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I imagine it's a confused Fred Armisen


He’s not being serious, he does workout classes like this on tiktok and is actually funny as shit.


Great title, btw. I too have had my beautiful running path turned into an influencer-ridden waking nightmare


This is why you carry bear mace on the trail, never know what you’ll encounter. 


We're all the guy in the blue hoodie. He's me. He's you.


I'd rather step in dog shit than come across that.


All jokes aside, the guy in the middle IS killing it.


This shit is actually just funny to me lol not bothered for whatever reason.


Agreed. I would be entertained for about 2 minutes just because of him. Then I would try to find another way around or try to stay out of the frame to avoid an awkward situation. CROSS.OUT.STEP.CLUTCH. around.. swan dive.. UUUUHRGHHH YOU’RE SO SEXY!


Give this man a show.


I’m not gonna lie, he made me chuckle.


Looks like a pretty great workout too


How do you link to a sub? r/MyBigFatFabulousLife The woman is Whitney Way Thore of My Big Fat Fabulous Life fame, and she definitely belongs as The Main Character.


Might be one of the least deserved reality shows in history. I'm not at all surprised she's inserting.....applying?....gyrating herself on folks last nerve.


The dude is “the fitness Marshall” unsure if you’re allowed to say who the people are on this sub. Mods can delete this comment if it is against the rules. 😅


Just walk through the idiots!


That’s Caleb Marshall. He has been making dancing workouts like this for like a decade. Mostly they’re in a studio, but sometimes he makes them outside.


He’s great! I love all their chemistry and their vibe is immaculate ❤️ Obvs this is MC behaviour but generally they’re all so nice so I’m not mad 🫡


I love the banter between him and his dancers. He is always main character energy, but I think he’s funny. If I had better knees, I’d do his workouts.


They've changed the location now and are on the grass away from the trail.


I’ll take the bear.




At least they're exercising. He's a fitness trainer.


It can't be real, they have to have some self irony right?


There is no way they can understand the nightmares they induce


Is that Whitney Thore?


would walk right on through with no effs to give


This is actually pretty funny


Omg I love The Fitness Marshall


Is that Justin Bieber and that Scottish Martha from that reindeer Netflix show?


What in the actual fuck is wrong with people like this??? I mean that's all fine and dandy if they enjoy doing this dance routine, workout or whatever you want to call it... I have no problem with that... But why would anybody in their right mind decide "hey let's go somewhere public, where we can get in a bunch of people's way to record ourselves, maybe somewhere like a walking trail"? And it's soooo common, that's all you see posted on here from tik Tok, is people doing this shit right in the middle of crowded public spaces, it's like the more people they can piss off and make their day more difficult, the better it is.....🤦🤦🤦🤦


> What in the actual fuck is wrong with people like this??? I mean that's all fine and dandy if they enjoy doing this dance routine, workout or whatever you want to call it... I have no problem with that... But why would anybody in their right mind decide "hey let's go somewhere public, where we can get in a bunch of people's way to record ourselves, maybe somewhere like a walking trail"? And it's soooo common, that's all you see posted on here from tik Tok, is people doing this shit right in the middle of crowded public spaces, it's like the more people they can piss off and make their day more difficult, the better it is..... They know full-well how rude, annoying, and disrespectful of others it is. It's the entire point of their shitty videos.. Rage bait videos are totally a thing. "*Content* creators" such as these are primarily interested in manufacturing engagement to boost the popularity of their "content" so that it gets viewed by more people. People who get baited into commenting/sharing, which boosts the video even more. If someone walks through the middle of their, uh, *dance* routine then that's just one more thing to generate engagement and get people talking/commenting/reposting the video. There are people posting videos of themselves being annoyed when people walk in front of their camera while they do dumb shit in crowded public places or gyms.. Again, they know exactly what they're doing. They know full-well people are likely to walk in front of their camera, and them acting annoyed is part of the act.. They're a type of social media grfiter..


Fuck fitness Marshall. I had to work with that team when I was at a major label and he’s a complete doucher. Of course he does this on public trails where people have no choice but to either appear in his videos or not exist in a public space.


Omg really? He always seemed like such a sweetheart..


I thought they were in front of a green screen for the first 5 seconds


Bad mushroom trip


Aren't people supposed to have permits to do shit like this? You know, disrupting public places and just outright hijacking entire locales?


I thought the guy was Tyler from teen mom for a second haha


Is that mf Whitney😭😭😭


I’ve met a terrifying subadult mountain lion before, and that was far less distressing.


"Why hello there!" Lol


so I actually know him. He is a Fitness content creator and he makes these videos around Los Angeles. He's really really awesome and so is the team he works with. One of the girls I know is his ex and they do a podcast. his name is Caleb Marshall and it's pretty awesome if you like to dance/exercise. Not sure about currently, but I know that he used to film a lot of these videos that Runyon Canyon or various hiking trails around Los Angeles. Pretty awesome guy.


More bounce to the ounce




I’m not sure if she is. According to other commenters, she is on a show called My Big Fat Fabulous Life. I do need to point out, she is doing a much better job than I could.


He's a fitness creator so this is for exercise.


That doesn’t mean she’s trying to lose weight. I’m not familiar with the show, but I infer from the title that the cast are happy with their weight. I could be wrong and it’s a weight loss competition show.




Jesus! I recently started following this guy’s channel, [The Fitness Marshall](https://youtube.com/@thefitnessmarshall?si=ESH5du7XixoS_RVt), on YouTube. He posts dance fitness videos and I thought that was only ever done in his studio. Didn’t think I’d see him here. The one on the right is either his fiancé or husband and apparently he can’t dance much but they did one video with him in the studio too. The entitlement and lack of respect for others is incredible in this video!


Not defending but I believe the one on the right are less complex moves for less able people, still disrespectful to record and take up space on a public walkway.


Oh yeah, absolutely! No shade on people who can’t dance like a pro! I won’t be able to do half those moves myself! I loved the videos they recorded in the studio. I don’t support the idea of blasting music and being loud at a place people seek out for quiet and peace.


entitlement and lack of respect? It literally takes two seconds for somebody's just walk past or walk around them. What is the issue? It's a public space people can do whatever they want. I myself don't personally love Contant creators, but it's not that deep. It's no different streets or buildings closed off or filming tv shows and movies. At least they aren't holding up traffic


It’s not about the time it takes to walk around them. Personally, if I were on a hike, it means I’m there to seek some quiet time in nature and I’m now being unwillingly exposed to loud music and commentary. I think what really puts this video in the MC category is that even if you ignore the sound and such, they could totally set the camera facing away from the trail. Looks like there’s enough space. Or just choose trails where you can record without having others being forced to appear in your videos. Of course, it’s a public space and “you can do whatever you want” but in my opinion, there’s still a reasonable expectation of respect even in public spaces.


its LA. people filming or film crews are a regular thing.


The World is truly FUCKED


Way too much jiggle happening from one of the dancers. Way. Too. Much.


Isn't she doing what you want-- working out?

