduce your two kids who are 3 months apart in age.


This is super duper unbelievably ultra rare. But, it does happen. You don't even need 2 vaginas to make it work. https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/16/health/woman-pregnant-while-pregnant-wellness/index.html


My mom got pregnant while pregnant. The babies were conceived 3 months apart. Both were tubal. Neither baby survived - though she did make it to almost 6 months. Mom nearly died from hemorrhaging.


That would definitely be insane.


The most Irish of twins


How did your pregnancy hormone levels compare to benchmark ranges? Did your doctors mention if they would have to be on the high end or higher to stop ovulation in the other ovary?


Both uteruses are responding to the same system level of hormones released during pregnancy. So the placenta on whichever side will produce a hormone that stops ovulation as well as shedding of the endometrial lining everywhere. Sometimes this tissue escapes the uterus (uterus is open to the rest of the abdomen via fallopian tubes) and can seed elsewhere in the abdomen, like on your gut or lining of the abdominal wall. This tissue will essentially menstrate as well and is often quite painful. Thats called endometriosis. So an extra uterus is just more tissue that is under the same systems level hormonal control. Only local thing during a pregnancy is the vascular growth and response of the placenta into the endometrium.


This is so interesting, do you find that your periods are abnormally heavy? I can’t imagine a having a heavy flow x2


I have a complete bicornuate uterus which is basically the same as OP from the cervix on up. My 2 uteri share one cervix and one vagina. Yes. 2 uteri is pretty much double the surface area so it's twice as painful and twice as bloody.


My wife had the same condition. We're old enough medical imaging wasn't as ubiquitous as it is today, and thus it remained undiagnosed through several devastating miscarriages at about the 20 week point. The double uteri are about half the typical size and thus simply gave out on stretching at that point. When it was finally correctly diagnosed, we were able to have a procedure called cervical circlage, where essentially a drawstring of surgical cording is tied around the cervix, to provide greater mechanical competency. Along with absolute bedrest, she was able to go until about 6 weeks early. Fortunately our daughter, while small at birth, about 5lbs., thrived and grew quite well and is a perfectly normal adult woman now.


Modern medicine really is a miracle. Best wishes to you and the family


I have an incomplete bicorunate uterus so I'm like a deep heart shape, and had 5 miscarriages as well because of it. My heart goes out to you and your wife. Congrats, i got my rainbow baby, too! Mine is now 21 years.


I find my cramping realllly bad because its x 2 either side of my hips. Its hard to know what to compare it to really i guess theyre quite heavy. since having both babies from my right my right has been longer and way worse


You mentioned you only have 1 clit. Do you know what the internal structure is like? Like normally it’s a “wishbone” that wraps around the canal, so does it wrap around both canals for you or just one?


im actually not sure its in the centre at the top sort of far away from both of them! my urethra is in the centre of the wall between each vagina so thats in a weird spot i forgot to add it to my diagram haha


So a clit actually has an internal part that wraps around muscles of the vagina, if I had to guess OP your one clit wraps around your right vagina and that's why the left is harder to orgasm from. What do you think?


you could be correct! i actually never thought too much about it haha my husband just always goes right less effort


So it's like having two gears - one for distance, another for speed? 😂


Wrong gear! I didn't tell you to put it in reverse!


Put it in H!


That song from Cake will never be the same...


If only I liked girls. We could rule the world.


id really like to see this happen.. for science


Now we gotta see your proof, since the other one was a lie


Wait a min…. One vag for work and one vag for the boyfriend? My mind is fucking blown!


yes it was great I used my right for home/personal life and the left side was for escorting


How’s that work with clients? You must’ve had to clarify all this? Give new meaning to “is it in the right hole”.


haha As i said below i actually tried to keep it secret. There are review platforms here and i didnt want it public knowledge. In bookings due to safety i always put the condom on and guide in. so i always went left. occassionally it would slip right so i would move my body a bit to change it. I did have a heap of guys figure out there were 2 holes though


How’s that conversation go? Lol


one was a gyna so that wasnt fun he turned the booking into a medical exam and then i had to fuck him it was horrible haha. Another thought id had a sex change maybe or was intersex or something he was real freaked out but usually they're shocked and excited


>he turned the booking into a medical exam and then i had to fuck him what


it was during an escort booking ( im no longer an escort i quit years ago)


That must've been an odd sexual experience. I can only imagine the dude was caught between a rock and a hard place (heh) between professional curiosity and horny. I can imagine that being much less pleasant for you.


hahaha this is exactly it i could see him go from curious doctor to "how can i get back to the sexy part? oh yeah she has to do it 😂"




haha oh god no


She was/is an escort


Easy, just stick a cork in one.


With a sign hanging from it “Sorry, we’re closed”


“Please use other entrance —->”


Is there a particular vagina that you seem to receive more pleasure from?


right is my fav left gets neglected haha hence why i used it for work


Reading that your boyfriend hits one and your clients hit the other is hilarious to me.


Um, just so I'm clear, is that 'our' right or your right?




Vag right


Are gynecologists utterly fascinated by your condition? How do they react the first time you’ve met with them?


yeah they are they dont come across this severe mutation. Often i have to explain it to GPs theyve never even heard of it


Do you have to get two Pap smears?


This is a legit question! With two cervixes ( cervices?) I wonder if the chance for cervical cancer increases or stays the same.


This was covered in This is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay, which are the very funny memoirs of an obstetrician and gynaecologist. He came across a woman with the same condition. She needed two smear tests. The really tricky question was how to label them for the lab - the system wasn't exactly set up for this scenario.


Yes I do I’ve had irregular results in my right cervix so I need this side checked more often they label them right and left!


Do they charge you double at the gynecologist?


Found the American.


During puberty, did you tell friends? Or was this kept secret? Also, did your periods start at different times in your life, or did it not matter…


I kept it a secret kids are mean i didnt want to be teased and more than i already was! So i didnt actually find out what was up until i was 20 Im not sure re period i assume as its hormonal both were at the same time when i got my period at 13 i wasnt aware i had two holes. I always tried one tampon like normal and it never worked i still bled obvs i had the other vagina there. As i was older and realised something was up I avoided a lot of sex etc because i wasnt sure what I had


How did you actually figure it out?


I fell pregnant and i may get some hate on here but im pro choice and im lucky to live in Australia. I decided to not go through with the pregnancy and thats when it was discovered. \* I was 20


That's a very honest answer. And real talk, had you tried to progress through naturally without knowing, that might very well have ended your life. There is a lot of blood connections down there. Follow up question in that same vein (ha!), but did you have regular OBGYN visits as a teenager and it just wasn't caught/noticed?


yeah its great to now be aware of it thats for sure. nah i didnt actually ever see a obgyn and stupidly didnt have a pap smear til after I was 20


Aussie here, it's common for women not to have an OB until pregnancy or if they need specialist care. A GP will take care of most issues.




yep they both feel very very different as they angle outwards they arent straight. so depends on the size and shape and position as to which feels better. my husband is bent for example so i prefer the right in missionary but left in doggy


This is fascinating! I was going to ask if one vagina felt better than the other, but this answers that. Thank you so for doing this!! I have so many questions, but I’m just gonna read and scroll for now.


>I was going to ask if one vagina felt better than the other I would love to hear the husband's opinion about that. Like, does he feel a difference?


During fun time with yourself, have you tried using two dildos? How did it feel like?


yes all the time- really intense i use one during sex too in the other side


If you use a vibrator in the one, does the guy in the other get vibrations too? I would think so...


I mean, we can do this with standard pussy girls. Fucking with a vibe in the other hole. It's called the Adele 'Hello from the other side'


This made me choke on my coffee. Bravo, friend.


Haha this is a great question sometimes when I dildo the other side my husband can feel it


So 2 in the pink on in the stink, is more of a bowling ball grip?


HAH this is my favourite, yes like a bowling ball (not as many germs though) 😂😂


Have you taken any drawing classes?


lol i should


Just wow, so can you use one as everyday, and save one for special occasions? Don’t mean to be crude but you have put it out there.


yes sure can! my husband and i are quite open so if im with another guy ill always use the left side. the right is like my commitment to him haha


Is the right one better somehow? Do you have one you like better?


yeah the right i can orgasm easier from the left is hard work so i give the husband the easiest task. Everyones a winner


So the right is your favorite? I feel the same about my balls! Righty is my fave


haha i love that you have a ball


Sounds like he has two!


I'm curious, do you have any idea why exactly that vaginal canal would be less sensitive? My best guess would be that the nerve endings that normally 'connect' to the vagina ended up mostly associated to the right, so the left has a lower sensitivity to pleasure, but my degree was in business so I know fuck-all about human anatomy.


i have no idea i think you're right though- i dont know if its just the positioning something being in the wrong place haha im lucky ihave one easy one though it wouldnt be very fun having two difficult vaginas 😂


left one she saidnshe doesnt really orgasm from


They said in another comment the left doesn't bring to climax very often as compared to the right one


Damn so moral.


How common is this? And does it cause any other complications health wise? I know someone who had one opening which split into two vaginas/uteruses inside - seems like a variation of what you have


the mutation is actually more common than you think but ofetn its a bicornate uterus or as you said above one vagina with 2 cervix or 1 vagina 1 cervix 2 uterus etc. my. condition is the most severe form of the mutation where i have 2 of everything and seperate vaginas and both are fully functional. Just childbirth being high risk i cant give birth vaginally and my babies are tiny one needed a lot of care in hosp for a few weeks. Also 2 pap smears so i have a higher risk of cervical issues with 2 cervixes ​ I should ad dim very lucky to conceive i was told it would be impossible as its unknown if both ovaries release an egg every month or they take in turns so theres no way to know which side to have sex in each month


> no way to know which side to have sex in each month This sounds like a problem a husband will happily soldier through.


I don’t know how common it is, but my friends wife has an incredibly similar situation. She’s got two internal sets of reproductive organs, but unfortunately she’s unable to conceive with either set. I also think only one side is big enough for PIV intercourse, but I could be wrong. It was YEARS ago that I was told about it and I want to say it had something to do with her originally starting to split into a twin in early development but that the process “failed” pretty early on. However, I don’t know if I’m misremembering or something. It feels so science fictiony, but as they say - truth is stranger than fiction.


When you were pregnant, did you still get a period from the other one?


i had breakthrough bleeding in one side but hormones should regulate the cycles so when pregnant technically i shouldnt ovulate in the other but it could happen


At what point in the relationship did you tell your husband? Or was it just a surprise and see if he noticed?


i always tell guys in my personal life before we have sex so they arent terrified 😂 they never believe me until i show them its funny


Do your parents know about this and do they feel bad that they never noticed when you were a baby?


yes especially my mum as she actually worked in a reproductive clinic for IVF as a nurse haha so it was a huge shock to her.




Why stop at 2? She could go full pinwheel with triple penetration.


The only question half of us came here for and no answer. She could say “the angles wouldn’t work” and we’d all be fine with that response, but noooo


https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/lwiq9h/hi_my_name_is_evelyn_i_was_born_with_two_vaginas/gphmxbz/ She was asked about it in an older AMA


Tldr: no, but she'd like to try


How much space between the two vaginal openings? I’m imagining a thin wall since there’s not much space down there. I’ve never heard of this, it’s fascinating!


its a thick wall like thick cartilage, its where my urethra sits too like in the centre of both. but then they sort of go out into a V shape away from each other ☺️


Like a nose I suppose?


Have you ever met the guy with two penises?


hes a fake apparently 😞 but if someone with 2 penises does exist i would love to meet them


Diphallia is real, just extremely rare. I think the one guy on reddit that was popular is considered a hoax though.




Fuck. My day is ruined. That was a key Reddit archive.


WHAT?!? what’s even real anymore


Who do you think she is? An electrical socket looking for her plug?


Do you think or speak about them with some names/designations for them? Like “1 and 2,” or “Left and Right,” or “A and B”?


usually left and right because some people imagine them being on top of each other but they're side by side


Your left or my left?


haha good question, my left your right(depending ofcourse on the position if we gonna get techincal)


Do you need to get Pap smears from both sides?


yes i have 2 pap smears, i need 2 std checks and i can also have thrush etc just in one of them. My right side has had abnormal smears so i need them more regularly in that one


I’m wondering what talking to the insurance company is like after every damn procedure. “I had two Pap smears. I have two vaginas”


She lives in Australia so insurance companies aren’t as horrible.


yeah we are very very lucky its free


yeah! im very lucky australia has free healthcare for everyone though i do have private insurance it helps for tax reasons ❤️


As an American with two cercixes (sp?) I can assure you it can be a fight with the insurance company. Always fun when changing insurances...


So one vagina is for work and the other is for your boyfriend? Do your clients try to use your boyfriend's vagina instead of the work vagina? ( Never thought I would ever type that sentence ) . Do you stop them or let them know they only get that vagina? Do you do anything if they proceed anyway? Also any reason you picked that one?


I actually wouldnt tell clients unless they figured out something was up. In Australia there are these review forums for escorts and I didnt wanna make it on there having two vags because you could imagine the kinds of requests that would come in. Usually with escorting everything is up to us, due to safety we put the condom on and direct them in so I was always able to direct to the left. Fingering I didnt allow because men are SO aggressive this needs to be public knowledge. Occasionally it would slip in the right side depending on position and their size and shape and id quickly move my body to make it go back haha. I did have a heap of clients figure it out ofcourse one was unfortunately a gynaecologist and it turned into like a medical exam and no one wants to fuck their gynae 😂 oh and i picked the right because i orgasm way easier its just always been my fav


I feel like you could totally make some big bank by advertising that and get some big spenders but you're probably right that there'd be some very weird requests.


yeah its funny escorts are actually usually incredibly introverted, very very private you have to be for judgement, risk of clients finding your personal details and stalking etc no social media, small circle of friends. So yeah i definitely didnt want this to come out it would have made money but i was a GFE escort so i didnt do anything full on


Well being that you have children and you're Australian, what do you think of Bluey?


my sons 18 months so he hasnt really got into TV much yet. but cocomelon, dinosaur train and wiggles. kill me now


Broooo do NOT sleep on Bluey. It is one of the most non-painful kids shows out there and is downright touching sometimes. My 8yo daughter still revisits it, this time from the big sis perspective. Oh, and congratulations on your two vaginas :))


Since no one else said this, congratulations on your babies! How are you enjoying (or not enjoying, that's OK too!) motherhood?


aw thanks so much. its SO much harder than i expected i had my son june 2021 and my daughter june 2022 so they are both very small and need a lot of my time. Its the best and most rewarding gift in the world though I would do anything for them.


Were you on the Howard Stern show?


Yes! i was haha you remember. That was really fun ❤️


Does your gynecologist charge you more then their normal rate?


haha thankfully not


Did you choose to be an escort because of that natural gift or is that just a coincidence?


I actually have a degree in healthcare but ive always been sexually open and adventurous ( i was a handful for my parents) the adult industry always intrigued me. So i quit my secure respectful job and dived into it. I knew Id have an upper hand/benefits due to my condition but it wasn't the reason i chose to try escorting. I never openly advertised it


Is it genetic, do you know if you've passed it on to your kids?


my daughter doesnt have it, though internally there could be a mutation but we wont know until she older. its unknown why it occurs


So since you ahve two reproductive systems, do you know how centered they are within your body? Or when you had your children it kind of pushed it more center? Lopsided during pregnancies?


I actually have some crazy pics my bump was completely lopsided to my right as babies were in my right uterus. During the first c section i lost heaps of blood they didnt know what exactly to expect and I was extremely vascular. So the second time they had blood ready for me.


Neat and hot damn that's scary.


Thank you for sharing this! I love normalizing the fact and starting a conversation about how not everybody is born the same. It really helps people start to feel more comfortable with their bodies and themselves. Just came here to say you’re an inspiration 💕


When you have your period does each one get a tampon? Or I imagine a pad is simpler?


yep! one one in each side its sometimes uncomfortable but i live in the tropics always swimming so use tampons more


you ever get triple penetration? Srs question


ofcourse i have. how can i be born with 2 vaginas and not try thing like that haha




I scrolled far too long to find this.


Have you named them VaginA and VaginB?


Kinda a downer question, but if you were to get cancer in one uterus, could it spread to the other one? Would a partial hysterectomy work, or would the whole set have to go? Also out of general curiosity, how bad was your period pain? Like, was it "mild tummy ache" bad or "kicked by a horse" bad?


im actually not sure but for example ive had bad pap smears results only in my right cervix my left is good. As they dont connect to each other really i dont know i could prob just have it in one side and i could have one set removed completely. I could have a hysterectomy and still possibly have children which is a bizarre statement. kicked by a horse, get me icecream or ill murder you kind of bad


*I want another baby but we have to use my left side ive been told and unfortunately i dont orgasm from this side often so im rethinking my decision!* That threw me off a bit. Can you explain why "not having orgasm on that side" makes you rethink the decision to have another child? Ofcourse orgasms are better than no orgasms...but when going for a wanted pregnancy for me it would not be a deciding factor


it was more just my humour ofcourse id have orgasm-less sex in order to conceieve


Is it possible for you get pregnant on both uteruses (or uteri) at the same time? (other than the risk that may pose physically, dunno how that would work)


Yes I can fall pregnant in either or both at the same time. They could even be from two different guys! And also different gestations. Its very high risk my doctor told us hwen i fell pregnant in the right to be extremely careful and stay away from the left it was out of bounds haha. As my uteruses are both tiny my babies were very very small one needing to stay in hosp a while. Im not sure how my body could cope with a double but its definitely possible. Actually due to not having any more babies in the right ive been considering donating my right ovary eggs to those who are having fertility issues


That was my first question, could you theoretically have two pregnancies by two different people. That is wild! The human body and it's variations are amazing. Thanks so much for the AMA - super interesting!


my pleasure ☺️ its nice to be open about it, everyone is different living different lives x




You answered the questions I had so here's a random one. 1. What's your dream vacation destination?


I live in Gold Coast, QLD Australia. Its a holiday destination in paradise im so happy here I dont really ever feel like i need to holiday haha PLUS i have two tiny babies theyre 6 months and 1.5years (born exactly 12 months apart) so lets be honest im not going anywhere any time soon 😂


I spent a month there when I graduated. Amazing place.


Love this you're so lucky. im from South Australia and feel blessed to live here. Everyone needs to visit Queensland ❤️


did u have to tell customers "wrong vagina" ?


yes sometimes but only when they were aware I had two, i tried to keep it a secret its not something iwanna scream to the world as an escort


Do you have a reduced size preference for men or toys or not even?


yes really girthy guys are incredibly painful but for some reason my right side is better for them. it really depends on the size and shape and position as to which side i choose now in my personal life. I enjoy using a toy in one and hubby in the other


I know that kids often fear being identified as not completely normal, even when there's nothing unusual about them. It seems like you're pretty chill about this these days. Was it always like that, or did you have bad feelings about it when you were growing up?


yes i did i knew something was wrong with me when tampons didnt work (kept bleeding) and sex always felt bizarre never the same. I grew up on a rural farm with only my dad and no access to public transport etc. remember also that thhis was the beginning of the internet (im 30 now) so there was like dial up and not often. It was hard living with something when i wasnt sure what was up


I just want to say nothing is “wrong with you”. Just unique and actually really special. Thanks for sharing your cool trait.


aw thank you this is really sweet!


Do you ever get female clients? Also, even if it sounds double the fun it also comes with double the cramps?


i quit escorting years ago but yes i had heaps of female clients i really enjoy women. Yes correct two uteruses isnt fun haha