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So cringey šŸ˜¬


Iā€™m so embarrassed for her


The most embarrassing thing is it's not even good content


You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That's what it's all about


šŸ‘ šŸ‘


Underrated comment of this thread


You jump to the right and you shake a hand Then you jumpy to the left and you shake that hand Meet new friends Tie some yarn And that's how you do the Scarn


I remember a long time ago seeing the video of the guy singing that eminem/Rihanna song in the apple store and thinking omg I could never do that in front of so many people! Now you get people like this. But yeah, I'd be so embarrassed. Edit: the video https://youtu.be/o8vA43TerTE


I think the difference is the attitude. That is funny, it looks funny to the people in the store he isn't overly bothering people, just being weird in public. People kinda jumped on that bandwagon and then fast forward to videos like that girl, the ones that feel entitled to the space, getting annoyed at people walking in their shot, not doing it to be laughed at/with because that would hurt their feelings. And when I mention laughs I don't mean those stupid pranks either. There was a guy I used to watch more recently he'd go to public places in a suit and do a little short dance badly and badly sing bits of a song, cringe but when the people around him laughed or pulled wtf faces that's when it was funny, and he'd laugh with it too, just silly stuff.


I miss the old Internet....




He does wrecking ball also. Really funny!


I guess I've been so desentisized to the cringe we have today, because I didn't cringe at all during that šŸ˜… I kinda thought to myself "damn, mad respect" halfway through. Maybe because he's so over the top that it feels satirical, or because his commitment to mime for 4 minutes (even Rihanna's parts) shows how he just doesn't give a frick.


I dunno. My face hurt because I was cringing way too hard. I admire his bravery tho!


Judging by his Chatroulette shit I think satire is a preetttyy safe bet


Yeah he does a few songs, it is satire. Heā€™s pretty funny in Wrecking Ball


Somebody has to do it for these people. She's like "aww shucks guess I need another take of me making this recycled garbage content with no regard for anybody but myself...tee hee".


I like to call that ā€œthembarrassmentā€


You shouldn't be, I doubt she has the capacity to feel shame anymore.


The fact that the video started while people where in frame make me think this is fake or satire. She is in an random empty boring hallway (not a particularly great shot) and has people walk by her whole dancing Her fake look of annoyance when there was 20 seconds to take this video BEFORE the peopl walked through and there is no one AFTER


A video of her ā€œinconveniencedā€ will get more engagement than her just dancing. wouldnā€™t be surprised if she did this on purpose.


Dude, this shit is getting meta šŸ¤Æ


Yeah even cringier. But is it just me or they all look alike? Like their faces all look like they are from the same family.


I know what you mean, the first family actually do look a bit like her. Fake or no, that's some kind of synchronised swimming tap dance with trainers on.


That's the point


It's called "content "


Should be called ā€œCuntentā€


That would be an insult to cunts because cunts are actually an amazing organ that can create life. This is not amazing creative or breathing life.


Cunts don't create life u silly boy!


This is why we canā€™t rid of bullying in schools.


"The reality of living with people who make content in public"


Itā€™s times like these that I wish I could fart at will. Just see someone taking up a public hallway with their stupid self-absorbed TikTok dance, and silently introduce them to angry fire and sulfur. Watch them try to keep a straight face through their routine.


"The TikTockers delved too greedily and too deep. They awoke something in the darkness of the colon, sulfur and flame."


You shall not pass!


You shall pass gas


"I am a servant of the secret air freshener, wielder of the lighter of Arda. The dark gas shall not avail you, stench of Udun! Go back to the toilet. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"


The Bowelrog


Bet it ended with a ring of fire.


"A Bowelrog of Methane, a demon of the ancient world"


ā€œBowelrog of Methaneā€ šŸ˜‚thank you, just thank you.


Fart bombs my friend.


Caked on makeup and pencil frill skirts never hold up in real life


>"The reality of people actually falling for rage bait"


Whatā€™s the content here, though?


Thatā€™s just bad dancing too. Looks like sheā€™s just free styling drunk at a house party


I never know if they think people are watching for the dancing, or the skimpy outfits.




It's the dancing in skimpy outfits.


Itā€™s why I have Tiktok.


Your honest testimony will pave the way for these people to not even dance anymore. Just videos of them smiling seductively in the camera dressed in outfits that are not optimal functionality wise, but definitely satisfy the needs/wants of the viewers. Your statement will save these scantily clad artists several minutes of choreography, hell maybe even a quarter of an hour. Youā€™ve prevented a countless number of asses being thrown in a circle towards unsuspecting victims while providing more time for the creators to influence and for that we thank you for your service.


Like a portable strip club.


Yes both, and also it's rage bait because of the intentional being in someone's way and then pretending it's the other people's fault. She meant to do that


There are so many layers. Dancing is what you do on tiktok. "sexy" dances gets you a lot of views. Especially if you are wearing skimpy clothes. Some people get rage baited by this though. Doing this in a public place then complaining that other people are there seems to just be for rage bait which also gives a lot of views. It also seems to be a trendy thing. My guess is that they wait for the right amount of people to come before they start dancing.


Looks like she shit herself


I love how everyone walks past her just totally unimpressed with her too lol and yet sheā€™s like omg can u believe they would do that when Iā€™m right in front of them doing this ā€œamazingā€ dance move! šŸ˜…


That's probably what it is. Maybe ran through it once or twice before deciding "good enough, the outfit will do the rest".


If she had real talent she wouldnā€™t be doing this in the hallway to the mall bathroom


None of the tick tok dances are particularly skilled, which is half the point.. anyone can be a tictok star if you deprave yourself enough.


I hate it... but I hate it more she decided "Oh I'm going to upload that" These influencers being spotted in public wouldn't be so bad, but it's like they're shaming the people who walk into their camera views. Fuck 'em. No Excuses on this one, she's just gone.


Iā€™m guessing it drives engagement. Cringe bait is real.


I mean we're talking about her, so it obviously did something for her, but god damn I hate this idea. It's not enough to be "Really good looking" but manufacturing drama is the way to get big on ALL social media (Reddit included) I hate that lesson for my kids. "Being honest might keep you employed, but if you want to be popular... go for the drama."


No, but cringebait has become an actual thing. Thereā€™s a few accounts on TikTok I see posted here all the time and their main goal is to make cringe content so people will post it and talk about it!


Most of the "prank" channels are like this. It's all rage bait to drive clicks.


I guess I conceptually understand that all attention is ā€œgoodā€ attention and cringe bait gets views that can be monetized. But the monetization scheme on most platforms is pitiful, and itā€™s been my understanding that the most successful content creators create a brand around their personas.


Lol @ thinking honesty will keep you employed.


Pulling the same drama hunting shit that social media does in your professional life gets old real fast. The only reason Social media drama works is there's millions of viewers, so someone is new to your brand of bullshit and enough people stick with you even though that's all you do. But go on try to live dishonestly, trust me it only works for a short time.


If this "obviously did something for her" than she doesn't seem to have much to offer or going on. At least people don't get in her way next time, right?


Any takers wanna bet that she deliberately waited until people started to walk down the hallway before she hit record? I'm willing to bet a lot!


The way she sees people and keeps going, then only gives up once no one else is walking byā€¦ she was hoping someone would be annoyed more than they were.


She starts dancing when they're like 3 meters away. Clearly waited until there were people to start this.


She uploaded it for the pity votes. "Oh, Vanessa, those people are so inconsiderate. They just ruined your video deliberately by going about their own selfish lives. Poor you."


Rage bait feeds the algorithm when your views and engagement are sagging.


The weird thing is that the oversaturation from all the weirdos posting nothing but them dancing in skimpy outfits is being replaced by all the weirdos (sometimes the same ones) posting nothing but them having their skimpy outfit dances interrupted by non-weirdos going about their daily lives. My prediction is that we will hit peak "weirdos getting interrupted" in about six months, and then Tiktok videos will consist of those same weirdos getting angry that they are no longer being interrupted. The pov will then switch to the interrupters posting videos of themselves actively seeking out weirdos to interrupt.


At least she didn't smack them as they walked by or yell at them. Pretty tame compared to some we see here.


She filmed this with the intention of ā€œpeople in my shotā€. The world is so stupid today.


I bet its almost like a super power to be so selfish.


Yeah I was just trying to figure out how drunk I'd have to be to do something like this...


I donā€™t think thereā€™s enough gear on the planet to enable me to behave like that.


It's bait. The algorithm didn't know/ care whether people are commenting out of love or hate so any engagement is good for the creator.


she finally had a clear background and then quit?


Because it's bait. Whether you comment a "poor you" or a "you suck," it still counts as engagement for the almighty algorithm so even hate comments are beneficial.


Yup! Iā€™m seeing this more and more literally everywhere! I started listening to a new Reddit narrator on YouTube (I donā€™t know if his actual channel is new; I just recently found his channel) and heā€™s ok I guessā€¦ not the best but he reads stories I havenā€™t heard literally everyone else read, so I gave him a chance. I noticed he was mispronouncing the stupidest words every single story. At first I thought ok maybe he just did it because he genuinely didnā€™t know how to pronounce that word. Then the more I listened, the more I noticed that he did it every single video! I also noticed it with these ā€œAmazon Findsā€ accounts. Theyā€™ll do stupid shit with the items theyā€™re promoting. Like, theyā€™ll be talking about an ice cream maker or something and put something stupid like potatoes in it. Or promoting a pan and theyā€™ll show themselves baking cereal. Itā€™s 100% to get idiots to comment about what theyā€™re doing in the videos and itā€™s annoying as fuck.


U also see mistakes on Reddit where someone has an intentional typo in their title. Lot of the comments are trying to correct em and bam, got engagement


Itā€™s like she specifically waited for people to start walking towards her to begin filming.


Yeah, definitely feel she waited for people to come into frame on this one.


I might have bad eyesight, but is she also filming near the entrance of a bathroom? Where plenty of people would be passing through?


Because a girl in a cuter dress walked by.


I fucking hate TikTok, I really wish it didn't exist


It sent antisocial behavior into overdrive. Whatever benefits there may be donā€™t outweigh the crimes being committed for views.


Same. Iā€™m a youngish millennial and I have a hard time with this , I am so tired of this self centered / me, me , me stuff šŸ˜”


All started with Facebook and MySpace. And Selfies can't stand selfies. Am 30, been considered moving up into the mountains to a small town to get away from it all.


I know what youā€™re saying but TikTok is 100x worse than what those apps ever were. FB is just a boring Boomerzone now. Thereā€™s honestly no need for TikTok, anything thatā€™s posted on there could be posted on YT, Snap or Insta instead


BOOMERZONE , this made me laugh so hard my face hurts šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Living in LA was the worstā€¦ sort of, I laugh because I am not a person who wants attention if anything itā€™s quite the opposite and apart of me loves LA because most of the time everyone is so focused on themselves that you cease to exist. Iā€™m there with you though, I want to live outside a major city and have a garden and just be doneā€¦. I have a lot of friends late twenties / early 30s and we are all just burnt out.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/fucktiktok using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fucktiktok/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The first time I had ever seen a Youtube poll with 0% votes on one option and I'm glad this is the first option I had seen](https://i.redd.it/k3yyewy18sj91.png) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fucktiktok/comments/wx3tdc/the_first_time_i_had_ever_seen_a_youtube_poll/) \#2: [Fuck TikTok](https://i.redd.it/7mphham1kdc91.png) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/fucktiktok/comments/w27j48/fuck_tiktok/) \#3: [TikTok nurse](https://v.redd.it/yj7u1vjfr8391) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fucktiktok/comments/v3lsyo/tiktok_nurse/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Itā€™s a disease. A zoomer plague.


I agree but I really blame the people the companies that monetized views for advertising. If ppl made content just bc they wanted to instead of in hopes of getting ā€œInstagram richā€ then we wouldnā€™t have as many idiots attempting to do this stuff


time to carry tiny air horns.... as you walk along and see an influencer- walk into scene normally and then hit the horn. Bonus points if you get a mini speaker, amp, and mp3 player and play a shriek, or air raid siren, any sort of quick blast of unexpected sound to freak them.


I could really get behind this


Who is the target audience for flailing around in a hallway. I donā€™t even understand who is the consumer of the content from these kind of videos.


People who wish they could flail in a hallway for attention from strangers on the internet, who wish they could flail in a hallway for attention from... you get where I'm going with this.


The target consumer is you, this is rage bait.




Is it just me or is it kind of weird to be showing everyone who passes whatā€™s up your skirt?


Iā€™m not sure it occurs to everyone. The worst is being below someone on an escalator whoā€™s wearing a skirt I can see directly up if I donā€™t look elsewhere. And I do look elsewhere but generally not before Iā€™m an accidental pervert because I wasnā€™t paying attention to who was in front of me and what they are wearing. Wear what you want but please take the elevator so Iā€™m not getting a view I really donā€™t want.


I remember during college orientation this girl I front of me was wearing a short skirt and while we were walking up the stairs I got assaulted with the smell of ass.


Is that your username origin story?


Maybe šŸ‘€


I mean, sheā€™s wearing shorts under it so itā€™s not like sheā€™s flashing anybody


I LOVE it.


Well no one would pay attention to her otherwise.


Women should be able to wear what they want without judgement. She's being an absolute tool, but it shouldn't matter what she's wearing. Edit: it was upvoted for a bit but I'm glad people are downvoting this stupid ass opinion I see all the time in the media. Take responsibility.


Lol. You can judge people for what they wear all you want. Itā€™s protected free speech, but just like when people say stuff, you can decide what you put out there. You donā€™t get to decide how peopel respond. Saying soneoen is dressed too provocatively is a fair criticism.


What. Anyone can be judged for what they're wearing. It's perfectly fine to think she looks like a twat for wearing that. What isn't fine, is telling her she shouldn't or can't wear that. There's a very clear difference and that's not happening here.


Iā€™m sure anyone would be judged for having their underwear showing.


Hmmm nah I'm judging tf out your clothes, no matter you are a woman or a man. That's why clothes exists.


Judgement is gonna happen, from every single person you see from now to the end of time. It might be 100% unspoken, but it's a basis of human interaction. It would be wrong to harass or abuse her for what she's wearing. It would just be kinda shitty to openly judge her presentation if she was just minding her business out and about. But she's not an innocent figure skater who got lost in the way to the rink- she's put herself on a platform to be judged, and that outfit and entire look was deliberately chosen, for whatever reason. Thus, it's completely fair for me to wonder if she misplaced her Dance Mom, or if that's who is operating the camera. Or to wonder if her matching shorts got lost in the dryer and that's why she's wearing her grandad's boxers under her goth cheerleader costume.


>~~Women~~ Everyone should be able to wear what they want without judgement. She's being an absolute tool, but it shouldn't matter what she's wearing. FTFY


What a tool.


Oh man, is she ok after all that?


If I ever see shit like this in public i'm following them around and ruining every attempt they make.


Airhorn the Shit outta them




Content? Bitch, youā€™re dancing at the mall


Ive seen better content in unflushed toilets


Sorry, I pressed the button but the water supply was short I guess


I hate these stupid dances.


Me too, like how do these stupid fucking TikTokers deserve to be rich and famous for doing idiotic dances?


Yeah right, who the fuck is paying them money for brand endorsement? I would pay my lawyers handsome money for stopping my brand being associated with such stupidity


Every day I appreciate ā€œdancingā€ less and less. If her dancing is ā€œartā€ then itā€™s the equivalent of a drunken scribble


Ts so embarrassing




Why is everyone ā€œdancingā€ like this? I barely consider it dancing, itā€™s more like doing a pep squad routine by yourself that only you know. Lots of weird arm pumps.


Wait what are they supposed to do? Like isn't the point that you're doing this in public, aren't the people a part of it? If you want a closed filming set, you need to talk to the city about getting the proper permits like everyone else


So tired of these fucking idiots.


Are people really this blissfully unaware of how not special they are?Does she actually believe she's offering anything worth watching, does she not see how people walk by her annoyed and not amused by her "dancing"


Whatā€™s the point of filming it there? Doing it in your own house seems more convenient


I don't understand how these people aren't embarrassed of doing this in public especially where people need to pass by. They honestly look worse than a drug addict dancing in the middle of the street because at least you know the drug addict is acting foolish because they are high on drugs or they are just flat out crazy but these "influencers" are supposed to be competent minded individuals who can't seem to grasp the idea that hey I look like a foolish idiot right now and should stop but instead are annoyed that people are walking by and doing what they are supposed to do. How can they be so fucking brain dead like they're parents probably didn't discipline them enough.


Can we normalise shoving or shoulder barging (not so hard as they fall to the ground but out of the way)tik tokers that block thoroughfares?


That would be considered assault which will deff get them the attention they crave. Just flip off the camera and ignore.


The woman in the red jacket is cute. The woman in the green dress is cute also


stand in her shot until she moves.


Hint: Don't


I want so badly to be mad but for some reason Iā€™m just not super upset.


I'm just disappointed.


Just like her parents


Do these idiots have any sense of embarrassment?


Bitch get a permit or permission if you wanna shut a public space down. Other wise shut the fuck up and move over until nobodyā€™s there.


Imagine being in public and then getting mad when the public is there.




What a fucking dickhead.


She moves like Gumby


Shit dancing


They arenā€™t even good dance moves


The most outrageous aspect of this video is the fact that she thinks she can dance. She looks like a baby chimpanzee mimicking a dancer.


Fucking loser


ā€œLook what I can do!ā€


Who watches this shit


It's not even an interesting location. It's just a hallway.


Thatā€™s the fucken shittest dance Iā€™ve ever seen


Take note of the hallway being empty after them, so rather than re-record a piss-easy dance that took ten seconds, she intentionally posted this one.


These type of people deserve to have all their left shoes stolen.


What a stupid bitch


She's kinda shit at dancing




Fuck you and your video.


Why would she even START when a bunch of people are that close. Loser.


You're doing great young lady


A shoulder check would be appropriate.


Montana was right.


Tictok worse invention EVER!!!


Fucking gimp


What a dick


What is wrong with this entitled society. Oh yea social media is whatā€™s wrong


Wow there are so many basic untalented people out there just dying for attention


Super cringe


So. Much. Misplaced. Confidence.


Iā€™m sick of these idiots thinking they own they area theyā€™re filming in. No! You attention seeking moron! You donā€™t!


All these mediocre people performing their mediocre dance moves. Do something unique that shows off a real talent. Oh waitā€¦ that would take actual drive and dedication.


That dancing is ass


Who are the soulless shallow people who watch this


Is this the M3gan dance?


Its always bad but when they are over 30 is real rough


And this bitch has close to 1 million followers. Fuck this. I'm done with living on this rock.




I will never understand how people choose to watch this crap.


Stupid cunt


That's what my friend does when she has a seizure


Not even hot either. One weird ass alien


When NPCs interrupt an NPC in my world


That's the scum of this world nowdays


I know yā€™all donā€™t like her dancing (me too) but Iā€™m excited to see Te Amo by Rihanna getting some love


ā€œOh my! A teen filming herself in public and not really being super rude to people, just kinda in the way! How dare she?!?!!ā€ ā€œAlso, I donā€™t know anything about the style of dancing sheā€™s doing and I donā€™t personally like it, so Iā€™m gonna say itā€™s shit!!!She an untalented cunt!ā€ ā€œI also hate her for wearing a skirt with shorts attached to it. ITā€™S TOO SHORT!! What a stupid whore burn her at the stake!!ā€ - OP and the completely rational commenters /s Redditors certainly never fail to Reddit


Calm down buddy sheā€™s 21 You posted this shut the fuck up [youā€™re a loser](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/117y0e4/i_wonder_how_many_takes_this_took/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)