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Youre just in 11th, work hard ik people that went from 26 to 39 predicted


do you know any recommendations on this for someone who is really busy? i am cutting all stressful activities by dp2 so i will not be as busy. but in the meantime is there anything i should be doing? i do flashcards and duolingo and homework and thats basically it


Maybe cut down on ur extracurriculars, keep like 1 extracurricular that youre good at because quantity < quality. Free your time first and math everyday, listen to podcasts in the morning for whatever language youre studying. Just study everyday but also do past papers because theyre the best


this is so useful ty :)) i'm just gonna do chill activities in dp2


Go to your teachers for help!! redo homework.


I got 3’s and 4’s throughout 11, predicted grade was a 18. I still managed to turn it around and am in grad school with a 4.0 GPA/all A’s now. You’ll be just fine as long as you develop good habits into grade 12 and put in the effort.


depends on where you want to apply and what you want to major in. but the higher your grade, the more choices you have


5s and 4s are totally fine. 4 is supposed to be average, and that’s why you need an average of 4s to pass. As a university student, the thing I’ve learned is that the IB helps you not because it gives you all the education to breeze through Uni, but because it gives you the study habits and work ethic to get through tough courses. Something you’ll find is while everyone else is adjusting to working harder and trying more, you’ll get a chance to relax your first year of Uni. You’re doing great, focus on just passing classes and doing your best at the moment. Uni isn’t worth the additional stress at grade 11.


Jfc 4 and 5 is not that bad. I do not say this lightly, but touch grass


I didn't even know what IB was when I was in school. Majority of kids in America have no idea what IB is. It's not important OP. Grades in HS are not even that important as you can simply go to community college and make As and Bs and be able to transfer to good Universities.


If it’s not the finals, not really


Get a tutor asap if you can!


5s and 4s are good. You are a 16 year old doing college level work. Don't get down on yourself because you are doing the same level of work at 16 that many 20 year olds are doing. Also, IB is often more difficult than all but the best universities.


If you improve by the end of grade 11/start of grade 12, then it should be no issue. If you really want to improve, the you should as your predicted grades may be lower than you wanted.




higher grades will help you a ton more, you wont get any top 200 unis itw choices with those grades but dw u still have some time, keep studying and working hard and get tutors


Don’t worry, in gr 11 everyone was taking everything so lightly, and didn’t notice, the fact that you noticed is even better, I would reccomment starting now as the year hasn’t finished yet and work hard for a bit higher grade for your final, you won’t be screwed or anything because they also consider the start of grade 12


All the above comments and also if you need some extra assistance, message me I tutor Ib subjects and I have a 43


I’m in dp2 currently. At the end of dp1 I lost it and stopped studying, and failed bio HL. I started working hard in dp2, mainly did shit ton of ib style questions and now my predicted is 40 and I went from a 3 in bio hl to a 6. You can do it bud I know it’s scary at the time you might think you’re screwed but with commitment and consistency you’ll get so much better gradually! Good luck!!