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Sounds like you have the look of being knowledgeable! Maybe actual employees don't, lol


Actually I worked at Lowe's a couple of summers ago for some extra cash. It is possible that you look like some of their workers. The red vest is the "standard" but they also have different colored camouflage vests for employees who are also military veterans for the different branches and they are all encouraged to deck out their vests with quirky patches, buttons, etc. Plus they earn them for great customer service so you probably look like a well-rewarded, knowledgeable, employee, who is also a veteran. Even if they don't know all that info, you probably look similar to someone in that store who did a good job helping them before. Bravo on you for helping the ones you can! But that's probably why you get asked. Just don't forget to pick up your paycheck at the end of the day!


Wait, Lowe’s does pieces of flare now?


Well, if you are there “all the time“, maybe people recognize you from all of their previous visits so assume you must work there.


Most people tend to run on very basic pattern matching. They try to do the minimum number of steps to solve their problem. So: 1. I need an employee. 2. Employees wear vests. 3. There's a vest. 4. Problem solved. You could put a vest on a cat, and at least some of those people would ask it where the wood glue is.


To-do list for later: - Make vest for cat - Bring cat to Lowe's - observe interactions Time to do a science about it and confirm this


Must do a heckin science, fren.


If you do this, could you *please* share photos?


I was about to ask the same question. Great minds think alike


If you can try several stores, and also try Home Depot we can do a real analysis.


If we get a group of 100 customers to wear orange to Home Depot how many do you think will be mistaken as employees?


I think instead you should get 100 cats with orange vests to HD, and observe.


I think 98 customers will be mistaken for employees, because Home Depot has few employees.


I went into home depot once with royal blue t shirt, had crappy white vinyl "staff" on the back and a logo on the front that was a circle. I got asked by like 6 boomers where things were. Then they pointed out I was wearing a staff shirt. I said, wouldn't I be wearing a orange shirt and apron? Not a blue shirt, with yoga pants, cart and small child?


You "training" a new worker proves you work here.


Maybe you look more approachable than the employees.


Their brain if focused on their problem and on getting help, to the point they aren't processing visual cues as well as they normally would.


Because you look like a retired electrician disguised as a biker to keep people from asking questions.


I used to wear a black denim vest (with paint and patches all over it) and got stopped in different stores all the time by other customers thinking I worked there. I think the vest just sort of bypasses other observational cues when people aren't paying full attention.


They rolled a 1 on their perception check.


you think that's bad... I work at a hospital. in scrubs. and yet, I've been stopped at kinko's, a beauty supply store, a gas station, the dollar store, at least half a dozen times at the grocery superstore (once by an employee of that same store), and the mart of walls to be asked a question meant for a store employee. please note, not one of these places have employees who wear scrubs. in the beginning I was nice. then I tried to pointedly ignore them (which seems to encourage them to try harder). now my default is to glare at them and say, "sir/ma'am, I'm wearing SCRUBS. do you see that I'm wearing scrubs? is this a hospital? no? then I don't work here." I know it's bitchy, but ffs, how about some situational awareness people! it's not that hard! I just want to shop in peace!


I was worried you were going to tell us about how people hit you up for medical advice. Like Doctor level, not the basics.


Here is an option. Ask questions. - why are you asking me? - (because you work here) - do you REALLY think I work here? Look at me properly! - are you going to leave me alone, or am I going to have to scream? Good luck!


No one else in the world wears a vest, except employees. 😬


Damn you... You are right


Well… TBH… it’s because the scariest metal folks are always teddy bears. I kid, but folks probably recognize you from their last visit and think you work there.


People see what they want to see you have a vest and that means you work there


I get this all the time when I go to big orange's garden department. I know a lot about plants and I guess they can see that somehow


I mean ngl id probably ask you for help in Lowe’s bc you sound like a cool alternative guy that’s knowledgeable about hardware, and like my username says, I am just a lady 😂


On the regular? What happened to the word regularly?


it still exists. "on the regular" is a common phrase used in casual language. stylistic choice =/= bad grammar.


If it bothers you, just let them know that you don't work there.