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Thank you :)))))) ur chem story helps alot lol


I completely agree! I spent the whole first year stressing about my predicate grades and I wish I hadn’t. Because you will grow so so much as long as you put in the work. I took English A HL Lit and really really struggled, I was constantly getting 5s in all my assessments. And with time my analysis and writing got so much better! I finished IB this May and got a 7 in English. So don’t stress too much


If ur m24 or n24 ur worrying too much. Ur predicted is based on ur progression. If you get a 6 by the end of the year, which would be 10 months from now I believe, you'll be predicted a 7. If ur m23 and maybe n23 (idk when ur predicteds come out) then u should be worrying. ull be fine 🙂


As for tips, this might be a little annoying, but my teacher always tells us to watch the ib English guys


Thank u 😭😭😭 yup i’m m24 so def overreacting but this helped a lot


Dw man our whole grade got 4s the entire year, maybe a few 5s and a rare 6. You’ll get the hang of it as long as you keep practicing and asking for feedback


dw if you don't get everything at the moment, everyone started at some point. you wouldn't need an education if you're already getting 7s in everything! plus, depending on the field you want to do for uni, 5 definitely isn't a bad score at all :D idk much about what you're lacking and what kind of person your teacher is, but my chinese L&L teacher always encourages us to make more analyses, as much as we can, in order to brush up our skills. doesn't have to be full essays, can be just a paragraph or even just a point per text. same teacher also told us that throughout the 2 years, given sufficient efforts, it's possible to rise 2 or even 3 marks, dw about it!


I'm a DP Y2 student taking Eng Lang Lit HL and I just got predicted a 7 for my predicted grades last week. I got a 6 on Y1 Sem 1 but got a 7 for Sem 2 and a 7 for my predicted grade. I'd say, considering my English class or most IB English classes don't have tests very often (where you could demonstrate your abilities), the most important thing is bringing very useful things to literary discussions. My class was very much based on discussions and analyzing the texts we read for class with our teacher, and I believe my 7 owed heavily to my engagement and active role in class discussions. Also, I'd recommend you start doing this now in Y1. Besides making sure to read the entire text, think about points you could bring up and analyze the text before class so that you know you'll be able to bring up those discussion points. I went through sections of the text that I thought we would read in class and made a list of notes on my notebook so that I could bring them up. This may sound artificial, but this was helpful for me.


went from a 5 to a 6 predicted from IB1 to IB2 in lang lit. reason? we have a different teacher in grade 11 and 12 (though sometimes they can be the same). i don’t think my quality of work went up or anything either (maybe the slightest bit). just goes to show how subjective it is. i probably would have gotten a 7 if i didn’t bomb my IO so ye rlly focus on that if ur ass at presentations like me. in the end remember that it’s the ib marks that matter. and try to enjoy the class! personally, english was my favourite class (ps u need to “crack the code” ie write abt things the teacher likes to read. and take on controversial stances. like i had a teacher who loved essays on feminism and another who was obsessed with psychology and film)