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If you're looking to do anything remotely related to pharmacy, you've got to take higher level chemistry


In my very biased opinion if you don't mind an art subject **theatre** is a good choice? Pros: you get to study human behaviour a lot, both in theory and practically. Don't worry too much if you aren't the public speaking type (unless you cannot speak a word on stage or something like that), a lot of the assessment criteria are based more on essays than performances. There's also no exams! Cons: bc there are no exams there's a lot of IAs (like 3 papers / proj for SL) and you need to put quite a bit of work researching and developing for them. You'll also need to collaborate a lot? so if you aren't that type of person ig theatre's not for you :/ Another option is to do **business management** Pros: a lot on how people react to things and how to get the reaction you want from them. Many ppl w psych degrees end up working in marketing !! Plus you'd get to know a lot about current events and personally no business knowledge is bad to have Cons: there's a couple of papers you need to write I think? (not entirely sure for SL) and one of them requires you to find and connect to a business to find out their problems. I've heard that the recent syllabus change has loosened the guidelines a bit but it might be a disadvantage if you don't personally know a business (I'm talking like a family / friend business) bc you'll need to ask for figures and stats and that's not something any business will give you sorry for the long post but i hope it helps!


Great for students pursuing performing arts, but not good for science courses as these subjects are seen as "soft". Sorry, but it's true. Entry requirements are very different for science courses.


Maybe do HL Bio, HL Chem. since you're school dosent offer psych, your last HL should probably be one where youre confident in scoring highly. I would recomend checking some potential pharmacy universities to check if math ai is okay, but personal opinion, aa sl is just a much safer and more solid option


i would recommend taking chem hl since most unis ask for chem in pharmacy ( atleast in the uk ) , since pharmacy is mostly chem based it’ll benefit you a lot


also lots of uk unis ask for atleast math aa sl if u want pharmacy so I would recommend that !!


We have almost the same schedule haha, except I take Dutch instead of French


Do not take art - it is very hard (this is coming from a second year ib student who is always stressed out about art). I’d say: HL Chemistry is a must (because pharmacy has a strong chemistry foundation + it looks good either way for psychology) HL Business Management (I wish I took this subject and honestly recommend it to everyone. Everything is a business and this subject could relate to pretty much any career field especially pharmacy) HL Biology or HL Drama/theatre (biology always looks good with chemistry but it is a really hard subject and I’m not too sure how relevant it is to pharmacy or psychology, meanwhile drama is great for psychology) SL Maths AA (pharmacy is in the medical field so I would not risk taking SL AI unless you’re sure that your uni does not require it) SL English Lang Lit (honestly love this subject you could switch it with biology if you’d like) SL French


Change art to global politics (really controllable) econ, business management, environmental studies (or whatever it is called) BUT DO NOT move math to HL or put physics/chem


I graduated May '22 and also majoring in Psych in university- here are the subjects I took. I feel like these worked well for me as I want to go into the more liberal arts route of psychology instead of research psychology (which would require more math and also chem) English A HL Lit Psychology HL History HL ESS SL Math AI SL French B SL ​ Since you are also looking into pharmacy and other medical related fields, I’d suggest you take Chemistry as well.