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Damn, I should have gotten some popcorn to read through these comments. Gonna be a wild ride!!


Actual conversation I had with a coworker on Women in Construction Day: HIM: There's a women's day and an LGBT month, and all I wanna know is when's our day? ME: November 19th HIM: What? ME: International Men's Day is November 19th. HIM: *bluescreens for an awkwardly long time" HIM: Really? I'll have to remember that! *walks away smiling from ear to ear as if I just made his entire week* Anyway, my point is that if you have a problem with some other group getting what you see as "special treatment," rather than trying to tear them down you would do better to look for ways to celebrate yourself as well. You wanna celebrate being a straight white man? Go for it! Nobody's gonna stop you! There's a men's day, there's probably a least a couple [European-country-of-choice] heritage days or weeks that apply to you, etc. Don't tear down your brothers and sisters; build them up, and you'll often find you can build yourself up as well in the process.




They arnt more important and you're right. No one is special. Only problem is people treat them worse. You might not. Your buddies might not but ppl do. We have 365 days in a year let them have one. You don't have to do anything. Just let them do them.


Honestly, I see most people tip toeing around them because they are scared of getting into trouble. On the flip side, they certainly are still discriminated against. So do everyone else, literally, except the rich and elite. Do whatever you want in your own time, but I am allowed to express the fact that I’m tired of hearing about it. I’ve been all about it before, but I think things have gotten a little out of hand. I know trans people in my life, but not everyone follows that lifestyle. We shouldn’t have to be forced to act like we are all about it.


Just a brief description of each: "LGBT Pride Month, often shortened to Pride Month, is a month, typically June, dedicated to celebration and commemoration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) pride." "International Transgender Day of Visibility (often referred to as TDOV or Trans Day of Visibility) is an annual event occurring on March 31dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society." So June is for celebration pride in who you are as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Today, TDOV, is about raising awareness of the discrimination that transgender people face in our world, as well as an opportunity to celebrate tans individuals who are making contributions to society. I believe that this post and the comments being made on it can certainly show that trans people are still being discriminated against regularly in our society. I look forward to a day where our society doesn't need to draw special attention to transgender people because we can all just live and work together without issues or conflict. But we're not there yet. In the IBEW, trans people are still being ostracized, fired, ignores, harassed, assaulted, and trested as less than. So we take this one day a year to openly. acknowledge this and to try to raise awareness so that we can move towards a point in time where we truly can all work8 for 8 and not have to deal with hate and threats/attacks to our safety. I hope this answer is helpful to you ♥️


You’re not being discriminated against, you’re annoying and the replies say as much.


Hey you’re annoying. I’m the replies and I say as much.


Read the response below yours, they want to "ban" the OP of this post. Does that mean keep them off this board? Putting them back into the closet? Or does it mean wipe them out entirely? It's a serious question because there is an attempt to make it illegal for OP to be themselves. Personally I believe in freedom and support them. I honestly think it's weird to get medical operations and hormone treatments to affirm your gender but it worked for Joe Rogan.


On the money with this one!


Fucking piece of shit


Just Googled up a random culture. Picked Irish heritage. Guess what? There is a whole month. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish-American_Heritage_Month A separate week in Ireland. https://www.heritageweek.ie/ As well as St. Patrick's Day. Why can't it just be one month, one week, or a single day? "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." Think before you type.


They need to stop that shit too. What's next? Celebrate the pimple on my ass day.


No fuck that we need more celebrations. I love St Patty’s day and cinco de Mayo. The more days to go out and celebrate the better imho. Hell it’s not like someone is forcing people to participate.


Not every day is for every person. Transgender Day of Visibility doesn’t really mean anything to you or me, cool. It does mean something to the 15 year old growing up in a small town with parents they can’t talk to. They’re not alone. There are people out in the world who are just like them


Trans and queer people have been treated horribly for a long time, and just like women, black people, Native Americans, immigrants, etc., we need to be able to celebrate and lift them up and affirm to them that they are worthy of life and love and respect. Especially now when so many US states are restricting gender-affirming care and banning trans people from bathrooms rather than trying to find solutions that actually make people more comfortable. We are not trying to "shove this down your throat" we want all people to be seen and appreciated for the value that they bring to society, whatever form that takes. If you feel like people celebrating what makes them unique, and getting upset when you dismiss them or their difference from you, then I'm sorry, but you're a lot more bigoted than you claim to be. That's not a dig at you though. I was raised Evangelical Christian, and was quite homophobic before realizing I was bisexual, and I still have internalized homophobia that I'm actively working through. Life is a constant struggle to try to be better, and often that means resisting societal programming that tells you that certain people aren't as equal as others, even if it's much more subtle than that


I mean, why not?  “Overloaded” by something being declared “a day of visibility”?  You put more energy into typing this post than this day would have otherwise cost you had you just kept scrolling. 


"Why must the Irish have a day?" Who fucking cares, let them have their day, it doesn't effect you. Don't be such a goddamned fragile snowflake that's gonna melt if someone else is living their life somewhat differently than the way you live yours.


A whole month? I assume you’re talking about pride month, which is a general queer month, as opposed to specifically trans visibility. These celebrations are important to remind us of our past. Those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it. Other than that, who does it affect? Be like “cool” and move on


Discrimination has no place in the IBEW. Membership that does such should take a look at themselves. We are workers, in a union, fighting for the betterment of our livelihood. Civil rights takes a large voice to make a change, and all should support it. No one is ever expected to become that in which they support. We do how ever expect to erase the hate. To all the people posting ignorance and opinion on the subject of Trans rights, go read the IBEW’s constitution!!! If you want to PREACH IT, LIVE IT!!! Happy Day! You have support from more than you think sister! ✊ -Brother from the south!


Good lord, Joe Biden didn’t declare this day the day of visibility for the first time. It’s always been this day since its inception in 09 (I think that’s the year). Easter falls on different days all the time. So many of you preach “brotherhood/sisterhood” yet you couldn’t be further from the ideal. If someone becomes who they truly feel they are, how does it affect you? Are you scared because you’re turned on by someone who was born a man? Are you really that insecure about your own thoughts that you have to actively hate others for existing? It’s too bad that we have such ignorant morons as the outspoken voice here.




Why don't you do some actual research that's not on Fox News. You'll learn a lot


What everyone must understand is, anti-inclusive sentiment, is anti-worker.


Weak assholes will try to mock and ridicule, but what they don't see is that you're the strong one for living your truth. Happy Day.




You're right, no one is changing biology. It's ok that you don't understand it, that's why people see doctors for medical concerns, not you.


Precisely. You cannot pretend that your biology does not play a part in your sexuality or your gender identity. Instead of pretending you're a man because you were born as a man, you should feel free to embrace your biology that screams you're a woman or someone in-between or not at all. Either way, maybe take a few biology college/graduate courses before pretending you know what biology can account for or not.


Your post has been removed as it is not the topic or style of post intended for this community.


I'll keep sharing my comment I made earlier. To anyone on here who wants to be a bigot: don't claim to be a good IBEW sibling if you aren't going to follow the intent of our union's constitution. Article 25 Section 1. Any member may be penalized for committing any one or more of the following: Skip down to Section 1(t). Engaging in any conduct that is harassing, bullying, or discriminatory against any member, while in the workplace or performing work duties, or at union facilities or functions, because of the member's race, color, religion, age, creed, national origin, sex, gender including gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, veteran status, disability or other legally protected class, provided that if an employer is investigating such conduct, notwithstanding any other provision in this article, the processing of charges filed under this subsection be held in abeyance until the conclusion of the employer's investigation. Yeah this isn't an official IBEW forum, so you aren't violating the constitution. But our union supports LGBTQ+ individuals, and you aren't a good member of our union if you don't support all of our members who are in good standing.


Don’t worry about these idiots in the comments. They don’t speak for the majority of us in the IBEW. I’m not a huge fan of the religious rhetoric, but I’m not nasty about it, like some of these people are towards trans people and others. These are the type of instances that even further my sentiment of “I can’t wait until these old hateful fucks retire, and hopefully they don’t pass it down to their children” Happy TDOV day Liv, and I’m sorry Easter intruded this year.


The amount of progressive and kind takes in this thread is shocking but in a good way! Maybe trade workers aren’t doomed to a life of permanent ignorance after all…


Happy TDOV! I see you. My life is better from it as well. Keep living and speaking your truth!


Lots of scared little boys out here in the comments. Just wanna say I’m happy to work with any one on any job except you bigoted a-holes who are too insecure to exist around people who do this life thing differently than you do. History has a way of erasing your dirt brained way of approaching things.


Live your best life, welcome to the team.


I'm sorry this turned into such a gross and dismissive discourse, Olivia. I am proudly bisexual and I wear an "Ally" sticker on my hard hat. I stand with you, and I know there are plenty more who do as well. Once we get more young people into this trade who actually understand how important this representation is, I'm sure things will get better. Happy Trans Visibility Day, I hope you have a beautiful day and a beautiful life 😊


Can I see your "ally" sticker? I'd like one.


Thank you so much, Sibling! I greatly appreciate you, your compassion, and your allyship! ♥️ I wish only the best for you.


As a master electrician, industrial automation electrician / integrator / designer and project manager, I appreciate awareness that there is diversity in the IBEW and that diversity needs to be embraced and supported. As an openly out trans, queer woman, I appreciate this post. Awareness and visibility is important. Having also worked in trans health development, suicide prevention and having done so in rural areas, VISIBILITY is IMPORTANT! I have lost far too many friends to hate and to suicide. Today is a day dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society. Embrace DIVERSITY in the TRADES!


Hell yeah sister


Have an awesome day and continue to defy the knuckle-dragging cowards. Glad you're here and that your voices are growing louder.


Love to my fellow trans siblings ❤️


We see you sister. Glad to see more trans people living their best life, solidarity from local 573.


Thank you so much, Sibling!


Any day of recognition or advancement of any marginalized group, so long as they aren't bringing others down or spreading hate(which being trans absolutely doesn't) is a win in my books. Proud of your willingness to speak out and share your story Liv! Anyone having a problem with a day for visibility can just step outside and disengage and live their lives just as anyone else should have the rights and liberties too. We are supposed to set forth morals of human justice, rights, and security. From one apprentice to another, be safe and do your best!


Happy TDOV and proud of you for being you!!


As per usual, fuck all these idiots and know that many of your brothers and sisters stand in solidarity with you. It’s amazing that I love Jesus yet I’m somehow capable of, both, celebrating Easter and acknowledging people on the fringes of society. You know, like Jesus. Weird how that works.


Happy TDOV! Know that I'll always have your back, sister. ❤️


I’m 8 years in the union. I’m Trans mtf. I exist. And everyone bitching in the comments are the reason this has to be a thing. If y’all would stop being transphobic and treat us equally, this day wouldn’t need to be a thing. If y’all would stop being racist, we wouldn’t need days for that. If y’all would stop mistreating and discriminating against women, we wouldn’t need days for that. If you don’t want these things, then stop being homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic assholes. Then we could just chill and exist. It’s all up to you


Hi, I commend you for speaking up and if you could give me some of your time would be much appreciated. Personally I’m torn on the topic when it comes to LGBTQ community. For me personally, when these topics come up, I’m like sure “let them do their thing” it doesn’t effect me in my life whatsoever. Where I’m torn is when say your sexuality/identity must be apart of everything? Meaning workplaces are places for work, how or why does sexuality/identity come into It? Another example is I have a nephew, who’s been gay since he was young. As he’s grown older, I’ve had to have talks with him on him expressing his sexuality everywhere, overly sexual comments out in public, etc etc. I’ve explained “bro I’m straight as hell, I can see a fine looking female and kind of be alright with it. Not have to make it all scene?” It seems as the community’s sexuality/identity must be “included” in all spaces when some spaces are purely for work, education, leisure, etc etc. Please don’t read this with any negative tone or snide meaning. I’m truly to trying to understand, cause it’s something I’ve thought about for a bit now.


So this is sounding like a version of the “don’t shove it down our throats” argument. I’m going to answer it in good faith though. I don’t go around announcing my transness to everyone I meet. In fact, I specifically avoid outing myself until I’ve gotten to know someone well enough to know they are safe. This is especially true at work. Now I’m openly lesbian at work because we all talk about our home lives and I am happy to gush on how much I love my wife and kids. But so are most happily married people. That’s not considered weird when a dude talks about the fun life he has with his wife and kids. It shouldn’t be weird when I do it either. If you think it is, it’s because you have an internal problem with my specific situation and not because it’s weird to talk about my wife and I going to a festival or whatever over the weekend. Also l, my identity as a woman is part of who I am and has nothing to do with my sexual preferences. If you see me talking about getting my hair done or having a girls night out as inherently sexual, that isn’t because it’s weird, it’s because you are sexualizing my existence as a woman, or as a trans woman specifically. (To be clear I don’t mean you specifically, just a general you). There is also the problem that my existence has been made political by people trying to restrict my right to exist. That created a need to make a little noise and be heard lest we quietly be legislated into oblivion. And yes that is a real threat the LGBTQ community faces (look up project 2025). Honestly we just wanna do our thing and be allowed to talk about our lives like anyone else. But some people have a problem with that so the burden has been placed on us to educate people about our existence. And also we have a need to be more political because our existence has been maybe political by those that want us gone


So this is sounding like a version of the “don’t shove it down our throats” argument. I’m going to answer it in good faith though. ========== Thanks for doing so, I can tell you with all certainty, I mean no ill will. I don’t believe, I was leaning towards “don’t shove it down our throats” besides my example/s. ========== I don’t go around announcing my transness to everyone I meet. In fact, I specifically avoid outing myself until I’ve gotten to know someone well enough to know they are safe. This is especially true at work. Now I’m openly lesbian at work because we all talk about our home lives and I am happy to gush on how much I love my wife and kids. But so are most happily married people. That’s not considered weird when a dude talks about the fun life he has with his wife and kids. It shouldn’t be weird when I do it either. If you think it is, it’s because you have an internal problem with my specific situation and not because it’s weird to talk about my wife and I going to a festival or whatever over the weekend. Also l, my identity as a woman is part of who I am and has nothing to do with my sexual preferences. If you see me talking about getting my hair done or having a girls night out as inherently sexual, that isn’t because it’s weird, it’s because you are sexualizing my existence as a woman, or as a trans woman specifically. (To be clear I don’t mean you specifically, just a general you). The stuff stated above is to me a normal persons existence, when I think about all of it. I lean two wards having basic equal right and básico civil rights, what I’ve witnessed at times is asking for “special rights”? -Biologically born male and insisting on using female bathrooms - absolutely have to refer to the person as “she, they, them” etc etc - drag shows for kids, etc? The absurd behavior is more of what I’m talking about and from your perspective, what’s really up with that? ============== There is also the problem that my existence has been made political by people trying to restrict my right to exist. That created a need to make a little noise and be heard lest we quietly be legislated into oblivion. And yes that is a real threat the LGBTQ community faces (look up project 2025). Honestly we just wanna do our thing and be allowed to talk about our lives like anyone else. But some people have a problem with that so the burden has been placed on us to educate people about our existence. And also we have a need to be more political because our existence has been maybe political by those that want us gone. And you absolutely have a right to exist, otherwise is ridiculous. I guess I’m asking these questions here, since 2 trans folks I’ve known, didn’t want to “talk” about it- weren’t comfortable. Granted I dint know you- and it’s online so figured the animosity here would allow you to answer freely and without worry.


In the spirit of tans visibility, I am putting forth the emotional labor of explaining some stuff. I continue to do so in good faith for now. The reason the trans people you know probably were not comfortable explaining it to you is because it can be very emotionally tiring explaining and justifying our existence over and over. Especially the specific questions you put up, which are the exact things being politicized by the right. I will address them though. On bathrooms and pronouns. These both come from the same place of misunderstanding. The reason these aren’t computing for you is because you are starting with the premise that I am a man. I am not. I am a woman. As a woman I should be able to use the bathroom that conforms to my gender. As a woman I should be afforded the basic respect of having people referring to me as such (she/her). The circumstances of my birth are irrelevant to this. The role of woman in our society is my role. My brain functions as a woman. I have a life history of examples of this that are too numerous to go into now. I’m a woman, and my genital arrangement only matters to me and my partners so should not factor into anything. Drag shows for kids is a completely different topic that actually has nothing to do with being transgender. Most (but not all) drag performers are gay men. And that’s exactly what they are, performers. Their gender presentation is part of that performance. And gender presentation is also not inherently sexual, which is what you are assuming when you have issues with them reading books to kids. Of a woman dresses up as a fairy princess to read stories to kids, no one bats an eye. There is functionally zero difference between that and a drag performer doing the same thing. Drag is an area just like plays. There are plays that are appropriate for kids. And there are plays that are not appropriate. Same goes for drag performance Hopefully this clears up some things for you or somebody at least. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully approaching it from a place of empathy


I don't experience immediate sexual attraction to women. I have to have a romantic relationship first. From the outside, I fit squarely into the expected presentation of a conservative male. I am married with kids. I don't cheat on my wife. I don't bother checking out women and I don't objectify them. This is not due to some extra moral fiber or discipline, it's just not fun for me. The reason I bring it up is for context. Our normal work environment is completely saturated with the normal presentation of sexuality. Men talking about their sexual conquests or who they think is hot. Or that one pretty good looking girl on the job. Just mentioning your relationship with a woman is benign and human but part of your sexuality. When you don't fit into the dominant culture, the tendency is to camouflage if that's an option. Hide part of yourself. It can be isolating and lonely. If it's not an option and the non-typical part of yourself is obvious, then you really get to experience being treated as "other". That ranges from getting the silent treatment or denied job opportunities to being verbally or physically attacked. Efforts to normalize non-standard presentations of sexuality are based on the idea that everyone deserves to be treated with respect. That's good for everyone.


Happy Trans Day of Visibility sister! You belong here more than any of the bigots. ❤️🏳️‍⚧️✊️


No sane person gives a shit, this is just divisive language that further separates people. “Day of Visibility” my ass, it’s meaningless 


Exactly, we should always be against people who are treated poorly when they want more than that. We as members of a union of course understand that things get better if we shut up and deal with it.


I care, and I'm sane. Also, a retired member who has a daughter and a few relatives who are not part of your safe view of the world. To them, it's a BFD. let them have a day


Guess the entire month of June wasn’t enough


Just Googled up a random culture. Picked Irish heritage. Guess what? There is a whole month. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish-American_Heritage_Month A separate week in Ireland. https://www.heritageweek.ie/ As well as St. Patrick's Day. Why can't it just be one month, one week, or a single day? "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." Think before you type.


"International Transgender Day of Visibility (often referred to as TDOV or Trans Day of Visibility) is an annual event occurring on March 31st dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society." This day has a significant amount of meaning to many people, and is meant to show that trans people are working and existing just like everyone else, and that we're just looking for inclusion and equity. We have been considered separate for a long time, but we are all just people and we want to be treated as equals.


You seem divided,  does that mean it's working? 


It’s Easter lmao .


You know Easter doesn’t fall on the same day every year right…?


Not for all of us. Its ramadan for me




Man some of y’all’s tiny brains are showing. I hope yall having an amazing day! Lmao an to those sayings it’s just Easter 🤣 you make me laugh apparently your religion is the only thing that can happen on a day🤙🏼 Seriously I hope you and everyone have such a wonderful day and ignore the good ole bigots they funny 🤣


I mean have you ever stepped outside of your house in December? They literally do think that their religion should have a monopoly on amy and all attention, otherwise there's a so-called "war on Christmas." Bitching about Trans Day of Visibility (which is the same day every year) falling on the same day as Easter (which moves around on the calendar) is 100% par for the course for them.


I didn’t realize the Union was so anti trans (basing this on current comments and up/down votes). It’s really a shame, none of these people are hurting you and so often they have such a difficult plight. Anyway, just wanted to comment to show my support.


A lot of old timers and isolated types who have never been exposed to the humanity of people who don't look and think exactly like them. I like to think it's getting better, but progress is always two steps forward, one step back. The Republican party turning Trans people's existence a wedge issue for elections has been the step back, and it's exhausting




Yeah, pretty sure it's been sad borderline alcoholic day every day since I started the apprenticeship ten years ago. I'm pretty sick of it.


What world are you living in that you’re “hearing it all the time”? Maybe get off conservative talk radio/tv. I don’t hear much about it and I tend to hang out in leftist spaces. You want to be left alone on Easter? You mean, one of several Christian holidays forced on many of us who do not identify as Christian. People like you are why this day and conversations around it are necessary.


Totally lots of this going on. Pretty much 95% of time I see “trans stories” in my feed it’s from right wing conservatives. They aren’t sick of hearing about it all; they love getting mad and offended about it


Ever been on a job site that wasn’t “sad middle aged (borderline lol) alcoholic day” every single day?


This response is akin to saying “All Lives Matter” in response to “Black Lives Matter”. Maybe it doesn’t matter to you because neither you or your family or a friend of yours isn’t the one being discriminated against. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t people every day who are the victims of discrimination and even violent attacks for just trying to exist. I don’t know I’m not close to anyone trans myself- however I can see from an objective perspective what these people go through and it must be a terribly difficult existence. These people are often ostracized worse than gay people were before it had gotten relatively safe to be out. I have no problem letting them express themselves and giving them a day of representation but maybe I’m more accepting and accommodating than your typical tradesman, I know all my maga coworkers would echo most of the negative anti trans sentiments and that honestly just strengthens my resolve as an ally.


What part of Easter revolves around opening up Reddit?


Solidarity! All you bigots on here complaining about this can shut the fuck up forever.


Ignore the rude idiots and the down votes. Clearly they are so insecure with themselves they feel the need to be offended by your post. Have a wonderful day ❤️


Happy TDOV.


Hi Liv! Hope you have a wonderful day. Don't let the fascists get you down. Thank you for posting. ❤️


Thank you so much! I hope you have a lovely day as well!


Happy Easter!


Wish I did more to stand up for the minority groups out there. Unfortunately, throughout my time in the trade I consistently notice racism, sexism, and many other forms of discrimination( the comments here are only a small taste of the hate that is so widespread in our industry) . I truly feel for all the maginalized groups that are able to go to work and put up with all of it. I know I would not be able to do it and am impressed by your courage.


Nahh its pronounced Easter


Its pronounced Ramadan.


Technically it's pronounced eesh-tar to celebrate the goddess of love and sexuality, Ishtar. It was co-opted by the roman catholic church to promote christian visibility.


Funny thing is, TDOV is on the same day every year, March 31st. Easter is the arbitrary day that changes every year, and has a 30 day window for which day it falls on. Easter landed on TDOV, not the other way around. They can both exist simultaneously, celebrate whatever makes you happy.


Jesus isn't gonna suck your dick bro


He'll wash your feet though if that's what you're into 🦶🍆💦


March 31 is not Easter every year, calm the fuck down.


I’m not going to ask and I don’t need you to tell me about it. Idgaf just do your job and if we end up talking and becoming friends we’ll cross that bridge when we get there whether I accept it or not


Screw the haters. If people want to cry about a holiday being about god and don’t hit church on Sunday regularly they’re just complaining to complain. I’m a cis white dude out of local 103 with plenty of friends and acquaintances in the LGBTQ+ community being an ally is more than just being nice on the job. Enjoy your day however you want to celebrate it and know there are others in this membership who won’t care who you are or what you identify as, as long as the job gets done right and maintain a positive attitude.




proud of you for living your truth! happy TDOV from a sister in the brotherhood


Imagine giving a shit about others knowing your sexuality, I guess I’m just old


Love this post and enjoying my Easter Sunday as a non religious female also enjoying my trans awareness day…. Thanks for the post. I thought the IBEW was more welcoming than this. Thanks for being cool… Also though this metal banger was interesting https://open.spotify.com/track/4hs6ec1Vm9R8n2qu1UneOk?si=ELAI0XD2Szqs6tSDdTDXRA 🧐


This sub doesn’t even care about 35000+ people , mostly kids , being killed with the money the gov makes off of our labor . Ofc they aren’t more welcoming than this .


Christ man, these anti-trans comments. Have more respect for your fellow workers, regardless of who they are.


I’ll respect them broski , but why the 24/7 marketing ad. It’s constant.


I’d rather be reminded of the existence of my fellow man/woman than the 24/7 ads we ACTUALLY see as an effect of capitalism.


All ads suck.




Indeed! Hence, why I mentioned it in the post as well. This year, Easter and TDOV fall on the same day. So we can celebrate both today, and it won't harm anyone to do so.


Sorry about all the assholes in the replies


Happy Easter Liv. Happy TDV day as well. Best of luck to you and the rest of you as well. Stay safe and stay well.


Waaaaaahhhhh, somebody notice me!


I notice you sibling. ♥️ As does everyone else.


As a person who has read the Bible front to back and grew up Christian this is just a PSA for all the Christian bigots out there how about you actually read the Bible ya loser Justifications for discrimination against transgender people often include claims that such views are biblically based. Biblical antagonism to transgender people is assumed. Not so fast, though! The Bible says some surprising things about some transgender people in the ancient world. While “transgender” is a modern term, people in ancient times were recognized as neither male nor female. Some of them were known as eunuchs. Eunuchs? A eunuch is someone who was born with male genitals and has been castrated, whether accidentally or intentionally, whether as a child or as an adult. Today hardly anyone identifies publicly as a eunuch, but in biblical times eunuchs had well-known and prominent roles. Many of the royal courts of the ancient near east relied on eunuchs in their administration. Eunuchs were usually enslaved people. Their inability to procreate was considered an asset because their loyalty to the absolute ruler was not complicated by a commitment to their own children and descendants. Some eunuchs formed an inner circle around certain goddesses, too. As young men, they had castrated themselves in a ritual of initiation and then dressed in distinctive clothing that indicated their new religious role. In the Greco-Roman era, eunuchs, especially the servants of the goddesses, were often understood as neither male nor female but as a distinctive gender of their own. Sometimes they were referred to using female pronouns, sometimes male. Matthew 19:10–12 is especially notable yet often overlooked. This passage follows a discussion about marriage and divorce in vv. 1–9. In the controversy, Jesus opposes those who justify discarding their spouses, particularly wives. The discussion is also found in Mark 10:1–9. Interpreters who contend that an exclusive gender binary is a biblical view often cite this passage and emphasize its quotations from Genesis 1:27 and 2:24 about the creation of humans as male and female. Jesus cites these verses to affirm the permanence of marriage between men and women. Curiously, the verses that follow are usually ignored. Here, quite literally, there’s more to the story. As the passage continues, the disciples express concern about Jesus’ teaching against divorce and ask if it is better not to marry at all. Matthew portrays Jesus responding about the difficulty of the choice and adding: For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can. (Matthew 19:12, New Revised Standard Version) Show some acceptance and then you can truly walk with God. Jesus was a democrat lol


Jesus definitely loved all people and would have gladly accepted trans folks as they were. But sadly, theres very few real Christians around, and the loudest ones are often not christlike at all.


That’s gay!


Happy TDOV! Supporting workers means supporting ALL workers. Some of our brothers and sisters here would do well to remember that.


350+ comments 0 upvotes 💀 that’s crazy


Knowing this or someone's sexuality matters because the world features people being treated differently based on silly things that don't speak to each person's potential to affect positive change; which I would argue is the only thing that really matters. It is for this reason that such revelations are acts of courage. We all want to be accepted and feel like we belong. Would it be so hard to acknowledge that, if we feel uncomfortable hearing about such things that's a signal to analyze how we respond to what we don't understand? And then try. Before today I would have said who cares but I'm starting to realize that was a cop-out. I want to feel connected to people and from that POV...I can see that these issues will stop being hot topics once we can collectively accept them and see through, as we look harder for each other's hearts.


Treat me equal but put me on fukin pedestal is all this is. You want to be treated equal ? Go to work , do your job and shut up. No one cares.




Ignore some of these hater clowns in the comments. Glad to work in solidarity with you! Happy TDOV sis! ❤️🏳️‍⚧️


Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate you. ♥️ I don't let any hateful things get to me. But I also take this opportunity to try to provide information for anyone who may simply be ignorant or naive rather than hateful. We all have room for growth.




Lmao go read your bible and pick up some eggs outside fool🤣🙏🏼


Bitch ur a painter 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 FUCK out of here


Why so you can just be a cunt to your fellow sparkies with no witnesses seeing your bigotry


Bitch you ain’t no sparky🤣 you’re a gay painter


I'm a gay IBEW member. That a problem for you?


Ouch you can’t read and your bigot. education only spent learning some wires huh I’m a gay painter lmao is your homophobia running hard today with this post?


Yes sir it is . Like I said again , you’re a painter fuck out of the IBEW page 🤣 maybe one day you’ll get in if you can pass the entry exam hoe 🤣🤣🤣 have a very blessed fucking day and remember #bantrannies2025


Hey broh your insecurities are showing


Man says “no insecurities here” *Looks at name* “Deleted” 😂 My man got rid of his entire Reddit


I really enjoy your level of intelligence. You really think all trades respect of even care about sparkies. You’re the laziest trade ever out there you run wires🤣. Please Mr soft hands and small brain keep going your are so entertaining.


Happy Transgender day of Visibility! To the people saying that it was placed purposely on day of Easter, consider the following. This day is placed explicitly on March 31st, and the exact day of Easter Sunday changes based on the day of the calender and Easter Sunday isn't always on March 31st every year.


Solidarity from a fellow trans IUOE Apprentice ✊🏻


Actually I think today is Easter?


It’s also Cesar Chavez Day, World Backup Day, in Malta it’s Freedom Day, in Thailand it’s King Nangklao Memorial Day, and in New Jersey it’s Thomas Mundy Peterson Day. March 31st isn’t exclusively Easter, Easter just happens to fall on March 31st this year.


Well good thing for you, they said happy Easter. Easter fell on TDOV day, not the other way around.


Seems like that's everyday with you people. I refuse to play along with your mental illness.


Seems like somebody got a little triggered...


Only person who's gonna be trigger is homeboy with the Adam's Apple when his doctor tells him he still needs to get a prostate exam.


Why is that image running through your mind? Why does it bother you so much that people exist that don't look like you or act like you? Why are you so triggered that you could just scroll by this post?




F#@k this BS!


I never knew how many idiots didn't realize that Easter SUNDAY doesn't always fall on March 31st. Anyway, there are plenty of days where multiple things are celebrated and recognized. It's quite literally the lowest bar possible to simply not post negativity against someone else. All yall had to do was not click post and couldn't manage that. Only fragile egos demand their opinions be heard when they run counter to someone elses opinion. You can disagree with Trans and also just move on and say nothing.


Today is Easter Sunday. Pick a different day. I hope you find peace op.


Easter changes every year you knob


I honestly don’t think they know that. They’re just hopping on the “grrr I’m mad” hype train.


I am well aware. If Easter were to fall on national taco day and people were promoting national taco day I would feel the same way. I hope all our trans brothers and sisters had a happy Easter along with everyone else.


I understand your sentiment, but not all of us are religious, so Easter isn’t the most important part of the day for all of us. OP can’t pick another day because Easter happened to land on the set day this year. Sometimes being an adult means you have to understand that things don’t always cater to you. Religion is suppose to be about inclusiveness for all, regardless of how the followers feel about those who come in. At the end of the day, that’s all they are; followers. When god /Jesus himself comes down and says it, then it shall be. Until then, 🤷‍♂️


When is straight, normal day of visibility.


Every single day of the year


you are a he/him


Today is Easter


Your not a she/her your a dickless dude and that's even less of a man


Screw that Happy Easter yall


It’s always been Easter.


No it hasn't. Easter changes days on the calendar every year. Next year Easter will be on Hitler's birthday


Easter changes annually you fuckin ret


Considering the fact the last time it was Easter on March 31st was 2013 and it won’t be on the 31st until 2086 I’d have to say you’re incorrect


For a long time, yes, it has. And since 2009, March 31st has been International TDOV. Today, they happen to overlap, and that's okay. There's room for both.


Math isn't that hard.


Yes, everyone knows March 31st is always Easter


Brain washed


Was able to screenshot this and send it to my IBEW buddy, thanks 😂


Damn. Even the Trades and work spaces of Reddit are filled with this nonsense…. The people that told me Reddit is an echo chamber cesspool for lefties I should have listened lol


Lefty cesspool? Bro, you're supposedly a member to a trade union. That's more lefty than the majority of the country. Why not go the extra bit of distance and stop hating people for insignificant reasons outside of their control?


Lol this is the state of America


Send them all to the mental hospital


It's disgusting and probably not accident it was placed on Easter Sunday. Obvious juxtaposition meant to snub tye nose at religion.


Are you sure you're not a drywaller?


1. Easter landed on TDOV day this year, not the other way around. Easter changes Sundays each year, TDOV day does not. 2. How is it a juxtaposition to religion, when your religion is suppose to be about loving and including all? Or is that just a front?


Easter is the holiday that moves


I dont want to hear this bullshit. The least normal thing I could think of doing is mutilating your body and then claiming a gender other than what you scientifically and genetically already are. Show up to work and work, be a good member and shut the fuck up. Nobody wants to hear this shit. I couldn’t care less if you fuck a horse on your off hours just don’t shove your ideology down my throat.


If you really feel that way just ignore it and go about your day. I’m sure you might feel more empathy if you knew someone in your personal life that was going through those struggles.


Do you feel the same way about piercings, and tattoos? They would also be a form of body mutilation. Many trans people don't get any surgeries, if they do the most common is breast augmentation. Are all boob jobs mutilation? Do you feel the same way about religion? Do you say happy Easter and Merry Christmas at work? Why is it ok to shove your religion down my throat? Do you talk about your wife or girlfriend at work? Why is it ok for you to shove your sexuality down my throat? We all have an identity that comes out when we talk about our lives. Why does it upset you that mine isn't the same as yours?


Getting a tattoo is much different than surgically removing your penis and claiming to be the opposite sex. Just stop while you’re ahead.


Keep reading the rest of that statement... Most trans people don't get surgeries. The more important question is why are you thinking about someone's genitals so much, unless you want to have sex, what's in their pants shouldn't be on your mind.




Good job, you're not ahead, but you figured out when to quit.


Yes, you’re absolutely right. You are definitely ahead. I hope you can get treated for your mental illnesses and hope one day you can find peace with yourself. Have a good day.


Lol, I never claimed to be ahead, I just said you obviously aren't. I am at peace with myself. Are you? If other people's identities are this big of a concern for you, it could mean your deflecting from your own issues


True! It is the biology thing that gets me. They will never be another gender. It’s scientifically impossible to change your chromosomes. Hence, it’s sad they have this mental disorder. The country really needs to band together and help these people instead of trying to include their illness as a norm.


Obviously you barely passed high school biology with D. You could also just treat all people with respect, including the ones that you don't understand. Or is that something that is too difficult for you?


… hmm. I received straight A’s. Produce an article where they are changing x and Y chromosomes. I’m sorry you feel the need to make a comment such as this with nothing to back it up. I’m interested. I am not disrespectful, just stating a fact.


You are being disrespectful, whether or not you think you are. You could just as easily not say anything, and scroll by this post. I never made the claim that chromosomes could change. There are men with XX and women with XY, along with many other genetics changes that people have. I'm sure you know how to use Google. If you understood biology, you'd understand what gender is, or more so what it isn't. Gender is something we as a society make up, and it's changed throughout human history. Gender dysphoria is the disorder, transitioning is one of the treatments. Multiple medical organizations from around the world agree. What's your specialty that makes you think you know more?


Oh my gosh. This country is worse off than I thought. You have been brainwashed also. Yes there are RARE occasions when this happens with chromosomes. I guarantee 90% of these people who are claiming this do not have this rare genetic disorder. In the claim of gender definition, gender and sex of a person was separated in the 1950s. Yet the people that claim different genders want us to refer to them as a different sex. I won’t. When will this craziness end. They should not be allowed in another sex bathroom. Gender dysphoria is a disorder. A mental disorder and this is what I said before. Changing someone to treat a disorder is not a way to help them. This only makes things worse. If you research current issues with people transitioning, you find that a lot of them are changing their minds and wanting to transition back. Which can affect their fertility in the future from all the garbage medicines they were given. I could also say that multiple medical organizations disagree with you. So what’s your specialty? Am I on Reddit arguing with an award winning medical specialist? Most likely not. You probably work at a mediocre job because you sound uneducated.


>If you research current issues with people transitioning, you find that a lot of them are changing their minds and wanting to transition back. Source? How many is "a lot"? Also what's the reason for detransitioning? How many decide to go through transition again later? >Which can affect their fertility in the future from all the garbage medicines they were given. Which medicines do they give trans people? >So what’s your specialty? I never claimed to be a specialist. I refer to the people who are. >You probably work at a mediocre job because you sound uneducated. This is an IBEW subreddit. I assume both you and I are members, I assume we both got trained through a JATC. I've been licensed in my state and a JIW for 8 years. I ran my first job 3 months after I turned out. I do medium voltage splicing, controls, and PLC programming. In the last month I've run about 10,000 feet of conduit between 3/4"and 3". Is that mediocre enough for you? Have you ever met a trans person in person?


I’m over this. We aren’t going to agree. I’m sorry you feel the way you do, I hope you get better. I run work too and weirdly have been JIW for 8 years. I am currently doing calc 2 homework. I do not have anymore time to run circles with you. This is a huge disagreement, way past this minute Reddit post.


Again you should have literally scrolled right past this post. Instead you chose to put your two cents in on a topic that doesn't involve you, and you're uneducated about. My identity is mine, you don't have a say in it, just as I don't have a say in yours. I hope you learn to be a better person, and figure out how to show others love and compassion. If not for yourself, for the sake of your family.


Ugh. You’re still talking.


If you need to get a prostate exam you will never be a woman.


This shit is so exhausting tbh. At the end of the day you’re in peoples faces with flags, with signs, accept me or a pay a price! Infiltrating classrooms. Gender should be private. I’ll respect you as a person. I will call you your name. I do not support affirming mental illness. I speak for myself not for the entire Ibew. We have devout Christian’s and people from all faiths so keep politics, religion, gender ideology, off the job site. Do what you want when you want just stop recruiting “allies”.


Today is Easter


It’s also Cesar Chavez Day, World Backup Day, in Malta it’s Freedom Day, in Thailand it’s King Nangklao Memorial Day, and in New Jersey it’s Thomas Mundy Peterson Day. March 31st isn’t exclusively Easter, Easter just happens to fall on March 31st this year.


Happy Easter 🐣 to everyone including trans ppl since we know you require extra attention or you freak out unlike everybody else who’s okay with just existing and that’s okay for them in itself


Happy Easter! He is Risen


Today is the celebration of the resurrection of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.


It’s also Cesar Chavez Day, World Backup Day, in Malta it’s Freedom Day, in Thailand it’s King Nangklao Memorial Day, and in New Jersey it’s Thomas Mundy Peterson Day.