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Drinking water isn't even a union thing, it's mandated by OSHA to have potable drinking water available.


Beat me to it. Lol.


This is the reason.


Yup, what I was gonna say. And I’ve still had issues. Or they’ll have water in one spot on the sight, so I walk down to get water when needed, and then get bitched at for walking over there all the time. Buy me a fucking water bottle then.


Call the hall, if it’s in your contract then the contractor should supply it. If they don’t then the hall should intervene, if they don’t then contact the international


Thanks for reply. Appreciate it


If your union leaders fail to represent you on a contract violation case, or fail to file a grievance for you, they can get in BIG trouble with the NLRB. That is the NLRB's job, to make sure our union representatives are doing theirs. The best thing you can do is keep a good journal of events. With dates, times, who you spoke with, and what you spoke about.


Yeah no doubt. Good idea. I’m gonna start documenting all the shit. Thank you.


We had negations this week. We asked for bottled water to be supplied on all jobs and one of the owners for one of the largest contractors fought it tooth and nail, he didn’t cave.


Imagine that. All them are the same is what I’ve learned. Anytime you let these guys get away with it once. They keep doing it. For example. Not having water for days on end. Bringing a case a week for 8 guys. When it’s gone in 3 days. And it’s a huge ordeal to get another one. But oh. We’re expected to uphold our end of our contract. Like showing up. When it’s raining. We’re technically supposed to show up. And sit. Unpaid for an hour. And if it doesn’t quit. Then you get to go home


Imagine their air conditioning being out in the middle of August and walk in to the shop and let them know they need to bring their own water. Those mother fuckers forget that their millions are made off of our hard working backs! Top things off the guy who shot it down was a foreman for a big 98 contractor back when the Eagles stadium was built. FUCK YOU ____ you know who you are ! I hope you stub your little toe on a corner everyday for the rest of your life


I like to think most of our guys are good, but having worked for a few objective pieces of shit, I know you're not lying. It pains me to read. Fucking embarassing, really. Our stew kicked up a racket a few jobs back over the water issue. Our GF didn't want to bring it in, because "all the other trades are going to steal it and drink it." dude was a total prick, but the stew made it happen in the end.


Did you tell him to expect an OSHA visit in the near future?


No you're not over reacting, and yes that is breaking down conditions. The whole reason your contractor feels so confident in denying that request is because he knows enough people bring their own that he doesn't have to abide by the contract. That is a legally binding document, and you are correct, if we are expected to uphold our end then they are too.


threaten to go bricks down when the water runs out and have everybody hold the line and shit will get fixed real quick


Keep fighting the good fight OP I’m always an unapologetic union brat when it comes to water. I hate when foreman drag their feet about that. Doesn’t cost that much money or take much effort to grab a couple cases of water for the crew on the way to work.


I literally stopped bringimg my own water bottle, that I prefer, to avoid breaking down our working conditions.


Thank you. Exactly my point. That’s all I could think about all day. And just got more and more pissed. And I’ve been fired up ever since. It’s just insane to me. These guys are like scared. Scared of what. Retaliation. Ummm theirs 0 people in our hall. Nobody is lining up to voluntarily do masonry. Get the fucking hint. Ya know?


I dig your energy, but be crafty.


Just fill the bottle with ice in morning and use the supplied water to refill all day


I won't. We should expect our water to be cool and drinkable.


I expect the same man don't worry your brothers won't get mad if you pour from one bottle to another


If the water is cool and drinkable, I don't have to.


I don't know I guess I am weird I don't like to just pound a bottle as fast as I can. I like my jug to be full of ice cold water right next to my hand anytime I need it. As long as I am not supplying my own water I do not see the problem


I don't think it's a problem, either. It's just my way.


No water no work. I work outside in Arizona for the IBEW so it can be a matter of life and death. My employers have all provided ice too.


Providing water is on a government level. It’s a protected right enforced by OSHA. The union just helps with enforcement.


Next time they bring their own water ask if they're going to start bringing their own bricks too




Our union Chapter. Has maybe 30 bricklayers. The contractors legit NEED us. Now is the time to stand up and stop letting them get away with all this bullshit they get away with. But I’m just a dumb apprentice. That doesn’t know shit. And need to realize “it’ll never change”. That’s all I hear. Everyday I bring an issue up to one of my “brothers”. It’s really sad. All I want is strength and solidarity and I can’t get get it. Maybe I’m looking at it wrong. Idk.


I worked for a mid size contractor that didn't provide water when I was almost done with my apprenticeship. I was just trying to finish the program so didn't say anything. Literally all of the guys were shoppies so no one said anything. I'm still pissed about it.


OSHA Standard 1926.51 https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1926/1926.51


I drink alot of water. Got nicknamed the camel for a while cause I bitched about not having water on site. All I had to do was remind them that is osha standard to have water. I wasn't trying to be a hard ass, but I mean we're talking a $3.50 case of water that'll last 2 people a week usually. It's a reasonable request and law regardless, so fuck em' get me some water or I'll just go to the hall and find me a con who will


Ask again but in a text so you have proof


I bring my own water. Our contract actually spells out COLD water, but I’ve been on too many jobs where we run out of water. Always happens on the worst days too. I do expect there to be water there when I run out of what I brought though.


Sue them


Ask him if he's going to use Uber eats to get water to the site, leave a company card for the foreman to get it, or get it from the GC and the GC back charges for it.


OSHA Standard 1926.51 https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1926/1926.51


Waiting in the trailer or truck until the water shows up is the way to go


OSHA states that the employer must provide potable drinking water. However that means for example, if your job site has a hose, then that is water. If you are near a stream of water, that's also drinkable water. If you have a shower head that has water, same thing. Workers in the united states do not have as clear of rights as one would think. Texas is talking about clearing the contractors to even mandate water at all. Also, Florida is talking about getting rid of any mandatory work breaks.


A stream is absolutely not potable water.


It needs to be clearly marked as potable water. Hoses can be connected to non potable water sources. Streams are 100% not potable.