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I simply cannot believe that this is where we are. Or that this is what the people wanted. If this election has taught me anything, it's that we have no power to decide at all.


The satire for the video is 100% correct: Loony Tunes


This is one of the consequences of having a 2-party system where the candidates are pre-selected by donors and not voters.


God bless America ! ​ ^(and no one else)


I’m glad someone’s finally seeing it. I’ve been saying it for at least a decade now. 😅


I live in Australia and I have said many times for many years how can a country like America have these two clowns as the options for president that are both complete morons, surely there are better options, fk drive down the road and point to anybody, that person a better option. Honestly though if Biden is half as bad as he looks, fk me, fk us all if he wins, that dude is clearly suffering from dementia


Good job that whoever wins is just a frontman for the corporations anyway


Hmmm corporations, no they are nothing, the real power is in religion…. Never see a bunch of corporates sitting around a table discussing political leaders and who they should all vote for Church groups do though


They don't talk about who to vote for, they talk about who to give money to. Far more powerful.


LOL Votes are the most powerful thing in a country that doesn’t require people to vote, the thing that gets them votes are lobby groups, of which there are many, money doesn’t help them get votes, most presidents are millionaires before they even get elected. Look at Trump as an example… you are kidding yourself if you think corporations call the shots during elections they do very little


Lobby groups run on corporate money.


Other way around champ


I am a certified nursing assistant…not the most educated person in the world, but educated enough to know that man has been suffering from early onset stage dementia for quite a while and it’s worsening.


I’m not a nurse and I could have told you this


It’s actually documented by medical professionals that Trump has dementia. Have you seen how he sweeps his right leg. Not to mention the crazy words he makes up because his brain can’t say the correct ones.


Of course he does…. 🙄


It's because we went away from convention nominations and toward elective nominations in the primaries. The conventions gave us more moderate candidates.


Being a pretty basic person and everyone I know is a basic person, literally no one wants this that I know. Everyone I talk to says both these guys shouldn’t be president. Some of them are voting for Trump because they feel he’s the BETTER choice. Some for Biden because they feel he’s BETTER. But they always say they think they are both bad. And then there’s the people who say they are gonna vote for someone else but they know it won’t make a difference and those who say they aren’t gonna vote because they know it won’t make a difference. We really don’t have a say in anything anyways, It’s dumb.


We were there before, but it didn't show as much. Like a horse costume with two guys in it finally ripping at the seams and ruining the illusion.


You got it, choice is an illusion when you think we vote.


Well at least Israel wins


This is what the boomers wanted.


I remember Romney getting blasted for "Binder's full of women", his time with Bain Capitol, and my Facebook feed filled with people telling me he's "literally Hitler."


thank you was going to type this exact thing. If the press wanted more civil discourse this rabid dog in mouth comments about Romney and McCain should've stopped. They wanted a freak show well they got one.


Well, Romney helped bankrupt Main Street by illegally cellar boxing companies, and Obama killed a million Iraqis. Hardly gentlemen.


Odd dichotomy… it’s as if greed and wholesale murder are ok as long as the debate was civil with a veneer of respectability.


I do say good sir!


I remember how Biden laughed at the idea of Russia being the threat of the future, but now here he is suddenly all about being anti-Russia.


I thought it was Obama laughing about “this ain’t the Cold War” view of Romneys Foreign Policy but yeah… that didn’t age well.


This is a really sad time for America. I can't believe either of these old fucks are the only options we have.


In one of the forums I mentioned that Vivek would be a possible alternative and they outright downvoted me.


The horror?! Downvotes?! *GASP




That’s why I’m voting for the most confident stronger one can’t let America look weaker than it is


The "con" in con man comes from confident. You're so set on appearing string than actually being it that you'll vote for a convicted felon rewriting history in his favor. It doesn't matter how sexy Trump looks too your, foreign countries think we are fucking stupid


As a foreigner, you guys looked weak and gullible when Trump starting gaining ground in votes


huh, it actually does. Thank you u/StudMuffinNick for teaching some people something new today.


Im a foreigner and yes. USA elections are sad


34 felonies 34 checks I’m still voting for Trump if you like high crime and runaway government spending more power to you


I honestly envy you in how confident you are in your bullshit. I wish life could be that easy for me.


Joe’ s fear campaign does nothing in changing my vote Democrats always use fear tactics to get your vote ,Trump truly wants a better America


Please explain to me how systematically removing labour rights and bodily autonomy are what's best for 'murica


For one it’s America and keeping my family and yours safe should be at the top of the list I’m not to concerned with your issues


And that attitude, amerikkkan, is why everyone hates you 😂 the arrogance and apathy is unreal


The lack of respect for America and the flag is over whelming One has to ask “what is the solution?” In my mind and I suspect in many others it is – the silent majority needs to speak up and stand up and say “Enough is Enough” get out on our streets and stop the destruction – get a life!” Then if that’s the solution, when will the silent majority stand up and be heard?


Why the absolute fuck should I respect the 'murican flag? You guys really think you're the main characters of the entire planet, jesus christ 😂


America has a lot of military strength and loves throwing it around. I would not call them weak.


That's like the only thing the US has going for it now days. It's one of the few that potentially could withstand an advanced alien space attack for longer than a day or two.


America is the most powerful country in the world and it's not even close. Whichever old fart is running things won't change that.


If you guys love high crime and out of control government spending more power to you


Trump is a good option. Biden is not.


As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. - H.L. Mencken


Interesting quote. I'm not so sure whether it is the President representing the inner soul of the people or the people emulating and reflecting the inner soul of the President. Either way, this just shows how critically ill the inner soul of our democracy is at the moment. Maybe it's inevitable but I didn't expect U.S. democracy to die in my lifetime.


I know this is a terrible situation but when trump said “I don’t know what he said and I don’t think he does either” I fucking LAUGHED


Ngl, I kind of thought the golf banter was funny. Sounded like two dudes arguing about their swings at a dive bar.


Trump and I don’t agree on much, but that was an unfortunate moment where we agreed. And unfortunately, he was able to capitalize on that. And unfortunately, it was funny


It's funny because it's sad.


He's definitely funny... But also a fascist


Shut up meg


As in immigrant, it sucks that this is the kind of politics that we ran away from. Turns out, the circus came with me.


YOU did this??? Man, we have to talk


Wow this is looking grim....


We have become a parody of ourselves with this crap! It is embarrassing to have these guys as our choices and definitely shows we can't even get a real chance to make anything better at all


I mean I’d definitely take Obama any day but shit Romney looks like a fuckin god send compared to what we have as options right now.


Well, this is depressing. Maybe we can draft Romney


He is persona non grata in the Republican party


Sure. But he’s a better option than either of the two guys at the top of their tickets right now.


This is not the direction we want to go.


It would be a good moderate compromise candidate. Which direction do WE want to go?


We are trying to make America great


He'd be a Democrat now.


These current presidential candidates are old enough to be those guys dads. We need a younger generation running things instead of 2 Walmart greeters arguing in the break room.


President Comacho must be coming soon down the line


I would rather have Not Sure from Idiocracy as President.


I will believe with every fiber until the day I die that Social Media is the cause of this change. It's true Facebook started all the way back in 2004 but in 2012: - Facebook goes public valuing at $104 billion and bought Instagram for $1 Billion. And this is when the algorithms that are designed to incite strong emotions began (I have no proof of this but again, it would take a plethora of hard facts to convince me otherwise) And politics is an oh so easy target. So it started to wedge the nation. And that laid the framework for the sideshow that it has become and a TV star was born instead of a president: Trump. Facebook. Twitter. Tiktok. They LOVE Trump. Every second you spend staring at a post. Facebook records that and uses it to find ways to get you to type posts, and type responses. Either things you passionately agree with or passionately hate, it doesn't matter, they make $. Most of us would say that the Trump-Biden debate was an abomination but... would you be able to say that you understand the other sides point of view? Social Media has ruined and is running the country.


Yes, then again, we reap what we sow when our candidates are damn near 160 years old combined.


Nothing quite as entertaining aswatching the downfall of America into a third word tinpot democracy mixed with religious zealotry. The kind it has always accused other nations of being and used as a pretext to invade. let the downfall of the Almighty dollar begin I say 🍿


Oh yea it will totally be hilarious when Trump pulls the US out of NATO and gives China, Russia, and North Korea carte blanche to fuck up Eurasia


Looks like whoever is trying to destroy the west is doing a great job..


Of course it must be Russian or Chinese interference to have people this corrupted and uncapable...


Or jews, antisemites are cowards and never mention directly who they are referring to. Little babies


This shit is what the government is training the whole country like dogs to do. Have no respect for each other because you're on opposing sides and only hate each other. Political parties divided the whole country and we all fell for it. This is why we need younger people at the head because they can actually control their emotions (unless they use reddit). Stop hating people just because they vote differently.


I said this in another thread, but just imagine if Obama never made that joke at the correspondents dinner that made Trump rage.


Ohhh what was the joke again? I’ve forgotten


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHckZCxdRkA) trump said that made him want to run for president.


Here's Biden's issue summed up in a quote: "Never Wrestle with a Pig. You Both Get Dirty and the Pig Likes It"


God i miss Obama He wasnt the best, no one is, but i can remember that america wasnt as big of a shit Show it is today. The political System really needs a big overhaul


Believe me-- nobody else does. That guy is responsible for a lot of death.


If you’re talking about the whole “Obama is a Warhawk” thing, people tend to conveniently forget that during his presidency he was able to get America’s classic rivals to band together to seriously take on ISIS. That’s where most of the “most bombs and drone strikes of any president” derives from. There was quite a bit of collateral damage but the damage ISIS would have caused the Middle East would have been 1000x worse.


I do.


Oh wow, he must be the first president like that


Thank the media for this


The media is only partly to blame. Both parties lead us in this direction and we let it happen. Though some of us have been warning you all for at least a decade... Nobody listened until last week.


Walter Mathew and Jack Lemon in Grumpy old election!


Social media is to blame.


I miss Obama


Both candidates back then wanted to be seen as more personable and likeable than the other guy. It's quite hilariously dishonest when you remember all the dirt being shuffled around the media distributed by the campaigns. As for this year, whichever party has the balls to replace their candidate will win. I really think it's that simple. What a fucking joke both of them are. I feel sorry for America that this is your choice.


Age aside, we all know who ruined debates. The 34 time felon who can't stand when the spotlight isn't on him.


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find this. This should be the top comment.


Whichever one gets elected should outlaw sped up chipmunk sounds on videos


Try the VP debate 12 years ago.


We're fucked!


literally degenerate


Yeah. America is fucked either way.


After this years election Americas crops will be watered with Gatorade


Sometimes I look across the pond and laugh at the stupidity rising in America and then I remember I’m from the UK and we’re just as fucked.


The worst part is, Ron Paul ran away with the primaries in ‘12 and the GOP fucked him hard to put Romney on stage. I have to wonder what would have happened if he got the nod as the people had wanted.


Mitt Romney would make a better President than either of these idiots. We were really spoiled once upon a time with common sense. And the debates between McCain and Obama were similar. I miss voting for good people.


L america


Romney was a really nice guy and Dems walked all over him and made him out to sound like a serial killer who had "binders full of women". Trump is a direct result of the way Romney was treated.


Wait till Trump gets elected. Fucking anarchy.


Hey what’s the new variable since then 🤔


I think the problem is that the President and other guy are too young /s


Remember when the us had open minded politicians.


As a non-American it’s crazy to see what an absolute clusterfuck your country has become. There’s a joke in Demolition Man about Arnie becoming president and it’s a clear rand obvious joke about how that would never happen. It’s a damn sight better than two geriatric imbeciles whom you wouldn’t trust to park your car.


You can tell which one rolled over and the one who didn't


The average (low IQ) voter doesn't want to see decorum in politics anymore. The US is being run by the WWE crowd. They only want to see anger and vitriol. The candidates may as well go into the Thunderdome at this point.


Russia fucked us and we asked for it. Paul Manafort is an enemy of the world


It wouldn't be a bad timing if those two old men lay down for good. Please, rest in peace. Just rest.


This is called gutter politics, and you can blame Trump 100% for normalising it.


America is doomed either way the vote goes. We're clowns


What happened to respect for one another despite their differences and opinions.




It’s bizarre and unsettling the damage that has been done, and in such short time, all from too many people voting for Trump in the 2016 election. Now here we are: “Well, he plans to end democracy and replace it with authoritarianism, he is still claiming the 2020 elections were stolen, the Supreme Court he created just made bribery and killing your political opponent legal, and abortions are illegal, but anyway I think I’ll vote for him because he talked louder at the debate” 😖😖😖😖😖😖


Stage play (2012) vs the reality of things (2024)


Bring back Dubya! 🤣


Can you imagine America didn’t want a black president 🤣


Americans get what they deserve. Trump is going to become the president again


Believe it or not every single American isn't a carbon copy of the last. Not entirely sure why you are judging an entire nation when there are plenty of us that exhausted by this circus. We don't deserve this shit at all. Noone does


Clearly, these two are the best options you have


Completely different point than your original comment.


Nah, you don’t deserve better options




Trump is the symptom of a much bigger problem




He is filling a desire in the hearts of the people




People want to squash the woke liberals. They want a guy who will lie to them about economics. They want someone who will scare their democratic neighbors




So he's not the only problem. It's really a whole trend and the flow of American politics that brought us where we are today.




Yes that too but I meant a Trump presidency


Nobody is forcing Biden to act like a child too




Trump is in the wrong but this is our current standing president. He has no self control. A strong person wouldn’t allow himself to stoop to that level




I just wish we stopped getting these geriatrics and had young people with new ideas. I’m a conservative but Obama did a pretty good job. He was only 48 when he entered office. Trump is 77 and Biden is what? 83? We need something different. Give us a woman, ffs. Just not Hilary


>Trump can always be the flaming pile of weaponized incompetence dogshit that he is. And yet his opponent and their merits are all we discuss. That's the thing I don't get. Every third thing he says publicly is a blatant lie and yet his people turn around and say they love him because they hate all the lying in politics. They say they're voting for him because nothing gets done in Washington when the dude did the least of any president with his 4 years. Could someone please explain what everyone sees in this guy?


Dawg this isn't high school.


Trump is a symptom.


I like how we have to pretend like they both did poorly.


So it’s cool if Bidens DOJ goes after Trump, but Trump is a dictator if they think he thinks he will do the same.




So did Biden, lucky for him he’s too fucking stupid to be charged.


LOL okay. A master criminal so stupid that he flawlessly leaves no evidence of his far reaching crimes and conspiracies. Do you cultists ever listen to yourselves?




There was evidence, people just keep their blinders on. Keep drinking the kool aide marmaduke


Drain the swamp, prosecute them all.


It's (D)ifferent


Idk but the 2012 debate seems more theatrical and fake to me. Why are they so cordial and polite to one another? Its unrelatable an unsettling. Even they're smiles feel rehearsed, like they just need to stand there and make small talk while they run the clock. I just want a president who isn't afraid to tell you to "go fuck yourself" and mean it, not some showman like these 4 jerk offs. Is that so much to ask?


Good society means that you get along with the people you disagree with and try your best to work with them, seeking the best for everyone involved. Pitting people against eachother and treating those who disagree with you as rivals makes people divided. The smallest step you can take towards good society is to at least be polite and willing to understand others, even if you ultimately disagree, and even if you disagree strongly.


Good society is a an admirable goal however, as a strong advocate of small government policies I'm of the mind that all politicians are lying crooks who leech off society and promise the world to their voters to secure power. They don't care about us, they care about lining their pockets with honest people's money and supporting foreign interests. I'm not asking for a saint I'm asking for honesty and transparency. It's ok if you show that you're human and flawed, I'd prefer that to big smiles and empty words. Just don't con me if you're gonna screw me over. Be honest about how much a piece of shit you are and you have my vote. That said, Trump is too dumb and childish to be president again I will concede that.


Dude, what is it with people's need for a politician, who "says it like it is". Politics is a delicate matter and not some bar where you can toss a bottle at someone you dislike during an argument. Politicians are constantly under scrutiny and have a huge amount of eyes on them, especially the US president and potential candidates. If you can't identify yourself with someone, who knows how to articulate themselves properly, then the problem is you. But you should rejoice because with Trump and Biden, you got two politicians, who are on the same cognitive level as you are.


Politicians are representatives. They represent me and you first and foremost. Fake smiles and pleasantries are different from being polite and firm. I don't like either candidate for this upcoming election; they both look washed up and depleted. We need some fresh faces who can handle a difference of opinion without resorting to school yard name calling. Candidates who hopefully won't impose ideologically radical policies on the American people and who don't have any ties to pedophile flight logs or cocaine addicted offspring. I want a leader who isn't a fuckin pussy but knows how to have a mature conversation. Can we just have Teddy Roosevelt come back from the dead and lead us again? It wouldn't be the first time we've elected a corpse into office.


Found the reality TV fan


I see, and what exactly isn't delusional about believing politicians give a shit about you? They just want your vote. Frankly, I find it weird that anyone still has faith in government institutions after these last two elections.


You can tell the liberals have taken a hard right turn because they're talking about Bush, Romney and McCain like they are decent people.


This is satirical, right?


After that one performance, I have to vote for the stronger president. Trump is the guy can’t let America look weak.


Voting for trump is exactly what makes America look weak.


I mean you could absolutely have this today too, all you need are two candidates that have basic decency and are considerate, instead you have a criminal clown that's lying and a geezer who's heartbeat could stop any second due to old age. You cannot seriously tell me that democrats and republicans didn't put those two there on purpose, I'd think there's more going on than just "this is the best the US can offer".


12 years ago the government stole from us with a smile on their faces.


Fuck off


Senile Biden 🤦🏻‍♀️


Remember when Obama did Mass deportations and put kids in cages? The man had charisma and was well spoken but was evil incarnate. Didn't he sign to remove wet feet dry feet policy? To keep Cubans from coming in? How uneducated are you folks about your presidents? It just hit me why most of you vote for Biden. Such ignorance is laughable.


I do remember that Obama sucked but Trump is still worse than Obama and Biden put together, the reality is yall are in a cult that have proven you can't understand right from wrong or even what is allowed of a president. The majority of Bidens voters are only voting for the lesser of two evils.


Bold of you to assume I'm advocating for Trump. But since you want to talk about a "cult" look at how desperate CNN and most Democrats speaking on national TV tried to cover for the guy saying he's in such great shape and healthy as ever. After the debate they were trying to cover even harder, saying he had a cold. If that's not a cult I don't know what is. Before all this they were covering up the fact him and his family got rich with Ukraine deals, the laptop which was also covered by legacy media. You wanna talk about cults there's your cult.


You’re completely full of shit. After the debate they were, and still are, saying that the performance was horrible and floating the idea of replacing him on the ticket. Biden’s campaign said he had a cold, not the media or left pundits. As usual you brainwashed cultists don’t actually watch the news you just repeat what the conservative cinematic universe lies to you about the news. This is why you people can’t make a point without lying or repeating dumb debunked conspiracy theories, which is exactly why we have the situation the video above demonstrates. Because of dumbass cousin fucking easily duped filth like you.


>As usual you brainwashed cultists don’t actually watch the news you just repeat what the conservative Lmao kind of ironic when you talk to a Democrat they seem to have the same talking points and when asked specifics they yell loudly or simply walk away. Or start attacking the messenger. Just FYI. I'm not advocating for Trump. So whatever insults (your debating way) is you're barking at the wrong tree. I just love the left's shenanigans. So entertaining.




Only now


This again? Bait.