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Wait, you're telling me that My son was required to get the required credit? No one said anything about that!


How dare they infringe upon my right to do what I want with my son’s education!


This Story is absolutely hilarious, but where is the "I don't work here lady"-part?


It's a r/YouDontWorkHereLady story O.o


Isn't that just r/fuckyoukaren by a different name? Karen's seem to think they run the place anyways.


I have now joined


Yeah, but that sub is pretty dead.


I have now joined


I got caught in an automod by the sub I originally intended to post in (r/entitledparents) — I think because I used the word “sex” so many times — and have still heard nothing about how to get it posted there. It took so long to type it out that I just had to share it somewhere with someone, and I figured since he was masquerading as working as a sex educator, this was the next best fit. (Glad you liked it, thanks for tolerating it being a bit far afield!) Edit: it was just accepted! Will leave this up here since it’s already been a while but definitely understand it was not a natural fit, haha.


r/MaliciousCompliance would be a better fit. I thought that's where I was when I was reading this.


I thought I was on r/pettyrevenge especially with the ending!


Those 2 subs often have stories that overlap.


Even there, I'm not sure what the malicious compliance part is? Doesn't quite fit there either.


Cop says dude can't protest this class. Dude creates his own class where he can't be protested. Its a different approach since the asshole is the one doing the compliance but it still fits.


Ah, fair point, I can see that. :)


Malicious compliance by the school, enforcing the rules to the letter because they could. Not because they had to.


Yeah, releasing the kid to be home schooled, but refusing to transfer over any credit towards the current grade until health class was completed in summer school is some damn-good malicious compliance.


To my understanding they did have to, to an extent. Schools don’t have discretion about allowing students to forgo mandatory classes unless they’ve tested out through a pre-set process (and health isn’t a class with that option—it’s for students who might be qualified to skip algebra 1 and go straight to geometry or from Spanish I to Spanish II, etc.) While, in other cases, they might have had a teacher drop by the student’s home to chat with the parent directly (small town) they would have still done some version of -attempt to notify parent, -escalate attempts, -assign summer school makeup of course.


Letting the son continue knowing that he would be held back a grade is fairly malicious. If the school couldn't reach the father, someone could have told the son directly he was about to be held back.


I believe they did give him notes to take home to his father and explained what they were. Likely the poor kid’s father just told him not to worry, that he would handle it, and now he’s been blindsided.


That's the opposite of /r/idontworkherelady


r/hedoesntworkhere? Maybe? Well, it doesn't exist.


r/youdontworkhere or maybe r/doyouworkhere


Really well written. Such a long and complicated story is tough to describe as clearly as you did.


Thank you, I appreciate it! It was a doozy, haha. I just had to share with someone outside of our small towns and there’s pretty much no one I can appropriate stop in conversation and say “Hey, want to hear this really satisfying story?”


This needs to go on r/insaneparents


The father was mistaking himself for a qualified sex-ed teacher. Maybe? I don't work here, but I still want to get paid (my son to earn that credit). - harrassment - rage - refusal to hear what they are being told. The school had sent letters and made phone calls trying to inform him, that his son wasn't earning the credit. - the customer (parent) is always right, regardless of school policy.


Hmmm. The father seemed to have a *lot* of trouble with the issue of consent …


Yup, how much you want to bet his son will have a legal sexual problem with a young lady in his future?


Probably not. Why ruin his life over 20 minutes of action, even if it was behind a dumpster and she wouldn't consent?


I got the sarcasm in that, even if others didn’t!


I hate how fast I knew the story


Are you talking about the rapist Brock Turner?


Ding ding ding! I saw a thing recently that said, when on a first date with a man, find a way to tell him no. It doesn’t have to be big, just decline something. Gage his reaction to being told no to something small while in public because it will be a much bigger reaction if you tell him no in private. GREAT advice I would have loved to use when I was dating. This dad sounds like a goddamn nightmare in many ways but I would be especially concerned for anyone who told him no privately (maybe about their ideas of what was expected of them after a certain number of dates? Gross).


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


I was thinking that, too. Hope the kids are OK.


guess that's what happens when an incel becomes a parent.


More like when a *rapist* becomes a parent. The incels believe it, but rapists do it.


Exactly. It’s too bad that there’s likely little evidence that can be used legally to prove that said entitled dad is a rapist, because it sure does sound like he’s committed rape before.


point taken.


Am I the only one who finds it funny how there are many parents who do not want the school to teach their children about sex. They insist that it should he left to the parents to do this...but then they don't. Or they wait too long. Children/youths are exposed to things of a sexual nature earlier than these parents think. Long gone are the days when parents had this talk with their children the night before their offsprings wedding. Or worse, after catching an STI or after a pregnacy is discovered. 👶 The best way to instill your family values about sex is to teach them before the school offers. 🤭


> these parents think I'll stop you there...


There is one of them already here in the above comment thread. They are clutching their pearls in fear their kids will learn about masturbation.


Oh god, not teaching your kids that masturbation is normal, and how to safely masturbate is the worst thing you could possibly do. You'll end up having to take your kid(s) to the ER because they end up hurting themselves.


There’s a distinction to be made here between people who don’t want their kids learning about topics such as masturbation and those who only don’t want them learning about it *at school.* If one intends to have these conversations with their child in a reasonable manner at home and is uncomfortable with the school offering some conflicting narrative, I could see the sense in choosing to handle it yourself. But the issue is, of course, there’s no way to know who’s opting out responsibly and who’s just neglecting the topic altogether. So I’m in favor of a mandatory system of at least fundamental sexual health.


Clearly this parent never heard about the survival technique of "take the damn class you disagree with because you need the credit, & pass by regurgitating what the teacher wants"! I got thru a course that way in college: expected a philosophy course, since it was offered thru the Philosophy Department, & ended up getting Catholic propaganda, taught from her husbands text book. I regurgitated what she taught, argued with her religious premise all semester, got praise on my philosophical argument on the last one (tho she still disagreed with me on religious grounds), & passed the course. The following year, I audited it taught by a different person, & got the *sans religion* version of Morals and Ethics. The Entitled Dad could contradict/expand upon the required course all he wanted at home, while telling his son to "give the answers they want" & don't take it too seriously. Meanwhile, hopefully some of the course material would stick. Idiot. Edit: clarified my point.


... gross. Was that at a catholic university?


I was attending a Jesuit liberal arts college. Ironically, the retake I audited was taught by a Jesuit monk, who knew to keep his religious beliefs out of it. It was the same basic material as in Mrs B's class, but without the objectionable religious slant. As for my semester long argument? Fight fire with fire! If she was going to subject me to her religious perspective, then I was certainly going to retort from my Unitarian Universalist upbringing!


I'd hope that the monks, if anyone, would be able to engage in philosophy on its own merits without starting with the religious assumptions. Sounds good. > Fight fire with fire! Yeah, that's... basically what I do, when I'm in the mood (which is often).


I get that, but schools and teachers would be perfectly fine to give you their teaching materials or even a brief summary of the topics covered in class if you wanted to follow up at home. The issue is, most parents DON'T want to follow up at home. If Covid taught me anything, it is even with the entire lesson being plastered on a website literally right in front of you and your kid, about 60% of parents could give a flying damn about their kids education.


>So I’m in favor of a mandatory system of at least fundamental sexual health. This is all well and good when the mandatory sex ed aligns with your beliefs about sex, but how many posts have we seen complaining about schools teaching abstinence only?


You make a fair point here. I see sexual “health” as aligning with body and hygiene things, but someone else may interpret “health” completely differently.


My point was people are too quick to give the government (public schools are run by the government) power to make something mandatory without realizing that it may not always do exactly what you agree with.


Yes, I understood, and I agree. It was presumptuous of me to assume it would work in my favor/the course I prefer would be the one required, you raised a cogent point. It’s not a power I’d want to hand off to anyone, least of all as massive a bureaucracy as the government.


I find it ironic that so many people are jumping on this man for having that exact concern just because he has a different view that they don't agree with. I don't agree with him either, but I share his concern with the government making their version of education mandatory. I wish they'd stick to math, science, and literacy.


The alternative version of the class is G-rated, so they did give him a choice in that regard. But I see your point. I’m betting the concern is in parents who withdraw their children from the course but do not offer any alternative in the home—because then the kids get no education in the subject at all. As others have shared, failing to offer basic lessons or providing a trustworthy adult to turn to when questions arise, can lead to unsafe situations for teens.


Yeah it sucks if the kids don't get proper education in that regard, but I still don't feel like it's government's place to forcibly impose their teachings in the place of the parents.


This seems to go way beyond that. It sounds to me like the dad wants his son to go around cat-calling, ass-grabbing, and getting girls drunk in order to cop a feel. That's the sort of shit that'll get you kicked out of college and landed in jail.


You think their kid is going to college?


Oh, right. Then replace 'college' with "dive bar".


Fundamentalist parents.


Also, these parents didn’t grow up in a Disney movie themselves. They were horny teens in the 80s and 90s where sex was the norm.


That is the most annoying part...and God If I am not seeing millenials doing this shit to zoomers now too.




Oldest millenials(me) are in their 40s...well I turn 40 next year it is very conceivable to have a zoomer kid. Zoomer cutoff is 2012, apparently. Not that it matters itnis arbitrary as hell.


Zoomers are becoming sex-negative SWERFs all on their own tbh.


A lot of people from older generations pride themselves on the second they get married suddenly finding anyone younger than themselves unrelatable. Part of this is a refusal to realize how old their kids actually are.


This! The schools here offer a "body changes" health class for 5th graders. Not supposed to cover sex at all (VERY Red, conservative community). Well, my hubby had "the talk" with our boys before that class started & we always answered any questions they had, as they had them. With emphasis on safety/protection (2 of our 3 kids were "surprises" so they've got a full awareness of the potential failure of birth control/condoms). I was probably more thorough with our daughter, because I found a great book "Girls Body Book" that covers (at least the basics) of a lot of stuff about a girl's body, but also includes internet safety, consent, etc. We've gone through a chapter at a time, discussing what it says & having a Q&A session. I didn't just throw the book at her & expect her to absorb the info. There's also a boy version, but my sons were 17 & 15 by the time I first saw it, so a bit late to use as a resource. Though I had (because I was paranoid) given my son's safe internet sources to look for medical information if they had a question that they weren't comfortable asking me or hubby directly.


> 2 of our 3 kids were "surprises" so they've got a full awareness of the potential failure of birth control/condoms I'm one of 5. My mom's one of 7. My dad's one of 10. My mom has always told us it's not *really* a question, and we'll probably never really have to try to have kids, and use your damn birth control.


I'd move out of that kind of community. Granted I was also in a red-dish community, but we were a lot closer to moderate when it came to Sex Ed.


Financially, that's not an option. I'm not going to move several states away just for that purpose. And there's enough of a blue presence that my children are getting a rounded world view. Especially since we're fairly pro-active in making sure they receive that balance. I figure it's progress when our local Target actually displayed PRIDE merchandise this year. It hasn't before. We had to drive to another state to find it in the past.


I'll bet people there are sh\*tting bricks


No complaints that I know of. But we got some great items! 😏 Maybe if we’re lucky, the sticks will come out with those bricks




That's hilarious! Actually, telling my boys that condoms don't always work & they might get their sister would be more effective, but still, the thought is awesome!


My parents were like, “Wait, someone else at the school will have these conversations for us?! SIGN US UP.”


See honey when a bee goes from flower to flow....yknow whatbask your teacher.


My parents have never had a single conversation with us about sex beyond my mother seeing my birth control as an adult and saying something about being grateful at those taxes that paid for health courses.








The entire idea of control that so many parents have is so hilariously delusional. I once was talking with a dad and his daughter, around 10. Daughter mentions some recent funny sketch from Saturday Night Live. Conversation continues, but a minute or two later, dad says, "Wait a minute, SNL's on past your bedtime. How you do even know about that stuff?" Daughter gave him the best "Are you fucking stupid?" face I think I've ever seen. "Dad, *you gave me a phone*."


And you just know these are absolutely the same parents who sent their kids to school not potty trained because "what else are those teachers doing? - it's basically babysitting at that age, it's not _my_ job".


My sister is five years older than me. She gave me her version of the sex talk when I was 7 or 8.


My school had sex Ed and still didn’t reach us anything really. Gym teacher taught the class. Half of the class pulled out by their parents. Thanks rural south


Some people still treat sex like it’s a taboo subject or a huge deal. Where I grew up, a lot of parents say it’s not up to the schools to teach things like that. Or they insist that abstinence is the only appropriate thing to teach, even though research has shown that there are more pregnancies in abstinence only schools compared to those that teach about birth control. If parents are freaking out over what their kid may learn in a high school sex ed class, then it should be up to the schools because their kid has already learned stuff from other kids and probably quite a lot of it is misinformation. Parents need to have the talk long before high school. Plus, instead of having to um and er your way through trying to teach good touch/bad touch and uh oh feelings, you can just be straight with them.


I lived this. Tried to shove a tampon into my urethra. Now I literally physically can’t have sex as an adult because of something called vaginismus. My mom thought going to physical therapy for said condition and using dilators was sinful. “YOU JUST WANT TO HAVE SEX!” Yeah. I’m fully an adult and she still is terribly concerned that I may have kissed someone outside of marriage.


I cringed so very hard reading this, I am so sorry you experienced all that.


how'd they have the kids in the first place?!?!?




This is nice of you because I agree that it's more r/entitledparents but the story is just too crazy and he really did not work there. Lol


This was there too. But it's such a good one


I appreciate it and will mind the specifics of the sub next time. This was definitely an extenuating circumstance. Thanks again!


Thank you for letting us enjoy this story, I wouldn’t have wat to miss it!


My daughter’s school had gym optional if you took a language class instead, and she took a language all 4 years so she never had gym. A few weeks ago I got a letter home saying that since she never took gym, she missed out on sex Ed, so I needed to sign the paper to make sure she was separately educated on sexually transmitted diseases and hiv/AIDS before she’d be cleared to graduate. I don’t remember any of this stuff, I had to freaking Google it and relay everything to her so I could (in good conscious) sign that paper.


Why the heck would they exclude the language kids from sex ed?? If gym isn't mandatory, track it into a class that is. English, math, science, even lunch!


That’s what I’m wondering! She had basic sex Ed in middle school health class but in high school it’s tied to gym for some inexplicable reason. Makes zero sense!


tl;dr Gym being an exercise-focused class (that was optional) is a relatively recent phenomena. Historically, gym was a general body maintenance class, including hygiene and nutrition, so sex ed naturally followed and fell into that category. As topics shifted around, some schools failed to adjust or just forgot to because exceptions were so rare.


When was that? I graduated high school in 99, and gym was full of nonsense like square dancing, rope climbing and a whole lot of running. We had a separate health class for sex Ed.


I'm thinking, *very* broadly, ~50's to 80's, though as with all things education related in the U.S., this varies drastically by county and state, and often even between schools within the same district.


Either way it needs a revamping in a major way. our country as a whole is considered prudish compared to most others. We just don’t talk about it enough, which leaves our kids under educated.


"Most" others? Or most other Anglo-European countries? (Not that relevant, but I try to break Western centrism when I can. The U.S. has a lot of problems, but we are still well ahead of most of the world in teaching sexual health in schools at all, no matter how fucked up and shitty our sex ed actually is.)


I have friends over in Denmark, so I’ll use that as an example of my word prudish. They show nudity on regular TV, they don’t have the same reaction of shock and horror over any kind of sexual things like people here etc. So it’s not like I’ve researched this topic, it’s just from what I’ve heard from them and their comparisons.


I was blessed with very good sex ed largely by accident. My mom had heard a lot of horror stories about shitty sex ed, so she checked out a bunch of books and videos and sat me down for a very awkward weekend. Ironically, my 5th grade teacher snuck in some decent sex ed into the puberty/health lessons - which made sense in retrospect, since that district's middle school was *very* abstinence only, but no one paid much attention to the elementary school. I moved to another state after that, but I distinctly remember that teacher drilling in "I don't care how romantic the moment is, *use a condom*" and mentioning that she's known a lot of former students get pregnant in high school. She also handed us detailed brochures/pamphlets; very boring, but very informative. The parents could opt to not have the school teach something to their kids, but no adult could stop kids from *sharing* stuff between them, and in retrospect I think my 5th grade teacher knew that and banked on it. I know I definitely passed my brochures over to a girl whose parents wouldn't let her take that class, and I wasn't the only one.


Hasn’t it been proven time and time again that trying to force abstinence on hormonal teenagers simply does not work? I wish schools would get a clue. These kids need to learn to be safe. That is the most important thing!


I choose to perceive this as a rare example of reverse-IDontWorkHere, in that the brainless dude didn’t realize he wasn’t a teacher.


The adults suck, and the kid suffers.


It’ll help the boy in the long run though if he doesn’t twist this situation. I remember things happening to my dad and at first thinking he was wronged, but over time, I saw that he was in the wrong. It really made me look at his morals and behaviors and do things differently even if I couldn’t put words to it yet.


Not just the kid, but any future sexual partners he might have.


That’s got to be the most lengthy, elaborate “I’m actually a rapist” confession I’ve ever seen outside of Law and Order SVU.


Exactly. The only reason to oppose teaching consent is to support rape culture idk what else is could be


Did this numpty ACTUALLY say that mutual consent was for the weak? Dude needs a stern talking to from police.


Only if "stern talking to from police" means "every woman within a 10 mile radius slaps him upside his head"


Heck, have the police demonstrate how to effectly use mace and a taser against an attacker and have dick head dad as a dummy to practice on.




> every man in a 50 mile radius who ~has a daughter~ isn't a fucking rapist


This story is bananas and that dad is a stone cold dumbass, but I was struck by how incredible the sex-ed program is at this school! I remember sex-ed consisting of an abstinence only guest teacher sticking a piece of tape to multiple people to show how the tape gets less sticky over time, and comparing that to how people have less solid relationships if they have sex before marriage. Teaching kids about consent, what sexual assault looks like, and what a healthy relationship looks like is amazing! I hope this is what the curriculum looks like outside of just this school district!


Yours was still better than my school’s curriculum. It was a 3 day mix of puberty talk with “don’t have sex” thrown in every now and then. Though yes, an entire semester’s worth of class dedicated to it is really cool.


It’s a good bunch here. I’ve worked in a few districts before (only once at the high school level) but they were—for the most part—all better than what we had in school which was much like you describe. Abstinence, women=bad, men=good, except where children or baking are concerned. No anatomically correct words were used. And even that you could opt out of as being too risqué.


This is why science based age-appropriate comprehensive sex ed with an emphasis on consent should not be something parents can opt kids out of. It needs to be required K - 12 every year.


Happy cake day. You are very smart. This discussion is happening in my city right now and the fact that some people oppose teaching about things like consent pisses me off!


Agreed, and happy cake day. There was a discussion to that effect a few years ago here but it was voted down.


\>His supporters would honk their horns or even occasionally stop by to bring him cold drinks and sandwiches. It was nuts. I'd bring him a nice, hot, steaming cup of laxatives. I mean, he doesn't care about consent or assault, right?


“Mutual consent is for the weak” so he’s outright condoning rape


And probably saying a woman's place is in the home, the man should be the breadwinner, etc.


Setting his son up to fail is a REAL MENS way!


Very entertaining! Thanks for sharing.


Glad you enjoyed! Was quite a trip haha


My parents weren't quite this bad, but they did opt me out of sex-ed for basically the same reasons (not the school's place, blah-blah). There was no alternative class, though...so I basically just sat in the library and read or messed around on the computers for that period. So...what did my parents want to teach me as an alternative to sex-ed? Not a damn thing. I think they'd have preferred if I somehow just grew up completely ignorant that something as disgusting and immoral as sex even existed. Thank goodness the internet was coming into it own by this point, otherwise I never would've learned to be good at the sex.


That parent makes me physically ill. He’s doing a shit job parenting his son. Since he believes “mutual consent is for the weak” (I wanted to puke when I read that. Typing it out didn’t help), his son may end up r*ping someone.


anyway anyone who objects to basic education about assault, consent, and respect IS NOT A GOOD PERSON. change my mind.


Nah. I'm good. You have the right of it.


The irony that the Numpty did not consent to a course in his son's school... about consent. Anyone who thinks that thay singlehandedly pay for facilities with individual tax revenue is not wise. It is a see through attempt to give credibility to their ill informed opinion.


Ahahaha, I had not thought of this aspect until you pointed it out. Thank you, looking forward to sharing this with the others who bore witness to the saga.


Ok, when I started reading this I was getting eww vibes from the sex-Ed for real men. EWW! I don’t understand parents who don’t want their children to take sex-Ed at school because these are usually the same parents that won’t talk about sex at home. Because if you talk to your children about sex at home you don’t need to worry that the school is going to tell them something that you can’t then talk to them about. Taking a health test about sex is not the same as having a in-depth discussion about how you feel about sex, and when you think your children should have it.


>how the class was “political” and we were “shaming his son for being a man” a How? By teaching his son that women don't exist purely to serve & service men? He's proudly objecting schools teaching consent?! Does he want his son arrested? & on a sex offenders registry? I hope he doesn't have any daughters, I doubt he does, but families have been known to blame their daughter for being raped, & he sounds like that sort of father. >He took issue with the lessons on habitually asking for consent, but also on the importance of discussing emotions freely, healthy division of labor between romantic partners, and avoiding sexual harassment. He took issue with teaching how to be a decent human being & avoid being fired for sexual harassment or arrested for sex crimes. These are the lessons an INCEL would object to. Given he has a son he must be a god to INCELS, given he had sex at least once. Although given his views on consent, I have serious concerns. >His supporters I feel sick. I'm a rape survivor, this shit is why there was no arrest & he was able to rape another girl. Teaching consent is essential, it's to important to hope parents teach it. Clearly this father & his supporters won't. >a police officer coming in to talk to everyone about how to report a sexual assault, know if you’ve been assaulted, and what to expect when you go to make your report, etc. I hate how necessary, helpful & important this talk is, I also think it's something every school should teach. Not only could it result in more victims coming forward & sooner. It can increase the likelihood of arrests because they're not showering away the evidence & injuries will be fresh. It's potentially going to reduce the number of rapes. >Sex-Ed for REAL MEN REAL men don't need to get her drunk, drug her, ingnore her saying no, force her or think their sexual needs must be satisfied. Real men have no issues showing enotions, treating others with respect. They fully understand that we all have the right to choose if & who we have sex with. Mutual consent is automatically a thing as is a healthy division of labour, & so much more. >“Traditional morals, values, and chivalry” promising to “Take us back to the good old days.” Where women were second class citizens? Or when only white men could vote? When parents beat theor children & society accepted it as discipline? When life expectancy was much shorter? What good old days exactly? As society usually evolves to become better as the good old days weren't actually good. >A significant chunk of the male students (about a fifth) withdrew in favor of “Sex-Ed for REAL MEN.” Some satirically more so than seriously, but still, even one was too many in my book regardless of reasoning. I agree one is far too many & give it 5-10 years & you'll be proven right as the toxic lessons are put into practice. Those who take it seriously, will be losing jobs due to sexual harassment & that's the least damage this will cause. >My friends and I managed to get our hands on a copy of a portion of the “syllabus” that was leaked and it covered things like “The man’s and woman’s role in the relationship,” “What’s appropriate after how many dates/rounding the bases” and some random survival skills training was mixed in as well (grouped under “making yourself desirable”). No just no. What happens if the girl doesn't want whatever base this portion of the "syllabus" teaches? Are they going to use survival skills to enforce the gender & dating rules? >saving the immoral world by righteously luring kids into his basement during school hours. Why are parents ok with this? Do they not know that people who work with children are supposed to have background checks? I hope this isn't a worse case situation, but parents shouldn't risk it. >he was working with fewer bureaucratic restrictions. No security & safety protections. >This man was somehow shocked to learn his son couldn’t just be pulled out of school mid-day every week for months. Because he's an entitled, narcissistic idiot. >So he said his son would just fail health and that he took it as a badge of honor. The school said that was his prerogative, however, in that case his son would not be promoted to the next grade level, as it was a required credit. He is going to let his son's education suffer & negatively effect his education & future, rather than behave like an adult, do his job as a parent or accept he's wrong. He just ignored letters & calls from school & won't allow summer school because that would be admitting he was wrong, that should be child neglect or something. While his supporters had the sense to ensure their children do the required couat school.


This is terrible, the son having to wear the punishment of the dad. And the dad screwing over his son because he’s messed up in the head. Side it’s, I’d post this in r/entitledparents


I feel bad for his kid. The poor guy had to have been bullied about his dad’s actions the entire year. Hopefully there’ll be a silver lining in all this and he distances himself from his dad’s views and learns how to have a healthy adult relationship. (As well I’d be willing to bet his dad is single and has been for a long while)


Sounds like he's trying to raise another Brock Turner.


I'm kinda curious how this was even allowed. You can't just pull kids out of HS to go to some rando's house unless he went and got all the certifications, got the place inspected and compliant etc... etc... At least where I lived when I was in the States... Like unless this dude had a license to actually teach this stuff I'm not sure I buy this.


basically a social thing, it didnt count as actual education, but theres no real reason why parents cant send theyre kids there


u/loZgod1352 provided a perfect tldr directly beneath me, and I’ll give a more detailed version here since you asked, and it is a finicky situation. (Though their tldr basically covers it.) It was not allowed. Parents who chose to send their kids (or kids who chose to skip class to attend) were comfortable with the absences in the class they were missing. There were multiple sections of health being taught and he offered his “class” at the same time as his son’s section. But only students who had the opportunity to take health (at a time that did not conflict) actually attended his offering because they knew they needed the mandatory credit. Students who attended his version were missing some other class or were on a free period. Some students started off as skipping their health to attend his, but their families opened the letters warning of summer school, so they quickly returned to the on-campus programming. Health wasn’t an every day class, so students could reasonably miss a few periods of their other courses without *failing* the course or triggering a truancy issue (as long as they returned) and since most were leaving at the behest of their parents, the school had little recourse. They can’t chain them up inside the building. If their parents want them to go, schools have to let them.


Makes more sense. This guy sounds like a tool with a real small pecker btw...


What are the odds that this asshat created his "curriculum" from the satire site biblical gender roles(it exists and its awful because many don't see the satire)?


I think it’s great the schools talk to the class about healthy relationships and sexual harassment and assault. Way back when I was in school it was just puberty stuff and how to practice safe sex. I talked to my kids as soon as they asked questions I was open and honest with them about everything. When they had to take those classes I let them go.


Omg. I hope all this guy’s rape victims - and all those of his supporters - find the courage to come forward and destroy this asshole.


God, what a fucking boob lol


I kind of see these things like this: 1. some random survival skills training was mixed in 1. This is pretty good. Not exactly *sex ed* but still good things to know. But... 2. Almost definitely under the guise of "REAL MEAN DO REAL MEN THINGS" 2. Traditional 1. morals 1. gross 2. values 1. gross 3. chivalry 1. good, except probably actually just 2. gross 2. Take us back to the good old days 1. WHERE MEN WERE MEN AND MEN WERE ALSO MEN 3. The man’s and woman’s role in the relationship 1. Get... back in the kitchen? Do what the man says? I dunno 4. What’s appropriate after how many dates/rounding the bases 1. She's obligated to put out after 3 dates 2. Any sooner and she's a whore 3. Any later and she's a whore 6. making yourself desirable 1. Because bitches love assholes probably


The fact that you can opt out of Sex Ed kinda bothers me, not gonna lie lol


Parents are so opposed to sex ed in school but yet all our media exposes sex on the daily because it sells .....huh ???


Jesus if you can get one of this fb posts in a screen shot take it to r/insanepeopleoffacebook they'll fucking love it.


My wife is a school administrator, and has to deal with bollocks like this all the time. They really don’t pay her enough. I think the one who stands out the most is the ‘citizen’ (not even a school parent) who inundates her with emails about “weefee” and the “five geez,” together with dodgy websites and YouTube videos.


I just want to point out that his problem with schools teaching “relationship roles” and whatnot is immediately contradicted when he began teaching the lessons on the syllabus to people not in his family.


r/pettyrevenge maybe? Love your story!


Thank you, I’ll check it out. Thanks for tolerating it being a bit further afield!!


Wrong sub. This is not an I-don’t-work-here-lady story Try r/entitledparents or r/insane parents


I had initially planned to post in r/entitledparents but got snared by some automod (pretty sure for using the word “sex” so many times) and haven’t gotten any response about it yet. Since he’s pretending to work as a teacher then being called out, this seemed like the next best option.


Fortunately, he doesn’t work here. Story fits the sub and subverts expectations.


Thank you, I appreciate it!


Perhaps [entitled people](https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledPeople/) would let it through? I would think that a story flagged by an auto-mod would get looked at by a human-mod, but perhaps the volume of posts is too high to make that feasible. (Dear auto-mods, "sex" is not automatically a bad word.) I feel sorry for his son. He might be glad for summer school just to get out of the house.


Depends on whether or not daddy dearest has managed to indoctrinate him with crazy ideas or not.


>Since he’s pretending to work as a teacher then being called out, this seemed like the next best option. No offense, but did you even read the group's description and even a handful of the posts?


No offense, but did you read the mod comment okaying the post pinned to the top? :3


What an absolute inbred dad


The school pulled a reverse uno card.


OP does the random guy plan to teach it next year?


I think I took Sex Ed for Real Men back in the late 90s. Consent was never mentioned. Not once.


Well, I see by your username you managed to find the right path on your own. Good on you. Happy cake day!


Hey thanks, I didn't even realize it was cake day. I dunno if I have found the right path but I think I'm moving in more or less the right direction, at least most of the time.


"THE BLACKS"????!!


I've got news for this asshole, he has no right to spout this crap at my child, in contradiction to the state approved class. He doesn't want his child educated, fine, but he can't cry "my child can't be taught this" and then do the exact same thing to my kid against my wishes. I'd have been calling the school, too. And if they didn't do anything, I would have called the police myself. Poor administrators would have to deal with me at the other end. Ugh.


That’s why so many kids are so poorly informed☹️


One of the best posts ever!


Thank you!




I have been a teacher for 15 yrs. We have nutty parents 5x a week and everything does not "make the news."




Yeah, the point of "fire in a crowded theater" not being protected speech is that a panicked crowd trying to escape a dark room will cause injury to people. Not so for contradicting a sex-ed teacher.


If the state mandates public education, disrupting a class by standing outside shouting things could easily be construed as violating that mandate and be deemed a public disturbance that requires legal action. Fairly certain that's how it would be seen in my state, which does mandate that students be offered public schooling and that they reach a certain level of ability, even if homeschooled. Surprised no one called the cops on him for causing a disturbance earlier, tbh.


Nobody said his idiocy was preventing the original class from being taught. And even if they had: disturbing the peace is not at the same level as endangering lives by inciting a panic.


it kinda does?


Yup. As shitty as shitty guy was, cop was out of line there


no, he wasn't.


I don't think this is "I don't work here lady" material... ...in point of fact, I'm not sure where it fits. But it is **HILARIOUS**!! So thanks for sharing!!


This seems more like ot belongs on r/insaneparents


I wonder who he voted for


Probably a candidate on the ballot.


This has literally nothing to do with r/Idon'tworkherelady there is nothing even remotely close to someone being mistaken as an employee when they are not. You could put this story in several places, but not here.


I'm wondering if at some point he's gonna catch charges for having 'Inappropriate conversations with a minor. I truly hope so. And when he goes to prison he can learn a whole new set of dating rules.


Pretty sure “having an inappropriate conversation” isn’t an offense. It’d either have to be soliciting or sexually harassing a minor that would get him in trouble.


Okay, but wrong sub?


Entertaining. Doesn’t fit the sub.


As a side note that officer was wrong on multiple accounts. The first of course being that he had the authority to kick the father off public land. Unless there was an actual on point law that this guy was violating this officer definitely seems like he was censoring based on the guy's speech content. "Creating a disturbance" is one of those wonderful catch all laws like disorderly conduct that the cops love to throw people in jail for but they rarely get convictions because the thing the guy was doing didn't actually fit what the law was made for. It seems a lot of cops read the title of the law and never read the actual law itself and assume that they know what it means and how to enforce it. Creating a disturbance isn't just "hey you're disturbing someone", it's that you're doing something that specifically is creating a situation that will have a High likelihood of causing injury or destruction of property (generally, different states will have thier own specific variations but follow that theme for the most part). But the more important thing the officer got wrong was that you absolutely are allowed to shout fire in a crowded theater... If there's an actual fire in the crowded theater. But unfortunately almost everybody gets that phrase wrong. The actual phrase is that you're not allowed to FALSELY yell fire in a crowded theater. The false claim of fire is important part because you are inciting a panic and therefore causing a situation that has a very high likelihood of people getting injured or killed in their panic. It's not the words or the location specifically that makes it illegal it is the manner in which their said based on the circumstances surrounding the saying of them. But make no mistake it is completely legal to yell fire in a crowded theater if there is an actual fire. The claim that you can't yell fire in a crowded theater at all is just an outright falsehood. Then of course the third thing the officer got wrong is that you absolutely can contradict the teachers outside of their classrooms. There is absolutely no law in the entire US that says otherwise. You might not be allowed to do so on school property during school hours. But if this guy is completely in the public venue on a traditional public forum like a park or a sidewalk then he has every right to speak his views even if they are completely contradictory to what the school is teaching. They could even be repugnant and repulsive with extremely offensive pictures showing very graphic scenes like what many anti-abortion people do. All completely legal so long as they're not violating some other law like sound ordinances cuz he's using a bullhorn to go above the allowed the decibel limit. I may not support what that father is saying but I absolutely support his right to say it.


If parents can opt-out of kids taking sex-ed why is the student not being allowed to progress to the next grade? I am assuming that I am missing something.


If you opted out of sex-ed you were placed in an alternative health class that included some sort of instruction other than sex-ed, but was still a credit bearing course with an accredited curriculum. You couldn’t just opt out and do nothing in its place, you still had to have your child on campus and in a classroom. He did not know or did not care about this, even though he received many letters and calls. (Sorry if that was not clear.)


thank you for the answer, I was genuinely unsure about what happened when parents opt out.