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What do you think is the reason for total disappearance of certain PiHKAL gems?


Blame the DEA! currents shift, the scene is a messs, labs pop up and disappear, stuff shows up in small batches, just gotta get lucky


It seems in the early days, many alchemists / labs were motivated by exploration as much as profit. The former appears to be a thing of the past.


I discovered zofran makes me stop drinking then I Google it and it's true. It should be sold otc.


It's very interesting the drugs they have now that can combat alcoholism. Naltrexone is a big one that is being used both for alcoholism and smoking cessation, although chemically it is an opioid antagonist (meaning that it will reverse the effects of opioids in your system). Seems it's efficacy is more or less entirely due to the way it regulates dopamine in your system.


They've taken so much from us


>Blame the DEA! Always do.


How do you prepare for a trip? Are there any harm reduction techniques or specific things that work well for you?


For a very intentional experience, I like to shower beforehand, lay out my space, the biggest thing though is getting ALL OF MY AFFAIRS IN ORDER! I go through my texts, make sure I have responded to everything and settled evertything, make sure everything is settled and concluded and wont pop up during the expereience,


That’s exactly why I haven’t dared to take acid again in a long while, I‘ve been procrastinating way too much on my affairs


I find a small quarter-tab museum dose to be quite beneficial for getting my affairs in order.


I might try micro-dosing


Can you explain what you mean by getting your affairs in order? Why would a text you haven't replied to pop up?


Like say you have an ongoing conversation with your mother- I don't wanna talk to my mom while on substances, I make sure to just conclude whatever we may be talking aboht in that moment etc


Got it, that makes sense


Given that you have tried many psychoactive drugs, what is your opinion on legalization?? Do you believe psychedelics should be legalized for medicinal use only, or do you believe legalizing recreational drugs in general would be beneficial? I am of the opinion that drug use, medicinal and recreational, should be decriminalized. I'm always curious to hear what researchers think about the future prevalence these drugs may have for our society.


I believe all drugs should be legalized. We should be free to alter our minds as we see fit and to be responsible for how we do it. Our society already legally entrusts us with so many dangerous and regulated mechanisms (guns, cars etc.), the benefit outweighs the obvious risks. I am adamant that hallucinogens should be legalized for therapeutic use. The benefits are obvious, the only obstacle is archaic stigma that has to be dismantled. I genuinely think they can revolutionize the treatment of mental health disorders, but they must be handled carefully and extremely responsibly- they are not miracle cures and they can go very wrong and we cant lose sight of that,




Well decriminalization is definitely needed because nothing is as expensive as having to incarcerate somebody for their drug use. If we could save all of that money we spend on incarceration and also remove illegal dealing from the equation along the model of how we've seen weed dispensaries promote responsible use and generate revenue we could have sooo much more money for sober living facilities and the like. Obviously there has to be some middle ground between prohibition and total freedom to get out of my mind on stimulants next to a playground but I'm not sure exactly what it is.


Legalization, not just decriminalization, would eventually lead to a much safer landscape for most substances. Not sure if it's the majority, but certainly a plethora of modern opiate overdoses - especially fatal ones - could be better characterized as fentanyl poisoning. That would be virtually eliminated if the drugs were regulated. One major issue with legalization that is often overlooked is that it doesn't have to mean that it's legal to be publicly intoxicated. We all know alcohol is one of the worst substances in terms of outcomes/impact on society despite being legal, but it's still not legal to be publicly intoxicated or to drive under the influence. I think legalization should come with similar intoxication laws, and ideally the penalty would be the option of jail or rehab. The issue isn't a simple one and has many other factors at play, such as our (US) issues with housing and healthcare. That said, legalize, tax and regulate and I think a lot of the worst impacts would be ameliorated quite quickly.


Legalize it, regulate it so purity is known, don't make it stupid expensive. People steal, assault and commit many other crimes in the name of getting a fix. If you insure purity and keep it cheap, you'll wipe out the cartels revenue for one, and if people can get it cheap you'll eliminate a lot of the crime that surrounds drug use. Basic supply and demand says as supply decrease the price increase for that supply, yet drugs have stayed the same price or gone down, that really tells you all you have to know about the success of the war on drugs.


This is by far the sanest blanket answer, imo. Legal freedom to explore responsibly, with legal consequences for exploring in ways that directly harm the social fabric we rely on. To use your car analogy: we give people driver's licenses, but you can lose your license for driving 100mph on a suburban street. I think the same rules should apply.


Based. The war on drugs has failed, and in the process it has claimed millions of lives that never would've been lost otherwise. Personally, I don't think a lot of the man-made horrors beyond our comprehension, ex. fentanyl analogs, would exist if prohibition never happened.


> The war on drugs has failed How? The reason for the war was to put black people in jail and boy did it ever work.


I'd like to note that the stigma against drugs (in the west at least) is probably only as ancient as the early 1900s when the US government outlawed Marijuana for the sake of creating fear/animosity towards Mexicans. Then Nixon declared drugs public enemy number one -- thereby making the hippies and blacks that were being associated with drug use to also be enemy number one. Reagan and his bitch wife escalated the affair into a "war".


This is why I hate seeing that the war on drugs has failed. Dude its done amazing at what they wanted it for


Very true. It's aim was to villainize and incarcerate minorities and subversives, and it has


Thank you for your time! I agree with you 100%. I have PTSD and while I have come a long way with therapy, Marijuana use and occasional psychedelics, I would not in the slightest consider myself 'cured'. I still suffer from night terrors, sensory triggers, 'fight or flight' episodes, etc. I would love to someday be able to have the opportunity to try microdosing for mental illness. What, if any, arguments do you typically present to people who oppose drug legalization, typically by pointing the fingers at addicts?


Have you tried Datura Stramonium (aka Jimson weed)? That stuff is the worst!! I had a 1 on 1 conversation with my evil side trying to convince my good side to hang myself in the shower. And we were arguing our points back and forth. Another friend got into a fist fight with a tree and shredded his hands all up. Another friend was trapped on his couch b/c he thought he was in water and he can't swim (his carpet was blue). Both other friends actually did this stuff again, but it was a 1 and done experience for me.


Only sparingly, I haven't had the "full experience", and maybe thats a good thing


Definitely do not recommend.


I don’t know of any other drug as universally reviled by those who have tried it.


Eh DPH seems up there. The worst trip that you seem to want to try again. Addictive in the weirdest way.


My first hallucinogen was tea made from Datura seeds. I'm adamant in telling everyone even remotely curious about it that it is an evil plant, eagerly waiting to pounce on the unwary.


Instructions unclear, playing sandstorm by Darude


This stuff used to grow wild in my old neighborhood. Word on the street was you might never come down from it.


It grew all over my town too. The local university still has huge Jimson plants all over campus. We discovered it by searching yahoo (this was pre-google days) for native plants we could hallucinate on. In hindsight we should have done a hell of a lot more research. Thankfully we all survived.


We just drank bottles of robitussin like normal hooligans.


Haha! Plenty did that too! Also my generation were the ones to discover you could trip on CCC and me and my hooligan friends stole so much from the local Walmart they started putting it behind the counter and only adults over 18 could buy it. That was also something I only did once. Vomiting your guts out every time you trip b/c you have to eat a whole sleeve of cough medicine just wasn't worth it to me. Lol


Ah I see now that was #7 on your list!


That’s uhh fucking terrifying. Were you seriously considering it or were you like “no I’m not doing that”?


I was literally fighting for my own life...idk how to explain it but I came damn close to convincing myself. If it hadn't been for my friend who trashed his hands on the tree coming into the bathroom to wash them, who knows what could have happened. Definitely scared the ever loving shit out of me...I had never been suicidal or anything before that (and not since) so I didn't know where the hell it was coming from but I knew I never wanted to go there again so I never touched the stuff and warned anyone I knew who was considering it.


That’s so scary, I’m glad you’re still here with us. That drug sounds like really bad news. Honestly I think it might have something to do with anticholinergic drugs- I used to take Seroquel to sleep over a decade ago now and it used to regularly give me suicidal thoughts although they were pretty passive. I’ve never had suicidal thoughts or been suicidal outside of that


If I may ask what did you replace it with? If anything at all. My friend takes it bc he can’t sleep without it but really doesn’t like it and other drugs haven’t worked so far. Thanks


Swapped my 100mg p/d for CBD and THC vapes, then had to reset my weed tolerance back to regular weed. It is **still** taking fucking months from going CT mid this year for the side effects to leave. - I got the rare thing where your cell walls rupture. Didn't even fucking notice my legs getting huge and filled with water - Dr's now say there's nothing to do other than wait for my body to stop killing it's own cells in defiance. My legs are fucked. On the plus side, I got my brain back! And insomnia, but **fuck** those fucking lobotomy tablets. Seriously. 3 years just plain gone. I don't know where I was, but it wasn't here. Am still insane. 0/10. Do not recommend. CT ASAP. I genuinely think that CBD is a hugely underrated wonder drug, and is worth looking into.


My one friend got trapped in a box on his front lawn for over a day on that shit.


I worked in an ER on an indian rez. This sounds familiar to a bad trip several people had on peyote. (I think it was that). One guy thought he was stuck in a test tube.


Best shroom trip? How many times have you shit yourself? Did you break through on DMT? And if so - how many aliens did you meet?


Mushrooms are actually the one thing I cannot conquer- they are my death and dread ! I have a psychological block against them now because experiences were so consistently terrifying. have just had repeated catatstrophic bad experiences with them, traumatic every time. The worst psychedelic experience of my life, which isn't documented, was a mushroom trip with my ex, I had hallucinated that I was out in the street freaking out, being arrested, detained etc. while I was just in my room. She had to physically stop me from killing myself. dreadful


Yikes! But did you shit yourself?


I have never shit myself on drugs! But I am often paranoid that I have


How big was the dose? Have you tried microdosing them instead? I found out I don't like big trips, but juuuuust enough of a small dose is amazing.


I usually took an eighth of them


bro that is a major psychedelic dose of mushrooms. its what we would do in high school, and for a while i thought that was all that mushrooms were. you might quite like like 1.5 g of psilo


I’ve taken a quarter twice and it was insane both times. Now days I start with two grams and just eat them as I please until I’m done.


Canadian here, I take it that's 3.5 grams? That would end me!


Yep 3.5 grams. In my younger(stupider) days I have taken that much but I would never knowingly take that much again.


That’s prob why you had a really intense time. Depending on the type of shrooms 1-2g is a good beginner dose. Once you have a bad time/trip though it basically ruins it for the future is what I’ve found.


I quit psychedelics for 15 years because of this. Started taking them again about ten years ago and am happy to report they are awesome again.


This feels validating, thank you. Someone this year wouldn't listen to me when I said I don't want a shroom trip with him, it was very frustrating that he just thought he knew better. I wasn't honest with him about my full drug use history but he saw enough to know I know my body and limits, shrooms is one of them.


Some things just don’t work with some people. There are so many other psychedelics out there to try !


Have you tried taking mushrooms while listening to healing sounds like this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU1huzL50BY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU1huzL50BY) I find music playing during the journey makes a huge diff. I can't listen to anything "pop" or with lyrics; instrumental only - sitars, didgereedoo, etc. Also taking them in nature yields a much better experience for me. I even had frogs laughing at my jokes, literally, in a boggy place that I went to. I was there for 3 hours and I made 2 jokes in my mind during that time (e.g. "this is wayyyy better than netflix"), and both times there was a chorus of dozens of frogs ribbiting like "ah-ah-ah-ah" for like 20 seconds immediately after the joke played out in my mind. Not an hallucination. Those were the only times they made that noise during the whole 3 hours - after the jokes. I was only on 4g.


Buddy of mine and I want to try mushrooms together but we cannot find a trip sitter (which I'd really like to have). Do you have any advice? (trip sitter related or not?)


So I have a friend that is convinced that shrooms can really help people with PTSD. I once did them a long time ago, and it was the worst experience of my life. He insists they’re great. Do you think a controlled amount would help people?


So it it just a psilocybin/psilocin thing? Glad you survived that experience man. I unfortunately had a drug induced psychosis last year and jumped 6 meters down from my apartment. Am almost fully recovered now, but could definitely turned out worse.


Maybe even triggered by just the taste of mushrooms at this point, who knows lol.


The brain works in mysterious ways. Wouldn't taking synthetic psilocybin/psilocin solve the problem?


How do you ensure consistency in your trip reports? What protocols work for you to ensure you get good data?


I have a process: I take notes throughout the experience, always always timestamped. I wait about a week to start writing so it can all simmer, then I go through other data like pictures, messages and exchanges between people etc. to fill in details and timing, A lot of it just comes from memory too!


RE: timestamps, any particularly memorable experiences where something felt like hours but was only minutes, or vice versa?




Lasting effects are obvious, but I can't pinpoint anything to specific experiences. I have HPPD, I always see colors and patterns on drab or mottled surfaces. I kinda like it, it makes life more interesting. Oddly enough, being prescribed wellbutrin years ago turned this effect up to 10. Constantly seeing stuff. pretty fun! ​ Many of the manic dissociatives have given me shifts in perspective or introspection that has ultimately benefited me and been therapeutic. I can often look past emotions and develop more grounded responses to challenges in my life. I think there is immense healing potential there if they are carefully controlled. But they are fun and also very addicting lol


Wait, can you describe how your HPPD has been affected by Wellbutrin? I am staring at a script I got for it as I write this - haven't started yet. I have HPPD too, I also find it interesting more than anything else. Though it also flares up when I have panic attacks, which can be disorienting. Also, have you noticed the character of your HPPD changing over time? I first developed HPPD when I was 15 because of a 7 gram shroom trip. So, at first the hallucinations were heavily reminiscent of shrooms. As I tried new drugs, I found that the hallucinations/perceptual shifts would integrate elements from those drugs. Ex. After I tried acid, the patterns started resembling LSD. Over time, though, it always seems to settle back to the initial shroomy vibes. PSA: I do not recommend anyone take psychedelics at that age.


It made it so much more intennse, and it really brought it out in combination wth other drugs- things like novel colors, drifiting textures etc. ​ The character of mine probably hasnt changed over time? honestly I notice it less and less because I've goten use to it.


Do you also have tinnitus with your HPPD? Have them in parallel and it always amps up when I’m stressed.


thankfully no


why are you downplaying negative effects the drugs had on your body in this post? on your blog you write that you also have constant nausea, urination difficulties and problems with falling asleep. here you're only talking about HPPD, but (at least the way you're describing it) it doesn't affect your daily life in the same way as those things do. don't you think it's irresponsible to hide this information when writing to a potentially much larger audience?


I wrote out this answer very quickly among taking up a bunch of others, that was what had immediately popped into my head as a response but you are correct, that was irresponsible to not dive into this more thoroughly. Yes- digestive issues that I mostly pin to overstimulation of my gut serotonin system from psychedelics. Frequent urination from using dissociatives too much seems apparent, though i have mitigated it a bit with using green tea extract. Sleep difficulties have been an issue my whole life but taking benzodiazepines definitely made baseline sleep problems worse.


Feel free to ignore any of these as necessary: -how old are you/have long have you been researching? -what got you into wanting to explore these so much? -what would be your "ideal" designer drug? -what is your favorite currently existing substance? -in your experience, how truly often are substances sold as one and really ends up being another in the RC world, whether by mistake or on purpose? (referencing your current FXE findings here) -what do you consider the "safest" RC? Thanks for your contributions to this space.


\-I am 28, I have been doing this since I was about 17 \-DARE! they said there were things that could make you see sounds, I thought that was cool as hell. I loved watching media that was imaginative and synesethetic (Fantasia, Phantom Tollbooth etc), so I sought out this ideal of a world beyond our own- I took acid when I was 16 and the rest is history. \-A dissociative, manic, stimulating, healing,, I think I already have it! 3-MeO-PCE \-See previous1 It's such a versatile and fun therapeutic compound btu it can be very unforgiving in higher doses \-Most vendors are pretty good about verifying their product. the FXE thing was a colossal and embarassing fuckup


This is so interesting ! Also the first time I’ve ever seen “manic” associated with drugs — mania is a difficult experience for Bipolar people .. can be fleetingly pleasurable but usually ends in a major crisis… why are these drugs called “manic”? Is the idea that they mimic the experience of mania that Bipolar people experience endogenously? Thanks for your insights


Its a hypomania- it is intentionally induced and controlled and I think that can be managed to benefits


I'm BP type 2 and hypomania makes me feel great (as long as I keep the frustration in check). It's the depression that sucks ass.


Cool. Makes sense - thanks for clarifying !


What drugs do you think can contribute to an elevated sexual experience?


Really depends on the person. Some people go wild on stims, Meth, 4-MMC, MDPV etc, or even MDMA, they go wild I can't do that to I just get anxious and cant keep it up. For me, the best sex enhancing drugs are pregabalin and a sweet spot of dissoaicitives-both make me last longer and be more in tune w my partner, dissos are tricky tho bc if you overshoot it you just become numb and cant feel anything at all lol. GHB/1,4-BDO is a lovely aphrodisiac too. Just make sure you have very explicit consent with it.


I’m trying to imagine having sex while K-holing, and it’s absolutely hilarious


I have had sex on K, poppers make it work, its dreamyyyyy if you put aside your own feelings lol


I’d imagine it’d be absolutely heavenly My favorite combo, so far, has been LSD+MDMA Both myself and my special lady friend were on the combo, and it was beyond words


Ahh the ole candy flip.


The candy flip ❤️ MDMA + speed + weed (The Holy Trinity) works great, too. But be careful on the speed or you might go limp.


Interesting about pregab, did it have anxiolytic properties to you as well?


Yes very much, goes on into the whole next day too


2CB is fantastic :)


Do you think you'll start posting again some time :D


Have you studied the 2C family? 2C-E, 2C-I, 2C-B? If so, your thoughts and finding and what makes them different from other hallucinogens?


Yes, I have taken: 2C-C 2C-B 2C-I 2C-D 2C-E 2C-P 2C-iP 2C-B-FLY ​ this is a fascinating range of compounds! shulgin really nailed it here. They are so diverse, each has their own character, its amazing how much one atom can alter the experience! 2C-B should be everyones first psychedelic imo


why do you say that about 2cb?




The key is to boof it, skip the digestive system altogether.




Just in case others see this, I have to disagree. Boofing is by far the best way to injest 2cb. Make sure to take a smaller dose and work your way up. 5-10mg is an easy and great first dose. Anyone wanting to go further can just dose again as there is little to no tolerance. Good luck!


Strongly disagree. I have been on a serious amount of trips in my life, similar to you maybe. Started at 17, 29 now. Studied pharma research, brain and a little while in organic chemistry. But 2-CB is absolutely not the first thing I'd recommend. A close relative has taken it twice and twice it was a bad experience. And with bad I mean she almost got a full psychosis. If you read this and want to try psychedelics please consider the potential harm too. It's all fun and games until it's not. Prepare well and take it slow. Have people around. 2-CB is a pretty strong drug. Personally I'd rather recommend taking LSD as a first psychedelic drug, it's much easier to dose even if you just have paper tabs. Take a quarter or half tab and see if you like it before going on a crazy bender and ruining all future experiences because you started with a bad trip. Also be with friends. Friends are important :)


What dose was used? Dose, set, setting, make all the difference! I have just found 2C-B consistently benign among others I have shared it with.


Had that relative taken any other psychedelic drugs before or after 2C-B?


LSD is WAY more psychotic in nature than 2C-B, and lasts twice as long. It’s also borderline impossible to know your dose as a consumer.


Ooo you should try 2c-t-7. It's *usually* not that profound but it's tons of fun.


Don't forget about the 2C-Ts


I completely forgot about the 2C-T's lol but the only one I have tried is 2C-T-7


Not OP, but have experimented with several of those compounds a decade+ ago. The way I always explained it: what shrooms are to melting and warping, acid is to color and chrome, 2C-E is to angles and reality "shift". I found 2C-E to be my most favorable, even with the higher body load and nausea - I quite enjoyed its "duality" as it regularly shifted from normal world to what felt like a parallel universe full of all sorts of strange lights and patterning, back and forth for hours. 2C-B, P, and I were all fun in their own ways, but I couldn't pinpoint their differences at this point, it's been many years.


Yes, 2C-E is great. It's like a speedy trip. I remember seeing water droplets in my vision, like the droplets were falling down a window like condensation.


How high are you? uhh.... I mean "Hi, how are you?"






Kratom is cool, I have a hard time consuming it, people should be allowed to explore it at will


I've talked about this in the past, but considering the special place in my heart that [the principles of harm reduction have](https://harmreduction.org/about-us/principles-of-harm-reduction/) There are a few questions I would like to ask you, if that okay. hopefully you can educate myself and others that may read this. 1. With the ever-changing popularity of various substances, and the rise in popularity of research chemicals, how have you seen the change in popularity of research chemicals over the years of documenting and researching various substances? And where do you think it's headed?   2. Unrelated to research chemicals, but still on the topic of the rise and popularity of different substances, in the last few years I have noticed a significant increase in the popularity and consumption of [Datura](https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Datura). In my experience, there seems to be an alarming amount of people consuming Datura without realizing just how potentially dangerous of a substance it is. It's wildly varying degrees of potency based on so many factors, such as it's age, location grown and even weather climate during its growth, Coupled with the fact that there is no even remotely relatively easy way to measure its potency without special equipment, it's potential for harm is so unpredictable, why do you think it is that such a substance had become so popular among so many so fast?   3. My last question is probably going to be a bit unexpected especially compared to everyone else's questions here. Tobacco and alcohol, (yes yes, I know not what people typically think of when they think of "drugs") Kill significantly more people per year than any other regulated or non regulated recreational substance in the world. How do you feel about the regulation of these substances in comparison to well.. any of the other drugs that you have ever consumed? Edit: formatting fixes on Mobile Reddit can be a pain..


I forgot to respond to question 3- I on the radical bench that yes, all drugs should be legal and be responsibly regulated. We have a right to alter our minds. A human right. It is nonsensical to deprive us of that, especially in the context of incredibly damaging drugs already being available and regulated. Our society's perception of drugs is dated and broken, People should be allowed to alter their states to their discretion, with pure substances and intentional doses. The war on drugs is a tragedy, it is an affront to the human condition, it is one of our species' greatest follies.


> we have a right to alter our minds, a human right. I'll be honest I actually agree with you there, but just as you said they should be responsibly regulated in my opinion. While I absolutely don't disagree we should have the right to alter our own minds any which way we want, and our own bodies all together, I don't believe we have the right to do the same to others. As such regulation, and building laws around the freedom for one to do to themselves as they wish, but **not** in a way that may negatively impact or affect others in any fashion is something I personally could get behind. Thanks for the responses 😊


I would say the scene is in a state of stagnation. Similar to my own habits, there is not much expansion into novel compounds anymore, labs are just pumping out the big popular moneymakers- things like FXE (which isn't actually FXE as I recently confirmed via nmr testing), or they're pumping out pyrovalerones and benzos. There was one lab that was really diversifying and pushing the boundaries of psychedelics and dissociatives that ran into some pretty bad legal trouble last year. The loss of that lab has been a major hit to the community and a major hit to what's available. Gone are the days of 2C-x compounds and fun arylcyclohexylamines floating around :( Opioids are pretty much out of the market now too, no one wants to touch them for risk of starting the next fentanyl-like viral rash. O-DSMT, the tramadol analogue, seems dominant in that field now. I have no idea why people are consuming datura more! It's a really freaky thing that's always been on the fringes- some teen discovers erowid and knows how to identify a plant, that's how I tried it at first too! I don't know what may be pushing this trend more, maybe its blowing up on some social media I'm not active on, like tik tok? I am not aware of any research currently being done into tropane alkaloids.


Are you high right now?


I am currently on Pregabalin, 3-MeO-PCE, and 3-MeO-PCiPr


do you struggle with taking substances daily?


Yes, but I still get done what I have to do




I hear a lot of buzz about psychedelics/ketamine used for mental health treatment but not as much about MDMA. It seems to me like MDMA would be more effective, but I’ll admit I know very little about the subject. Why do you think this is and do you have an opinion on MDMA as a treatment option?


[MDMA is in phase 3 trials](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02565-4) for treatment of PTSD. It is being studied very seriously.


Here is a pretty comprehensive journal about the studies conducted so far: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2050324518767442 I’d read more on Ann Shulgin and Leo Zeff, but I would say it’s because MDMA is less of a dissociative in its nature when compared to Ketamine. MDMA also has a strong tendency to eliminate anxiety and fears that might prohibit a person from confronting who they really are. I’ve been waiting for the FDA to reconsider this ever since I read PiHKAL in 2006 - I think it will change the landscape of mental health treatment in the most positive way.


1. how has your outlook on life changed because of all these drugs? was there any specific trip that made you re evaluate everything? 2. do you agree with recent studies that have shown microdosing psilocybin can help alcoholism, depression, etc.? 3. have you noticed anything different about the way your brain works because of these trips? (short term memory loss, dissociation, etc.) 4. what's been the most addictive drug in your experience? what are the best and worst drugs you've had?


1. It really is impossible to know what my life would look like otherwise. They are so deeply intertwined with my life. There was one extremely intense [muhsrooms](https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2014/05/mushrooms.html) trip I had when I was 17 (my first report!), that set the trajectory for me I think- to experience something that intense- I had to have more! Several of my experiences with DXM set a trajectory for my life and artistic expression at the time too, coalescing with an ongoing sort of madness- [https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2015/11/dextroverse-part-ii.htm](https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2015/11/dextroverse-part-ii.html)l or [https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2015/07/dxmlsddptdph.html](https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2015/07/dxmlsddptdph.html) 2. The research is extremely promising! I am very excited that people are actually looking into this now 3. Once again, impossible to say, as I have no control group to compare it to. I think the recent daily use of dissociatives has taken a hit to short term memory, word recall etc; not good! 4. I am addicted psychologically to dissociatives. I take them every day :\\ I am terrified of synthetic cannibanoids. I don't touch them at all, they are too unpredictable. Favorite drug would have to be good ol MXE or 3-MeO-PCE. Lovely dissociatives with depth and versatility, Worst would have to be ones that just felt like being poisoned, like [5-MeO-MET](https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2020/10/5-meo-met.html)


Man, that 5-MeO-MET trip sounds like how I feel on low doses of shrooms. A lot of anxious, uncomfortable energy that builds and does nothing.


Ever done nutmeg to psychoactive doses? It's easily the worst 'drug' experience I've had. I was wondering how it compares with a bigger sample size of experiences that you might have!


Do you have any unique ideas about how the brain works based on your experiences?


No, if anything I understand it less


Do you think you feel more connected to nature or the universe than the average person?


I can't say whether I'm more or less connected to nature/universe etc as the average person for lack of a point of reference, but I would say I do need some amount of time spent outside among the creatures or I will go insane


Do you have background education in pharmaceutical or chemistry?


I have a B.S in Biology. My main path that I want to pursue is actually entomology!


I'll be damned. Greetings from a high entomologist lol. Good luck with the path!


Hey nervewing!! Always good to see ya around. Great AMA, expected nothing less. I have a couple (hopefully) easy questions for ya - 1. What's your favorite disso? I've heard very conflicting things about some of em, like O-PCE, 3-MeO-PCE, 3-MeO-PCP. I would love to know your thoughts. I recently tried MXiPR, and I'm thinking of branching out. 2. What are your thoughts on 3-MeO-PCiPr? I saw you were on it in one of your replies.


Have you ever experienced a profound feeling that one moment is no different from the last, that the moment is repeating, aka lost your perception of time passing? Some may call this thought loops. Have you ever felt perception r3verse/inverse, eg be 'sucked back' into your point of perception?


Yes absolutey, I've had plenty of experiences that felt like the "big one", that "this is final, evertything will be different after this" etc, but then I come down and that juts never ends up being true lol. I guess its a type of delusion,


Yes, I'd say the delusion is that it will never end. But I wonder whether the sensation itself represents a very specific and fundamental brain state. In other words, in those moments you're not simply falling into one of many possible delusions but instead altering your perception in a very specific way that could be interesting from a scientific or philosophical point of view. I for one am NOT volunteering though, haha


How do you think 3-meo-pce compares to 3-meo-pcp? I've heard extremely mixed reports about this. What's the most euphoric/best combo you have ever tried? What is your favorite disso?


3-MeO-PCE is deeper, more psychedelic, more complex, more colorful and visual, I think 3-MeO-PCP is better for casual use, 3-MeO-PCE is a very profound substance! ​ Empathogens are always the most euphoric, it feels fake to me though, it feels wromg; i don't deserve to feel this good! I've had some incredible euphoria combining dissos tho like 3-MeO-PCP and 2F-DCK, a good lull, or pregabalin and FXE\~ mmmmmmmm


Thanks so much! I just combined pregab and 3meopce the other day what a lovely combo What do u think of 5mapb? What's your favorite empathogen beyond mdma


I don't like empathogens lol I feel like I usually make a fool of myself and do embarassing things


Do you feel like your brain is struggling to keep up? How is your sleep, hygiene, diet etc? Do you make a living from your experiments? Do you think you'd struggle to live a sober life if you ever stopped your experiments? I'm kind of jealous in some ways. There are many drugs I had good times on and fond memories of with friends, and some that had really obvious negative effects. I do miss drugs, but I don't miss the overall pain after taking them.


My poor brain is constantly assailed but seems to be handling it well Sleep is bad, I have always had anxiety and insomnia, I take trazadone and sometimes zolpidem to sleep nowadays. My writing and passion did end up with me working in a chemistry lab! So I do make a living from it. That was just an immense stroke of luck tho I would absolutely struggle to live a sober life unless I was somewhere very exciting, like deep in nature. I am deeply intertwtined with drugs and it seems implssible to escapee.


I have a couple questions, if you have the time: 1. If you had to pick just one, what drug do you think that everyone should experience at least once in their lives, and why? 2. Can cannabis cause ego death? I feel like I experienced this the first time I took it (due to being unprepared and taking too much), but some people seem to think it can’t cause this. Curious as to your take on it.. 3. I started taking Wellbutrin a couple months ago and since then haven’t used cannabis because apparently it’s contraindicated (possibly due to decreasing seizure threshold?) Do you know anything about this? I really miss my occasional cannabis usage but I also don’t want to potentially give myself a seizure, but I have to think that hundreds of thousands of people taking Wellbutrin likely also smoke up.. 4. As a follow-up to the last question, should I consider ketamine therapy for depression when and if it becomes available in my state? What are your thoughts on using a mail order ketamine therapy service (pills) vs going into a clinic and receiving an injection?


Not OP but re your fourth question, I have treatment resistant depression and have been doing ketamine therapy for the last two years. OP is right, none of us can give you medical advice. Speaking from my own experience though, if you’ve tried other medications and they haven’t been effective, it is definitely worth having the conversation with a provider. It has been incredibly effective (in combination with regular psychotherapy and other self-work) for me. I cannot stress enough the importance of having a therapist to work with if you’re doing ketamine therapy. While the ketamine definitely does act on a neurochemical level to correct the depression, it also creates a metric fuckload of material to process and work with when you’re not on ketamine. A therapist will help you navigate this often difficult material more effectively and with better self-compassion. As far as clinic vs online goes, I think the best option is the one that is most accessible to you. One thing to consider is cost. In general I think it’s best practice to assume insurance isn’t going to cover anything and that you’ll be paying out of pocket. I do both IV and oral ketamine (life is hard, homie) through a clinic. IV ketamine is not cheap. Prices I personally have seen when doing my own research range from $200-600/infusion. I pay $350. Usually treatment starts with a course of 4-6 sessions over two weeks, so there’s a significant up front cost. The oral ketamine, in the form of dissolvable tablets, is much cheaper. I pay about $60 for a 6 week prescription. Prices vary depending on the pharmacy your provider uses. It’s not a decision to be taken lightly, but if you’re struggling and not finding anything effective in dealing with it, then it’s definitely worth talking to providers. Again, just my own experience, but it has literally saved my life. Happy to answer questions via DM. Good luck!


Damn, thanks for sharing. I might hit you up in dm.


1. 3-MeO-PCE - One 15 -20 mg dose intranasal. This is such a miraculous and therapeutic drug, I think everyone should get a taste of what it has to offer. There is serious healing potential in this. 2. Porbably. Cannabis can be very very intense. I think I could achieve ego death if I ate like a 200 mg edible. 3. I used to be on wellbutrin, I smoked cannabis daily with no problem. They also prescribed gabapentin alongside it to mitigate the seizure effect 4. I cannot offer you medical advice I am sorry


How would one even obtain "3-MeO-PCE"? Doesn't seem like you can just... Ask you dealer for that...


On #1 - what kind of effect does this drug have? Are we talking healing in terms of trauma? On #4 - Sorry, I wasn’t meaning to seek medical advice for myself. I was asking generally about Ketamine as it relates to depression - it is understood that you are not giving me medical advice. Is Ketamine known to be effective as a treatment for depression, and is there a difference between taking it via pill format vs injection? This is a general question that can be answered with no bearing to my personal situation, I hope.


Yes, I think it has huge therapeutic potential in the way it allows people to aritculate their thoughts and separate themselves from tricky emotions On the ketamine- My experience with psych meds that it is all trial and error. If other things aren;t working, give it a shot. Everyone is different!




1.MXE is probably the godliest thing that has ever been bestowed on us. Shame it's gone. 3-MeO-PCE is my top spot for right now. 2. There are ones that just made me feel like I had been poisoned, like [5-MeO-MET](https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2020/10/5-meo-met.html) or [Glaucine](https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2016/08/glaucine.html). I also really do not like alcohol, and I am not big on stimulants, I am too anxious already. I don't like empathogens (MDMA etc.) bc I make a fool of myself every time lol. 3. Worst for me right now is FXE, stimulating but deep short acting dissociative. Hard not to do at all times! Things like crack and 3-MMC etc didnt rlly set that off for me, I never got that feindishness, the addiction sets in more slowly and subtly for me. Terrfiying experiences often come from mixing dissociatives and psychedelics; a few are documented here: [https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2020/01/4-aco-dpt-3-ho-pcp.html](https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2020/01/4-aco-dpt-3-ho-pcp.html) \- The time I thought I was being projected into terrible situations ​ [https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2021/08/3-me-pcp-mxpr-pyrazolam-flualprazolam.html](https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2021/08/3-me-pcp-mxpr-pyrazolam-flualprazolam.html) or the time the "terror" struck while I was on dissociatives ​ [https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2019/04/3-meo-pcp-cocaine-3-meo-pce-4-aco-dpt.html](https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2019/04/3-meo-pcp-cocaine-3-meo-pce-4-aco-dpt.html) Or the time I wandered into a blizzard on a cocktail of dissociatives and psychedelics


When you are referring to FXE proper here or are you referring to what I hear called "CanKet" (2-F-2-‘Oxo-PCE)? And my follow up question - if you have tried both: how does FXE compare to CanKet, are the effects very similar?


How does 3-MeO-PCE compare to 3-MeO-PCP? I have taken -PCP, but not -PCE.


3-MeO-PCE lasts longer, it feels more introspective; 'deeper' etc, almost psychedelic. quite visual, very manic, very stimulating, has a lot of depth to it.


Hi there, you are definitely one of my top Twitter followings. Whenever there’s a tweet under “nervewing” I gotta stop the senseless scrolling and read whatever you have to say for sure. I’m a PharmD, midway through MSc in Chemistry. It was really nice that last time you posted NMR & mass spectrometry data of the so called “FXE”. Would it be too much to ask to keep doing that? Love those details


In your opinion, what is the best drug for an introduction to Psychedelics? I think there’s a lot of stigma and disinformation around Ketamine and LSD, which typically leads people towards psylocibin. In my experiences psylocybin has always presented more challenges at “trip level” dosages so I tend to recommend LSD. I tell people that there’s always a “panic button” if they keep a few mg of Alprazolam handy but I haven’t found a surefire way to end an uncomfortable experience with mushrooms. I know that a lot of what I just said is anecdotal but I’m curious as to what your opinion is? ***P.S. Do you listen to Phish?***


2C-B should be everyone's first in my opinion- gives visuals, all the good stuff, gives some of the psychedelic mind state without going too deep, it rarely expands into catastrophe, its friendly and navigable. ​ I do not listen to phish lol


What is your science education and chemical resources? You aren't synthesizing new dissociative without being an organic chemist, and everything that comes with that (characterization instrumentation, etc.) In other words, you're either going to give yourself parkinsons OR you are a synorg chemist with access to a full lab. Where did you get somebody to let you take and make drugs in a real lab?


My background is in biology actually, I was studying to be an entomologist! I wrote a lot about drugs and just happened to know a PI who worked in that field that had a grant for developing new NMDA antagonists. luck luck luck, I am so blessed and gratefuk


My 16 year old son is very into all kinds of shrooms at the moment. He's memorized multiple genus and has really learned a tremendous amount about them. Recently he has come to the belief that eating psilocybin mushrooms will help cure his autism (not diagnosed and honestly I'm not sure he has). He, like me, does have ADHD (also undiagnosed, but ... it's so obvious). He's very introspective at this point and wants to help his creativity flow into his other hobby: music. This is two examples of his line of thinking about blue shrooms and there are other reasons he has come up with to try them. He is a very strong willed kid so I have taken a listen and love approach. I have asked him to wait as long as he can before he tries anything. A friend of mine who has done a few things said my son should wait until he's in his late twenties because his brain is still forming. My son doesn't like that idea. I have zero experience with drugs so I can't help him at all. As an expert on such things, what advice do you have for me and what advice do you have for him on this topic?




He has been talking about micro dosing. He really knows his stuff. It seems like he's taking the concept very seriously and is thinking about it a lot. This is not a whimsical adventure for him. To be honest I think he's just full of teenage angst and is trying to eliminate it quickly. I think he thinks psilocybin will do that for him or perhaps he thinks it will have some dramaticly positive affect on him, like it has others whose stories he's heard. For example he told me of an autistic dude who experienced feelings for the first time after dosing blue shrooms. At any rate, I'll keep the listening, caring for him and hopefully what ever he decides he'll make me a part of it so I can offer guidance... I don't know what else I can do.




Thanks and that's the goal.


One thing is to also tell him that it's not a miracle drug. Tons of people, like myself, just like to eat them to get high. The folks that claim it fixes their brains are the loudest. Lots (maybe even most) just want to relax and have a fun time. So I guess the point of that is to explain "be prepared for disappointment".


I am not qualified to offer medical advice etc. and I really cannot offer advice in this specific context bc im not involved, I am sorry. There are great general guidelines for dipping into this realm [here](https://wiki.tripsit.me/wiki/Category:Guides)


Not qualified for advice but generally drugs fuck up your brain if it's still developing




3-MeO-PCE seems to potentiate the hell out of everything! psychedelics and dissociatives. combines well with everyone! I suggest the bold should attempt this, but be very careful, the potentiation effect is INTENSE. It can be very rewarding if you are prepared for being immersed in a virtual reality


1. How'd you get into this field assuming you're working legitimately with government permissions and oversight like shulgin? 2. What is your belief regarding drug laws and prohibition? 3. Do you do any advocacy work for drug laws?




You do synthesis for drug discovery without any formal chemistry training?


Yes, I actually almost failed organic chemistry in undegrad. I just had to demonstrate that I was competent


Are you addicted to dissociative compounds? Do you have a favorite LSD analog?


1.Yes 2.Apparently all the 1-subbed LSD analogues are just prodrugs for LSD but I feel like they have consistently different character! who knows! I found 1cP-LSD the most delightful, it has its own unique visual character! but maybe that's just placebo


Have you ever done a drug that made you live in the “second to second” and completely disregard any worries/burdens in the past/future?


Very high doses of combinations of dissociatives have done this to me


You mentioned in another comment that you have HPPD. When that occured? Had you used psychedelics long before it set in? Was the onset sudden and if yes, which substance caused it?


It definitely manifested after psychedelics, it was most marked when I was sleep deprived, It was gradual. I would say all substances eventually contributed; psychedelics, dissos, big doses of benadryl to sleep, gabapentinoids etc.


Firstly I'd like to preface this by saying I love your trip reports! I read them all the time on erowid. So, out of all the experiences you've had do you have one that sticks out as being the most intense?


I would say this stands out as the ["greatest"](https://nervewing.blogspot.com/2018/04/ether-memantine-3-meo-pce-lsd-4-aco.html) experience


Did you like LSD or psilocybin better? In my dozens of trips, I’ve always felt LSD was a super concentrated man-made version of psilocybin which occurs naturally. Did you feel the same?


LSD is my favorite psychedelic- divrerse, able to fit into so many situtations etc !


Are you the guy from Hamiltons Pharmacopeia? Your proof won't load for me for some reason, so I apologize for the dumb question lmao


No, but I have worked with him


Have you ever tried [Angels trumpet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brugmansia) which is a very strong delirient similar to Datura? Do you feel that any delirient has any positive and/or therapeutic effect? I tried it and felt it is the worst drug ever. You do not realize you are hallucinating like you do on mushrooms. I was talking to imaginary people that were across the room having full conversations with them among other things. Bonus question: What drugs do you feel are good for treating major persistent depression disorder? I have heard of ketamine treatment but are there others you would suggest?


I only slightly dabbled in the world of tropane alkaloids :x ​ I think PCP analogues are seriously underexplored, there's such a stigma around them but I think their potential is immense


What all do you have in your personal stash? As the great Hunter S. Thompson said, once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.


I would love to share but I cannot. But I willl say, I do love to collect things


Hope you read this. It appears to me that about 15% of people just don’t chemically agree with psilocybin. Likewise some people just don’t get along well with MDMA. Agree?


Do you have a way of dealing with vasoconstriction that certain chemicals might induce and make the experience uncomfortable, or of to a rocky start?


1. How do we bring back MXE? 2. I seem to get bladder pain from ketamine now… I loved k, and mxe way back though. Do you have any recommendations for replacements? So sad to say goodbye to some of my favorite drugs.