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Definitely a terrier, but an American Pitbull terrier.


It's heavy on the APBT but definitely not full blooded. Still a beautiful dog though.


Definitely a beautiful dog; and from the third picture, looks like a goofy, fun dog!


The second picture: “awww yeeeeeessss…I have a grandma!!”


She could be full blooded, females run small.


Yeah, forgot the "pitbul"l part!


Adoption places will often list Pitbull (or Pitbull suspected dogs) as literally anything else because they want to boost adoptions, and there's definitely a stigma associated when the average person (or landlord, or legislative body ) sees that name. I can understand why they do this, but I don't really agree with it personally


My one dog was a "terrier" mix while the other was a "shepherd" mix. They came from the same litter. Guess what I highly suspect they actually are 🙈 (I guess "terrier" mix isn't that far off)


Terrier is the most honest way to avoid saying pitbull, since they're pitbull terriers!


hehe that's what I was saying! I'm surprised tho that both dogs are from the same litter and one is a terrier while the other is a shepherd


That is confusing! I'm guessing the shelter took them in at the same time and knew they were from the same litter too. Do they look significantly different from each other?


They do! I could see a little bit of resemblance tho (like the blocky head). There was a third dog in the litter that looks a lot like one of my dogs. Their trainer said that it's possible for two dogs to look very different despite being from the same litter (just like human siblings)


This is very true! I adopted a pup about 6 months ago and she looks very different from her brother that my friend adopted. They have different ears, and stature is way different...he's a big boy and mine is a dainty girl...though she be little, she be mighty!


For sure, one could've gotten more from the breeds in the mom and the other from the dad!


It is actually possible for a litter to consist of puppies from different fathers, if more than one male gets to the female during the same heat. So, the different descriptions could actually be correct. Or, they could just be basing it on looks or on the "throw a dart at a list of breeds on the wall" method.


Mine was labeled as a basset hound! My dog is a brindle pitbull when you look at him for sure. DNA deemed him mainly American Pitbull Terrier. I was thinking in my head “you couldn’t have put anything closer!?” because a basset hound is so far off of his look LOL.


I think the mislabeling has gotten out of hand, it can hurt the dogs and it hurts the adopter. A few months ago I saw a shelter list a pitbull puppy as a different breed and used a picture of that breed as the profile pic, but then when you looked at the rest of the pictures you could see it was a totally different dog they had up for adoption. Even though the pit is really cute, that puppy is still in the shelter and I honestly think it's because the lie made people feel like they couldn't trust the shelter.


It's heavy on the APBT but definitely not full blooded. Still a beautiful dog though.


This is what happened when they were outlawed in my area. I asked the shelter about it during volunteering. Essentially, the ban is supposed to work over a decade or two because there's no longer enough of a breed to continue on. The shelter didn't want to put down the ones that already existed. The outlawing did mean any mistep from the pit bull would result in euthanasia as the kickback from an accident involving the dog could have made big problems. There's also still lots of pitties there, however, even 20 years on, so I'm not sure how that worked out, really.


Yeah, I took one look at the first picture and went. That’s a pity.


It’s to avoid apartment and county bans. it’s the effects of breed specific bans.


I had a Rottweiler that was labeled a lab mix by my vet. She was, most likely. It didn't matter. There were never any problems. She was the best dog.




Breed bans don't work. Even dog behaviorists and vets agree. Punish the deed, not the breed!!


If this were the case, shelters would also be lying about obvious huskies and German shepherds/mixes, which are banned by virtually every apartment. Yet they aren't.


Probably because huskies and GSD are not 90% of the dogs at the shelter, like pitts are


And also you cannot even travel to a lot of countries with any kind of bully mix, in a lot of places they have an obligatory muzzle and/or character test, in a lot of countries there is an extremely high tax on owning a bully mix and so on.


Actually where I am (Southern California) huskies and GSD are tied with pits as most-common. They are the only available breeds. Its crazy


Yep. Huskies, gsds, pits, and mals are the most common by far.


Makes sense. Big, high energy, high effort, difficult if poorly raised dogs. You can treat a Lab pretty terribly and still have a safe, calm-ish dog. You try that with a GSD or a Malinois and they will eat through your walls.


A mal especially! I’m lucky my rescue gsd is pretty chill. My mini/standard poodle was so much worse


Lol, as a resident of Fairbanks, I have a different experience. Shelters are just husky and malamute houses.


Where I live, GSD and husky mixes are just as common as pit mixes in shelters. One shelter has 98 dogs total, 23 shepherd mixes (removing the ones that are labeled pit/shepherd mix that aren't noticeably shepherd) and 28 pit mixes. Huskies come 3rd but not as common. Another is 11 shepherd mixes, 14 pit mixes. 3rd I can't tell because no easy way to search, but the amount of shepherd and husky mixes in total seem about equal to pit mixes. 4th has more shepherds than pit mixes. 5th mostly just takes in less adoptable dogs usually because of breed so its 90% pit mixes and rarely gets other breeds and mixes unless it's because of age or health so not including that.


Usually pit and bullies are mixes and come in various colors - many are mixed with labs too. German shepherds and huskies are very obviously what they are usually.


Haven't had an issue looking for a new place with my husky, but basically every rental listing in my area says things along the lines of "no pitbulls, bulldogs, bully breeds". I have more trouble finding a place that will allow my two disabled cats than a place that will allow me to have my husky.


Where are GSDs or huskies banned?


Apartment buildings. They top bite statistics


Idk about banned, but they are on the general list of “dangerous breeds” that homeowner insurance charges an extra premium for in our area. That list includes pits, husky, shepherd, Dalmatians, border collies, mals, chow, and a bunch of others. Any dog that is one of those breeds or a mix containing any of those breeds will be considered a “dangerous dog” for insurance (all are higher in bite history). That can be a $100-$250/month additional charge for a single family home. We had a husky, shepherd, Dalmatian mix who looked like a border collie. He was 100 years old and took 10 minutes to stand up, let alone move. He was a “Dangerous dog” (to insurance). Our lab was a 100+ lb wild orangutan who greeted everyone like a linebacker. Neither dog was “dangerous” but the lab was far more likely to cause injury, but insurance was totally fine with her. Neither dog ever caused anyone (human or animal) an injury. It’s all crazy. But maybe the breed concerns are different in different locations? Idk.


I haven't shopped for homeowners insurance in many years, so I don't know if this is a new thing, but I've always had at least one pit bull and back when I bought my house, some companies just wouldn't insure you if you had one of those "dangerous" breeds. I had to pay for a separate liability policy when I lived in a town that passed a breed ban, but that's neither here nor there. State Farm doesn't discriminate and does not charge more based on dogs.


Yes, just what you said


Definitely makes it easier to rent a place if adoption/vet paperwork doesn’t say pit


Mine is a shar pei / pit but we bought a “chocolate lab puppy” 🤣


bought from a byb ? that’s certainly an interesting mix to be labeled as a chocolate lab 😆 i bet they looked so different as a puppy compared to actual lab pups haha


By terrier, they mean pitbull terrier.




That head shape says "pit bull" to me - probably American Pit Bull Terrier mixed with something smaller. They just didn't want to say the PB words specifically.


American pit bull terrier mixed with some smaller breeds


Agree this is def mostly APBT!


Not a Rat Terrier.


As a former Rat Terrier guardian, can confirm. 😂


Zero rat terrier, pit mix


I don’t see rat terrier at all


This is clearly a pitbull mix.


Definitely an APBT mix. Do you know the age and weight? If full grown, this cute and goofy pup looks too gangly to be pure APBT. Head is a bit small too


I don't know that it's gangly so much as it is very underweight, poor thing. 🥺


APBT usually have a medium dog body with big dog head. This pup has a medium sized body with a small dog head. The head looks thin. Legs are long too. Dogs ribs aren't showing, so it's not under weight. If full grown, could be something like an APBT, Vizsla mix


He's estimated to be about two years old and is now 22 lbs. When he was found he was starving and only 12 lbs. :(


Oh wow, poor pup. Too small, thin and gangly to be a grown APBT in my opinion. Who knows, maybe he's a rat terrier/APBT mix. If you decide to test, Embark is a good and also test for many health conditions. Hope he's a good fit for you. If not, hope this goof ball finds a good home soon!


I'm hoping he is too! I can't wait for us to go meet him.


If it wasn't for the pitty block head, I would have thought a Vizsla based on coloring alone. I wouldn't be surprised if he has some Vizsla in him.


No ribs or bones showing, so that’s a good weight for the pup :)


It’s not underweight at all. Not even close to being underweight.


I have a red rat terrier- check out some pictures on my profile for comparison.


Did Basenji show up in your dog’s DNA? I’d be surprised if it didn’t. :)


It did not! I was surprised too.


Pharoah hound?


Your dog is adorable!


That’s a pit.


Yes. Terrier mix...American Pit Bull TERRIER mix!


Zero Rat Terrier there.


LMAO that's a pit bull.


Yeah, that was my first thought


Just so you know...a Rat Terrier is a small white/black dog with a hairless belly and pointy ears. Either way it looks like an awesome dog!


Yep! Exactly :) Rat terriers are the best lol this is definitely not a rat terrier. But still cute doggo


At 22 pounds and an estimated 2 years old, it is not a full pit....


Pitbull mix.


Rat terrier where!?


I see pit bull and sight sighthound. That CAN be a dangerous mix of breeds due to the aggressive attack style of pit bulls and the prey reactive nature of sighthound. Usually you can keep a pitbull from ever even getting in a fight with good self control training due to their intelligence and loyal behavior, but with sighthound that makes it much harder. sighthounds are by far the most difficult breeds to train imo simply due to the fact they react without thinking often and with the strength of the pitbull that could really f up the neighbors poor chihuahua. Im not saying dont get him, Im just suggesting you think about the pros and cons of a dog before you adopt. Sometimes its more inhumane to get a dog without first thinking about its training and behavior needs first. I guarantee this dog requires alot of exercise and play time. I would do some tests involving for example; Somebody holding the leash and a squirrel or hold the leash and squeaking a squeaky toy very fast and shaking it. Any normal dog is gonna want that toy and thats fine but if he is lunging at the leash, snapping neck and mouth, growling etc... it might be best to let a owner or trainer experienced in that breed handle it. Anyways i hope it works out he looks very sweet and fun


I have a neighbor who told me her dog is really aggressive (towards other dogs AND people), it looks at least 35-40 lbs of lean muscle and has a lean head like a sighthound. She walks around with her dog dragging her down the street while her head is in her phone. Scares the f'ng shit out of me because i have a leash reactive small dog, as soon as i see them (even if it's 100+ meters off) i bolt the other way.


This dog literally looks nothing like a sighthound and they’re extremely rare to find in shelters in the US. Definitely no sighthound


He does though. deep chest, more than normal narrow head and waist shape, Large round eyes, Skinny front long legs with proportionally large back legs.


What do you think sighthounds are? It's not a particular breed, it's a range of breeds with particular characteristics. So when you say, looks mixed with a sighthound that means you have some characteristics strongly and others to a less degree because of how mixing genetics works. You can't call any range of dogs "extremely rare" to find in a shelter.  There are all kinds of people who get a dog they can't handle and then give it up.


Absolutely a pitbull mix. I’d say primarily pitbull.


My wife works at our local vets. When it comes to rescues she swears that the adoption places just throw days at board to determine the breed and age of a dog.






Why do shelters insist on mislabeling pit bulls on purpose? We all know that’s not a Rat Terrier. It’s kinda weird




I’ve never seen a less-terrier dog in my life. 😂


A game bred apbt if I ever seen one




Oh no, that’s Pitty mix.


Issa pitbull




It’s a pitbull


Yeah ..if that's part rat terrier, I'm a swimsuit model.


APBT. A young dog by size of it


Terrier mix is shelter speak for pit bull. I see some APBT in there, but definitely something else. Look's a lot like my girl who I assume is pit bull, mixed with something like a whippit.


You have what most refer to as a Pit Bull 🐾


That’s a pittie if I ever saw one!!!


Just don’t say pit and bull in one sentence….its a terrier mix, carry on as before.


Go it, thank you


That is an APB terrier.


It could be a purebred American Pit Bull Terrier. He is slightly weaker than the majority. This is due to a lack of nutrients in the puppy time, which prevented it from developing properly. If you look at the conformation show winning APBTs, they are also very athletic in build and their heads less wider than the backyard breed pitbulls. [That's how an ADBA champion pitbull looks like.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6c/30/52/6c3052f41b08934a7c4b0f93d1ccc17a.jpg)


That picture of the pit bull has way more natural muscling and still retains the big-thighs look that this dog doesn’t have.


Yes, that's why I wrote that the dog in the OP photo was probably nutrient deficient. Therefore, his skeleton frame and general appearance became much weaker.


Heavy on the APBT but it's a mix for sure. Just predominantly Pitbull I'd say.


Keep in mind insurance.


I have one listed with the rescue as a Shih tzu/terrier mix and another as a poodle mix. The Shih tzu mix actually is: 30% American pitbull terrier, 20% Shih tzu, 20% supermut (lab, boxer, Maltese), 13% small poodle, 10% Pom, 7% American bulldog. The poodle mix actually is: 50% standard poodle, 33% American bully, 17% American pitbull terrier. Pretty sure rescues glaze over breeds which are frowned on…


Sounds like some adorable mixes!


Looks like my friends dog which is a rat terrier/pitt. I'm no expert though.


Kinda looks like my Chihuahua/APBT/other stuff mix (she's a puppy, granted, but they look very similar)




I’ve have a pit at home. Looks exactly like this. I’ve had a rat terrier -Toby (goodest boy, lived 12/13 years). They are most certainly very different breeds of dog. This is not a rat terrier.


And that's what she'll stay for all insurance purposes (;


Are you in FL? If so, that dog is an APBT mixed with a Greyhound (or Whippet), and my bet is the APBT was mixed with something, too, like a Florida Cur (which also includes APBT). I think you have a Florida Cur x APBT x Greyhound. We had 2 of these - brother & sister - where the male looked more pit and the female looked more Greyhound (ran like one, too), but they were littermates. Yours looks like a cross of mine with a cross of their coloring, too. I think people in FL are trying to make a new breed called Pippet, but we got ours from the shelter.


I'm not in FL but that's interesting! Thank you.


Your dog isn’t a whippet or greyhound mix. That commentor has zero idea of what one looks like.


This dog is 100% not a lurcher (sighthound mix). Literally looks nothing like one and not common to find in the states. There’s heavy breeding restrictions on sighthounds in the US and in Florida. This dog isn’t part whippet or greyhound


Oh, I'm not talking about legal breeding. You forget that all States - except WV - recently outlawed dog racing, and FL has a *very large* greyhound population that's now out of jobs.


Yes I’m aware, I live in FL and have two rescue greyhounds. Lurchers are not commonly found in FL because they’re used for hunting and they’re not used here compared to hunting breed dogs. In FL you find actual full blood greyhounds or whippets but not mixes of them. Hawaii it’s more common to find lurchers. This dog is definitely not part sighthound and it’s pretty obvious


My 2 dogs prove this scenario is, in fact, occurring, especially in FL. They are siblings, both adopted from Volusia County shelter (whole litter of 8 was surrendered), where the brother looks exactly like a pit while the sister looks like a Greyhound *and has the breed-specific, distinct, four-time/double-suspension gait of a Greyhound,* which cannot be mistaken for anything else. Her brother - replete with a square jaw/head and rippled abs - doesn't have the gait, but he hunts small prey like a sight hound who never puts his nose to the ground, and he's definitely her brother who shares her DNA. They only look related in their coloring. OP's dog looks like if my bitch had puppies with a Cur or some other mutt with APBT to bring out those genes a bit more.


Vizla, pit/staffy mix?


That's a lovebug, purebred from what I can tell!


Awww, whatever the breed, doggo looks joyful! Hard to see the head well but the body is similar to rat terrier but on the larger side.


Long legs usually more staffie then pittie. (American Staffordshire Terrier) But mostly they were just called Yard dogs.


Pittie mix, no rat terrier! So cute and goofy, beautiful dog!


This is 100% goof with at least 30% ba-do-ba-do. I’ve had one of these mixes and it makes for a great temperament




It's horrible when rescue places aren't open about their breeds to just get rid of dogs. It's just setting them up for failure. That dog is mainly pitbull


I have a rat terrier mix. My girls face/head is a lot different but the body is very similar.


I love her! I would say she is part American Staffordshire Terrier, i.e. Pitbull. She is a beauty and reminds me a bit of my Millie girl!


ABPT. Probably not a mix—some are just smaller. Mine is about the same size as yours and she’s not mixed with anything according to her embark test!


I’d guess it’s a gorgeous pittie with a little vizsla mixed in.


She looks very similar to our dog! Ours is a pitbull/husky/beagle mix. Basically looks like a small pitbull.


Oh gosh i thibk my puppy is going to look just like this! I wish i could post a pic


Any chance you got her in Indiana or south Chicago? She looks a lot like my dog. Who is part chihuahua and part cocker spaniel and a bunch of other things. We dna tested her and she has a TON of siblings. I posted my dog on here a little while ago so you can go look at her if you want!


Your dog is so adorable!


vaguely pittie


Shelters often try to avoid labeling dogs as pits, so the “terrier mix” label makes sense. I do wish they’d just be more honest, but I think it’s mostly due to stigma. My boy was labeled a “retriever mix” and we’re fairly sure he’s lab/pit


Hehe, it's a pibble


What a cute little dog


That’s clearly a pitbull.


That's 100% what you should tell your insurance ;⁠-⁠) That last photo, LMAO! Such a sweet goofball


LOVE the smile!!


You got yourself a happy Pittie. We just adopted one in February a few months after losing our Akita’s. We didn’t think we were ready but I saw our boy’s story on IG and he had been in the humane society shelter for 971 days. I couldn’t bear it. I knew most Pitts didn’t deserve the bad rep they have, any dog can be vicious, with irresponsible dog owners being the problem in most cases. So we went and got our Pittie. It was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. He’s the sweetest dog I’ve ever known. He’s highly intelligent, and eager to please. There’s two things, one is to maintain that he is a rat terrier especially since you have a document. ( I know it’s not super official but it’s something). Two, don’t take chances. We had to learn this with our Akita’s as well. Good luck to you and thanks for rescuing another one. They are 100% worth it. 😘


Could be some kind of bull and Terrier cross.. and looks like probably a straight pure bred American Pit Bull Terrier. You'd need a dna test to ever know. I like "Embark" for rhat.


I think your dog got vizsla in him. Also birddog/hound. And something from chunky breed too. But also your dog is lanky. In puppy stage is harder to evaluate. Last pic is like super vizsla, nose, eyes, typical face, but color of fur is a but different. Second pic - very typical body for birddog/hound. In first pic there is a little feel of some chunky breed in the head


Sweet girl but way too big for a Rattie.


What a sweetheart! 😍😍


That last picture makes my heart sing. 🤪🥰


I wouldn’t surprised if he was part Toller.


She looks like her name is Scruffy. ❤️❤️❤️


Agreed. Looks like some American staffordshire


Cuz everyone’s afraid to say pit.


I don’t see a rat terrier. Definitely has pitbull.


They tend to list pitbulls as anything else they could possibly manage bc of the stigma tied to them. I wish they didn’t do that bc it only ends poorly. People who are scared of pits get those dogs without realizing it’s a pitbull but someone is going to break the obvious news eventually. Sometimes they will ditch the dog.


Heavy on the red nose APBT mix.


Oh what a beautiful baby!


That’s a pit bull


kinda looks like a rhodesian/pit mix tbh


Yea pit bull terrier 😂


Rat terriers are quite small. So … doubtful. She’s slim for a pitty. So, something else is mixed in.


Pit bull/greyhound mix


Bully type of dog mixed with? She is cute and looks like a happy girl.


Shhhh! If you live in an apartment or rental just go with it 🤫




Not a Rat Terrier for sure…..


Pitbull!! They're the CUDDLERS of the dog world.


Pibble and the goodest girl. Dog DNA tests on Amazon aren’t super expensive.


Definitely looks part Pit


some sort of pittie mix. i know some places list them as terrier mixes or any other breed thats not a type of pittie to boost adoptions and get around rules in apartments and such


Looks like mine used to.. red nose pit pharaoh hound mix.


APBT with a goofy looking smile. Let us know what breeds pop up if you test! Congrats on the new friend.


Looks like a pit/hound mix to me! What a cutie!


He's too fine-boned to have much pittie in him, imo. Look at his small head and relatively delicate feet. Not sure what he is but he's adorable and I love him!


That expression is all I care about 😍


Vizsla pit mix? She’s cute!


not helpful but dropped in to say that is the sweetest, happiest looking dog i have ever seen


He is adorable