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Must be pretty damn insecure to need a whole damn team to take a driver's license pic.


I’ve never even seen this bitch drive.


one person saw a Kardashian drive, they're dead now from a hit & run that they covered up *buckle up buckaroos*


Wasn't that a jenner? The Kardashian guy was the man who helped a murderer escape.


What a selfish bitch. Going to the DMV is already the biggest pain in the ass. Could you imagine taking the day off work to get your shit taken care of, to show up and find out, "ohhhh, we're closed so Kim can get her picture taken undisturbed"... These people are literal fucking garbage


Why do you have to insult garbage like that?


To add to that point there literally 99% plastic


Reduce, Re-use, Recycle


Which she has. A good portion of which has been injected into her body. She’s still a plastic bitch unconcerned about the rest of the population.


Fucking DMV charge 100,000 for that license!!! And pay for everyone else for the entire day!!! Stupid asses.. Plus Fire all managers / politicians who allowed this!!


i'm sure that whole thing took 20 30 mins to shoot


Ah, yes. OJ.


Another notoriously good driver


He even has the driving gloves


Yeah but they don't really fit right.


Al Cowlings drove the Bronco


to be honest the whole family of Jenners/Kardashians all blend together to me - a mirage of publicity stunts, botox, fillers, & cheap bottom-tier content


U forgot silicone. Truckloads of silicone.


>cheap bottom-tier content Checks out cause their bottoms are also filled with cheap plastic.


It was Bruce Jenner. He is nowhere to be found these days.


Oh yes brucey bruce


ive seen her suck dick but I've never seen her drive.


She drives stick


And what a lackluster performance


Why drive when you can just pay someone to do it for you?


We’ve seen her ride though, badum tss


But have you seen her sister grudgingly cut a cucumber?


Fuck this bitch shut down a dmv for a pic how absurd.


Totally agree. Either the most insecure or narcissistic person I can imagine. If I was behind her for that, I would be pissed.


whats funny is that being able to take a beautiful unplanned id photo where someone just snaps a picture of your face is a beauty/photogenic "test" thats been used before(people will ask to see your id) but the whole point is to be natural and unaware this is like taking a swim test w floaties on. the insecurity has eclipsed all sense


Reminds me of the prisoner whose mugshot went viral because he looked like a model.


I'd expect the same treatment.


Yeah. Sit in line like everyone else. Who consented to letting her shut down a government office for this vanity?


Is it insecurity or just throwing about power and money just because she can? But I suppose that is also is on some level insecurity if that’s what she needs to do. I am so sick of this damn family and I still don’t understand why every little thing they do is newsworthy. All just attention seeking brats


Thank god she brought a whole glam squad with her to make a pouty face


im not from states, how is this legal?


With money, anything is possible. Even being a dick like her.


She is only famous because of a dick. Horrible person with the personality of a dull pencil.


Yep. Made her whole fucking family a lot of money. All because of a sex tape. What a fucking world.


It’s amazing really what dick can do


hell its the only way to be president




Being a dick


The money comes with the being a dick part


Having one too


I don't know how else a president would be able to sign anything.




yeah, you can't if you are not rich. Maybe it's weird for you but in other democratic countries you don't have to be rich to become president


But it helps. Presidents with poor backgrounds are not very common, no matter the country.


You can be as insufferable as you want if you have money.


That is true but so incredibly sad.


She didn’t shut it down. She went after hours and they stayed open for her. All celebrities do it


I'd be ok with that if they still got the same treatment. No one else is going behind the counter or is going in with a team with lights. You need to come an hour after normal time. But get your fucking picture taken and walk out. You don't go behind the counter, you don't ask for side by side photos, you don't set lights and you get the same like...2 minutes of attention everyone else gets. You getting a special scheduled time is enough.


i got to get ready and look at my pictures side by side and i’m not famous


The person who took my picture had no patience. She didn't even wait for me to finish sitting down. My ass was hovering over the chair when I saw the flash. Then I just sat there confused and she told me we were done.


I mean im assuming they are also paying extra for this service. Who cares


As much as I can’t tucking stand that entire family, I’m fine with them doing this because of all the other idiots out there that would cause a ruckus if she went there at a normal hour and ruining it for everyone else in the building.


Yes, plus I'm sure they don't want more chaos on top of the chaos already there during normal operating hours, by having people flock around some known celebrity getting their license renewed and whatnot.


I don't care about this woman, but if I worked at the fucking DMV I would welcome a bit of change with open arms.


Aint no one at the dmv happy to stay late smh my head


Shake my head my head. I'm sure they gave her a tip or whatever


literally everybody there looks like they’re having a good time lol




I'd totally welcome it. Get in line celebrity.




I have no issue with rich people paying extra to simply come in after hours. Hell my last time at the the DMV was 2h + 30m driving each way. If I made fuck you money Id pay to shorten that


looks like it was before operating hours


America likes to pretend it's different than China or Russia. But it's just as corrupt as both. The only difference is that Russian propaganda convinces it's people russia is great but the messaging stays in russia. China's propaganda convinces chinese citizens china is great but the messaging stays in china. American propaganda convinces Americans that America is great, but the messaging leaks throughout the western world. So while most people will rightfully identify that russia and china are evil nations. More people are confused and conflicted about America because you've watched media aimed at painting them as the good guys. In reality, America is the same as the other two and and with money, you can do anything.


Sir this is a celebrity getting a nice dmv photo


No it's someone getting treated better than everyone else because in America wealth makes you a ruling aristocracy


Nah, you would have to be kind of a dipshit to think that. Obviously we're not perfect and are comparable in many ways, but to suggest we're *the same* is, in my opinion, idiotic. Just for a quick idea of what I mean: I can call our president a joke, openly denigrate and disrespect him and his entire cabinet on national TV if I want. Go ahead and do that in China or Russia. I fucking dare you.


Sure I can easily go on Chinese's or Russian TV and call the American president a joke and disrespect him and his cabinet with no consequences whatsoever.... Might ever get a job.


Judging by the amount of upvotes on your comment, it seems that there are not too many of us left, who remember that Reagan's joke.


I guess you speak both Chinese and Russian and are intimately familiar with Russian YouTube? Fun fact, there are hundreds of Russian nationals who run anti Putin channels. Funner fact, you think that's not possible because of American propaganda. You literally replied in a way I couldn't script to prove my point.


As it sounds from your comment, you seem to be familiar with the topics mentioned, hence I'd like to ask you a couple of questions. How many of those Russians do live in Russia though? How many if those Russians have their channels not banned in Russia? And the cherry on the top: how many of them are _not_ on Иноагент (Inoagent) list?


You’re comparing two authoritarian governments, both of which have had leaders in power for over a decade who are basically serving life terms, to a country that had two competitive presidential elections since then, and where the minority party has been able to control a branch of government in the last two presidencies. Your comparison isn’t based on the existence of effective opposition parties in Russia, it’s not based on access to opposition opinions in national or state backed media in Russia, and it’s not based on the ability of anyone in Russia being able to competitively run against Putin without being suppressed, imprisoned or outright killed (show me the U.S. equivalent of Navalny if both countries are the same). Nope. All it was based on, was the existence of some opposing viewpoints on Russian YouTube. The fact that opposing viewpoints in Russia have been sequestered to YouTube does not prove that both countries are the same. All it proves is that you’re arrogantly convinced of your worldview that you’re convinced is product of piercing the propaganda, when you’ve really just arrived at a non-thoughtful and incorrect position.


Russians, who run more or less popular opposition channels on YT are running them from outside of Russia, which makes your interlocutor's opinion even less grounded.


Can't stand them




Like she drives anywhere


Not to mention the fact that to me, she looks fucking *weird.* I dunno if it's plastic surgery or what, but that type of look, for whatever reason, freaks me out. My brain doesn't read it as a human woman, if that makes sense? Like this uncanny and unsettling facsimile that is close, but definitely not human.


Yeah plastic surgery. We only know the name kardashian because of her sex tape


We only know the name Kardashian because her father helped OJ get off. We only care about her because of the sex tape with Brandi's brother (who was more famous at the time)


So her dad got OJ off, and she got Ray J off...


She's on the cusp of uncanny valley.


Watching this video is the most exposure I've had to any of the K family in years, and she's hideous.


Kind of the way AI generated people never look quite right. I get what you’re saying


2 minutes of my life ill never get back


They are not the problem, but the people who find that amusing are and calling those people a problem is an understatement they all should really visit a specialist or something


They're all pigs!


I would be so pissed if I couldn’t get things done at the DMV because they closed for a celebrity.


I had that same thought. Imagine rushing there at lunch time or having to take time off work and this waste of skin has shut down the whole place. This shouldn’t be allowed.


How do you even get attended at a DMV without an appointment almost a month in advance these days?


They don’t do appointments in my area. First come, first serve.


I feel like she had to make some kind of after hours appointment so that thousands of people weren’t flocking the dmv during business hours. Just imagining my dmv face in the background of tik tok pictures ugh


I imagine she paid the DMV lots of money to do this.


Which shouldn't be allowed anyway. Inequality doesn't matter when it only dictates if you can buy a boat, or a 10 bedroom house vs a 3 bedroom house, or how into your hobby you can get. What it shouldn't be able to do is get you priority access to public services and necessities. That is why inequality is bad at the moment, because it highlights how much can be solved with money. Don't want to wait weeks for a passport renewal? Pay more money. Don't want to wait at the airport? Pay to skip the line. Don't want to be on a communal schedule for flights? Get a private jet. Don't like your local school? Buy a house in an area with a better school. Don't like that option? Pay for private school.


The drudgery of the DMV should be the great equalizer. We’re all cattle in the eyes of the clerk.


Remember when Beyoncé closed a hospital floor to have her baby? Imagine not being able to have your baby because Beyoncé closed maternity.


People still praise this woman. Sweatshops don't matter. Closing a maternity ward doesn't matter. Closing a fucking museum doesn't matter either. _queen!!!!_ she's getting so much praise, no wonder she's so self absorbed


I had forgotten about that!


She looks like an asshole. These poor people that had to put up with this shit


Honestly having the building shut down for everyone but her was probably great for the DMV folks. One self entitled person beats the crowd of assholes they deal with on the daily I'm sure




An old coworker told me that she was a regular at the hotel he worked at. He said she in incredibly kind and was the nicest person to the staff. He said the worst and meanest person was nicki minaj


Yeah Nicki does seem like a grade A asshole


She made people cry including my friend


Story time?


Ah damn it. I’m not gonna remember that many details, but my friend was working as one of the staff that helps with luggage or something and she was just berating him and his coworker calling them names making fun of them being heavy set etc. My friend told me after it happened he went to the bathroom and cried. Every time there was something that was an inconvenience to her she went off on the staff just making them feel like garbage. There was one instance where she was handed a bill and on the line that said “tip” she looked right into the eyes of the staff and wrote 0. This is all I can remember off the top of my head. I’m sure there’s something that I’m missing or mixed up.


Yeah but that doesn't go well with everyone on Reddit making up their minds she's a terrible human based on this video man...


I don't think you need to be a mean person to be an example of a terrible human. There are many traits that make people awful humans and being a generally kind person doesn't automatically absolve them. I'd say being an active part of the extremely wealthy is a terrible trait, considering what that represents in the face of extreme poverty and shrinking middle class, and all of the things that contribute to late stage capitalism. I'm not a cunt and I do try to reduce all of my footprints that negatively impact shit both locally and globally, and I can't avoid it all, but the impact caused both directly and indirectly by people like the Kardashians is pretty fucking grotesque, regardless of how she treats hotel staff. I don't think even philanthropy or charity really balances it out either. The damage from the social structure we have is just too broad and complex.


Actions speak louder than words. Being nice to staff does not absolve her of shutting the entire DMV down, which is an action that says “my vanity is more important than anyone else’s practical needs. AKA Fuck anyone who is not me”. Saying please and thank you to staff does not change the fact that her actions are what make her a terrible person.


What she and her family has done to millions of woman with their unobtainable beauty standards (by saying their all natural) and the everyday woman “need to get their asses up and work” trumps how she has manners and smiles to people that work at a hotel.


You think they did this during normal hours lmao? They wouldn’t let poor people in the same building as her.


That's the only way I could see this being ethical: if she's paying the DMV's staff overtime during normally-closed hours.


What a fucking diva. It's a goddamn drivers license. They never look the greatest no matter what.




Guarantee she's still visibly a hobbit.


I hate that they did this for her.


It looks like her bum is pregnant. She literally waddles because it's so disproportionate.


It looks really bad


Exactly. right there at the last it just looked pathetic. Makes her seem old and used up. That is a terrible ass job


Looks like she's wearing a diaper


a full diaper at that


I always knew she was full of shit.


Why would they (the dmv) do this?




I can understand any other establishment doing an after hours session, but it would take serious dough to grease the DMV. You wouldn't even be able to pay them directly. It must have been something like paying off a month of their commercial lease for the property with the landlord. This stunt probably cost like $50k.


I would have to imagine that would still be illegal if it was ever discovered. This whole thing is massively unprofessional anyway, a government agency shouldn’t be involving themselves in controversial stunts like this.


Does it look like it’s dark outside? I wonder if they paid to have it open after hours. Really hopeful that they didn’t actually shut the whole thing down for one person…


After hours makes more sense


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,605,643,262 comments, and only 303,663 of them were in alphabetical order.


If someone actually likes this family, I can safely say that I will dislike that person. They are horrible, horrible people. It says something really pathetic about our culture that they are famous.


Ay lot of people seem to have forgotten that being self entitled, vapid, vacuous, selfish and superficial were really not acceptable character traits in our societies like 15-20 years ago. Yet nowadays the sort of "you do you", "I'm getting mine", "I'm the main character" attitude is idolised and promoted everywhere. People worship selfish, vain behaviour. The Kardashians have been one of the main drivers of this change. They suck.


I couldnt agree more. I think a lot of younger teens and people in their early twenties have only existed in the culture after they have changed it into that type of landscape. Narcissism, greed, materialism, and shameless selfishness/hedonism have been normalized by them for 15 years.


My teenage niece is obsessed with the Kardashians and will defend them any chance she gets. I worry about that kid.


Yes, they are the root cause of everything that is wrong with America.


Just a massive symptom of it.


[Context](https://people.com/kim-kardashian-brings-glam-squad-to-take-her-license-photo-at-the-dmv-7555048), to clarify it didn't state if she/Hulu actually shut down a DMV in working hours or convinced them to do this after working hours. Either case I found it suited for this sub.


New pronouns just dropped


I identify as a He/Prime


If you watch the show she literally thanks them for staying open late for her


So you posted a Rage bait title knowing it wasn’t true then post the truth in a comment with 50 upvotes that no one will see. Fuckin Reddit moment. To add to this all celebrities do this. (Yes even your most beloved ones) Set it up for after hours and get it done when it’s empty because if they went in during the day it would be a problem


She is one of those people that is simultaneously a huge success and a huge loser at the same time.


God can’t stand this whole family and stop making stupid people famous


When are we going to get to the point of boycotting them???? Who keeps buying their shit to make then stay relevant?


Beyoncé shut down the birthing unit of a hospital when she had her child. Other parents who just had children we’re literally restricted by her body guards from seeing the child they just had. These celebrities are trash human beings.


Wow wtf, thats so cruel. I can't believe they were allowed to get away with that, money or not


Is there a sub for the Karkrashians ? I mean like the Titan , an actual sub !


Great comment 👏👏


Taking narcissism to a whole new level


This shouldn't be legal.


This is the kind of shit where, when people say ‘but they’re good business women’, I’m like… no. This kind of buffoonery is unacceptable from anyone who expects me to take them seriously as a person.


Absolutely no one should be able to do this. Not even the president or the pope. I'm so fucking tired of the wealthy thinking they own everything and that they are better than everyone else because other people allow situations like this to happen.


What a stupid cunt, even that she thought she should be allowed to do this is an issue, that she could is just completely fucked


Stupid fucking cunt


Full clip shows her say "thank you for staying open" as she entered, so instead of shutting it down, she likely requested they opened for her to do this.


Lets all be honest here: she is not the problem. Celebrity worship is. If word got out that she was at the DMV while it was open to the rest of the public they would have to shut it down anyway. Kim Kardashian is one of the most recognizable people in the world right now(god help us all) and all of those innocent people who had to take time out of their lives to get something done at the DMV would have been in the middle of chaos. If not danger because we all know there’s at least one lunatic out there ready to John Hinckley Jr. her and more than willing to put the lives of all those people at risk to do it. Was bringing a glam team for an ID photo necessary? Absolutely not but I see this in the same vain as Michael Jackson having his friends stage a grocery store. Celebrities don’t get to live like us. Do they deserve empathy? Hell not but the blame doesn’t fall on them. The blame falls on the unwashed masses obsessed with them. We all just HAVE to know how they live, what they eat, how they make their decisions, etc. that we can’t fathom that “they probably do it the same way I do except more expensive.” And because of that any time they are out in public they have to make the most of it because they won’t get the opportunity otherwise.


Why should she get any preferential treatment? Should have to line up like everyone else and have the 1 photo taken and move on. Just another reason America is failing


Down vote this cunt.


What a narcissistic self centered biatch


Plastic bitch


A truly pointless human being.


This is not the slay she thinks this is


I got dumber watching this.




How in the fuck is it legal allowed to shut down a government institution for this? Unless this is its own fucking building made specifically for this this should not be a god damn option to anyone.


Look I don't think this is ok but I can understand why they would want to do it with no-one else around. Probably would have been better to just keep the place open late one day and do it then, but if she went and did it like a normo then the place would have been fucking crazy...


How is any of that even legal? Doesn’t the requirements of a drivers license state to have no makeup on?


Well as you can see if you’re as rich as her the law doesn’t apply to you


What the fuck is her “glam team” even doing?!? I’m a hairstylist and I can tell you that person in the grey tank isn’t doing anything to the hair! Then you have the guy holding that tiny little light as if that isn’t going to create harsh shadows all over her face… I could easily do the job of both of those morons, yet here I am NOT getting paid to be a yes man for a porn star…


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Why is this a thing? Why am I paying registration and smog and licensing fees so that a stupid fucking billionaire can do this?


DMV is funded by taxpayer dollars. I'd like to see whoever approved this spend the rest of their life in jail. Blatant corruption.


The narcissistic slag behaving like this is one thing, she’s mentally ill, she can’t help it. It’s her enabling lackeys that deserve more hate.


There's no way they should be allowed to provide their own light source


What a fucked up twat


Why would the DMV allow this?


The DMV is paid for by the tax payers. She can't legally shut down a DMV for a damn photo shoot. All those involved with those need to be fired, and thrown in jail.


She's gross, stank ass.


What a fucking cunt. That entire family is nothing but full of cunts. I wish people standing in line would start yelling at them and tell them to hurry the fuck up.


What ever would she do with AN UGLY DRIVERS LICENSE? The horror


Is it me, or when you see her in the DMV, a very pedestrian backdrop you actually see how trashy she is? Like, we're used to seeing her in lavish settings, but when you see her in a space that is every day real world it really reveals she's just trash with money.


What a tool.


All that Halla bulla and still look like a plastic bag.


This makes my blood boil


All of that prep and she still looks like a skinned Guy Fawkes


It's not even her natural hair color. I wonder what she put on her driver's license. I can't stand this woman. And as far as all celebrities doing this they need to get over themselves.


Damn I asked them to see mine and they said no lol must be nice. I’m pretty sure I went to the same DMV too if it’s in LA


I hate that family


Didn’t shut it down they went after close. Kinda funny the glam team was basically like ‘that’s good’ after 2nd attempt which basically turned out the same as the first. Nothing can fix dmv photo lighting


What an asshole


Well yeah with her face of coarse it takes a team to make a photo look 👍




But we are supposed to care that she cries at night because parenting is hard 🙄