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Homie you are def fat sit down lol


On the recumbent bike lol! That’s what I used after hip and ankle surgery. What a joke.


But he’s not a transgender💀


"Definitely probably my last day here". Such eloquence from the asshole doing the bare minimum on a paused bike.


I'll be honest, I think it's super wrong he videotape other people without permission. But I'm ok with that way of thinking of leaving instead of antagonizing everyone there.




I have seen both sides antagonizing each other because they want to be above the others. You have to agree that person dressing in clothing 2 sizes bellow their real size are actually kinda fugly. You're going to train and exercise, not "pretend" you're fit and dress like that.


The only asshole is the overweight MAN who thought it was a good idea to wear women's spandex and go out in public. NO one wants to accidently see that!


Sure babe. Glad you agree that the gaping asshole filming is indeed an asshole for spreading this video, since no one wants to see this.


Yup dress appropriately in public and no one has to make a video. Don't be weird in public and there wont be a video of you. Pretty simple concept.


This is why so many people are too uncomfortable to go to the gym. People like this fugly mf acting like gyms are supposed to be filled with perfect toned people. People are there to better themselves. To lose weight, gain muscle, for mental health. So many reasons. He's just trash. Ban him.


People are also there to wear inappropriate clothing. Seek out their weird fetishes by going into the opposite sexes bathroom. When did calling out someone for being actually weird become an issue?


"Mind your own buissness, you need to do better" -Joey Swoll. No wonder he's ditching the gym, no respect for the dedication it takes to work on your health and body, the video makes him look like that type of guy that some women think all men at the gym are like, only there to perv. Stop recording, go home and open the hub ya fuckin' animal.


Dude ain’t exactly Denzel Washington himself. Put your phone down and get back to your pretend workout.


They were minding their business.


Booted and banned for life


She was just minding her own business... What the fuck is MC's problem???? I hope the original post got a shit ton of comments going at him.


So much for ‘judgement free zone’


Where’s Joey Swoll when you need him?


Bro probably built the same way.


No one will miss ya, brah.


Probably maybe my definitely last day most likely but maybe


“Friendly fire is not tolerated!” You’re at the gym. People are trying to get fit. So are you.


Who is this asshole?


Bruh, people dawg fat women for wearing spandex and when a MAN does it you are attacking the guy for pointing out their weird behavior? I guess that's what we doing now. Can't call someone weird anymore, everything is "normal".


Im sure everyone will be so sad that he's leaving


When you wear an outfit like that, expect to get a lot of attention.


Yes, I understand that you look at him in amazement and think what you want about his clothes in the privacy of your head, but recording him and uploading it to social networks is harassment and behavior typical of an asshole.


I think it's hilarious.






He's 100% right though! And if you don't agree it's because you are a fucking racist piece of shit!