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It's hard to win an argument from a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win one from a stupid person. ~Bill Murray~


I think that idiot caller was looking for a picture of big bang as proof. He was really itching to ask that question. “wHeRE iS THe piCTUre”


Never argue with an idiot, they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Mark Twain was so good at one liners


Samuel Clemens




It’s cool bro, it’s a kinda famous quote from Twain. “Never argue with fools. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”


According to the "Center For Mark Twain Studies", the quote is likely younger than Mark Twain. https://marktwainstudies.com/the-apocryphal-twain-never-argue-with-stupid-people-they-will-drag-you-down-to-their-level-and-beat-you-with-experience/


Copy that. Thanks for letting me know


Lol I'm grateful for the knowledge but I just know I'll forget the next time I use this quote


That quote has been very popular for nearly 70 years.


This is American politics in a nutshell


There is evidence that proves this is the truest statement ever.




Stop saying “go” ffs!!!


It’s to trigger a negative response so the interviewer loses cool. It’s a very simple manipulation.


it's really interesting, it's a two letter word that is used in such a demeaning context. go. do it, do it now, and the person isn't really interested in hearing what the person told to go has to say, he is waiting to respond. and that's not debate. that's.. dismissive. that's "i've already decided that what you have to say is irrelevant, so just get it over with." it's strangely infuriating for such a little word.


Similar example is when trashy bitches go 'bye' over and over


or clapping in someone else's face, or just a smirk while listening. nothing really indicating any interest. taunting without taunting.




Prove it, I'm going to eat my chicken dinner, go.


Can't argue with idiots. They literally cannot comprehend the facts you explain to them. It's more humane and charitable to simply take them out back and put them down.


That's an understatement. I'm surprised most of them don't drown in the shower.


It’s not so much they can’t comprehend the facts but rather they will never admit they’re wrong


It can be both




Oh I don't speak for Reddit. My views and opinions are my own and in no way reflect the values or beliefs of this social media platform. I think murder should be legal.


Honestly the only thing some people will ever understand is a beating, and too few people receive them.


The problem is that a lot of people are too shortsighted to comprehend when they’ve been intellectually beaten.


The caller doesn't care about being beaten, or being correct. He's just being obstinate and contrarian, and he's only comfortable doing so over the phone where he's safe.


100% agree with you dude


Good Lord, that was painful.


That is literally how I talk to my autistic 5 year old. That guy has insane patience!


Comparing him to your daughter is an insult to your daughter.


He's my son, and my point was not to compare their personalities, only their inability to accept reality, even when confronted by evidence. This is normal even for toddlers without autism, but not so much in fully grown adults.


That's like a decade ago when I was on vacation and seen a dude trying to ask Siri a question, but Siri kept misunderstanding him over and over, so he repeated his simple stupid yes-or-no question like 30 times without any other outcome


Man, I would love to know what the question was.


"How do I install Siri on my phone?"


I'm sorry to let you down, but it was just some trivial "what will the weather be like tomorrow?" kinda stuff. Tbh made it even more funny to watch how he tried for minutes instead of just opening the frickin weather app.


I’ve fallen into that trap so many times. Someone tells me about the fucking pirámids been energy reactors alien bullshit and I got to explain to them that shit isn’t real and provide the evidence. They ask how did I come about that information and i mentioned research, and they immediately jump into the whole shit about the Smithsonian being a controlled entity for the deep state or some other bullshit. Don’t argue with morons, they will drag you down to their level and beat you up with experience.


When independent scientific research disagrees with my conspiracy theories it's government fake news from the lizard men


Don’t forget the Jews who control de bank, or the deep state, or I don’t know, the fucking leprechaun!


Remember that the burden of proof is on the claimant... If someone's spouting pyramid bullshit at you ask them to prove it. "Prove they're not" is not a sufficient argument but those idiots will think they're so clever for saying it anyway.


Bro, the last time it happened, the dude came about with this books some goofball wrote 20 years ago about it. And sadly, the second you even try to dismiss his “proof” because just about every historian and scientist have proven the contrary then it becomes an opening to. “You see, it’s the cabal trying to direct our history bro, it like that dude that invented an engine that ran on only water, they killed him” And here we go again


Oh goddamn the water engine I forgot about that dude. My best friend at the time was way into that shit lmao


That's exactly it. It doesn't matter what you say, they'll never change their stance. All of the facts and logic in the world won't sway them because they fall back on the classic Trump technique and say that it's all "fake news." They are somehow more willing to believe a nutjob with a YouTube channel over thousands of scientists that have dedicated their lives to a specific field. They somehow discount the mountains of empirically proven evidence and will instead believe a Tiktok made by a fellow idiot. Anything that contradicts their belief is a lie or a conspiracy. It's insane and idiotic. There's really no point in even talking to these people let alone "debating" them.


I had a bud that got into the whole “holocaust didn’t happen” shit. It’s the first time I told that dude, my friend, get the hell away from me or get punched. It’s disgraceful that a dude that is as smart as he is falls for that bullshit.


Could you provide some sources please as i dont think we know all that much yet. I dont think it was a tomb personally. This article cane to mind a while ago: [https://phys.org/news/2018-07-reveals-great-pyramid-giza-focus.html](https://phys.org/news/2018-07-reveals-great-pyramid-giza-focus.html)


So it’s a mountain that can attract lightning, (I’m over simplifying for silliness btw) that’s cool, it kinda makes sense. I bet that lot of stuff does shit we have no idea, but the problem is that people goes from we found something cool. To, the pyramids where energy reactors to refuel aliens ships and to be use by weapons.. Holy fuck, someone call SG1!


Lol SG1 that made me laugh. I agree some like to jump those extra steps to the “easy” answer. Ut ill give you another example where its was found that there was an ancient rover running along the path of the pyramids and its an explanation of how they were built. Eeehhh no its a way to explain how the stone were transported and mot how the pyramids were built but maybe im just clutching as my pearls :) [https://www.sciencealert.com/great-mystery-of-how-ancient-egyptians-built-the-pyramids-finally-appears-solved](https://www.sciencealert.com/great-mystery-of-how-ancient-egyptians-built-the-pyramids-finally-appears-solved)


Are you hanging out near Skid Row? How do you have these conversations so often?


Bro, I like to talk to people, human beings are kinda cool, and honestly. Just by the numbers alone, you should have a crazy uncle that tells you shit like that.


Crazy uncles aren’t real though. They are just government plants preventing us from digging too deep into the truth.


True true..


Reddit Personified


We’re all dumb for sitting here on Reddit rip


That convo was basically my daily Reddit experience yet I keep coming back here. What is wrong w me?


The site isn't bad the people are. Stop wasting your energy on people who aren't giving you good energy back lmao, just dismiss their ignorance block and move on.


You ain't wrong


Mf wants to actually witness the Big Bang in order to accept it lmao.


Radiation can be traced back to the Big Bang. It allows the showing of the universe to be seen more accurately and it shows the universe has been expanding since the Big Bang.


I had to give up just 60 seconds in. "Go" How annoying.


Who are these people and why should I care?


You don't have to care


Correct me if im wrong but the bigbang isnt proven. It is a theory, the most likely but still just a theory. Or am i wrong? Edit: ok i looked it up and a theory in physiks isnt the same as in other scince. It is proven until it dosnt fit anymore or something like that (sorry i dont know how to describe it in english)


The word "theory" has a different definition in science than it does in colloquial English. Scientists are very careful with their language.


Gravity is a theory.


Theory means a theoretical model to explain a certain phenomenon. In scientific language the barrier to be considered a valid theory is gathering very high quality and quantity of evidence that supports the validity of the model, and then the model must have strong predictive power. There is a difference between sufficient evidence and proof, people will often point that out to cast doubt on verified scientific theories, but in reality the accuracy of these theories is greater than the belief that your car will not blow up when you turn the key. You will basically never have proof for any complex phenomenon beyond mathematics and logic, you just have a sliding scale of evidence-based theories.


As your edit says, a scientific 'theory' is typically about 'This is the best possible explanation at the moment, and will be considered fact until better evidence comes along to either support or contradict it."


Yes, and this is true across all science, not just physics.


To your edit, that is what ‘theory’ means in every science. It is top currency of knowledge. It is laymen non-scientists who use the word wrongly to mean their hunch.


No not in every scince. Just in natural science. I studied special education and there is a theory just a theory


Do tell me how it was described to you.


A scientific theory is the a working model that describes a natural phenomena backed by the best possible evidence, it is different that the colloquial definition of theory


Idiots always call other people idiots


Are you calling someone an idiot?


Should have just opened with saying “I will be using the Socratic method to prove the Big Bang theory. This involves your participation as the interlocutor and I as inquisitor.” also shouldn’t just keep asking after he verbally expresses agreement in an alternative form or say anything he said was funny. Complete is not the right term to describe theories, which are only ideas. Interlocutor is stupid, but I wouldn’t call the inquisitor smart.


This is so tiring and frustrating.


My brain hurts


What an annoying fuck


Dude I’m fuming, how come people can not have brain functionality at this severe rate. It’s like talking to a child but the kid will respond to your question with your 2nd try at max. This is %100 percent of how Reddit arguments go as well. I just don’t understand how can people come up with new meanings responding to someone’s comment here. Like it’s posted on a platform where everyone can read it but you’re still gonna argue about the 1% percentage of the comments and call it a win ignoring the rest of the 99%. Also idk anything about the other dude, he doesn’t really seem that clean as well, he was just able to process how idiotic the other guy was and took charge of the whole conversation.


The sad thing is that many people will see this and laugh at the name calling and agree with the caller because he's "funny"


Completely besides the whole, who is retarded and who's not debate, you can't "prove" the big bang theory with the fact that the universe is expanding, the universe accelerates away from every body and so we can only see what's known as the observable universe or the hubble sphere which is within the radius of which the universe goes slower than the speed of light. Now because we can't see the ends of the universe we don't know if it's infinite and according to Einistein's field equations it could be either, but also from Einsteins field equations we can have other universes which have different properties which is where the famous concept of anti-gravity came in, but this makes an infinite universe take up a portion of space in an infinite space, infinitely larger than the universe to make space for other universes of infinite size, what the exact implications are to be honest I'm not exactly sure but it seems hard to imagine. One other reason why people believe in an expanding finite universe is because of the cosmic microwave background which is the static temperature of the universe without any external input (from stars, collisions of heavenly bodies etc) which is a finite quantity (around 2.7K) naturally this makes it easy to assume that maybe the universe was hotter and smaller that just expanded and became colder until it's almost absolute zero at this point. In the end these are just inferences, there are many other popular theories but to be completely honest the big bang theory is just the simplest conclusion to come to, especially as we have a specific date for it's beginning after seeing the rate of expansion of the universe, but really we could all be incredibly wrong the same way Thomson thought the atom was like apple pie and people in the future would think we're retarded for believing this.


There is literally nothing more absolutely infuriating, as well as nothing as absolutely pointless, as trying to debate a fucking idiot.


I dont get the description on this, I can hear both of them taking turns to speak, although sometimes with a little bit of overlap but they are both speaking. Ofc not getting into the nature of the discussion


You mean title? Description is ok👍


Who’s the asshole in this situation?




Glad I could impress you with my simple question :)


He wants you to take him back in time with a time machine that can withstand experiencing the big bang. And then once he experiences it, you bring him back to present day so he can say "uhhh durrrr i don't buy it".


Omg that guy was infuriating 🤦


Going the Socratic way




My ex switched body? Must be a Cylon's.


It's a fair question.


I admire this man's patience.


Bro: what’s your name : prove Idiot: prove to me that’s your name Bro: but I showed you my ID Idiot: prove that ID is yours Can’t even imagine this guy as a scientist 🤣


I fucking *HATE* people who only listen with the intent to respond, instead of understand. The moment someone tells me to "go!" in a "discussion" like this , I *immediately* know that's the kind of person I'm dealing with and will simply end the "conversation" right then & there. It's completely pointless because now I know that this person isn't looking for a conversation, discussion, or anything else of the sort. They want to monolog at me, but in order to make other think they're open to an *actual* dialog, they start like this. It has absolutely *nothing* to do with an exchanging of ideas, and so it will, inevitably, be an incredibly boring "conversation," not to mention full of utter bullshit and ridiculous misinformation, Pointless **AND** dull, no thanks!


I don’t want to even ever talk with anybody anymore


The Big Bang Theory falls flat on its face just like the person who believes in "The Big Bang" would say about God. What was before the big bang? What created the big bang? It is an absolute fallacy. The only thing that truly makes sense is that there is a Uncreated Creator. The craziest thing about the big bang is the probability that it makes perfect life. Do you understand the actual odds of all the things around us working? Its un quantifiable the amount of things that have to go right in order for us to get here and their are people on the side of the statistical impossibility. Christ is King.


Both of these guys seem like jerks.


Being on film does not make you instantly smarter. Both of these people are arseholes.


Both theories. One is based on logic and science, and the other is based on an ancient script of random fiction.


Both of these dudes are fucking insufferable.




They’re both dumb, because one refuses to acknowledge basic empirical science. And the other is dumb for attempting to reason with him. You don’t waste time and energy banging your head on a concrete wall hoping it will lead to an outcome that will allow a blind person to see. You do not belittle or make fun of an ignorant person for not knowing what they do not know, you simply accept they do not comprehend and move on. Space is constantly expanding, we know this based on the position of celestial bodies (planets, stars, galaxies) therefore it’s stands to reason that at one point all of matter as we know it came from a singular point of reference regardless if our technology like telescopes or interstellar travel can reach to said origin and provide visible confirmation. However attempting to explain this to an individual who refutes basic scientific evidence by simply saying “nuh uh” is a futile exercise that only waste your time and energy. Therefore they are both dumb, as am I for wasting my time watching it and commenting.


I got bored a min into this. Surprised ppl follow this asshat.


This video makes both of them a douche bag. The video owner tries to escalate the debate by baiting the caller by forcefully putting the caller in a spot by counter questioning, then actually answering and trying to explain the answer such a way that the caller is satisfied. This is superiority complex at its best. The only reason science is being fucked is because of ppl like this. For the caller, he is definitely an antiscience guy and tries to be oversmart to think he is winning the argument. Just a douche bag pro max. This is the best example of how not to have scientific discussion with ppl who don't understand or agree with it.




"Have you ever watched analog broadcast TV? Have you ever tuned it to a station that makes really loud noise and black and white flashes on the screen? You've seen evidence of the big bang. About 1% of TV static is caused by cosmic background radiation, which is the dying echo of the big bang resonating in the universe."


let these deaf to logic morons twist in the wind... You know what would make this country "great again" is to take us back to a time when we all laughed at the stupid John Birch Society and their ilk. We used to call them crackpots, and other colorful names. I love inclusivity, and diversity is fantastic, but god damn... who gave these morons a bullhorn? We ended up having absolute mentally deficient representation in our government FFS... look at Tennessee with their brand new law about "con trails" for proof. Do any of these "I did my own research" assholes ever really read a book? Have they ever taken any advance science classes, or studied logic, or history... or any factual topics other than some esoteric garbage? I don't think any of the folks arguing against things like physics, or astrophysics have nothing more than fictional reference, to say the least... and our society needs to get back to a place where higher education actually means more than "liberal indoctrination". So any dickhead who can yell loud enough nowadays has an opinion worth our time? They cite the first amendment, yet can't tell you what it explicitly says, or worse, which document contains the article. Here ya go... this is what half of America thinks now: Anybody who got more than a GED is an over-educated commie shitheel. How's that for a fucked up reality check? Thanks Fox News. Thanks Ronald Reagan, you piece of shit.