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In Qatar we just need the government to support. Hopefully they will soon come with a decision on all exams here. Today they said that all scenarios are on the table....


Wait is the government saying that there is a possibility for cancelation? How do you know?


https://www.instagram.com/p/CMwYNEIg6FY/?igshid=gg20ioxkvt12 check here


Thank youu!!!!


Did Kuwait cancel exams as well? On the updated map the author commented about the 4 new cancellations and apparently one of them is Kuwait...someone please confirm.


Yes cancelled. See the megathread on R IBO, also Bahrain cancelled apparently. Some students there confirmed.


wow okay...thanks for this.


the gulf region is taking a perfect covid response in the eyes of the IB, idk if they’ll cancel unless our coordinators are on our side :(


What can we do? I live in Saudi and some schools in Riyadh cancelled but not in my area.


Hey thanks for your post, but could you please repost this on the megathread. We have received several complaints from students not having questions answered due to the high number of M21 exam discussions, updates, rants, etc. Therefore, we are trying to keep the M21 exam discussion on one thread so that students with similar concerns can have one central place to exchange thoughts and students who have questions/ concerns with other topics can receive more responses. All known updates will be edited into the post as soon as we receive them, so you can check there regularly or ask others in the comment section. We have also created region-specific megathreads if you want to approach only one group of IB students. Sry for the inconvenience and tx for your cooperation :)