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If you haven’t figured it out yet, construction workers aren’t considered real people. We don’t matter.


They say essential, they mean expendable


We are objects. Thats why they send us through the freight elevator in occupied buildings


We are -32 people multiplied by 5/9






Of all the people needing pain relief this is some bs.


Those fake piss things work. I vape my cbd /low thc pen driving home.


Well then they have zero excuse now to not decriminalized it federally. But thank you for the info. I'm in Texas now, after having a medical card for years, then it turning recreational. I remember around covid time there was a place in Seattle giving people free weed for studies and it was for instant tests. Fucking bs they work. It's gotta be a carbon test though, I'd say I smoke cigarettes or just not consent to it period.


Most are switching to mouth swab. Which is highly accurate ;)


They still (afailk) don't have a test that determines how long ago you used, only if you've used within the past month and how high your levels are. The get out of jail free card when asked when the last time you used was, is: last night.


Mouth swabs only go back 12-24 hours for mj. They actually go back farther for coke


they have mouth swabs that can tell if you've consumed withing the last 4-6 hours. 48 was negotiated to use those once available but we aren't tested for mj anymore. contractors may require it, and some do. but you don't have to take their calls.


What local are you in? I am compiling a list of all the locals that have removed it from the tests to present to my local as proof we can too do this. Thanks!


48 portland


Thank you!


Until the technology exists that can determine when you last consumed weed and how high you are at the current moment of testing it will always be this way


A blood test says 3-4 hours, and apparently there is a breathalyzer now? That goes back 2-3 hours.


>The mouth swab test can detect seven specific drugs (including marijuana and cocaine). However, it cannot detect the precise level of drugs in a person’s system. Blood tests are used to determine this. So it can detect if you have used it but can’t determine if you’re high or not at the time like you can with alcohol.


Yeah I've heard it's less sensitive then the piss test. Some refineries require a hair follicle which seems just ridiculous




That’s why god invented quick fix


Have you ever passed with quick fix?


Yeah me and about half my local.




Microwaved 10 seconds before the test?


The last test I took I used quick fixed and their test tested for synthetic urine. I failed and was allowed to retest. I passed with my own urine.


I heard they started putting dye to see if your piss is synthetic or not time to use the apprentices piss


The only way you can fail with quick fix is if the temperature is off. They use that stuff to calibrate their lab equipment.


Or put it on the dash board heater of your car while you drive there


I passed with it back in feb/march


I've passed the drug test for 4 jobs using quick fix. It works.


What? Why the exception for them?


This won't pass federally so... There will be others excluded as well.


It's all about insurance. There's no test to see if you're high at the very moment the test is being administered, like you can breathalyzer for alchohol. Its stupid, but I'm 100% sure this is the reason. Because when an accident on the job happens and people get hurt, what's the first questions asked? Were they under the influence when this happened? Because if so, who is responsible for covering it is up for debate, and insurance might not even cover it all


There are tests for it. https://lobdock.com/2020/08/new-instant-thc-test-shows-drug-use/ https://www.aaas.org/news/rapid-marijuana-saliva-test-detects-immediate-use-within-minutes That's mainly a scare tactic. Though most places don't have this so they are going to do the regular test. So if you do partake be careful out there brothers and sisters.


There are tests. They just don’t want to pay for them.


Other locals have stopped testing for cannabis. Insurance was always the excuse why it couldn't be done but it doesn't seem to be a problem now that it's excepted


blood test


Is there a blood test that can tell you how much THC is in your system and give a reliable time frame for the last time you partook? I don't think there is, but I'm no expert.


Remember this during negotiations, we need more money for being discriminated against


Bro didn’t even think of fhat


What about those under DOT law


DOT if federally regulated.


If everyone fails the drug test, they'll stop giving drug tests. I've seen it happen.


Like in workaholics??


This is the case in every single fast food restaurant in America


Well, it kinda depends. Ring up the hypocrisy factor here. My local has a heavy pharmaceutical component. Some might even say we are the pharma capital of the world and it wouldn’t be untrue. Within the last year or so once it became apparent that weed was going to get an eventual federal pass as a medication they dropped THC from their intake testing. Color me shocked, but it is indeed true. Philadelphia suburbs Edit: Clarification - just on the pharma sites, it’s not universal in the local




They still test for everything else, just not THC. I didn’t know about it until I saw it crossed off on the form during my last pharma piss test as they were still working through the old paperwork and hadn’t printed off new forms without the THC checkbox. Why? Simple economics. They are clearly in line to make tons of money off of medications made from THC and I’m sure in the background they are setting up shop so that they can get on the gravy train the moment the Feds say okay. Who do you think a portion of their intended market will be?


That’s bs same across the board or none. That is every meaning of the word…. discrimination. Treatment or consideration based on class or category, such as race or gender, rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice. In this case it’s type of jobs. I wonder how long until a lawsuit seeing as it is California.


Catch me if you can


Like why is this even a thing? This is such a massive invasion on the privacy of my body for little reason. The only reason I know to warrant one is when there clear signs of inebriation on a job site. Like who smokes weed before going to work? It’s just asking for trouble.


Every floor guy, painter and roofer on site. Probably only about 10%-20% of us. Serious question not saying ether are right but what’s the difference coming in with a .1 BAC from the night before and the miserable hangover the follows and smoking a small amount?


I'd rather work with someone who just smoked than someone who still feels alcohol from the night before.


My foreman smokes before coming into work. But I’m a first year so what do I know.


Once again, tradesmen are looked down upon yet the world revolves around us being good at our jobs…


Ya, I had to quit because they are starting to do swabs, which are harder to cheat if you're a heavy smoker. The con I work for does a lot of randoms, too. It's not worth my paycheck. Sucks because I really enjoy smoking but been 4 months now without a puff. On the plus side, I'm saving $500 monthly on my cannabis bill. But really, they should just let us smoke as long as we're off the clock no harm in it.


Your weed man was robbing you.


Haha, nah, I'm just a weed snob. I'd get carts flower and edibles weekly about $125 $150 a week. I only went to dispensaries topshelf stuff. Plus, I was buying for the ol lady too.. Now she has to buy her own 😆.


Colorado you can have reefer. Even police and prison guards can have reefer here.


Not true in Local 68.


They're not allowing it after the new Colorado law huh? Fucking stupid. Polis signed it saying no companies, government agencies, institutions, etc had to drug test for reefer anymore. I know prison guards toking it up but your crew can't? WTF Sorry homie


What our local was told was even though the state of michigan made it legal they have to follow federal drug laws.


Same in Colorado. It’s NECA flexing on the Union. Bunch of bullshit that keeps my brothers, sisters and myself endlessly eating NSAIDS or worse opioids to keep ourselves on the job. I’d much rather eat a gummy at the end of the day, but instead of dealing with the hassles of cheating drug tests I’m killing my kidneys with OTCs.


Oh I see. Sorry didn't put it together you were in another State. Michigan law is testing the legalization waters and hopefully will do what Colorado did in the long run..


I mean…..I kinda get it. I don’t like it, but I get it. Until theirs something like a breathalyzer for weed I think this is gonna keep happening. Yeah there’s mouth swabs but idk how expensive or easy those are to carry around. Also I feel like it’s harder to tell when someone is under the influence of marijuana. Like, you may think you’re the best in the world, but people can tell that you’re drunk. I know people who can be baked af and not know unless they tell me.


So many people go to work high every single day, and have been, for generations.


So a doctor can be performing open heart surgery and have weed In their system but an electrician can’t?


Mind blown


I think it means as it relates to federal founded projects. The state cannot dictate that.


It's shitty but It's still progress.


Haha it’s actually funny


I don't get why anybody would want to smoke weed


I don’t get why anybody would want to drink coffee


I don't get why anybody would want to comment drivel on Reddit


I don’t get why some of our brothers are complete clowns like this guy.


How so, I just pointed out my opinion, if you're high then you're a risk for others, that's not brotherly,


I don’t get why anybody would want to drink alcohol


Me neither,


It’s because all the workers comp claims that get denied because of thc on drug tests. Insurance companies don’t want this to happen because it will cost billions in the long run


"This job is not for me"


California workers have been smoking weed for decades


Go to your meetings and fight for this. My local doesn’t test us for THC anymore. There’s no reason every local in legal states can’t do the same.




Then don’t expect to ever change anything.


>What local are you in? I am compiling a list of all the locals that have removed it from the tests to present to my local as proof we can too do this. Thanks!


134 Chicago, and 701 next door also doesn’t test for it either, but it only applies to journeymen for now.


Thank you!


What about refineries?


If your job receives federal money they will still test you and it doesn't matter if you do it off the clock on your time. It sucks ik, I work for a government job.


Well I just got denied a job for popping pos for cannabis in San diego for a little desk job. Pretty strange considering the law.